C Á P S U L A S 1 4 1
Por: J.N.Robles
Cómo Hitler ocultó su homosexualidad
Su modo amanerado de saludar,
¿una traición del inconsciente?
La homosexualidad de Hitler no se
redujo a la condición de fenómeno meramente privado. Como documenta
extraordinariamente Lothar Machtan, tuvo mucho que ver con un movimiento gay
“avant la lettre” surgido en Alemania a inicios del siglo XX que abogaba por
paradigmas supuestamente tan masculinos que excluían totalmente a las mujeres y
abogaban por la práctica homosexual como signo de superioridad.
Hitler hizo asesinar entre el 30
de junio y el 3 de julio de 1934 a unos 150 «opositores al régimen». Durante el
transcurso de la acción, Hermann Göring ordenó la destrucción o requisa de
todos los documentos hallados en los correspondientes registros, e
inmediatamente después el gobierno del Reich aprobó la Ley sobre medidas del
estado de emergencia, que daba simplemente por «buenos» los asesinatos. Con
ello se había privado a la justicia del fundamento para cualquier
La estremecida opinión pública
pedía naturalmente explicación y justificación, por lo que el mayor demagogo
nacionalsocialista después de Hitler tuvo que «aclarar» al pueblo alemán el
trasfondo de aquel hecho sangriento. El 1 de julio, esto es, mientras todavía
se estaban cometiendo los asesinatos, pronunció un discurso transmitido por
radio. Su alcance permite concluir que todo estaba ya decidido en lo esencial
antes del 30 de junio. La rapidez con la que se llevó a cabo el asalto por
sorpresa fue presentada por Goebbels como una refinada táctica: «El führer se
ha atenido de nuevo a su viejo principio de decir únicamente lo que hay que
decir, a quien lo debe saber y cuando lo debe saber». Se trataba de derrotar a
«grandes traidores». Pero en lugar de revelar los planes conspirativos de golpe
de estado, Goebbels se perdió en reproches estereotipados contra una «pequeña
camarilla de saboteadores profesionales» que no querían «comprender nuestra
paciencia indulgente». Ahora «el führer los había llamado al orden con la
severidad de su rigor». Todo quedaba así claro: «Ahora haremos tabla rasa.
[...] Las pústulas, los reductos de corrupción, la proliferación de síntomas de
enfermedad moral que se manifestaban en la vida pública serán extirpados hasta
la raíz».
Pero el motivo principal por el
que se había atizado deliberadamente esa escalada era otro, al que Goebbels se
había referido de pasada, pero con notable claridad, cuando dijo: los jefes de
las SA «estaban a punto de hacer caer sobre toda la dirección del partido la
sospecha de una insultante y asquerosa anormalidad sexual». No se puede pasar
por alto alegremente esta afirmación. En primer lugar, de una «sospecha» de que
«toda» la dirección del NSDAP fuera homosexual no había hablado nadie hasta
entonces en el Tercer Reich. ¿Quién habría podido difundirla, si ni siquiera
los socialdemócratas lo habían conseguido cuando todavía existía la libertad de
opinión? ¿Y qué quiere decir «estaban a punto»? ¿Maliciosamente? ¿Por
negligencia? ¿Involuntariamente? No, esa afirmación no era una argucia ni una
gracia demagógica, sino el reflejo de una amenaza real, frente a la que Hitler
supo reaccionar en el verano de 1934 con la ley de Lynch.
Un ejemplo muy parecido de
revelación involuntaria es el que ofreció el primer comunicado del departamento
de prensa del Reich, que afirmaba: «Su [de Röhm] desdichada inclinación llevaba
a tan desagradables imputaciones que el propio führer del movimiento y jefe
supremo de las SA se había visto envuelto en difíciles conflictos de
conciencia». Y en la rendición de cuentas que presentó el 3 de julio a su
gobierno resuenan igualmente los verdaderos motivos para la acción criminal de
los días anteriores: la «camarilla encabezada por Röhm, vinculada por sus
especiales inclinaciones», le había «atacado con calumnias», y él «reprocha al
antiguo jefe de estado mayor su insinceridad y deslealtad». Röhm le había
amenazado, al parecer, con su dimisión, y esa amenaza no era «otra cosa que una
desvergonzada extorsión».
Con otras palabras, Hitler sólo
podía defenderse recurriendo a los medios más extremos. Por eso tenían que ser
asesinados o amedrentados con la mayor severidad todos cuantos sabían que no
sólo Röhm, sino también Hitler, era homosexual. Eso es lo que confirma un
examen más atento de cada una de las víctimas. Fueron asesinados o
encarcelados: los jefes homosexuales de las SA, Röhm, Ernst y Heines, todos
ellos relacionados personalmente con Hitler; Gregor Strasser, quien hasta
entonces había sido un «íntimo amigo» del Führer y que había elegido a Hitler
como «padrino de sus hijos»; los respectivos amigos de esos antiguos hombres de
confianza, aunque se hubiesen alejado desde hacía tiempo de «Röhm y su
camarilla», como el doctor Heimsoth o Paul Röhrbein. Altos funcionarios del
Estado, que conocían material documental escandaloso sobre Hitler, como Erich
Klausener, jefe del departamento de policía del Ministerio del Interior
prusiano y su asesor Eugen von Kessel; el ministro de Defensa y ex canciller
Kurt von Schleicher y su mano derecha Ferdinand von Bredow; el jefe de la
policía de Munich, August Schneidhuber, y también al anterior primer ministro
de Baviera, Gustav von Kahr, del que Hitler sospechaba lo que Lossow
efectivamente había conseguido. Abogados de Röhm, Strasser, Lüdecke y otros
destacados dirigentes nacionalsocialistas, que a partir de sus defendidos y de
los documentos investigados en los respectivos procesos habían entrado en
conocimiento de cuestiones explosivas, como Walter Luetgebrune, Gerd Voss,
Robert Sack o Alexander Glaser. Finalmente, el escritor muniqués Fritz Gerlich,
que sabía más sobre Hitler y su círculo íntimo que cualquier otro periodista de
la época.
Hitler quería evitar a toda costa
que su persona quedara comprometida. Se vengó de un modo verdaderamente
despiadado de la «camarilla de conjurados» que la había tomado con su «vida» e
intentó desmantelar por adelantado cualquier eventual intriga posterior. Se
deshizo sin consideración alguna de potenciales testigos de cargo. Algunos
ejemplos ilustran su forma de proceder: El hotelero totalmente apolítico Karl
Zehnter, de 34 años y arrendatario del Nürnberger Bratwurstglöckl, junto a la
catedral de Nuestra Señora en Munich, pertenecía al círculo de amigos
homosexuales de Röhm, con los que a veces salía
de viaje; pero también le unía
una estrecha y antigua amistad con Edmund Heines. Ambos jefes de las SA solían
acudir a su local y hasta Hitler estuvo en él en alguna ocasión. En el primer
piso del Bratwurstglöckl había siempre una habitación libre para conversaciones
reservadas entre destacados dirigentes nacionalsocialistas. Zehnter se ocupaba
de servir personalmente a sus huéspedes, con lo que tuvo necesariamente que
darse cuenta de los lazos que les unían, en particular con Hitler. Eso, y sólo
eso, es lo que le llevó a la muerte.
