domingo, 10 de abril de 2011

Wherever you look on planet Earth people are in turmoil over the same thing--shortage of jobs, lack of capital, corrupt governments, immorality, and violence even in the USA. It is causing confusion, economic troubles, protests, and skirmishes worldwide.

The skirmishes in the Middle East are the most damaging because they could all lead to a hard line Muslim take over. So lets look at the people in the area to see their back grounds. Most are Arabs which spring from Ishmael (Abraham’s son) and Esau (Isaacs son). The histories of all are different, but they are living in countries with artificial boundaries imposed on them after W.W.I with the fall of the Ottoman Empire. The tribal areas were split in hopes of keeping any one tribe from becoming too powerful. One country in the group deserves a closer look and that is Iran.

Anciently one of Shem’s (son of Noah) sons was Elam. An Elamite culture developed which, at its peak in 1200 BCE, dominated the whole Tigris River Valley. Iran is home to one of the world's oldest continuous major civilizations. The first Iranian dynasty formed during the Elamite kingdom in 2800 BCE. The region of Elam was on the western edge of ancient Persia which is now modern day Iran.

One of Elam’s brothers was Asshur who was the ancestor of the German people and another brother was Arphaxad who was the ancestor of Abraham and his descendants. These descendants were the Hebrew Israelite peoples as well as Ishmael, Esau and the Arab people.

“The name Iran is akin to Aryan, and means "Land of the Aryans” in the ancient Indo-Iranian languages (Iranian and Indo-Aryan). Words like "Aryan" could also be found in European languages, the term "Aryan" came to be used as the term for the Indo-European language group, and by extension, the original speakers of those languages. In the 19th century, "language" was considered a property of "ethnicity," and thus the speakers of the Indo-European languages came to be called the "Aryan race," (descendants from Asshur) as contradistinguished from what came to be called the “Semitic race" (descendants from Arphaxad). (from Wikipedia)

PERSIA ( Puhr' shuh ) As a nation, Persia corresponds to the modern state of Iran. As an empire, Persia was a vast collection of states and kingdoms reaching from the shores of Asia Minor in the west to the Indus River Valley in the east. It reached northward to southern Russia, and to the south included Egypt and the regions bordering the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman. In history, the empire defeated the Babylonians and then fell finally to Alexander the Great.

The Persian Empire is important to the history and development of civilization. It had major effects on religion, law, politics, and economics… Politically, the Persian Empire was the best organized [government] the world had ever seen. Good administration required good communications which called for good roads. These roads also encouraged contacts between peoples within the empire. Ideas and goods could move hundreds of miles with little restriction. The empire became wealthy and gave its inhabitants a sense that they were part of a larger world. The use of minted coins and the development of a money economy aided this identification with a larger world. The emperor’s coins were handy reminders of the power and privileges of being part of the empire. (gleaned from “Holmon’s Electronic Dictionary”)

The demonstrations of 1979 were similar to those of today and the Monarch Shah of Iran was replaced with an Islamic Republic under Ayatollah Khomeini, the leader of the revolution who became the first Supreme Leader. Since his departure the Majlis (parliament) drafts legislation, but the Council interprets the constitution and may veto Parliament. If a law is deemed incompatible with the constitution or Sharia (Islamic law) it is vetoed. Unlike many other states, the executive branch in Iran does not control the armed forces. Although the President (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) appoints the Ministers of Intelligence and Defense, it is customary for the President to obtain explicit approval from the Supreme Leader for these two ministers before presenting them to the legislature for a vote of confidence.

As we watch the nightly news it is like watching a giant chess game. But the harsh realities are that hundreds of human beings are being killed or wounded. Iran is out playing the USA on the world geopolitical map and how the USA does not seem to be able to do anything right. If this was a game of chess the USA leader (king) would be in the position of having been called “check.”

We see Bahrain, Syria, and Yemen shoot and kill hundreds of demonstrators but without NATO military intervention in these countries and we do not see USA and NATO wanting to rescue the people there? What is going on? Why the double standard? With Libya using its military agains its people and if we interfere there why not interfere every where.

The USA and allies have been bombing Libya and enforcing a “no fly zone.” But to what avail? It is almost “checkmate” because the USA is now tied down in three wars in the Middle East without the guts to win.
Leviticus 26:16 (NAV). ‘I will also break down your pride of power; I will also make your sky like iron and your earth like bronze.

