jueves, 25 de diciembre de 2008


What Is the Difference Between
the Jews & Israel
by Charles J. Voss

Did you know that the first place the word "Jew" is used in the Bible the JEWS ARE AT WAR WITH ISRAEL?
2 Kng 16:5-6 (KJV) "Then Rezin king of Syria and Pekah son of Remaliah king of Israel came up to Jerusalem to war: and they besieged Ahaz, but could not overcome him. At that time Rezin king of Syria recovered Elath to Syria, and drave* the Jews from Elath: and the Syrians came to Elath, and dwelt there unto this day."
*The word "drave" is a direct quote from the Kings James and it is archaic old "English," in modern times we would say "drove."
Did you know that all Jews are Israelites but not all Israelites are Jewish? How could that possibly be? The story begins with Abraham and his obedience to the Great CREATOR, who then gave him many promises. One of the promises was that his descendants would make up many nations:
Gen. 17:3-5 "Then Abram fell on his face, and CREATOR talked with him, saying: `As for Me, behold, My covenant is with you, and you shall be a father of many nations. No longer shall your name be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham; for I have made you a father of many nations.'" 1
Another of these promises was that these descendants of Abraham would be called the sons of Isaac:
Gen. 21:12 "And CREATOR said unto Abraham, Let it not be grievous in thy sight because of the lad, and because of thy bondwoman; in all that Sarah hath said unto thee, hearken unto her voice; for in Isaac shall thy seed be called."
Even though Sarah was barren and was in her old age, the Great CREATOR intervened and she gave birth to a son and named him Isaac, (Gen. 21:2-3). Isaac had two sons Esau and Jacob. The birthright of Isaac was passed to Jacob (Gen. 25:24-33). Jacob's name was changed to Israel, (Gen. 35:10). Thus all the sons that Israel (Jacob) had became known as the "sons of Israel," and the resulting nation became the nation of Israel. Yet the overriding name would still be the "sons of Isaac."
The twelve sons of Israel (Jacob) were Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, Benjamin, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher (Gen. 35:23-26). The families of each of these sons became large and were known as the twelve tribes of Israel. Moses later brought these Israelite tribes out of slavery in Egypt.
However, Joseph had two sons named Ephraim and Manasseh that took his place as two tribes, (Gen. 48:9-16). Joseph then accounted for two tribes, thus there were a total of thirteen tribes of Israel.
The tribe of Judah sprang from one man--Judah, who was only one of Israel's (Jacob's) children. They were later called the Jews. The Jewish people are only one-thirteenth of the tribes of Israel. This is a bit confusing because most Jews live in the country of Israel and in New York State. However, we can see that all Jews are Israelites but not all Israelites are Jewish.
The tribe of Levi became the Levitical priesthood, was scattered among all the tribes*, and was not counted as a tribal nation (Lev. 1:47-50). Thus, although there were actually thirteen tribes, they were counted only as twelve tribal nations.
* Most of the Levites returned to Jerusalem soon after the ancient nation of Israel divided into two nations (2 Chron 11:13) yet they never were counted as a nation of Israel.
Who are the people of Israel in today's world?
Abraham was promised that his descendants would become as numerous as the stars in the heavens (Gen. 17:5-7). Notice the longevity to the nations of Israel of a thousand generations that our CREATOR has promised:
Deut. 7:6-9 "For you are a holy people to ETERNAL CREATOR; ETERNAL CREATOR has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth. ETERNAL did not set His love on you nor choose you because you were more in number than any other people, for you were the least of all peoples; but because ETERNAL loves you, and because He would keep the oath which He swore to your fathers, ETERNAL has brought you out with a mighty hand, and redeemed you from the house of bondage, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt. Therefore know that ETERNAL CREATOR He is CREATOR the faithful CREATOR who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments."
Next ETERNAL CREATOR said the House of Israel would be taken captive. Take note that the House of Judah (Jews) is mentioned by itself, and that both nations are mentioned together as the House of Isaac. Therefore, it requires both Israel and Judah together to make up the House of Isaac.
Amos 7:9-16 "'The high places of Isaac shall be desolate, And the sanctuaries of Israel shall be laid waste. I will rise with the sword against the house of Jeroboam.' Then Amaziah the priest of Bethel sent to Jeroboam king of Israel, saying, 'Amos has conspired against you in the midst of the house of Israel. The land is not able to bear all his words. For thus Amos has said: 'Jeroboam shall die by the sword, and Israel shall surely be led away captive from their own land.' Then Amaziah said to Amos: [Go, you seer! Flee to the land of Judah. There eat bread, and there prophesy. But never again prophesy at Bethel, for it is the king's sanctuary, and it is the royal residence.' Then Amos answered, and said to Amaziah: 'I was no prophet; or was I a son of a prophet, but I was a sheepherder and a tender of sycamore fruit. Then ETERNAL took me as I followed the flock, And ETERNAL said to me, `Go, prophesy to My people Israel.` Now therefore, hear the word of ETERNAL: you say, `Do not prophesy against Israel, and do not spout against the house of Isaac.'"
After King Solomon's death, the Commonwealth of Israel split into two nations. The Northern Kingdom consisting of ten tribes became the nation of Israel with Shechem as the first capital. Samaria eventually became the permanent political capital of the Northern Kingdom. Israel consisted of the tribes of Reuben, Simeon, Issachar, Zebulun, Ephraim, Manasseh, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher. Jeroboam (their king) set up a golden calf in Dan and one in Bethel and turned their religion to pagan mythology causing them to be taken into captivity and losing their identity.
The Southern Kingdom consisted of the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and part of Levi, which became the nation of Judah with its capital remaining in Jerusalem. Judah was later taken into Babylonian captivity but retained the sign of the Sabbath and did not lose its identity as the tribe of Judah. After seventy years, most of them returned to Jerusalem to build the second Temple.
Since Israel had turned to a mythological religion, It no longer worshipped The Mighty One of Israel or kept the Sabbath. They worshipped the mythological sun 'god' on the first day of the week instead. The CREATOR set the Sabbath for all of Israel for a sign between Himself and Israel for all generations (Ex. 31:13: Ezek. 20:12,20). Thus Israel became the "lost ten tribes."
As time progressed Assyria became a powerful empire. They captured and deported the ten tribes of the Northern Kingdom of Israel in approximately 740 to 720 BCE (before Common Era). Assyria removed Israel from their homeland and replaced them with other captured peoples of the Assyrian Empire. The captured people of Israel were placed in the western part of the empire. Later Babylon became the world ruling empire - replacing Assyria. Rather than be taken captive by the Babylonians, the Assyrians migrated westward and, in doing so, they pushed the Israelites farther westward.
In the late 1800's some clay Assyrian cuneiform tablets were discovered and they were finally translated in the 1930's. These tablets were Assyrian records of this 700's BCE Israelite deportation. There were records of four deportations, which proved the ten tribes of the northern Nation of Israel were assembled into Assyrian culture and became identifiable as the Camerians, the Sycthians, and the Goths. Our records of ancient history show that over several hundred years, and through different paths, the Sycthian, Camerian and the Goths migrated essentially to northwest Europe and became known as the Anglo-Saxon Celtic people.
Linguistic analysis of the word "Anglo-Saxon" shows the word "Saxon" means "sons of Isaac." This is exactly what was promised to Abraham and again to Jacob:
Gen. 48:16 "The Angel which redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads; and let my name be named on them, and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac; and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth."
Our CREATOR's statement to Abraham, "in Isaac shall your seed be called" has now happened exactly that way. The basic message the CREATOR was relaying through Abraham is, "That through Isaac the Children of Israel will be able to learn their identity."
Secular history traces the Anglo-Saxon "lost ten tribes" of Israel through the Caucasus Mountains, where they picked up the name Caucasians. From there they migrated into Europe and England. Portions of them migrated from Europe to America. Generally speaking, the democracies of Europe, America, and the countries of the former British Commonwealth are the "lost tribes" of Israel. Most people in these countries have the mistaken feeling that they are gentile because most people today have no idea past two or three generations where they came from.
The people of NW Europe migrated to the British Isles, Ireland, and Scotland. They colonized South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, and America. Since they were from the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic people and are called Saxons (sons of Isaac), this is a fulfillment of prophecy.
For a long time many people have felt there was more to the Hebrew Scriptures (OT) than they have been taught. This is true because the Hebrew Scriptures is written to the people of Israel. The world time clock says we are less than a minute away from midnight. The hour is late in this earth age and the time is too short just to be playing church. Educate yourself on the location of Israel7 and the truth of The Holy Scriptures.
1. From the New Kings James Version and all emphasis are ours. We will use ETERNAL in place of "the Lord" and CREATOR in place of "God."

sábado, 20 de diciembre de 2008


" Camina plácido entre el ruido y la prisa:
y piensa en la paz
que se puede encontrar en el silencio.
En cuanto sea posible y sin rendirte,
mantén buenas relaciones
Con todas las personas .
Enuncia tu verdad en una manera serena y clara;
Y escucha a los demás,
incluso al torpe e ignorante,
También ellos tienen su propia historia.