También el pintor muniqués Martin
Schätzl, de sólo 25 años de edad, que había acompañado a Ernst Röhm a Bolivia,
fue asesinado. Aunque allí no se llegó a establecer la relación amorosa que
Röhm esperaba, fue durante dos años su compañero más próximo en una tierra
extraña y su mutua amistad no se rompió luego. Schätzl entró en las SA cuando Röhm
retomó su mando, y el 1 de febrero de 1934 éste le incorporó a su estado mayor,
por lo que ambos debieron de hablar sobre muchas cosas, en particular sobre la
amistad de Röhm con Hitler. Y precisamente por eso no podía de ningún modo
seguir con vida.
El general Ferdinand von Bredow,
quien desde el nombramiento de Hitler como canciller vivía retirado en su
domicilio berlinés, fue asesinado literalmente en un vehículo policial, siendo
arrojado a continuación su cadáver a una cuneta. Lo que causó su perdición fue
al parecer su actividad como jefe del servicio secreto militar durante el
mandato de Heinrich Brüning como canciller. Bredow, que era uno de los
colaboradores más fieles de Schleicher, se había ocupado en el último medio año
antes de la toma del poder por Hitler de la dirección administrativa del
ministerio de Defensa, puesto que le dio acceso a ciertos documentos como por
ejemplo un informe sobre el encuentro de la Orden de la Joven Alemania el 3 4
de julio de 1932, en el que se decía que el contenido principal de las
conversaciones allí mantenidas había sido del siguiente tenor: «El ministro de
Defensa Schleicher apoya al NSDAP, movimiento cuyos principales líderes son
homosexuales, y según el material que nos ha hecho llegar Otto Strasser [...]
el ministro de Defensa es también de ese mismo talante. Las pruebas provienen
de la época de cadete del ministro de Defensa. El Sr.Otto Strasser visitó a
Mahraun [el Alto Maestre de la Orden] con objeto de hacerle partícipe de estos
datos. También le comunicó que con ocasión de una larga estancia del Sr. Hitler
en su casa observó en él una conducta que induce a pensar en el mismo tipo de
inclinación. También hay que incluir en ese círculo al canciller del Reich von
Papen. [...] Asimismo, el club de caballeros próximos al Canciller consta en su
mayor parte de individuos de tendencias anormales».
Como se deduce fácilmente de
estos pocos ejemplos, la acción que se desarrolló en los días en torno al 30 de
junio de 1934 fue algo más que un golpe de mano de Hitler contra la dirección
de las SA y algunos cómplices reaccionarios de aquellos golpistas. Más de 1.100
personas fueron detenidas durante la acción de limpieza, de las que en otoño
quedaban todavía 34 en prisión.
El motivo central para la actuación
contra «Röhm y sus amigos» fue el miedo del Führer a quedar al descubierto y a
la extorsión. En favor de esta tesis habla también el hecho de que la montaña
de documentos requisados no diera lugar a la instrucción de ningún proceso el
propio Hitler había rechazado de antemano estrictamente ese procedimiento
formal, sino que quedaran en poder de la Gestapo de Himmler y fueran entregados
personalmente a Hitler. Eliminar a los testigos, ése era el verdadero objetivo
de aquella acción terrorista, tras la que no estaba ninguna banda armada, sino
las brigadas volantes de un Estado policial ya considerablemente centralizado
Pero, a pesar o precisamente a
causa de todas las amenazas y castigos, los rumores acerca de la orientación
sexual del Führer no tenían fin. En 1937 se le escapó a un hombre de las SA la
observación de que Hitler era, al igual que Röhm, «uno de los del Artículo 175»
[del Código Penal, referido al delito de sodomía], lo que le costó dos años de
encierro e inhabilitación. Otro ejemplo, de mayor relevancia, sucedido en
Berlín en 1942: el adjunto personal de Hitler, Julius Schaub, denunció al
escritor Hans Walter Aust, por aquel entonces miembro del gabinete de prensa
del Reich y declarado «insustituible». Ese Aust le había dicho a una informante
de Schaub «que el Führer hospedaba en Obersalzberg a una joven, de nombre Everl
[se supone que se trata de Eva Braun], pero sólo con la finalidad de disimular
su homosexualidad». Esa «calumnia [según la argumentación del juez en su
sentencia] es tanto más grave, cuanto que con ella se atribuye al Führer la
misma inclinación antinatural que él condenó de la forma más rotunda con
ocasión del incidente Röhm en el año 1934». Pero ni siquiera ese retorcimiento
de la justicia le era suficiente a Hitler: desde 1943 la pena con que se
castigaba a quienes atribuyeran una orientación homosexual al führer era la
Eva Braun quizá no cuente
demasiado en el balance de la vida de Adolf Hitler [...]. Indicativo de la rara
indeterminación de esa relación es la esquiva respuesta que dio Julius Schaub
en un interrogatorio tras la guerra a la pregunta de por qué no se había casado
antes el führer con su Fräulein Braun, en lugar de esperar al último momento en
el búnker: «Era su forma de ser; nos preguntábamos a menudo por qué, y no lo
entendíamos. Al fin y al cabo, nosotros también estábamos casados y no con
nuestras mujeres. Él tenía, seguro, sus propias ideas [...]; aparte de eso no
sé decir otra cosa.» Y a la pregunta de cuáles podían ser esas «ideas propias»
de Hitler, respondió: «No se extendía sobre ellas. Nunca nos las contaba en
detalle». «¿La quería mucho?» «Le gustaba mucho, sí» «¿Qué quiere decir que le
gustaba mucho? ¿La quería o no?» «Sí, sí que la quería». Es decir, se gustaban.
