jueves, 26 de julio de 2007


Nota: para aquellos que aún creen que el PRIMOGÉNITO es el hombre de Galilea, les transcribo parte del Salmo 89(88), versículos 3/5, 13, 20/28, 35/38

Pues Tu dijiste :"Cimentado está el amor por siempre, asentada en los cielos Mi lealtad"
"Una alianza pacté con Mi elegido,
un juramento hice a Mi siervo DAVID:
"Para siemepre jamás He fundado su estirpe,
de edad en edad HE erigido su trono."

Justicia y Derecho la base de su trono,
Amor y Verdad ante su rostro marchan.

He prestado Mi asistencia a un bravo,
He exaltado a un elegido de Mi pueblo Israel.
"He encontrado a DAVID Mi servidor,
con Mi óleo santo lo He ungido;
"Mi mano será firme para con él,
y Mi brazo le hará fuerte."

"No le ha de sorpender el enemigo,
el hijo de iniquidad no le oprimirá;
Yo aplastaré a sus adversarios ante él,
heriré a los que le odian."

"Mi lealtad y Mi amor irán con él,
por Mi Nombre se exaltará su frente;
pondré su mano sobre el mar,
sobre los rios, su derecha."

"Él Me invocará: !Tú, mi padre, mi Creador y Roca de mi salvación¡
Y Yo haré de él el PRIMOGÉNITO, el Altísimo entre los reyes de la tierra."

"Le guardaré Mi amor por siempre,
y Mi alianza será leal con él;
estableceré su estirpe para siempre,
y su trono como los días de los cielos."

"No violaré Mi alianza,
no cambiaré lo que ha salido de Mis labios;
una vez que He jurado por Mi Santidad;
!a DAVID no He de mentir¡"

"Su estirpe durará por siempre,
y su trono como el sol ante Mí,
por siempre se mantendrá como la Luna,
testigo fiel en el cielo."


!No a nosotros, Padre Eterno. no a nosotros,
sino a Tu Nombre da la gloria,
por Tu amor, por Tu verdad¡
¿Por qué han de decir los gentiles: "¿Dónde esta su Creador?"

"Nuestro Eterno Creador está en los cielos,
y todo cuanto le place lo realiza.
Plata y oro son los ídolos vuestros,
obra de mano de hombres.

Tienen boca, pero no hablan´
Tienen ojos, pero no ven,
Tienen oídos, pero no oyen,
Tienen nariz, pero no huelen.

Tienen manos, pero no palpan,
Tienen pìés, pero no caminan,
Ni un sólo susurro sale de su garganta.
Y como ellos serán los que los hacen,
cuantos en ellos ponen su confianza.

Casa de Israel, confiád en el Eterno Creador,
Él, vuestro auxilio y vuestro escudo;
Casa de Aarón, confiád en el Creador,
Él vuestro auxilio y vuestro escudo;
Los que teméis al Eterno Creador. confiád en el Creador,
Él es vuestro auxilio y vuestro escudo.

El Eterno se acuerda de nosotros, Él bendecirá,
bendecirá a la Casa de Israel,
bendecirá a la Casa de Aarón,
bendecirá a todos los que temen al Eterno Creador,
a pequeños y grandes.

!El Eterno Creador os acreciente
a vosotros y a vuestros hijos¡
!Bendito vcosotros, los del Eternpo Creador,
que ha hecho los cielos y la tierra¡
Los cielos, son los cielos del Eterno,
la tierra se la ha dado a los hijpos de Adán.

No alaban los muertos al Eterno Creador,
ni ninguno de los que bajan al Silencio;
Más nosotros, los vivos, al Eterno creador bendecimos,
Desde ahora y por siempre.-

Salmos 115(113)


The following is a list of Scriptures given for your personal Scripture Study. They track Israel through the Hebrew Scriptures--from the promises to Abraham, through both captivities showing what they must do to repent, then into the glorious Kingdom. Quoted from The New Jerusalem Bible.

Gen 12:1-4
Promise to Abram - Great nation - All shall be blessed through him - Conditional on Abram leaving Haran.

Gen 14:13
Abram a Hebrew; not a Jew.

Gen 13:14-16
Promise of all the land & unnumbered descendants forever.

Gen 15:5
Promise of descendants as numerous as the stars.

Gen 17:1-7
Everlasting covenant; Abram’s name changed to Abraham; Father of many nations promised… If…

Gen 17:9-1
Abraham & descendants keep covenant of circumcision as a sign forever vs.14 uncircumcised - cutoff - broke the covenant.

Gen 17:15-21
Sarai - Abraham’s wife - name changed to Sarah; Mother of nations and kings through Isaac. Covenant maintained forever through Isaac’s descendants.

Gen 22:16-18
Unconditional promise as result of Abraham’s obedience. [Blessings of descendants numerous as stars & sand.] Descendants shall possess gates of their enemies. [All nations blessed from Abraham’s descendants.

Gen 24:60
Same covenant reaffirmed through Rebekah - wife of Isaac.

Gen 25:5-6
Abraham gave all to Isaac; other offspring sent to land of the East.

Gen 25:23
Future of 2 nations (sons) told to Rebekah Israelites & Edomites.

Gen 26:1-5
Covenant reaffirmed to Isaac because of Abraham’s obedience & vs.: 23-24

Gen 27:26-29
Isaac blessed Jacob with the Birthright

Gen 28:14
Descendants will spread West, East, North, & South (Jacob in Bethel).

Gen 32:28
Jacob’s name changed to Israel.