Esquiva a las personas ruidosas y agresivas,
Pues son un fastidio para el espíritu.
Si te comparas con los demás...
te volverás vano y amargado;
Pues siempre habrá personas
más grandes y mas pequeñas que tu.

Disfruta de tus éxito
lo mismo que de tus planes;
Mantén el interés en tu propia carrera,
por humilde que sea;
Ella es un verdadero tesoro
en el cambiar de los tiempos.

Se cauto en tus negocios,
pues el mundo esta lleno de engaños;
Mas no dejes que esto te vuelva ciego
para la virtud que existe;
Hay muchas personas
que se esfuerzan por alcanzar nobles ideales;
La vida esta llena de heroísmo.
Se sincero contigo mismo,
en especial no finjas el afecto,
Y no seas cínico en el amor,
pues en medio de todas las arideces
Y desengaños es perenne como la hierba.

Acata dócilmente el consejo de los años,
Abandonado con donaire
las cosas de la juventud.
Cultiva la firmeza de el espíritu
para que te proteja
En las adversidades repentinas.

Muchos temores
nacen de la fatiga y la soledad.
Sobre una sana disciplina,
se benigo contigo mismo.
Tu eres una criatura del universo;
No menos que las plantas y las estrellas,
Tienes derecho a existir
y sea que te resulte claro o no,
el universo marcha como debiera.

Por eso debes estar en paz con Dios,
cualquier que sea tu idea de el;
Y sean cualquiera tus trabajos y aspiraciones
Conserva la paz con tu alma;
en la bulliciosa confusión de la vida.
Aun con toda su farsa,
penalidades y sueños fallidos
El mundo es todavía hermoso;
se cauto y esfuérzate por ser feliz!!!"...

viernes, 19 de diciembre de 2008


La mayor rémora de la vida es la espera del mañana y la pérdida del día de hoy.

Más frases sobre: Vida
Importa mucho más lo que tú piensas de ti mismo que lo que los otros opinen de ti.

Más frases sobre: Opinión
No nos atrevemos a muchas cosas porque son difíciles, pero son difíciles porque no nos atrevemos a hacerlas.

Más frases sobre: Atrevimiento
El lenguaje de la verdad debe ser, sin duda alguna, simple y sin artificios.

Más frases sobre: Verdad
Un hombre sin pasiones está tan cerca de la estupidez que sólo le falta abrir la boca para caer en ella.

Más frases sobre: Pasión
El que no quiera vivir sino entre justos, viva en el desierto.

Más frases sobre: Justicia
La amistad siempre es provechosa; el amor a veces hiere.

Más frases sobre: Amistad
El colmo de la infelicidad es temer algo, cuando ya nada se espera.

Más frases sobre: Temer
Merece salir engañado el que al hacer un beneficio, cuente con la recompensa.

Más frases sobre: Intereses
Teméis todas las cosas como mortales y todas las deseáis como inmortales.

Más frases sobre: Deseo
En tres tiempos se divide la vida: en presente, pasado y futuro. De éstos, el presente es brevísimo; el futuro, dudoso; el pasado, cierto.

Más frases sobre: Vida
¡Estudia! No para saber una cosa más, sino para saberla mejor.

Más frases sobre: Estudios
No es pobre el que tiene poco, sino el que mucho desea.

Más frases sobre: Pobreza
El trabajo y la lucha llaman siempre a los mejores.

Más frases sobre: Trabajo
Lo que has de decir, antes de decirlo a otro, dítelo a ti mismo.

Más frases sobre: Decir
La vida es como una leyenda: no importa que sea larga, sino que esté bien narrada.

Más frases sobre: Vida
Los que saben mucho se admiran de pocas cosas, y los que no saben nada se admiran de todo.

Más frases sobre: Sabiduría
Considera las contrariedades como un ejercicio.

Más frases sobre: Problemas
No hay nadie menos afortunado que el hombre a quien la adversidad olvida, pues no tiene oportunidad de ponerse a prueba.

Más frases sobre: Adversidad
No hay cosa más fuerte que el verdadero amor.

Más frases sobre: Amor
El pobre carece de muchas cosas, pero el avaro carece de todo.

Más frases sobre: Pobreza
El hombre más poderoso es el que es dueño de sí mismo.

Más frases sobre: Poder
La voluntad es la que da valor a las cosas pequeñas.

Más frases sobre: Voluntad
Existe el destino, la fatalidad y el azar; lo imprevisible y, por otro lado, lo que ya está determinado. Entonces como hay azar y como hay destino, filosofemos.

Más frases sobre: Filosofía
Los hombres aman sus vicios y al mismo tiempo los odian.

Más frases sobre: Vicios
Lo que las leyes no prohiben, puede prohibirlo la honestidad.

Más frases sobre: Honestidad
La recompensa de una buena acción está en haberla hecho.

Más frases sobre: Acción
Muy sentida es la muerte cuando el padre queda vivo.

Más frases sobre: Muerte
No podemos evitar las pasiones, pero si vencerlas.

Más frases sobre: Pasión
Lo que de raíz se aprende nunca del todo se olvida.

Más frases sobre: Aprender
Sin estudiar enferma el alma.

Más frases sobre: Estudios
Para saber algo, no basta con haberlo aprendido.

Más frases sobre: Saber
Los deseos de nuestra vida forman una cadena, cuyos eslabones son las esperanzas.

Más frases sobre: Deseo
Ninguno ama a su patria porque es grande, sino porque es suya.

Más frases sobre: Patria
Largo es el camino de la enseñanza por medio de teorías; breve y eficaz por medio de ejemplos.

Más frases sobre: Ejemplos
Forma parte de la curación el deseo de ser curado.

Más frases sobre: Deseo
Igual virtud es moderarse en el gozo que moderarse en el dolor.

Más frases sobre: Moderación
El fuego prueba el oro; la miseria los hombres fuertes.

Más frases sobre: Fortaleza
El favor consiste no en lo que se hace o se da, sino en el ánimo con que se da o se hace.

Más frases sobre: Favor
Si me ofreciesen la sabiduría con la condición de guardarla para mí sin comunicarla a nadie, no la querría.

Más frases sobre: Sabiduría
Decir lo que sentimos, sentir lo que decimos, concordar las palabras con la mente.

Más frases sobre: Decir
Nuestra naturaleza está en la acción. El reposo presagia la muerte.

Más frases sobre: Acción
Es, a menudo, más conveniente disimular que vengarse.

Más frases sobre: Venganza
Escucha aún a los pequeños, porque nada es despreciable en ellos.

Más frases sobre: Escuchar
El camino del vicio no solamente se desliza, sino que se precipita hacia abajo.

Más frases sobre: Vicios
El cabalgar, el viajar y el mudar de lugar recrean el ánimo.

Más frases sobre: Viajar
El ardimiento juvenil en sus comienzos es fogoso, pero languidece fácilmente y no dura; es el humo de una fogata liviana.

Más frases sobre: Juventud
Es rey quien nada teme, es rey quien nada desea; y todos podemos darnos ese reino.

Más frases sobre: Reinar
El tiempo descubre la verdad.

Más frases sobre: Tiempo
Los hombres aprenden mientras enseñan.

Más frases sobre: Aprender

No os espante la muerte; o extermina o transforma vuestra existencia.

Más frases sobre: Muerte
Si quieres que tu secreto sea guardado, guárdalo tú mismo.

Más frases sobre: Secreto
Tan grande como la turba de los admiradores es la turba de los envidiosos.

Más frases sobre: Envidia
Sólo en la fortuna adversa se hallan las grandes lecciones del heroísmo.

Más frases sobre: Heroísmo
No existe ningún gran genio sin un toque de demencia.

Más frases sobre: Genio
No hay árbol recio ni consistente sino aquel que el viento azota con frecuencia.

Más frases sobre: Sin clasificar
Hay ciertas cosas que para hacerlas bien no basta haberlas aprendido.

Más frases sobre: Aprender
No hay mayor causa de llanto que no poder llorar.

Más frases sobre: Llorar
No hay viento favorable para el que no sabe donde va.

Más frases sobre: Objetivo
No es preciso tener muchos libros, sino tenerlos buenos.

Más frases sobre: Libros
Vencer sin peligro es ganar sin gloria.

Más frases sobre: Vencer
Una esperanza reaviva otra esperanza; una ambición, otra ambición.

Más frases sobre: Esperanza
Todo poder excesivo dura poco.

Más frases sobre: Poder
No os espante el dolor; o tendrá fin o acabará con vosotros.

Más frases sobre: Dolor
No os espante la pobreza; nadie vive tan pobre como nació.

Más frases sobre: Pobreza
El mejor límite para el dinero es el que no permite caer en la pobreza ni alejarse mucho de ella.