Herbert Döring, gerente de
Obersalzberg, recuerda igualmente una «tranquila y buena amistad, con momentos
mejores y peores».Y a la pregunta de si aquella relación también era a su
juicio de naturaleza sexual, respondía: «No, no llegaba tan lejos, seguro.De ningún
modo». También lo confirma una declaración de Heinrich Hoffmann: «En el
cotilleo constante que reinaba en el entorno de Hitler yo tendría que haber
oído algo, aunque sólo fuera a la chica que les hacía las camas.» Toda una
serie de testimonios parecidos refuerzan la sospecha de que probablemente
Hitler ni siquiera se sentía encaprichado por ella. Eso no está en
contradicción con que Eva Braun pretendiera hacer creer algo diferente al
mundo, ya que cualquier otra cosa no sólo habría comprometido a Hitler, sino
también herido su amor propio como mujer, agravando así su ya mutilado modo de
Así pues, Hans Severus Ziegler
caracterizó muy acertadamente esa relación cuando habló del «amistoso y casi
paternal trato» de Hitler hacia ella. «Como suelen decir los hombres coloquial
y caballerosamente observaba Ziegler, Eva Braun es un buen compañero, al que
nadie podría querer mal.» Nada más; pero en cualquier caso un «compañero»
femenino, y eso era decisivo. Cuando Hitler la necesitaba estaba a su disposición,
como siempre había exigido a su sobrina. Probablemente, ella se acordaba mucho
de Geli Raubal; ambas compartían la juvenil despreocupación y la afición a los
deportes, y al igual que de Raubal se cuenta de Braun que era una «niña
salvaje». Un conocido de la adolescencia opinaba que en ella «se había perdido
a un chico»; nunca había coqueteado con jóvenes. Además se divertía mucho
disfrazándose y prefería «los papeles con pantalones». También se esforzaba por
parecerse a la sobrina de Hitler, tanto en el peinado como en sus trajes.
Como acompañante del Führer, se
quejaba Christa Schroeder, tenía poca talla. «¡Pero a mí me basta!», respondía
Hitler. Por otra parte, tras la semilegalización de su relación en 1936, Eva
Braun se había apaciguado un tanto; había llegado a convencerse de que su
situación tenía «su lado bueno y sus ventajas». «Imagínese usted lo cómodo que
resulta para una mujer no tener que sentirse nunca celosa de otra».
Carta de Adolf Hitler a su amigo
de juventud, el funcionario, mediocre músico y escritor ocasional August
Kubizek: «Me gustaría mucho volver a recordar contigo cuando haya pasado el
tiempo de mis luchas más duras los más bellos años de mi vida». En su
hagiografía (no se puede calificar de otra forma), Adolf Hitler, mi amigo de
juventud (1953), Kubizek recuerda así aquellos tiempos: «Nadie en el mundo me
ha querido tan entrañablemente ni me ha tratado mejor [...]. [Hitler] no podía
soportar que saliera o hablara con otros jóvenes. Para él, en ese sentido, se
trataba de una exclusividad absoluta». En sus memorias, Kubizek relata una
anécdota en la que ambos se perdieron bajo una tormenta en un paseo por el
monte y acabaron en una cabaña: «Extendí uno de aquellos grandes trozos de tela
sobre el heno y le dije que debía quitarse la camiseta y los calzoncillos. Se
tumbó desnudo sobre el paño [...]. Le divertía enormemente aquel
acontecimiento, cuyo final romántico le complacía gratamente. Ahora ya no
sentíamos frío».
führer, al servicio secreto estadounidense, en 1942: «La residencia de Hitler
tenía fama de ser un lugar al que acudían hombres mayores en busca de jóvenes
con el propósito de mantener relaciones homosexuales».
opositor a Hitler, recogió en 1939 el testimonio de un compañero del futuro
führer en el regimiento List, donde ambos sirvieron durante la Guerra del 14:
«Entre nosotros se despertó desde un principio la sospecha de que era
homosexual. En 1915, estábamos en la fábrica de cerveza Le Fébre de Fournes y
dormíamos en yacijas de paja. Hitler dormía por las noches con Schmidl, su puta
masculina. Oímos un crujido. Uno encendió su linterna eléctrica y refunfuñó:
«Ya está de nuevo la pareja de maricas haciendo de las suyas»».
JOHANNES MEND, autor del libro
propagandístico pro nazi Adolf Hitler en el frente de 1914 a 1918, reveló a Eva
Köning (después testigo contra el autor en un juicio por abusos sexuales)
escenas de equívoca camaradería de aquella época: «Cuando se bañaban juntos [Hitler
y otros soldados] solían saltar unos sobre otros desnudos. Hitler hacía
entonces todo lo imaginable con ellos y por la noche se apartaba de allí con
ERNST RÖHM, homosexual declarado,
comandante de la AS, donde instauró una filosofía homofílica muy basada en el
movimiento Wandervogel (Pájaros errantes) ideado por el pensador Hans Blüher:
«Sólo deciden los hombres. Los desertores políticos y las mujeres histéricas de
ambos sexos deben abandonar el barco cuando de lo que se trata es de combatir».
Röhm también es el probable autor del ensayo Nacionalismo e inversión,
publicado en 1932, y en el que se exalta el homoerotismo y se hace una alusión
explícita a Hitler que éste nunca desmintió: «No es tan sólo un punto de vista
personal, sino la opinión hasta del führer». Ernst Hanfstaengl, en sus
memorias, recuerda la relación que mantenían Hitler y el comandante de la AS:
«La relación de amistad entre Hitler y Röhm se hizo más profunda [en 1923, tras
un intento de golpe de Estado], lo que llevó desde el tuteo fraternal hasta
rumores sobre supuestas relaciones íntimas entre ambos».
HANS BLÜHER: «Hitler, que había
leído [mi libro] "El papel del erotismo", reconocía también que tenía
que existir algo así [el heroísmo masculino homoerótico]». «Naturalmente, Hitler
conocía muy bien mis libros y sabía que su movimiento era un movimiento de
hombres y que estaba basado en las mismas fuerzas primarias que los
El rostro oculto del Führer
La psicología constituye uno de
los terrenos más sugestivos –y reveladores– a la hora de dilucidar el origen y
el desarrollo de procesos históricos concretos. Nicolás II y su defensa de la
autocracia resultarían incomprensibles sin referirnos al impacto que le causó
ver el cuerpo destrozado de su abuelo Alejandro II a causa de un atentado
terrorista y la revolución espiritual de la Reforma difícilmente podría
entenderse sin recordar el hondo conflicto de conciencia que sacudió durante
años a un fraile agustino llamado Martín Lutero. En ese sentido, Hitler ha sido
objeto en repetidas ocasiones objeto de estudios psicológicos rigurosos incluso
antes de su llegada al poder.
La presente obra –que resulta
imprescindible desde ahora para cualquiera que desee estudiar el nazismo o al
propio Hitler en profundidad– pretende demostrar la homosexualidad del Führer y
se inscribe con mérito propio dentro de esa trayectoria. Es cierto que
semejante tesis no era novedosa y que ya en 1949 Eugen Dollman publicó en
Italia sus memorias indicando que el Führer había sido homosexual. Sin embargo,
la presente obra de Machtan va mucho más allá describiéndonos la trayectoria de
un hombre que ya era conocido en las trincheras por sus relaciones homosexuales
y que, posteriormente, en la Viena de la posguerra fue origen de un archivo cada
vez más voluminoso donde se recogían sus contactos íntimos con muchachos cuyos
favores sexuales lograba no pocas veces ofreciéndoles una comida en una época
marcada por la escasez económica.