Gen 35:11-12
Promise: Israel’s seed will be a nation and a company of nations. (Goodspeed: ‘a nation, or rather a company of nations’ Company = convocation; multitude; assembly; host of.)

Gen 48:16-20
Name of ‘Israel’ given to Joseph’s sons - Ephraim and Manasseh - who would grow to teeming multitudes.

I Chr 5:1-2
First born of Jacob, Reuben, did not inherit the birthright it was Joseph’s.

Gen 49
Jacob (no longer called Israel) - a prophet for his twelve sons and their descendants.

Gen 49:8-10
Only the Scepter (symbol of authority) given to Judah (Jews) see I Chr. 5:2

Deut. 7:6-8
A chosen people to keep the oath promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob also Ps. 135:4. All tribes of Israel Chosen Ex. 19:5-6 (Ex.1:1-5; Num.1:5-16)

Isa 43:1, 10-12
And be His witnesses His servants & Isa 44:1,21.

Deut. 7:8
Because He loved Israel & meant to keep His promises.

Deut. 7:9
His promises are kept for a thousand generations for those who love Him & keep Commandments Ps.105:8

I K 11:35-36
Israel & Judah are two separate entities & Jer. 3:8,11.

II K 16:5
Assyrians and Israelites at war against Judah.

II K 17:18-23
Israel (10 Northern tribes) taken into captivity to Assyria (Date: circa 722 BCE)

Deut. 4:26-27
Prediction of this long beforehand also Duet 31:16-18; Is. 48:3-5; Is. 42:9.

Deut 28:36-37,64
Sent to serve other gods previously unknown to them

Ezek 20:10-24
Why??? [[They despised ETERNAL’s laws & defiled His Sabbaths & Ezek.23:38-39, His Sanctuary.

I K 11:13
Judah & tribe of Benjamin in Jerusalem I K. 12:20-22.

II K 24:2,14-16
Judah taken into captivity (about 130 years after Israelites circa 586 BCE)

Jer. 11:9-10
Why??? They reverted to the sins of their ancestors and broke the covenant

Ezek. 23:11
Judah more depraved and worse than Samaria (Israel or 10 Northern tribes- vs. 4)

II K. 24:3
And ETERNAL was angry.

II Sam 7:16
But the throne of David will last forever Ps. 89:3-4,28-37

Jer. 33:19-22
This covenant cannot be broken.

II Chr. 36:20-23
Judah (Jews) return from exile in Babylon after 70 years.

Ezra 1:1-11
To rebuild the Temple, All whose spirit had been roused .vs. 5

Jer. 3:10
Returned in pretense, not sincerity.

Is. 44:7-8
ETERNAL had made Israel an eternal people & had told them what would happen.

Ps.1 47:19-20
ETERNAL did not reveal His statutes and judgments to any other nation.

Is. 27:12-13
ETERNAL will regather ALL of Israel, one by one Jer. 3:14-18; Deut.30:1-5; Ezek. 20:34; Ezek. 11:17

Jer. 10:16
Because Israel IS ETERNAL’s heritage Ps. 135:4; Deut. 7:6.

Ex. 4:22
And is My Firstborn.

Jer. 44:7-8
ETERNAL will, Himself, gather His flock (remnant) not one lost

Jer. 50:6
Even though Israel has forgotten who they are Jer. 23:27.

Ps. 83:4
Name of Israel remembered no more.

Is. 45:20
And they pray to a god that cannot save.

Hosea 3:4-5
The Israelites will spend a long time without King or Leader but after that, the Israelites will return and again seek ETERNAL & turn trembling in the final days

ETERNAL will judge Israel face to face.

Is. 11:10-16
With a Second Exodus Jer.1 6:14-21; Ez.20:33-44; Mic.4:6-8; Is. 43; Zech.13:8-9

Ezek. 20:38
Non-repentant will not enter Israel.

Is. 58:13-14
Obey ETERNAL shall be given the heritage of Jacob.

Joel 2:32
Call on the name of ETERNAL to be saved Micah 4:5.

Ezek. 39:28-29
His Spirit poured out on Israel, reunited in their own country.

Zec 12:7
Judah called back first to defend Jerusalem Zec 10:3-5.

Ezek 37:22-24
One nation one King David II Sam 5:1-3

Is. 14:1-2
Foreigners will be servants & slaves for Israel.

Ezek. 44:9
No aliens living among Israelites may enter ‘My Sanctuary’.

Ezek. 47:22-23
Foreigners who have fathered children among Israel will receive inheritance in the tribe with which he has settled.

Isa 52:1
Unclean and uncircumcised will never defile Jerusalem again.

Jer. 31:31-34
New covenant with Israel law written in their hearts Jer. 32:37-41; Deut.30:6-10.

Ezek. 43:7
I ETERNAL, shall live among the Israelites forever.

Is. 56:1-8
Others will be gathered who love ETERNAL and His laws

Micah 4:3
Peace during the reign of ETERNAL Is. 2:4

Zec 8:23
Many will come to learn Micah 4:2; Is. 2:2-3.

Isa 46:10-11
ETERNAL has spoken and it shall be done, I shall do whatever I please. What I have planned, I shall perform.

Ps. 33:11
ETERNAL’s plan stands firm forever.

I, ETERNAL do not change; you have not ceased to be children of Jacob. Ever since the days of your ancestors, you have evaded My statutes and not observed them. Return to Me and I will return to you, says ETERNAL of Hosts.

Deut 30:2-5
If you return to ETERNAL CREATOR with all your heart and soul and obey His voice then He will take pity on you and gather you back.