Más frases sobre: Dinero
Estar en ocio muy prolongado, no es reposo, es pereza.

Más frases sobre: Ociosidad
Desdichado es el que por tal se tiene.

Más frases sobre: Desgracia
¿Qué importa saber lo qué es una recta si no se sabe lo que es la rectitud?

Más frases sobre: Rectitud
A vivir se aprende toda la vida, y toda la vida se ha de aprender a morir.

Más frases sobre: Vivir
Vencer sin peligro es ganar sin gloria.

Más frases sobre: Vencer
Una esperanza reaviva otra esperanza; una ambición, otra ambición.

Más frases sobre: Esperanza
Todo poder excesivo dura poco.

Más frases sobre: Poder
No os espante el dolor; o tendrá fin o acabará con vosotros.

Más frases sobre: Dolor
No os espante la pobreza; nadie vive tan pobre como nació.

Más frases sobre: Pobreza
El mejor límite para el dinero es el que no permite caer en la pobreza ni alejarse mucho de ella.

Más frases sobre: Dinero
Estar en ocio muy prolongado, no es reposo, es pereza.

Más frases sobre: Ociosidad
Desdichado es el que por tal se tiene.

Más frases sobre: Desgracia
¿Qué importa saber lo qué es una recta si no se sabe lo que es la rectitud?

Más frases sobre: Rectitud
A vivir se aprende toda la vida, y toda la vida se ha de aprender a morir.

Más frases sobre: Vivir

Toda la armonía total de este mundo está formada de discordias.
Más frases sobre: Armonía
Viven más contentos aquellos en quienes jamás puso los ojos la fortuna, que los otros de quienes los apartó.

Más frases sobre: Fortuna
El que teme es un esclavo.

Más frases sobre: Temer
Una buena conciencia no teme a ningún testigo.

Más frases sobre: Conciencia
El peor enemigo es el que está encubierto.

Más frases sobre: Enemistad
En la adversidad conviene muchas veces tomar un camino atrevido.

Más frases sobre: Adversidad
Seas parco en elogiar, y más parco todavía en vituperar.

Más frases sobre: Elogios
Un gran marinero puede navegar aunque sus velas sean de alquiler.

Más frases sobre: Sin clasificar
Ningún descubrimiento se haría ya si nos contentásemos con lo que sabemos.

Más frases sobre: Descubrimiento
Pesa las opiniones, no las cuentes.

Más frases sobre: Opinión

Toda la armonía total de este mundo está formada de discordancias.
Viven más contentos aquellos en quienes jamás puso los ojos la fortuna, que los otros de quienes los apartó.
El que teme es un esclavo.
Una buena conciencia no teme a ningún testigo.
El peor enemigo es el que está encubierto.
En la adversidad conviene muchas veces tomar un camino atrevido.
Seas parco en elogiar, y más parco todavía en vituperar.
Un gran marinero puede navegar aunque sus velas sean de alquiler.
Sin clasificar
Ningún descubrimiento se haría ya si nos contentásemos con lo que sabemos.
Pesa las opiniones, no las cuentes.

¿Preguntas qué es la libertad? No ser esclavo de nada, de ninguna necesidad, de ningún accidente y conservar la fortuna al alcance de la mano.
Incierto es el lugar en donde la muerte te espera; espérela, pues, en todo lugar.
Jamás se descubriría nada si nos considerásemos satisfechos con las cosas descubiertas.
A los que corren en un laberinto, su misma velocidad los confunde.

Más frases sobre: Miscelánea
Aquel que tiene gran poder debe usarlo livianamente.
¡Oh, cuán extemporáneo es comenzar a vivir cuando se ha de dejar de vivir!
Este día que tanto temes por ser el último, es la aurora del día eterno.
Gran parte de la bondad consiste en querer ser bueno.
El hombre es un animal racional.
El sabio en su retiro es útil a la comunidad.
¿Preguntas qué es la libertad? No ser esclavo de nada, de ninguna necesidad, de ningún accidente y conservar la fortuna al alcance de la mano.
Incierto es el lugar en donde la muerte te espera; espérela, pues, en todo lugar.
A los que corren en un laberinto, su misma velocidad los confunde.
Aquel que tiene gran poder debe usarlo livianamente.
¡Oh, cuán extemporáneo es comenzar a vivir cuando se ha de dejar de vivir!
Este día que tanto temes por ser el último, es la aurora del día eterno.
Gran parte de la bondad consiste en querer ser bueno.
El hombre es un animal racional.
El sabio en su retiro es útil a la comunidad.
El poder y el despotismo duran poco.
Languidece la virtud sin adversarios.
La naturaleza nos ha dado las semillas del conocimiento, no el conocimiento mismo.
La esclavitud más denigrante es la de ser esclavo de uno mismo.
La armonía total de este mundo está formada por una natural aglomeración de discordancias.
La adversidad es ocasión de virtud.

Más frases sobre: Adversidad
Si os sujetáis a la naturaleza, nunca seréis pobres; si os sujetáis a la opinión, nunca seréis ricos.
Nunca fue fácil el aprendizaje de la virtud.
Una era construye ciudades. Una hora las destruye.
No hay ninguna cosa buena que no tenga su base en la razón.
No he nacido para sólo un rincón, mi patria es todo el mundo.
Cuanto mayor es la prosperidad tanto menor se debe confiar en ella.
Lo mismo es nuestra vida que una comedia; no se atiende a si es larga, sino a si la han representado bien. Concluye donde quieras, con tal de que pongas buen final.
Las obras se tienen medio terminadas cuando se han comenzado bien.
Quien da pronto da dos veces.

miércoles, 17 de diciembre de 2008


Estas Escrituras hablan exclusivamente de los descendientes de Abraham, el Hebreo..
Las citas se han tomado de LA BIBLIA , Versión Castellana de León Dujovne, Manases y Moisés Konstantynowski, y editada por Ediciones Sigal, Buenos Aires, República Argentina, 1998.