Sin embargo, la homosexualidad de
Hitler no se redujo a la condición de fenómeno meramente privado. Como
documenta extraordinariamente el autor, tuvo mucho que ver con un movimiento
gay “avant la lettre” surgido en Alemania a inicios del siglo XX que abogaba
por paradigmas supuestamente tan masculinos que excluían totalmente a las
mujeres y abogaban por la práctica homosexual como signo de superioridad.
Partiendo de ese punto de vista
no resulta extraño que un porcentaje realmente elevado de las jerarquías del
partido nazi fuera homosexual y cobra verosimilitud la tesis de que la “noche
de los cuchillos largos” de 1934 tuviera entre otras causas la de eliminar a
homosexuales como Röhm que sabían demasiado de la identidad sexual de Hitler.
alguno de los argumentos
brindados por Machtan puede resultar discutible lo cierto es que tras la
lectura de su libro no quedan dudas de que Hitler fue un homosexual activo,
cuya conducta era conocida por buen número de contemporáneos y que, sobre todo
a partir de
su llegada al poder, hizo todo lo
que estuvo en sus manos para borrar las huellas de su vida íntima.
Hubiera sido interesante que el
autor hubiera analizado hasta qué punto la homosexualidad pudo influir en la
ideología de Hitler. Sin embargo, aunque esa cuestión no es analizada, al final
de la lectura de este magnífico trabajo de investigación, uno se pregunta si la
aversión de Hitler por los judíos y por el cristianismo no derivaría, siquiera
en parte, de la manera tan clara en que ambas fes han considerado moralmente
reprobable la homosexualidad a lo largo de los siglos. Así, la vida íntima,
como casi siempre, habría influido en la social.
S A V E I S R A E L: The Vatican's Plot against Israel
by Barry Camish
Part I
In March 1994, the newspaper Chadashot revealed
a most remarkable secret of the Middle East "peace" process. A friend
of Shimon Peres, the French intellectual Marek Halter, claimed in an interview
that in May 1993, he delivered a letter from Peres to the pope. Within, Peres
promised to internationalize Jerusalem, granting the UN political control of the
Old City of Jerusalem, and the Vatican hegemony of the holy sites within. The
UN would give the PLO a capital within its new territory and East Jerusalem
would become a kind of free trade zone of world diplomacy.
Halter's claim was backed by the Italian
newspaper La Stampa, which added that Arafat was apprised of the agreement and
it was included in the secret clauses of the "Declaration of
Principles" signed in Washington in September 1993.
In March 1995, the Israeli radio station Arutz
Sheva was leaked a cable from the Israeli Embassy in Rome to Peres's Foreign
Ministry in Jerusalem, confirming the hand over of Jerusalem to the Vatican.
This cable was printed on the front page of the radical leftwing Israeli
newspaper, Haaretz two days later. A scandal erupted and numerous rabbis who
had invited Peres for Passover services cancelled their invitations in protest
of his treachery. Peres reacted by claiming that the cable was real but that
someone had whited out the word, "not;" the cable really said that Israel
would "not" hand Jerusalem over to the holy pontiff.
Illustrating the sorry political state of
Israel's rabbis, they accepted this cockamamie excuse and re-invited Peres to
their tables. However, in the widely distributed minutes of a meeting with Clinton
in 1997, Peres reiterated his diplomacy, ending with the words, "as I had
previously promised the Holy See."
Peres's partner in crime, and the real founder
of the Oslo Accord, Yossi Beilin, coordinated his PLO policy with the Vatican.
Check the timing; at the same moment that he was finagling an accord with the
PLO, he was negotiating an agreement for Vatican recognition of Israel. His
deal with the pope became another brief scandal when politicians like Agudat
Yisrael, head Avraham Shapira, and
Jerusalem Deputy Mayor, Shmuel Meir were leaked
hidden details of Beilin's accord which included, "the
extra-territoriality of holy sites in Jerusalem to be transferred to Vatican
control." Later, Shapira was neutralized by having $250 million is debts
accrued by his crooked carpet factory forgiven, while Meir was permanently
hushed when his car was crushed by a UN truck driven by a PLO driver. The
driver, of course, was released forever after a brief questioning by Israel
Now let us jump to the 1999. The current
Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben Ami is shuttling between King Carlos of Spain and
the Vatican. That is where the action is for the Israeli government today, and
when things get serious, the focus shifts to Paris where Chirac, Albright, and
Arafat await him.
There is no question whatsoever that the
Vatican wants Israel off the Temple Mount and that our leadership is
accommodating their desire. What I have not been able to pinpoint is why.
However, material sent to me appears to answer the question.
Allow me to preface a few comments before I
carry on. The vast majority of my ongoing readers are not conspiratorial in
their outlook. What attracted them to my e-mail list and books is that I solved
the Rabin assassination to their satisfaction and that I am offering more
likely explanations for Israel's suicide than they are getting from the
mainstream media. It took five years for me to finally instill the fact that
the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) in New York is Israel's number one
enemy, and despite pouring on the evidence time after time, there are still
doubters who refuse to believe that any organization can have that much power.
Every time I dig deep, I am accused of going too far, even of fantasizing
imaginary foes.
So what am I going to do with the evidence sent
to me accusing the "Society Of Jesus," whose members are known as
Jesuits, of being the real power behind the CFR and of being Israel and
Judaism's most vicious and successful enemy? My doubters are going to have a
field day with this revelation but I am going ahead anyway. The weight of the
evidence is beyond merely compelling.
I had known for some time that a former Jesuit
priest, Malachi Martin had exposed his society's treachery at great length.
Numerous correspondents insisted I could not understand Israel's dilemma
without reading Martin's revelations. Still, one voice was not enough for me to
risk unnecessary mockery. However, recently other voices have been added to
Martin's and I have started paying attention. A composer, who I had greatly
admired thirty years ago, Tupper Saussy released a book called Rulers of Evil,
which expanded on the thesis of Jesuit control of the American political system
and is receiving fine reviews. We have begun a correspondence and I will
receive his book shortly.
In the meantime, allow me to expand on the book
I have completed reading. It is called Vatican Assassins by Eric Jon Phelps.
One may read excerpts by visiting "http://www.vaticanassassins.org."
This was no ordinary reading experience; the manuscript I received spiral bound
is 750 pages in length. The first 600 pages attempt, mostly successfully, to
prove that the Jesuits were formed in reaction to the Protestant Reformation
and their goal is to return the planet to the good old days when one pope held
the monopoly on world religion. Utilizing any evil means available, their plan
is to eliminate all the competition be they Jews, Muslims, or
"Christians" who do not recognize the
Vatican as their capital. It is their war on the Jews, which will most interest
my readers, and from here on, we will concentrate on that one aspect of a most
complicated history.