GÉNESIS 12 : 1 – 4
Se le promete a Abram que llegará a ser una Gran Nación y que las otras naciones serán bendecidas, condicionalmente, a través de él y sus descendientes.
GÉNESIS 14 : 13
Abram es un Hebreo y no un Judío
GÉNESIS 13 : 14 - 16
Promesas hechas para toda la tierra y LOS innumerables descendientes de Abram, para siempre.
GÉNESIS 15 : 5
Se promete a Abram una descendencia tan numerosa como las estrellas de los cielos.
GÉNESIS 17 : 1 – 7
Se conviene un Pacto; el nombre de Abram se cambia al de Abraham, Padre de numerosas naciones, promesa válida si…..
GÉNESIS 17 : 9 – 14
Abraham y sus descendientes guardan el pacto de la circuncisión como un signo exterior del mismo, para siempre; quien no lo guarde rompe con el pacto convenido.
GÉNESIS 17 : 15 – 21
El nombre de la esposa de Abraham, Sarai, es cambiado al de Sara; significando con ello el calificativo de “Madre de Naciones y Reyes” a través de Isaac. Tal pacto se mantendrá para siempre por parte de los descendientes de Isaac.
GÉNESIS 22 : 16 – 18
Leemos aquí la promesa incondicional como resultado de la obediencia de Abraham. Bendiciones a su numerosa descendencia –como las estrellas y la arena- . Sus descendientes poseerán las “puertas” de sus enemigos como también todas las naciones serán benditas a través de ellos.
GÉNESIS 24 : 60
El mismo Pacto se reafirma a través de los descendientes de Rebeca, la esposa de Isaac.
GÉNESIS 25 : 5 – 6
Abraham le concede todo a Isaac; sus otros hijos fueron enviados al Oriente.
Génesis 25 : 23
Se le anuncia a Rebeca que hay dos naciones en su vientre; serán dos naciones que se separarán y habrá de prevalecer una sobre la otra.
GÉNESIS 26 : 1 – 5, 23 - 24
El Pacto se le confirma a Isaac a raíz de la obediencia de Abraham
GÉNESIS 27 : 26 – 29
Isaac bendice a Jacob con el derecho a la Primogenitura.
GÉNESIS 28 : 14
Los descendientes de Jacob se dispersarán hacia el Occidente, Oriente, Norte y Sur; Jacob permanece en Bethel.
GÉNESIS 32 : 28
El nombre de Jacob se le cambia por el de ISRAEL.
GÉNESIS 35 : 11 – 12
Se le promete que llegará a ser una nación y una compañía, o convocación, o multitud, o asamblea. o comunidad de naciones.
GÉNESIS 48 : 16- 20
El nombre de “Israel”• se le otorga también a los hijos de José, Efraim y Manasés, que habrían de llegar a conformar multitudes.
1 CRÓNICAS 5 : 1 – 2
El primogénito de Jacob, Rubén, no hereda el derecho de primogenitura, mismo que es traspasado a José y, por ende, a sus hijos.
GÉNESIS 49 : 1 – 33
Jacob, a quien no se le sigue llamando Israel, se convierte en un profeta para sus doce hijos y sus descendientes.
GÉNESIS 49 : 8 – 10
Sólo el Cetro , símbolo de autoridad, se le otorga a Judá, es decir a los Judíos. Lo podemos ratificar leyendo a 1 Crónicas 5 : 2
Se le denomina “Pueblo Escogido” para que guarden el juramento de promesa hecha por el Eterno Creador a Abraham, Isaac y Jacob (Salmos 135 : 4). Todas las Tribus de Israel son escogidas (Éxodo 19: 5 – 6, Éxodo 1 : 1 y Números l : 5 – 16).
ISAIAS 43 : 1, 10 – 12
Y seran Sus testigos y siervos. Lo ratifica también Isaías 44 : 1, 21
Porque Él ama a Israel y porque por todo los medios habrá Él de guardar Sus promesas.
Sus promesas las habrá de guardar hasta mil generaciones si es que Lo llegan a amar y guardan Sus Mandamientos. (Salmos 105 : 8)
1 REYES 11 : 35 – 36
Israel y Judá son dos entidades diferentes, y que se confirma en Jeremías 3 : 8, 11.
2 REYES 16 : 5
Los Asirios e Israelitas se traban en guerra contra Judá.
2 REYES 17 : 18 – 23
Israel, las diez tribus del norte, son llevadas en cautividad a Asiria, cerca al 722 A.E.C. (ANTES DE LA ERA COMÚN)
DEUTERONOMIO 4 : 26 – 27
Ésta larga cautividad se predice desde mucho antes que sucediera. Se confirma también en Deuteronomio 31 : 16 – 18; Isaías 48 : 3 – 5 e Isaías 43 : 9.
DEUTERONOMIO 28 : 36 – 37, 64
Enviados a servir otros dioses que no habían conocido antes.
EZEQUIÉL 20 : 10 – 24
Porque despreciaron las leyes del Eterno Creador y violaron Sus Sábados y Su Santuario como lo podemos confirmar en Ezequiél 23 : 38 – 39.
1 REYES 11 : 13
Las Tribus de Judá y Benjamín se establecen en Jerusalém. 1 Reyes 12 : 20 – 22 lo confirma.
2 REYES 24 : 2, 14 – 16
Judá es tomada en cautividad 130 años después que lo fuese Israel, cerca del año 586 A.E.C.
OSEAS 1 . 7
El Eterno Creador tendrá misericordia de Judá y la salvará Él, personalmente. Esa liberación la hará el Eterno no por los merecimientos de Judá sino por el amor que el Eterno siente por David, Su amado hijo.
JEREMÍAS 11 : 9 – 10
Porque se revertieron a los pecados de sus antepasados y quebrantaron el Pacto efectuado entre el Eterno Creador y ellos mismos.
EZEQUIÉL 23 : 11, 4
Judá vino a ser más depravada y peor que Samaria; es decir, Israel o las Diez tribus del Norte.
2 REYES 24 : 3
Y el Eterno Creador se enojó grandemente con ellos.
2 SAMUEL 7 : 16
El Trono de David será para siempre. Lo confirmamos en Salmos 89 : 3 – 4, 28 – 37.
JEREMIAS 33 : 19 – 22
Ésta afirmación del Eterno no podrá ser quebrantada nunca.
2 CRÓNICAS 36 : 20 – 23
Judá – los Judíos- retornan del exilio, en Babilonia, después de 70 años.
ESDRAS 1 : 1 – 11
Ellos, los de Judá, y que habían sido inspirados por el Eterno para hacerlo, retornan a reconstruir el Templo en Jerusalém.
Muchos de ellos retornaron fingidamente, no con verdadera sinceridad.
ISAÍAS 44 : 7 – 8
El Eterno Creador hace de Israel un pueblo eterno y les manifiesta lo que les habrá de suceder.
OSEAS 2 : 14 – 15
El Eterno Creador restaurará a Israel, su esposa adúltera. Convertirá su “Valle de Tribulaciones” en su “Puerta de la Esperanza”. Allí, en el desierto, el Eterno separará a los justos de los no justos, y a los primeros los hará entrar a la Tierra prometida

SALMOS 147 : 19 – 20
El Eterno Creador no ha revelado Sus estatutos y juicios a ninguna otra nación sino a Israel.
ISAÍAS 27 : 12 – 13
El Eterno Creador habrá de reunir, uno a uno, a TODA Israel. Lo confirmamos en Jeremías 3 : 14 -18; Deuteronomio 30 : 1 – 5 ; Ezequiel 20 : 34 ; Ezequiel 11 : 17.
JEREMÍAS 10 : 16
Por la sencilla razón de que Israel es la HEREDAD del Eterno Creador. Lo podemos confirmar en Salmos 135 : 4 y Deutero0nomio 7 : 6
Éxodo 4 : 22
El único PRIMOGÉNITO del Eterno Creador es Israel. No existe otro ¡
JEREMÍAS 44 : 7 – 8
El Eterno mismo habrá de reunir Su Manada o Remanente y ninguno habrá de perderse ¡
Aunque Israel ha olvidado quiénes son en verdad. Lo confirmamos en Jeremías 23 : 27.
SALMOS 83 : 4
Las naciones gentiles no desean que se recuerde más el nombre de Israel y hacen lo posible para lograrlo: Jamás lo lograrán¡
ISAÍAS 45 : 20
Porque las naciones gentiles adoran a un dios que no puede salvar a nadie ¡
OSEAS 3 : 4 – 5
Los Israelitas todos permanecerán un largo tiempo sin Rey o Líder, pero después que ello suceda, retornarán y nuevamente Le buscarán, en los Días del Fin, con temblor y temor reverentes.
EZEQUIÉL 20 : 34 – 36
El Eterno Creador juzgará, cara a cara, a Israel –Judá e Israel ¡
ISAÍAS 11 : 10 – 16
El juicio se efectuará después que se haya llevado a cabo un Segundo Éxodo y como nos lo confirman Jeremías 16 : 14 – 21; Miqueas 4 : 6 – 8 y Zacarías 13 : 8 – 9.
EZEQUIÉL 20 : 38
Y ninguno que no se haya arrepentido podrá formar parte de Israel.
ISAÍAS 58 : 13 – 14
A todo aquél que obedezca al Eterno Creador se le dará la heredad de Jacob ¡
JOEL 2 : 27
Y conoceremos que Él está en medio de Israel y Judá; seremos salvos y llamados según Su nombre para siempre. (Miqueas 4 : 5)
EZEQUIÉL 39 : 28 – 29
Su Santo Espíritu será derramado sobre Israel y reunidos en su propio país.
Judá será salva de primero para que no se enaltezca la gloria de la Casa de David, y contra los pastores desleales la ira del Eterno se manifestará. De la Casa de Judá saldrá el Ángulo y Clavija y todos los Caudillos para su defensa. (Zacarías 10 : 3 – 5)
EZEQUIÉL 37 : 22 – 24
Que vendrá a ser UNA NACIÓN y tendrá sólo UN REY, David; nos lo confirma 2 Samuel 5 : 3 – 5.
ISAÍAS 14 : 1 – 2
Los extranjeros llegarán a ser los siervos y esclavos de Israel (Judá e Israel, ya unidos como una sola nación)
Ezequiel 44 : 9
Ningún extranjero que viva entre los Israelitas podrá tener acceso al “Santuario” del Eterno Creador.
EZEQUIEL 47 : 22 – 23
Los extranjeros que hayan engendrado hijos viviendo en Israel recibirán heredad dentro de la tribu en la que se hayan establecido,
ISAÍAS 52 : 1
Los impuros e incircuncisos nunca más volverán a contaminar a Jerusalém.
JEREMÍAS 31 : 31 – 34
Un Nuevo Pacto pactará con Su pueblo y Sus Leyes estarán escritas en sus corazones. Lo ratifica Jeremías 32 : 37 – 41 y Deuteronomio 30 : 6 – 10.
El Eterno Creador vivirá entre los Israelitas para siempre.
ISAÍAS 56 : 1 – 8
Muchos extranjeros que lleguen a amar al Eterno y Sus Leyes, serán agregados a Su pueblo Israel.
La paz total será una realidad cierta durante el reinado del Eterno Creador y no se ejercitarán más en la guerra. Lo confirma Isaías 2 : 4.
Muchos son los que acudirán a aprender las Leyes, Estatutos, Mandatos y Preceptos de nuestro Eterno Creador. Lo ratifica Miqueas 4 : 2 e Isaías 2 : 2 – 3.
ISAÍAS 46 : 10 – 11
El Eterno hablará y será hecho, hará todo lo que Le plazca. Lo que Él haya planeado lo llevará a efecto sin dilación alguna.
SALMOS 33 : 11
Porque los planes del Eterno Creador permanecerán firmes para siempre. Lo confirmamos también en Jeremías 40 : 8, Isaías 46 : 10 y Proverbios 19 : 21.
MALAQUÍAS 3 : 6 – 7
Porque el Eterno NO CAMBIA y nosotros no hemos dejado ser hijos de Jacob. Desde los días de nuestros ancestros hemos evadido Sus Estatutos y no hemos observado Sus Leyes. Por ello debemos retornar a Él y Él se volverá nosotros: esas son Sus palabras petitorias, las palabras del Eterno de los Ejércitos, nuestro Creador.
“Y si te volvieres al Eterno, tu creador, y OBEDECIERES Su voz, conforme a todo lo que Yo te mando hoy, tú y tus hijos, con todo corazón y con toda tu alma, entonces el Eterno hará tornar tu cautiverio, y se compadecerá de ti, y volverá a recogerte de en medio de todos los pueblos, adonde te hubiere esparcido el Eterno, tu Creador. Aun cuando tus desterrados estuvieren en el extremo de cielo, de allí te recogerá el Eterno, tu Creador, y de allí te tomará, y te traerá el Eterno, tu Creador, a la tierra que poseyeron tus padres, y tú la poseerá; y Él te hará bien, y te multiplicará más que tus padres.”