I will start with the book's [Vatican
Assassins] claim that Jesuit control of Great Britain was the real force behind
Zionism and the re-establishment of a Jewish homeland in Israel. I have no
problem with this thesis since the British, during and after the First World
War, created the entire Middle East as it exists today. If the British created
Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon etc., one can be very certain they created
modern Israel as well.
The most disturbing charge is that, to populate
the new Israel, the Jesuits stirred up the pogroms and Holocaust of Europe to
drive Jews to their safe haven in the Middle East. On page 548 we read:
Hitler, now in power, patterned his SS after
the Jesuit Order. He used Roman Catholic Bavarian Himmler with his Jesuit uncle
to carry out the plan. Hitler declares, 'I have learnt most of all from the
Jesuit Order. A good part of that organization I have transported direct to my
own party. I will tell you a secret; I am founding an Order. In Himmler, I see
our Ignatius de Loyola.'
Walter Shellenberg, Chief of the Nazi
Sicherheitsdienst (SD) reveals, ''The SS had been organized by Himmler
according to the principles of the Jesuit Order. The rules of service and
spiritual exercises prescribed by Ignatius de Loyola constituted a model, which
Hitler strove carefully to copy.'
Edmund Paris then asks this most penetrating
question concerning Hitler, ''Was it not his uncle, the Jesuit father, who had
been promoted to a high-ranking officer of the SS? And was not the latter the
very eye and arm of Halke von Ledochowski, General of the Order'? Who then was
sending so many million deportees to death? Was it Heinrich Himmler or his
uncle, the Jesuit canon?"
The book details the betrayal of Israel's
leadership during the Holocaust, recalling that Rudolph Kastner:
...Then one of Israel's most honored leaders,
was a traitor who had cooperated with the Nazi leaders of Germany including
Adolph Eichmann to deport Jews from Hungary.
I do not dispute this claim, and anyone who
does should read Perfidy by Ben Hecht or The Transfer Agreement by Edwin Black.
It is the conclusion drawn from this treason, on page 584, which is far more
Ah, dear truth seeker, Zionist Israel is a
creation of the Jesuit Order. Its purpose is to secure Jerusalem for the
Jesuits "infallible" Pope, that he may receive worldwide worship from
Solomon's rebuilt Temple. If the Masonic Zionists betrayed their own Jewish
race into Pious XII's concentration camps overseen by the Jesuit Order, would
they not betray the nation of Israel by giving Jerusalem to the Pope in
preparation for the rebuilding of Solomon's Temple?
...Therefore we are living under the preeminence
of a Gentile Jesuit conspiracy. It employs notorious Masonic Jews and Gentiles
as their agents. This furthers the deception of an international Jewish
conspiracy oppressing the nations. Using this lie, the Jesuit General in
creating global, anti-Jewish fury again. This fury will culminate in the last
mad attempt to invade Israel and destroy the physical descendants of Jacob.
And who is leading the invasion? We learn that
Bill Clinton was the student [body] president of the Jesuit's Georgetown
University and, for a time, expressed the desire of becoming a Jesuit priest.
In those days, Clinton was sent to England on a Rhodes scholarship, with all
that that implies, and at an anti-American demonstration met Jesuit Friar
Richard McSorely, who later headed Georgetown's Center For Peace Studies. On
page 672, we get a haunting hint at Clinton's later role in Israel's
destruction, as well as those of Norway and France:
McSorley then went to France and Scandinavia to
meet peace people. Stepping off the train right behind him in Oslo, Norway was
Bill Clinton.
And if a Clinton Democrat fails to ignite the
flames, that will engulf Israel, the Jesuits:
"...will use the Republican Party to bring
a Jesuit-controlled, Jew-hating fascist dictator to power, 'For the greater
glory of the god who sits in St. Peter's chair.'"
That's Eric Jon Phelps explanation why Israel's
political leaders, especially those of the Labor Party, are running between,
Chirac, King Carlos and the Vatican to secure a "peace" treaty with
the PLO. I can only advise my readers not to dismiss the possibility that he
got it right.
Rabin's Last Doctor and The Knights Templar
We now enter the realm of the truly bizarre as
we look at the doctor who last examined Yitzhak Rabin, the State Pathologist,
Dr. Yehuda Hiss. Israelis know too well that their government's coroner is
corrupt. In September 1999, Judge Ruth Orr overturned a conviction against a
Jewish resident of Judea and Samaria for the shooting murder of an Arab boy
because she accused Dr. Hiss of forging the forensic evidence against him. It
was the second time in a year that a murder conviction was overturned because Hiss
had falsified an autopsy for political purposes. He had earlier been caught
doctoring the facts to secure a wrongful rap against the parents of a murdered
child. ...So, we knew that Hiss was corrupt and that he molded his reports to
fit government orders. ...Avi and Nitzana (Darshan) Leitner represent another
victim of Dr. Hiss, the family of Alisdair Sinclair.
On April 14, 1998, 47 year old Alisdair
Sinclair was stopped by customs officials at Ben Gurion Airport on his way out
of the country after a six-day stay. They found 9000 Deutsche marks in a false
bottom of his handbag and he was arrested without charge. The police thought
the false bottom suggested something illegal, though hiding a large amount of
money is a legitimate means of thwarting theft.
At the airport police station, Sinclair was
found strangling on his shoelaces. He was rushed to hospital and pronounced
dead. From there, his body was transferred to the Abu Kabir Institute For
Forensic Medicine and straight into the paws of Dr. Yehuda Hiss, who conducted
an autopsy, which concluded that Sinclair, had killed himself.
The Sinclair family started investigating
Alisdair's recent life and none of his friends thought him remotely suicidal.
Nor did they understand why he was arrested for carrying perfectly legal
currency in the first place. ...Enter the British government. Tel Aviv embassy
official Suad Andraus was furious, stating, "People do not just die in
lockup." The British authorities demand that Dr. Hiss explain what he did with
the heart and then return it immediately.
Hiss explained that as a drug smuggling
suspect, the heart would have shown "signs of long-term drug abuse."
Fine, so why did not he return the heart with the rest of the body? ...Finally
he did return it.
And now a most unexpected motive for the whole
affair. It was published in the Jerusalem Report, a staid, establishment
newsmagazine that is used as a fount of disinformation on behalf of the
country's Labor Party. This peculiar passage may be of interest to those questioning
Britain's early and deep interest in Zionism, their reverence for Chaim
Weizmann, the Balfour Declaration, The British-Israel Society, the Round Table
policies of Cecil Rhodes and Lord Milner and the like.
According to Alisdair's brother James, family
lore has it that the Sinclairs are descended from the crusading Knights
Templars, who journeyed to Jerusalem in the mid-1300s in search of holy
artifacts from Herod's Temple to bring back to Scottish hero Robert Bruce.
Alisdair himself, says James, was particularly proud of his middle name,
Roslyn, the name of a chapel in Scotland whose
floor plan is said to be based on Herod's
Temple. James mentions these details in attempting to reconstruct his brother's
motive for travelling to Israel.
Why the PLO Is Tunneling Under the Temple Mount
In light of the revelation that the PLO is
tunneling under the Holy Mount, I would like to give my faithful readers at
least a clue as to why. Then we will see how this medieval history explains
Alisdair Sinclair's missing heart. Let us begin with a compelling history of
the Knights Templar written by two Freemasons, Christopher Knight and Robert
Lomas, called The Second Messiah. Summarized is their history of the
The Templars were a poor chivalric order, which
disdained materialism until their arrival in Jerusalem in the early twelfth
century on a papal crusade. Eleven knights dug under the ruins of Solomon's
Temple for nine years and hit paydirt. Under the Temple Mount the Templars
discovered a network of tunnels where the Jewish priests hid their treasures
from the marauding Romans in 70 AD. The knights not only uncovered some of the
gold and silver described in the Copper Scroll, of the Dead Sea Scrolls, but
the records of the first Jerusalem church of Christianity. This according to
Knight and Lomas is precisely what they went digging for.
The first Bishop of the Jerusalem Church was
Jesus' brother James. He was aided by Jesus' other siblings, five brothers and
two sisters. After the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and dispersed the Jews, James
and his family fled to France, a fact confirmed by the best selling book Holy
Blood, Holy Grail. These descendants of the holy Davidic line had the
wherewithal to gain wealth throughout Europe and buy vast properties. Over time,
they constituted a good chunk of European royalty.
While professing whatever religion the state
demanded first worshiping the pantheon of Roman Gods and later papal
Christianity, they secretly practiced the Christianity of the early Jerusalem
church. These descendants of the priestly line, now called themselves Rex Deus,
and passed on their traditions throughout the royal courts of Europe where they
ruled. The Rex Deus founded the original Celt church, and St. Patrick of
Ireland was a Jew. Other Rex Deus included the Habsburgs, the Stuarts of
Scotland, and today's King Juan Carlos of Spain, who includes among his titles,
Protector of the Holy Places of Jerusalem.
The Templars returned from their Crusade with
vast wealth uncovered under the Temple Mount and initiated a monumental
building program in Europe, which ultimately resulted in the construction of
over 250 castles and Gothic churches. They now challenged the papacy for
political control of Europe, yet the usually jealous Vatican allowed their power
to grow unabated. Knight and Lomas insist this is because the Templars had a
huge advantage over Rome.
According to their version of events, the
Knights uncovered the original records of the Jerusalem Church and they prove
that Jesus was a prophet but not a deity. His goal was to organize armed
resistance to the Roman tyrants and re-establish an independent Jewish nation.
(Lest my Christian readers object, it is more than a little consolation knowing
that Knight and Lomas are proud Freemasons and are promoting their own Masonic
agenda. There is no obligation to take them theologically at their word.) In
addition, the records proved that the Vatican was not practicing Christianity
as its founders intended. For example, a pope with exclusive rights of divine interpretation
was not part of G-d's plan. If the scrolls were made public, they would
jeopardize Rome's legitimacy.
However, historically they are on solider
ground because the rest of their tale is mostly provable fact. In the
fourteenth century, the French king known as Philip the Fair coordinated a
purge of the Templars in coordination with the Holy See. Their properties were
seized and their leader, in fact the last Templar leader, Jacques de Molay was
brutally tortured by crucifixion until he confessed to the sins of his Order.
He survived the first round of torture and a linen cloth was placed over him to
absorb his blood and keep him warm. This cloth became known as the Shroud of
Turin and the authors' arguments for this claim are superbly grounded in fact.
A group of Templars led by the St. Clair clan
escaped the French siege by ship and landed in Scotland, a safe port since it
was ruled by the Rex Deus member, Robert the Bruce [whose] heart was
transported to Jerusalem for burial.
An unpublished historian of the Templars,
Daniel Leary notes:
The name Sinclair comes from the hermit St.
Clare or St. Clere, who lived near the town that is now called St. Clair sur
l'Epte, northwest of Paris, France. Sinclair's ancestors took their surname
from their ancestor Rollo the Viking.
"...Rollo's descendants included the nine
St. Clare knights who accompanied their cousin William the Conqueror (also a
descendant of Rollo) to England in 1066.
"...The Sinclairs played a prominent role
in the history of the British Isles and were particularly important in
S A V E I S R A E L: The
Vatican's Plot against Israel
by Barry Camish
Part II
According to Knight and Lomas, [The Second
Messiah] the French Templars brought with them the damning scrolls from under
the Jerusalem Temple Mount and built a chapel in Rosslyn, near Edinburgh to
house them. The chapel, built by William Sinclair (1415- 1482), which exists
today, was built according to the specifications of the Herodian Temple and an
exact duplicate of the Western Wall was constructed alongside it. To hide their
now-banned Templar roots; the Knights formed a new organization, Freemasonry,
whose rites were precisely those set down in the scrolls recovered from beneath
Jerusalem's Temple Mount.
However, other writers share a different
version of events, insisting the Templars and the Vatican remained partners
throughout their public trials. F. Tupper Saussy in his excellent book, Rulers
of Evil writes:
On March 22, 1312, Clement V dissolved the
Knights Templar with his decree Vox clamantis. But the dissolution proved a
mere formality to further appease Philip (the Fair). More importantly, it
permitted the Templars, in other manifestations to continue enriching the
papacy. ...A subtle provision in Vox clamantis transferred most Templar estates
to the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem. In Germany and Austria, the Templars
became "Rosicrucians" and "Teutonic Knights." Six centuries
later, as the "Teutonic Order," the Knights would provide the nucleus
of Adolph Hitler's political support in Munich and Vienna.
In his massive work Vatican Assassins, Eric Jon
Phelps comes to practically the same conclusion. In his version of events, the
Jesuit Order infiltrated Scottish Freemasonry in the sixteenth century and
since then, the Templars have been doing the work of the true ruler of the
Vatican, the Supreme General of the Jesuits who both Saussy and Phelps call,
the Black Pope. Daniel Leary concurs on the Templar/Vatican alliance.
These 2nd sons of European gentry have had a
long close relationship with Rome and still act as the Vatican's bankers and
intelligence operatives. Plus, they're current membership includes a rouges
gallery of modern intrigue, not the least of which being the father of the US
president elect, former president George Bush Sr..."
We now jump to 1993 and a "peace"
process has begun between Israel and the PLO. In March 1994, the newspaper
Chadashot revealed a most remarkable secret of the Middle East
"peace" process. A friend of Shimon Peres, the French intellectual
Marek Halter,
claimed in an interview that in May 1993, he
delivered a letter from Peres to the pope. Within, Peres promised to
internationalize Jerusalem, granting the UN political control of the Old City
of Jerusalem, and the Vatican hegemony of the holy sites within. The UN would
give the PLO a capital within its new territory and East Jerusalem would become
a kind of free trade zone of world diplomacy. The Italian newspaper La Stampa
backed halter's claim.