Estudio Bíblico adaptado y traducido de su original, “All Israel Scriptures”, por J.N.Robles Olarte. Medellín, 17 de Diciembre 2008.


jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2008


Western and Eastern Traditions has been trying to blur
And conceal them imposing their teachings of pagan
Stock ¡
By: J.N.Robles Olarte

Has been taught that our ROCK and DIVINITY is the Galilean man ¡ But the holy Scriptures tell us another thing. Let us read what King David sung when he was protected by our Eternal and Only One Creator of the universe.

“He said : O Eternal, my crag, my fastness, my deliverer¡
in my anguish I called on Eternal, cried out to my Sovereign;
in His abode He heard my voice, my cry entered His ears.”
“You, O Eternal, are my lamp; the Sovereign lights up my
“The way of Eternal is perfect, the word of Eternal is pure.
He is a shield to all who take refuge in Him”
“Yea, who is a divinity except Eternal, who is a ROCK except Eternal”
“! Eternal lives ¡ blessed is my Rock ¡ ! Exalted be Eternal
the Rock Who gives me victory ;”
( 2 Samuel 22 : 2, 7, 29, 31, 32, 47 )

Has been said and taught that Eternal´s people is a “spiritual one” and not a physical one chocen by Himself. Let us see what is the truth.

“For you are a people consecrated to Eternal your Sovereign:
Of all the peoples on earth Eternal your Sovereign choose you
TO BE His TREASURED people.”
“It is not because you are the most numerous of peoples that
Eternal set His heart on you and choose you – indeed, you are
the smallest of peoples;”
“but it was because Eternal favored you and kept the oath He
made to your fathers that Eternal freed you with a mighty
hand and rescued your from the house of bondage, from the power
of Pharaoh king of Egypt.”
“Know, therefore, that only Eternal your Sovereign is Eternal,
The steadfast Sovereign Who keeps His Covenant faithfully to
the thousandth generation of those who LOVE Him and KEEP His Commandments,…”
“You shall destroy ALL the peoples that Eternal your Sovereign
delivers to you, showing them no pity. And you shall not WORSHIP
theirs gods, for that would be a snare to you.”
( Deuteronomy 7: 6, 7, 8, 9 & 16 )

Here some guide´s lines given by Eternal to His chosen people and that they must practice ALL DAYS THEY MAY LIVE in His land:

“And now. O Israel, what does Eternal your Sovereign demand
on you ? Only this: to REVERE Eternal your Sovereign,
To walk only in His paths, to LOVE Him, and to serve Eternal your Sovereign
with all your heart and soul,”
“keeping Eternal´s commandments and laws, which I enjoin upon you today
for your good.”
“Yet it was to your fathers that Eternal was drawn in His love for them, so that
He chooses you , their lineal descendants, from among al peoples –
as is now the case.”
“Cut away, therefore, the thickening about your hearts and
stiffen your necks no more.”
“For Eternal your Sovereign is CREATOR SUPREME and SOVEREIGN SUPREME, THE GREAT, the MIGHTY, and the AWESOME Divinity Who shows no favor and takes no bribe,…”
“but upholds the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and befriends the stranger,
providing him with food and clothing.”
“You too must befriend the stranger, for you were strangers
in the land of Egypt.”
“Love, therefore, Eternal your Sovereign, and ALWAYS keep His Charges,
His Laws, His Rules, and His Commandments.”
“Keep, therefore, all de Instruction that I enjoin upon you today,
so that you may have the strength to enter and take possession of the land
that you are about to cross into possess,…”
“and that you may long endure upon the soil that Eternal swore
to your fathers to assign to them serve as a symbol on your forehead,…”
“and teach them to your children – reciting them when you stay at home and
when you are away, when you lie down and when you get up; “
“See, this day I set before you BLESSING and CURSE :…
“BLESSING, if you OBEY the commandments of Eternal your Sovereign that I enjoin upon you this day,….”
“and CURSE, IF you DO NOT OBEY the commandments of Eternal your Sovereign and FOLLOW others divinities, whom you have not experienced.”
“Be CAREFUL to OBSERVE ONLY that which I enjoin upon you: NEITHER ADD to IT nor TAKE AWAY from it.”
(Deuteronomy 10: 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19; 11: 1, 8, 9, 19, 26, 27, 28; 13: 1 )

Israel, constituted by Judah and Israel, was and is a people chosen and devoted to Eternal Himself
“For you are a people consecrated to Eternal your Sovereign: the
Creator your Sovereign choose you from AMONG ALL other peoples
on earth TO BE HIS TREASURED people.”
( Deuteronomy 14:2 & 7:6 )

Prophetic vision about Eternal´s people would do in a future time:
“Eternal said to Moses: You are soon to lie with your fathers. This people will
hereupon go ASTRAY after ALIEN gods in their midst, in the land that they are
about to enter, they will FORSAKE ME and BREAK MY COVENANT that I made with them.
Then My ANGER will flare up against them, and I WILL ABANDON them and HIDE MY COUNTENANCE from them. They shall be ready prey, and many EVILS and TROUBLES shall BEFALL them.
And they shall say on that day, “Surely it is because our Sovereign is not in our midst that
these evils have befallen us.” Yet, I will keep My countenance HIDDEN on THAT DAY, because of ALL THE EVIL they have done in TURNING TO other gods.”
( Deuteronomy 31:16,17,18 )
Note: To this day Israel, like the Eternal´s nation, has not asked himself the question of the verse 17.. But one thing is for sure: will come the day when they both,. Israel and Judah, will ask about that question¡

Moses sung to our Eternal Father a beautiful song that we must remember too:
“For the Name of Eternal Creator I proclaim, give glory to our Sovereign ¡”
“The ROCK ¡ His deeds are perfects, yea, all His ways are just. A FAITHFUL Sovereign,
NEVER false, TRUE and UPRIGHT is He.”
“Children unworthy of Him – that CROCKED, PERVERSE, generation –their baseness has played Him false.”
“Do you thus require Eternal, Oh dull and witless people ? It not He the Father who created you,
fashioned you and made you endure ¡
“For Eternal´s portion is His people, JACOB His own allotment.”
“He found him in a desert region, in an empty howling waste. He engirded him, watched over him. Guarded him as the pupil of His eyes.”
“Eternal ALONE did guide him, NO ALIEN god at His side.”
“So Jesurum grew far and kicked – you grew fat and gross and coarse- he forsook Eternal Who made
Him and spurned the ROCK of his support.”
“They sacrificed to DEMONS, -No-divinities- gods they had NEVER known, new ones, who came
but lately, who stirred not your father´s fears.”
“You neglected the ROCK that begat you, forgot the Sovereign Who brought you forth.”
“For their ROCK IS NOT like our ROCK, in our enemy´s own estimation.”
I WOUNDED AND I WILL HEAL: none can deliver FROM my hand.”
“When I whet My flashing blade and My hand lays hold on judgment, VENGEANCE will I wreak on My foes, will I deal to those who REJECT ME.”
“I will make My arrows DRUNK WITH BLOOD- as My sword devours flesh –Blood of the slain and the captives from the long-haired enemy chiefs.”
(Deuteronomy 32:3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15, 17, 18, 31, 39, 41, 42 )
To say that Eternal Creator claim or claimed the blood of any of His sons to forgive their sins is something cruel and demonic yet. Let us read what HE says about the pardon:
“He thought: Surely they are My people, children who WILL NO PLAY false.
So He was their DELIVERER.”
“In all their troubles He was troubled, and the Angel of His Presence delivered them.
In His love and pity, He himself REDEEMED them, raised them all, and exalted them all days of old.”
“I will sprinkle CLEAN WATER upon you, and you SHALL BE CLEAN: I will cleanse you from ALL YOUR UNCLEANNESS and from ALL your FETICHES.”
“And I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit into you: I WILL REMOVE the HEART OF STONE from your body and give you a HEART OF FLESH;”
“and I WILL PUT My SPIRIT into you. Thus I will cause you to follow My laws and FAITHFULLY TO OBSERVE MY RULES.”
“Thus said Eternal Creator: When I have cleansed YOU ALL of YOUR INIQUITIES, I will people your settlements, and the ruined places shall BE REBUILT.”
But, what is the reason we can´t see now that happening? Here it´s the answer:.
“Yet this people –Israel and Judah- has a wayward and defiant heart;
( Isaiah 63:8, 9; Ezekiel 36:25,26,27,33,34; Jeremiah 5:23 )
We have been taught that our mistakes and sins need to be covered with a human sacrifice where we may see blood, and the worst, that that blood may be of the FIRST BORNE of Eternal Creator. But in His WORD we find different teachings:
“With what shall I approach Eternal, do homage Eternal on high?
“Shall I approach Him with burnt offerings, with calves a year old?”
“Would Eternal be pleased with thousands of rams, with myriads of streams of oil?
Shall I give MY FIRST-BORN for my transgression, the fruit of my body for my sins?:”
“He has told you, Oh man, what is good, and what Eternal requires of you:
only to do JUSTICE, and TO LOVE GOODNESS, and to WALK MODESTLY with your Sovereign;
Then will you achieve wisdom. Hark¡ Eternal summons the city: Hear, Oh scepter; for who can direct her but You?”
“They shall come with weeping, and with compassion will I guide them. I will lead them to stream of water, by a level road where they will not stumble, for I´m EVER FATHER to ISRAEL, Efrain is my first-born son.”
“Then you SHALL SAY to Pharaoh: “Thus says Eternal; Israel is my FIRST-BORN SON. (Efrain is synonymous of Israel, the land at the north side)
( Micah 6:6,7,8,9; Jeremiah 31:9; Exodus 4:22)
It is preached by far that the Divinity is multiple. The less one says there are two and the more that is formed by three persons. Let us see what is the truth:
“Thus said Eternal, the King of Israel, their REDEEMER, the Sovereign of Hosts: I AM FIRST and I AM the LAST, and THERE IS NO god but me.”
“Listen to ME, oh Jacob, Israel, whom I have called: I AM HE-I AM THE FIRST, and I AM THE LAST AS WELL.”
“My own hand founded the earth, My RIGHT HAND spread out the skies.”
“Do you know? Have you heard? Eternal is SOVEREIGN from old, Creator of the
earth from end to end, He never grows faint or weary, His wisdom cannot be fathomed.”
“But now thus said Eternal –who created you, Oh Jacob, Who formed you Oh Israel: fear not, for I have REDEEMED you; I have singled you out by My Name, YOU ARE MINE.”
“For I THE ETERNAL am your Sovereign, the HOLY ONE of Israel, YOUR SAVIOR. I GIVE Egypt as a ransom for you, Ethiopia and Saba in exchange for you.”
“My witnesses are you- declares Eternal. My servant, whom I have chosen. To the end you may take thought, and believe IN ME, and understand that I AM He: Before ME no god was formed, and after ME none shall exist – NONE BUT ME, ETERNAL; BESIDE ME NONE can grant TRIUMPH.”
“I ALONE foretold the triumph and brought it to pass; I announced it, and no strange god was among you. So you are MY witnesses- declares Eternal – and I AM ETERNAL.”
“Ever since day was, I AM HE; NONE CAN DELIVER from MY HAND. When I ACT, who can reverse it?
( Isaiah 44:6; 48:12,13; 40:28; 43:1,3,10,11,12,13 )
If YHWH is the Name of Eternal Creator - our Father - then Yeshua or Jesus can´t be, and is not, the Creator nor the “word” that many congregations speak an teach about:
“I am Eternal YHWH, that is My Name; I will not yield My Glory to another, nor My Renown to IDOLS.”
“And Eternal YHWH said to Moses: “thus shall you speak to the Israelites: Eternal
Creator, the Sovereign of your fathers, the Sovereign of Abraham,
The Sovereign of Isaac, and the Sovereign of Jacob, has sent me
to you: This shall be MY NAME FOREVER, this is My appellation for
“for you must not worship any other god, because Eternal YHWH, whose
“If the place where Eternal your Sovereign will choose to establish His Name is too far from you, you may slaughter any of the cattle or sheep that Eternal gives to you, as I
have instructed you; and you may eat to your heart´s content in your settlements.”
“but the at the place where Eternal your Sovereign will choose to establish His Name, there ALONE shall you slaughter the PASSOVER SACRIFICE, in the evening,
at sundown, the time of day when you departed from Egypt.”
“And you shall say on that day: “Praise Eternal YHWH, proclaim His Name.
Make His deed known among peoples; declare that His Name is exalted.”
“Assuredly, I will teach them –redeem-- once and for all I will
Teach My power and My might. And they shall learn that My Name is YHWH.”
“As I live –declares the King, whose name is YHWH of Hosts- …”
“I have called on Your Name, Oh Eternal, from the depths of the pit.”
“Therefore I am concerned for my Holy Name, which the House of Israel
have caused to be profaned among the nations to which they have come.”
“…His Name is YHWH, the Sovereign of Hosts.”
“For then I will make the peoples pure of speech, so that THEY ALL
invoke Eternal by name and serve Him with one accord.”
“…And if I am a MASTER, where is the REVERENCE due ME? – said Eternal of Hosts to you, Oh priests who scorn My Name…”
( Isaiah 42:8; Exodus 3:15, 34:14; Deuteronomy 12:21, 16:6; Isaiah 12:4; Jeremiah 16:21, 46:18b; Lamentations 3:55; Ezekiel 36:21; Amos 4:13; Zephaniah 3:9 & Malachi 1:6 )
All the Christian communities look for at the Galilean´s man the Mesiah or Mashiach. The Holy Hebrew Scriptures speaks about One, only One and real Mashiach, and tell us another history. We must not forget that a “Mashiach” is not but someone ANOINTED to do a particular job or service, and that not only persons may be anointed . Let us know:
“You shall take the anointing oil and anoint the TABERNCALE and all that is in it to consecrate it all its furnishing so that it shall be HOLY.”
“And anoint the LAVER and its stand to consecrate it.”
“He sprinkled some of it on the altar seven times, anointing the ALTAR, all its UTENSILES, and the LAVER with its stand, to consecrate them.”
“Moses took the anointing oil and anointed the TABERNACLE an ALL that was in it, thus consecrating them.”
“those were the names of Aaron´s sons, the ANOINTED PRIESTS who were ordained for priesthood.”
“And the thornbush said to the trees, If you are acting honorably in ANOINTING me king over you, come and take shelter in my shade; but if not, may firer issue from thornbush and consume the cedars of Lebanon.”
“And the Eternal said to Samuel, “How long will you grieve over Saul, since I have rejected him as king over Israel? Fill your horn with oil and set out; I am sending you to Jesse the Bethlemite, for I have decided on one of his sons to be king.”
“So they sent and brought him. He was ruddy-checked, bright-eyed, and handsome. And YHWH said, “Rise and ANOINT HIM, for this is the one.””
“Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in presence of his brothers; and the spirit of Eternal Creator gripped DAVID from that day on. Samuel then set out for Ramah.”
“All the elders of Israel came to the king at Hebron, and King David made a pact with them in Hebron before Eternal. And they ANOINTED David King over Israel.”
“When the Philistines heard that David has been ANOINTED king over Israel, the Philistines marched up in search of David; but David heard of it, and he went down to the fastness.”
“kings of the earth take their stand, and regents intrigue together against Eternal and against His ANOINTED.”
“Now I know that Eternal YHWH will give victory to His ANOINTED, will answer him from His heavenly sanctuary with the mighty victories of His right arm.”
“You love righteousness and hate wickedness; rightly has Eternal, your Sovereign, chosen to anoint you with oil of gladness over all your peers.”
“Do not touch My AOINTED ONES; do not harm MY PROPHETS.”
“Thus said YHWH to Cyrus, His ANOINTED ONE- whose right hand he has grasped, treading down nations before him.”
“The spirit of Eternal Creator is upon me, because Eternal has ANOINTED me; He has sent me as a herald of joy to the HUMBLE, to bind up the wounded of heart, to proclaim release to the captives.”
“I bathed you in WATER, and washed the blood off you, and ANOINTED you with oil.”
“Then he explained, “They are the two ANOINTED dignitaries who attend Eternal YHWH of all the earth.” (David & Elijah)
“and say to him, “Thus said Eternal of Hosts: Behold, a man called BRANCH shall branch out from the place where he is, and he shall build the TEMPLE OF ETERNAL.” (David, of course)
“He –David—shall build the Temple of Eternal Creator and shall assume MAJESTY, and he –David- shall sit on his throne, and harmonious understanding shall PREVAIL between them. (Eternal Father, David and Elijah).”
“See, a time is coming –declares Eternal- when I will raise up a TRUE BRANCH of David. He shall reign as king and shall prosper, and he shall do what is just and right in the land.” (The real Mashiach)
“In his days –David´s day- Judah SHAL BE DELIVERED and Israel SHALL DWELL SECURE. And this is the name by which he shall be called: “Eternal is our Vindicator”.”
(Exodus 40:9,11; Leviticus 8:11,10; Numbers 3:3; Judges 9:15; 1 Samuel 16:1,12,12; 2 Samuel5:3,17; Psalms 2:2; 20:7, 45:8, 105:15: Isaiah 45:1, 61:1; Ezekiel 16:9; Zechariah 4:14, 6:12, 13; Jeremiah 23:5,6 )
The men traditions has been teaching us that the Galilean´s man is the Messiah or Mashiach that will save the human kind. The Hebrew Scriptures give us another information,
“Oh Eternal YHWH, the ROCK wherein I take shelter; my SHELD, my MIGHTY CHAMPION, my FORTRESS and REFUGE ! My SAVIOR, You Who RESCUE me from violence ! “( were the words of David in his song sung to Eternal Creator)
“So YHWH granted Israel a DELIVERER, and they gained their freedom from Aram; and Israel dwelt in its homes as before.”
“Deliverer us, Oh YHWH our Sovereign, and gather us from among the nations, to acclaim Your Holy Name, to glory in Your praise.”
“Help us, Oh YHWH our REDEEMER, for the sake of the glory of Your Name. SAVE us and forgive our sins, for the sake of Your Name.” (we have one and only one Redeemer, our Father and Creator YHWH)
“Truly, you have forgotten YHWH, Who SAVES you and have not remembered the ROCK who shelters you;….”
“For I ETERNAL YHWH am your CREATOR, the HOLY ONE of Israel, your SAVIOR…”
“none BUT me, Eternal YHWH; besides ME, NONE can grant triumph.”
“You are INDEED the Eternal YHWH Who concealed Himself, Oh YHWH of Israel, Who bring victory ! “
“But Israel has won through YHWH triumphs everlasting. You shall not be ashamed or disgraced in all the ages to come ! “
“Speak up, compare testimony- let them even take counsel together ! Who announced this aforetime, foretold it of old? What is not I Eternal? Then there is NO GOD BSIDE ME, NO GOD exists BESIDE me WHO FORETELLS TRULY AND GRANTS SUCCESS.”
“Turn to ME an GAIN SUCCESS, ALL the ends of earth ! For I AM ETERNAL, and there is no NONE ELSE.”
“I will make your oppressors eat THEIR OWN FLESH, they shall be drunk with THEIR OWN BLOOD as with wine. And ALL MANKIND SHALL KNOW that I Eternal AM your SAVIOR, the Mighty One of Jacob, your REDEEMER.”.(the Mighty One Creator is our only one Redeemer)”
“No, Eternal´s arm is not too short to SAVE, or His ear too dull to HEAR;…”
“You shall suck the milk of the nation –in those future days-, suckle at royal breasts. An you SHALL KNOW that I ETERNAL AM YOUR SAVIOR, I the Mighty One of Jacob, am your REDEEMER.”
“Oh HOPE of Israel –YHWH-, its DELIVERER in time of trouble, why are you like a stranger in the land, like a traveler who stops only for the night?
“Only I ETERNAL YHWH have been your CREATOR ever since the land of Egypt; you have never known a true Eternal YHWH but Me, you have never had a helper other than ME.”
Note:If the man of Galilee is the creator, the Eternal and Mighty One is out of the scenery in man history !
(2 Samuel 22:3; 2 Kings 13:5; Psalms 106:47, 79:9; Isaiah 17:10, 43:3,11, 45:15,17,21,22, 49:26, 59:1, 60:16; Jeremiah 14:8, Hosea 13:4)
YHWH, Eternal Creator, of ALL the universe and its plenitude, is the ONLY ONE who can REDEEM and RESCUE us from the ignorance. He is the Only One Who is our real ROCK and the Only One Who will SAVE us in the next future to come !
“Who is like Your people Israel, a UNIQUE NATION on earth, whom Eternal went and REDEEMED as His people, winning renown for HIMSELF and doing great and marvelous deeds for them and for Your land- driving out nations and their gods before Your people, whom You REDEEMED for YOURSELF from Egypt.”
“Yeah, WHO is Eternal except the Creator, Who is ROCK except YHWH.”
“And who is like Your people ISRAEL, A UNIQUE NATION ON EARTH, WHOM ETERNAL went and REDEEMED as His people, winning renown for Yourself for great and marvelous deeds, driving out nations before Your people whom You REDEEMED from Egypt.”
For they are Your servants and Your people WHOM You Redeemed by Your great power and Your Mighty hand.”
“But I know that my VINDICATOR lives; in the end days He will testify on earth..”
“You free me from the net laid for me. For You are my STRONGHOLD
“Into Your hand I entrust my spirit: You REDEEMED ME, Oh Eternal faithful Sovereign.”
“When He struck them, they turned to HIM and sought Eternal once again.”
“They remembered that Eternal was their ROCK, Eternal Most High, their REDEEMER.”
“May the words of my mouth and the prayer of my heart be acceptable to You, Oh Eternal, my ROCK and my REDEEMER.”
“Fear not, Oh worm Jacob, Oh men of Israel; I will help you -declares Eternal- I am your REDEEMER, the HOLY ONE of Israel.”
“Thus said Eternal, your REDEEMER, the Holy One of Israel: for your sake I send to Babylon: I will bring down all her bars, and the Chaldean shall raise their voice in lamentation.”
“Thus said Eternal YHWH, YOUR redeemer, who formed you in the womb; it is I, Eternal, Who made everything, WHO ALONE stretched out the heavens and UNAIDED spread out the earth.””
“Our REDEEMER –Eternal of Hosts is His Name- is the Holy One of Israel”
“Thus aid Eternal your REDEEMER, the Holy One of Israel: I Eternal am your CREATOR, instructing –redeeming- you for your own benefit. Guiding you in THE WAY YOU SHOULD GO.”
“Go forth from Babylon, flee from Chaldea! declare this with loud shouting, announce this, bring out the word to the end of the earth!“
“…And all mankind SHALL KNOW – in THOSE DAYS- that I AM ETERNAL YHWH, your SAVIOR, the MIGHTY ONE of Jacob, your REDEEMER.”
“So let the ransomed of Eternal YHWH return, and come with shouting to Zion, crowned with joy everlasting. Let them attain joy and gladness, while sorrow and sighing flee.”
“For thus said Eternal: You were sold for no price, and shall be REDEEMED –taught-- without money.”
“Raise a shout together, Oh ruins of Jerusalem! For Eternal will CONFORT His people, will REDEEM Jerusalem.”
“For He Who made you will espouse you –His Name is ”YHWH of Hosts”. The Holy One of Israel will REDEEM you –He is called “Sovereign of all the earth” “
“In slight anger, for a moment, I HID MY FACE from you; but with kindness everlasting I will take you BACK in love- said Eternal your REDEMEER.”
“He shall come as REDEEMER to Zion, to THOSE in Jacob WHO TURN BACK FROM SIN- declares Eternal.”
“You shall suck the milk of the nations, suckle at royal breasts. And you shall know that I the ETERNAL am your SAVIOR, I, the MIGHTY ONE of Jacob, am your REDEEMER.”
“”Surely You are our FATHER: though Abraham regarded us not, and Israel recognize us not, YOU, Eternal are our FATHER; FROM OLD, Your Name is “Our Redeemer.””
“For Eternal will ransom Jacob, REDEEM him from one too strong for him.”
“Their REDEEMER is MIGHTY, HIS NAME is YHWH of Hosts. He will champion their cause- so as to give rest to the earth – in those days- and unrest to the inhabitants of Babylon.”!(the different churches of this world)
“You championed my cause oh Eternal, you have REDEEMED my life.”