In March 1995, the Israeli radio station Arutz
Sheva was leaked a cable from the Israeli Embassy in Rome to Peres's Foreign
Ministry in Jerusalem confirming the hand over of Jerusalem to the Vatican.
This cable was printed on the front page of the radical leftwing Israeli
newspaper, Haaretz two days later. ...In the widely distributed minutes of a
meeting with Clinton in 1997, Peres reiterated his diplomacy, ending with the
words, "as I had previously promised the Holy See."
Peres's partner in crime, and the real founder
of the Oslo Accord, Yossi Beilin, coordinated his PLO policy with the Vatican.
Check the timing; at the same moment that he was finagling an accord with the
PLO, he was negotiating an agreement for Vatican recognition of Israel. His
deal with the pope became another brief scandal when politicians like Agudat
Yisrael head Avraham Shapira and Jerusalem Deputy Mayor, Shmuel Meir were
leaked hidden details of Beilin's accord which included, "the
extra-territoriality of holy sites in Jerusalem to be transferred to Vatican
control." Later, Shapira was neutralized by having $250 million is debts
accrued by his crooked carpet factory forgiven, while Meir was permanently
hushed when his car was crushed by a UN truck driven by a PLO driver. The
driver, of course, was released forever after being briefly questioned by
Israel Police.
By 2001, the current Foreign Minister Shlomo
Ben Ami was shuttling between King Carlos of Spain and the Vatican. That is
where the action is for the Israeli government today, and when things get
serious, the focus shifts to Paris where Chirac, the US Secretary of State, and
Arafat await him.
There is no question whatsoever that the
Vatican wants Israel off the Temple Mount and that the Israeli leadership is
accommodating their desire. But the PLO has plans of its own. By the summer of
2000, they began digging under the Temple Mount in earnest. Originally, they
claimed they were simply expanding a mosque under Solomon's Stables, beneath
the Damascus Gate of Jerusalem's walled Old City. However, the huge mounds of
earth and artifacts from the Second Temple that were being dumped in nearby
wadis betrayed a much more extensive plan.
On January 26, 2001, the Israeli government's
television outlet, Channel One, broadcast a video clip secretly filmed under
the Shrine of Omar, the 7th century Islamic building which may have been
deliberately constructed over the Holy of Holies, the most sacred prayer room
of the ancient Temple. The video revealed a new and massive tunnel aimed
directly at the most sacred core of Solomon's and later, Herod's Temples.
The PLO are after not only the treasures buried
beneath the Temple to deplete their morally and financially bankrupt regime of
terror but must be looking for more scrolls that can be used to blackmail the
Vatican and thus get their way in world diplomacy. This is why PM Barak is
willing to cede the surface on the Temple Mount to the PLO but insists on
keeping Israeli sovereignty below ground.
The Vatican is terrified that the Jews will
uncover the truth under the Temple, whatever it may be. It is essential for
them that Israel is removed from the Holy Mount. And they are not alone in this
desire. Now we come full circle to Alisdair Sinclair's heart.
On Jan. 4, 2001, Colin Grant published a full
front-page expose of the scandal in the Glasgow Sunday Post. He revealed that
the Knights Templar, as descendents the Davidic line believe they have a right
to reclaim the Temple Mount as their rightful heritage:
A spokesman for Militi Templi Scotia, the
Scottish Knights Templar admitted to the Sunday Post, ''We are currently
involved in an attempt to remove control of the holy sites
from the Israeli government. We believe the
United Nations should administer them working with the UN and NATO to achieve
that goal."
A secret medieval battle over the Temple Mount
is being conducted in Israel today and unless it can be stopped, this skirmish
has the potential of dragging the whole planet into war.
How Things Really Work...Again
More on Spain and the Jesuits: For those who
cannot accept that little old Spain is planning its latest inquisition of Jews,
recall that King Juan Carlos is long abdicated and supposedly has no more than
a figurehead political role. If so, kindly explain the following facts: (I will
add my explanations between three stars ***in green). Now let's see how things
really work: Refer to Haaretz Daily [The website is no longer active] or
Sharon: Israel ready for painful concessions
for peace: Ariel Sharon shakes hands with his Turkish counterpart Bulent Ecevit
in Ankara on Wednesday.
Img.Com or
http://www.img.com.tr/article.asp?docid=824 April 30 /01 Prime Minister Ecevit
visits Spain. The Spanish King Juan Carlos also received Ecevit, during his
visit short, in addition to his bilateral meeting with the Spanish Prime
Noting that they evaluated the bilateral
relations with their political, social, and cultural dimensions during their
contacts in Spain, Ecevit said that they decided to activate the joint action
plan signed earlier. Ecevit said that they focused on various cooperation
methods to benefit from the investment opportunities in the two countries and
to further improve economic and commercial relations.
***Spain has, at the least, a mediating role in
Israeli-Turkish relations but a far greater one between Israel and her
neighbors. Recall that after the Persian Gulf War, the Bush/Baker team forced
Israel to make grand concessions at a conference held in Madrid. Well, the
"peacemakers" of Israel and the US are finagling to arrange a repeat
conference under Spanish auspices:"***
Haaretz Daily [The website is no longer active]
*** Now look what happened within just two
All roads not only lead to Rome but also to
...the Beilin plan. Source: CNN Fri Aug 10, 2001 Statement by U.S. President George
W. Bush: Bush condemns Jerusalem suicide bombing. ...The United States remains
committed to implementation in all its elements of the Mitchell Committee
Report, which provides a path to return to peace negotiations based on United
Nations Security Council Resolutions 242, 338 and the Madrid Conference. To get
to Mitchell the parties need to resume effective security cooperation and work
together to stop terrorism and violence.
Source: Ha'aretz Sun Aug 12, 2001 Peres gets
green light to talk to PA; Beilin plans ''second Madrid conference'' this
October. Former justice minister Yossi Beilin, meanwhile, is embarking on a new
diplomatic initiative of his own--convening a "second Madrid
conference" this October, on the tenth anniversary of the 1991 conference
that kicked off the peace process. Several European countries have expressed
enthusiastic support for the idea, as has UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and
even some U.S. State Department officials. Yesterday, Beilin went to Cairo to
try to sell his plan to the Egyptians.
***Now look who immediately flies to Damascus
after the Syrian president exchanges a few words with King Juan Carlos.***
PLO secretary arrives in Damascus Sunday.
Today's Jerusalem Post article Arafat invited to Damascus.