“Woe to them for straying from Me; DESTRUCTION to them for REBELLING AGAINST ME! For I was their REDEEMER; yet THEY HAVE PLOTTED TREASON AGAINST ME.”
“But they did not cry out to ME SINCERELY as they lay wailing. They debauch over new grain and new wine, they are faithless to ME.”
“Behold I AM YHWH, the SOVEREIGN of ALL FLESH. Is anything to wondrous for ME?”
This last verse say us that Eternal Creator, our celestial Father, has worked ALL ages and work yet in these LAST DAYS! Don´t worry what say the tradition of men!
( 2 Samuel 7:23, 22:32; 1 Chronicle 17:21; Nehemiah 1:10: Job 19:25, Psalm 31:5,6, 78:34,35, 19:15; Isaiah 41:14, 43:14, 44:6,24, 47:4, 48:17,20, 49:26, 51:11, 52:3,9, 54:5,8, 59:20, 60:16, 63:16; Jeremiah 31:11, 50:34, ; Lamentations 3:58,; Hosea 7:13,14; Jeremiah 32:27 )
Within the Hebrew Scriptures of our Eternal Father we can find one judgment that traditional religions of the world have forgotten, and it is:
“”…The benevolent care of our Eternal Creator is FOR ALL WHO SEEK HIM, while His FIERCE ANGER is against ALL WHO FORSAKE HIM.”
( Ezra 8:22b )
We can confirm the word of Ezra when he says us these ones:
“But whenever I Eternal speak what I speak, that word SHALL BE FULFILLED without any delay; in YOUR DAYS, Oh rebellious breed, I WILL FULFILL every word I speak- declares Eternal the Creator.”
“Assuredly, say to them: Thus said Eternal: These shall be NO MORE delay whenever I SPEAK a word, THAT WORD shall be FULFILLED- DECLARES Eternal YHWH.”
( Ezekiel 12:25,28 )
The new Alliance or New Covenant between Eternal Creator and His choose people dates since Jeremiah the Prophet. That same covenant will be carry out in those “LAST DAYS” anew, now very near to us.
“See, a time is coming- declares Eternal YHWH- when I will make a NEW COVENANT with the HOUSE OF ISRAEL (not any Gentile nation) and the HOUSE OF JUDAH.”
“It will not be like the covenant that I made with their fathers, when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt, A COVENANT THAT WHICH THEY BROKE, so that I REJECT them- declares Eternal Creator.”
“But such is the COVENANT I will make with the House of Israel after these days- declares Eternal : I will put MY TEACHING into their INMOST BEING and INSCRIBE IT UPON their HEARTS. Then I will be THEIR SOVEREIGN, and THEY WILL BE MY PEOPLE.”
“No longer WILL THEY NEED to TEACH ONE ANOTHER and say to one another, “Heed Eternal”, for ALL OF THEM, from the last of them to the greatest, shall heed ME- declares Eternal YHWH: FOR I WILL FORGIVE THEIR INIQUITIES, AND REMEMBERTHEIR SINS NO MORE.”
( Jeremiah 31:31,32,33,34 )
!What a clear words¡ There we have them ¡ We have not reached yet to THAT DAY of the end that will be a reality in the next future and completely fulfilled¡ That New Alliance or COVENANT will be not only with the House of Israel and the House of Judah BUT WITH ALL the Genteel Nations who will return, at last, to Him. They will reach to know HIM perfectly like it´s expressed in the 34th verse of Jeremiah 31.. In THAT DAY will come a WORK of CORRECTION and RECREATION like good is described in Isaiah 65 when Eternal YHWH will put down His blade to ALL OF THEM who have forgotten HIM in all these past centuries, putting down in forgetfulness HIS HOLY SCRIPTURES. He will begin the labor with HIS CHOCEN people. Israel, that has been straying His Way, leading the ways of the TRADITIONS OD THIS WORLD.!
“The people who provoke MY ANGER, who CONTINUALLY, to My very face, SACRIFICE in gardens and burn incense on tiles.” (The churches of the men´s religions)
“Who sit inside tombs (temples, chapels, synagogues) and pass the night in secret places (nocturnal vigils); who EAT THE FLESH OF SWINE, who broth of UNCLEAN things in their bowls.”
“But as for you WHO FORSAKE ETERNAL, who ignore My Holy Mountain, who set a table for Luck (Gad or God) and fill a mixing bowl for Destiny (Meni).”
“For behold¡ I am creating –I will create- a new heaven and a new earth, the FORMER THINGS SHALL NOT BE REMEMEBERED, THEY SHALL never come to mind.(written history of the men)
“So the man who LIES DOWN never rise; he will awake ONLY when the heaven –the present heaven- ARE NO MORE, only then be he aroused from his sleep.”
All the present generation, the wicked ones, will be: “abandoned among the dead, like bodies lying in the grave of whom YOU, ETERNAL YHWH, are mindful NO MORE, and who are cut off from YOUR CARE.”
( Isaiah 65:3,4,11,12,17; Job 14:12; Psalms 88:6 )-
All the nations of the world believe and are sure that this Culture of the past and present world WILL STAND FOR EVER WHEN Eternal YHWH, our Only One Creator, returns to establish, once and for all, His Government on an earth PURIFYED and RENEWED by HIMLSEF.
Oh ! If people and nations of the world might hear and know the Psalmist´s words
“But Oh, that My people would listen to Me ¡ Oh, that Israel would follow Me, walking in My paths!”
“How QUICKLY then I WOULD SUBDUE her enemies¡ How soon My hands would be upon here FOES!”
“Those who HATE ETERNAL YHWH would cringe before him –Israel; and their desolations would last FOREVER.”
“But H WOULD FEED you with the choices foods. He would satisfy you with honey for the taking.(the honey of the rock that is the better).”
( Psalms 81:145,15,16,17 The Living Bible version )
If the man of Galilee, Yashua of Nazareth is YHWH or the WORD, like says John 1:1 and many Christian too, then the King David was praising and blessing Yashua and not the Eternal Father and Creator of all this universe in his song of 1 Chronicle 29. What we can read and see is another history if we put good attention to his words.
“David blessed Eternal in front of all assemblage; David said: “Blessed are YOU, Eternal, SOVEREIGN of Israel our FATHER, from eternity to eternity. Yours, Eternal are GREATNESS, MIGHTS, SPLENDOR, TRIUMP AND MAJESTTY- yes, all that is in Heaven and on Earth; to You, Eternal, BELONG KINGSHIP and PREEMINENCE ABOVE all. RICHES and HONOR are Yours to dispense; You have DOMINION over ALL; WITH YOU are STRENGHT and MIGHT, AND IT IS IN Your power to make anyone great and strong. Now, Eternal, we praise You and extol Your Glorious Name. Who am I and who are my people, that we should have the means to make such a freewill offerings; but ALL is FROM YOU, and it is YOUR GIFT that we have given to YOU. For we are sojourners with You, mere TRANSIENTS like our fathers; our days on earth like a SHADOW, with nothing is prospect. Oh Eternal YHWH our Sovereign, ALL this great mass that we have laid aside to build You a house for Your Holy Name is from You. And it is ALL Yours. I know, Eternal YHW, that you SEAR5CH the heart and desire UPRIGHTNESS; I, with upright heart, freely offered all these things; now Your people, who are present here- I saw the joyously making freewill offerings. Oh Eternal Creator of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, our fathers, remember this to the eternal credit of the thoughts of Your people´s heart, and make their hearts CONSTANT toward YOU…”(have you thought that Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and David considered Jesus like their Eternal Creator and Father?)
(1 Chronicle 29:10,11,12,13,14,154,16,17,18 )
Remember too that in life Yashua never was a sovereign in Israel, that his name is YHWH and not Yashua (Exodus 3:15), that He DOES NOT CHANGE and is the FIRST and the LAST and that there is NO god BUT He (Malachi 3:6 and Isaiah 44:6).
Dear reader and friend: You still can find more and much more gems in His Holy Scriptures, the Hebrew Scriptures. Dedicate a little of your time and you will find and see them for sure and will find, at last, the truth and will understand perfectly that there is not but a Only One Creator, Redeemer and Savior of all the universe !
Let us close with these words:
“For wisdom will enter your mind
And knowledge will delight you.
Foresight will protect you,
And discernment will guard you.
It will save you from the way of evil men,
From men who speak duplicity,
Who leave the paths of rectitude
To follow the ways in doing EVIL.”
( Proverbs 2:10,11,12, & 13 )
“and said: “Oh Eternal YHWH Sovereign of
Israel, there is NO GOD LIKE You in the
Heavens and on the earth, YOU WHO steadfastly
Maintain the COVENANT WITH Your servants who
Walk before YOU with ALL their hearts;
“may YOU hear in Your heavenly AODE, and pardon.
Deal with each man according to his ways as You
Know his heart- for You ALONE know the hearts of ALL MEN.-
Oh Eternal YHWH, do not reject Your ANOINTED one;
Re3member the loyalty of Your servant DAVID.”
( 2 Chronicle 6:14,30,42 )
The Hebrew Scriptures is the Manual of Instructions to all the men and women of this planet ! !

Bibliography: Tanakh by Jewish Publication Society and The Living Bible, a version of the Catholic Church.
A Biblical study made at Medellín the 15th January 2002.


martes, 2 de diciembre de 2008



C allow yet
O utgrowing is he set
L ook at the horizon
L ulled between the love
I mpounded by himself
N igh to papa and mama

B right the light
R emoving the sorrows
O nce spring up in between
E nshroud their pain
T hrowing out them, and
E lucidate at his age of ninth
R ebinding peace at home ¡ ¡

By J.N.Robles Olarte,
Medellín, 2 december 2008