Arabic News or http://www.arabicnews.com/ansub/Daily/Day/010806/2001080616.html
Bashar al-Assad on Saturday received a message from the Spanish King Juan
Arabic News or
http://www.arabicnews.com/ansub/Daily/Day/010806/2001080608.html Mahmoud Abbas
in Damascus, Syria-Palestine, Politics, 8/6/2001. The secretary of the PLO
executive committee Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazin) arrived in Damascus on Sunday. In
an arrival statement to the press, Abu Mazin said that his visit to Damascus
falls in the course of consultation with the Syrian leadership on vision
towards the future. He added " I will brief the Syrian leadership with the
current developments in the occupied Arab territories."
Jerusalem Post or
http://www.jpost.com/Editions/2001/08/07/LatestNews/LatestNews.32038.html 09:35
Report: Assad invites Arafat to visit. Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser
Arafat has been officially invited to visit Syria, according to Mahmoud Abbas
(Abu Mazen), Arafat's deputy, Israel Radio reports.
***So what are we told Juan Carlos said to
Assad which sent the PLO's Nabil Shaat scurrying to Damascus? Then we ask, what
did Juan Carlos REALLY tell Assad?***
Arabic News or
http://www.arabicnews.com/ansub/Daily/Day/010806/2001080601.html A message to
al-Assad from Spanish King - Syria-Spain, Politics 8/6/2001. Syrian President
Bashar al-Assad on Saturday received a message from the Spanish King Juan
Carlos. The message was delivered to the foreign minister Farouk al-Shara
during his meeting with the Spanish ambassador in Damascus Javier Navoro.
Talks, during the meeting, dealt with bilateral relations between the two
There is still room for optimism, Palestinian
Planning and International Cooperation Minister Nabil Shaath told Jerusalem
Post Radio this afternoon.
***Now, let us look at how Shaat coordinated
his Spanish orders with then Israeli Foreign Minister, and Juan Carlos' spy in
the Knesset, Shlomo Ben Ami.***
Jerusalem Post or
http://www.jpost.com/Editions/2000/08/13/News/News.10828.html Arafat fails to
get backing to declare state. Meanwhile, Acting Foreign Minister Shlomo
Ben-Ami, currently in Spain, said that if Arafat does go ahead and declare his
state on September 13 it would likely cause "irreversible damage" to
the peace process.
Ben-Ami's comment came during a meeting with
Spanish Foreign Minister Josep Pique in Barcelona, on the second leg of a
five-day journey to Turkey, Spain, France, Italy, and the Vatican to counter
Arafat's globetrotting efforts in search of international support.
Ben-Ami warned at a press conference yesterday
that Israel might take its own unilateral measures to counteract the
declaration of a state by the Palestinians. "When someone breaks the rules
of the game, it is possible that the other part takes unilateral measures as
well," he said.
Ben-Ami asked Pique to use his influence in
Spain and in the European Union to get Arafat to display a more "pragmatic
approach" on the negotiations. "You should warn Arafat about losing
an historic opportunity that may not return," he said.
Pique, who met earlier in the day with PA
Planning Minister Nabil Shaath, said he would work inside the European Union to
ensure that it coordinates its position on a Palestinian state with the US.
At a press conference in Madrid yesterday after
meeting Javier Solana, the European Union's foreign policy chief, Ben-Ami, a
former ambassador to Spain, said he would like Spanish King Juan Carlos to play
a mediating role with Arab countries in peace talks focusing on the future of
Jerusalem. "I have asked Pique to see if it is possible for King
Juan Carlos to use his good relationships with
some Arab countries to make the parties move closer about Jerusalem,"
Ben-Ami said.
Ben-Ami said the two sides had an historic
opportunity to reach peace, but he played down the prospects for a new summit
with the Palestinians. He had raised the possibility in Barcelona of "a
short, decisive" meeting before September 13. "Our peace strategy
leads to the possibility that perhaps, some time in the month of September,
possibly at the end of the month, we will be ready to go to a summit in which
we would be able to make decisions and reach the end of the conflict,"
Ben-Ami said.
***If you think Juan Carlos is only interested
in Israel and its neighbors, look at how he spreads his talons throughout the Middle
June 29, 2001, King Juan Carlos receives Prince
Salman at the outset of his official visit to Spain. The Spanish monarch: Saudi
Arabia and Spain can play a role in contributing to reaching a just,
comprehensive and lasting peace in the region.
Emir of Riyadh Region: The nature of our links
is the product of the two peoples' moral and the cultural and historical
King Juan Carlos I of Spain announced that the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Spain could play a growing role to contribute to
reaching a just, comprehensive and lasting peace for which all peoples in the
region are longing. ''The intimate friendship which binds our two families is
not but a true picture that reflects the distinguished relations which binds
our two peoples and countries, and which draw its roots from history.''
Prince Salman Ibn Abdul Aziz, Emir of Riyadh
Region, had arrived in Madrid for several days official visit. [He] was
received at the airport by Crown Prince of Spain Don Felipe De Borbon, who is
also the Prince of Asturias, Fernando De Almansa, Chief of the Royal Palace,
along with the Director of Foreign Policy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
and the military corps in Madrid.
In an address during a banquet, King Juan
Carlos of Spain has affirmed that the current visit of Prince Salman Ibn Abdul
Aziz, Emir of Riyadh Region to Spain, will strengthen bilateral relations and
enhance cooperation in various fields between the two countries. King Juan
Carlos said ''the visit of the Emir of Riyadh Region to Spain, reflects the
existing strong ties between the two countries.''
The King of Spain asked Prince Salman to convey
his best wishes and greetings to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King
Fahd Ibn Abdul Aziz. ''Spanish companies and investors are following up with
great interest the opportunities that are available in Saudi Arabia,'' King
Juan Carlos said.
With regard to the peace process in the Middle
East region, King Juan Carlos said that "Spain is following with great
care and interest the difficult stage which the peace process is witnessing,
but he added that it seems there is a little hope following eight months of
violence. ''The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Spain can play a larger role in
contributing to reaching a just, comprehensive and lasting peace for which all
peoples in the region are longing,'' King Juan Carlos said.
King Juan Carlos also said that "after six
months Spain will preside [over] the EU and there will be a lot of fields in
which opportunities for enhancing and intensifying cooperation and relations
would be opened."
***And while the retired king makes his
promises to Syria, the PLO, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia to take care of Israel the
way they'd like to see it done, he pulls the blinders over the Jews.***
http://www.ecjc.org/ The Delegation to the King
Juan Carlos. The King of Spain receives top representatives from the Second
Assembly of European Jewish Communities. Another important issue for his
Majesty is Israel's situation, he hoped that peace will soon reach that area.
All the attendants at the reception stated how
interesting and important it was for them that the King had received them and
listened to their message and concerns.
Both the King statements and the Cardinal
words, were symbolic signs of the desire to reconcile with the Jewish people
and further that explain the reasons ECJC decided to hold the second GA in
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