The USA has blindly stumbled into a quagmire in which the problems in Viet Nam are paled into insignificance by comparison. The USA leader (king as in chess) started shooting up a foreign country (Libya) saying it was time for a regime change and for their leader Gaddafi to leave. Yes, before you say it, I know they say it was to be a humanitarian mission to save the people. The USA did not have the will to win in Viet Nam much less in Iraq, Afghanistan, and now Libya. But, I would guess that it would be politically incorrect to say out loud that the USA does not have the guts to win, but why don’t we just go win? Then not just in Libya but in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

In addition, Fox News has stated that in the early stages of the USA’s Middle Eastern quagmire Iran supplied up to ten thousand fighters to fight in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan many of whom have now returned to Libya. The feeling now is that we should arm the Libyan rebels of which some are tied to al Qaeda. That is déjà vu as we armed al Qaeda and fought along side of them against Russia in Pakistan at the beginning of this mess.

The bleeding hearts will shout that innocent civilians would be killed! Show me just one war where civilians were not killed. War is caused by human nature, primarily lust and greed. Lust and greed are sins so the bottom line is that war is caused by sin. All sin is against the CREATOR SOVEREIGN of the universe.
Psalm 51:4 (Darby). Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done what is evil in thy sight...

Brethren, it does not take a rocket scientist to determine that we are not being blessed and we are under the same curse as the rest of the world--shortage of jobs, lack of capital, corrupt governments, and unending evil and violence. I challenge you to start with your local home town government and work you way upward to the federal level and find a totally open transparent and honest governing body--not one or two people, but a total assembly with “the good of all the people” as their motivation.
Recent Headlines (from
These are recent and all fit in place of realizing the overall bigger picture.

Netanyahu: Egypt Could Be A New Iran
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has warned that Egypt could potentially go the route of Iran. While speaking to a group of European legislators about the unrest he outlined three different scenarios for Egypt, which has had relatively good relations with Israel since the two countries signed a peace treaty in 1979.
“First, Egyptians may choose to embrace the model of a secular reformist state with a prominent role for the military,”
“A second possibility, that the Islamists exploit their influence to take the country into a reverse direction.”
“The third possibility is that Egypt go the way of Iran, “where calls for progress will be silenced by a dark and violent despotism.”

Netanyahu said he expects any new Egyptian government to keep the peace treaty with Israel, as it has served both countries – and the entire region – well.

There’s also the fact that the army, which now rules Egypt, trusts the Islamic Brotherhood more than the secular-democrats. Elijah Zarwan, an ICG expert, recently said there was “evidence the Brotherhood struck some kind of a deal with the military.” This makes perfect sense, if you consider the Brotherhood can deliver peace on the streets. It has been a close ally of the military establishment that rules Egypt. Essam Sharaf, Egypt’s new prime minister, thus made a speech in Tahrir Square with the Brotherhood leader Mohammad el-Beltagi standing by his side.

A first indication on which direction Egypt will move is shown by Egypt Air as it has dropped Tel Aviv from their travel schedule. Thus, it seems, that Egypt is being captured by Iran and all the rest of the Middle East is facing uprisings.

For the Israeli Prime Minister the biggest problem at the moment isn’t Egypt. “The greatest threat facing the world today is the possibility that a militant Islamic regime will meet up with nuclear weapons and that nuclear weapons will meet up with a militant Islamic regime,” he said. “The first is called Iran. The second is called Pakistan.”

Israel’s government is, predictably enough, irate. A spokesperson retorted: “voices in Egypt are being heard calling for a freeze or cancellation of the 30-year old peace agreement with Israel. This talk is obviously a cause for concern.” The great diplomatic art of textual obscurity skillfully hides what the fight is about: the prospect of an Islamist takeover in Egypt, and what the West should do about it

Islamic Brotherhood
The proposition that Israel can be optimistic about the Brotherhood would be more persuasive if it wasn’t for the plain words of the Brothers themselves. The organization’s draft 2007 platform – no text of the final document seems available – bars women and non-Muslims from becoming president of Egypt. It calls for the reexamination of the peace treaty with Israel and the installation of a religion-based constitutional order.

First, the 180-page draft proposes the reestablishment of the Supreme Council of Clerics, to whose decision the president and the legislative branch must defer on issues of Islamic shari`a. Second, it states that women and non-Muslims are barred from serving as president of Egypt; and third, it stipulates that international agreements signed by past governments - including the 1979 Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty - are to be reexamined and brought to a public referendum.

However, despite the criticism of the movement from within and from without, they appear to be insisting on retaining the controversial clauses. Responding to the criticism, they stated that the Supreme Council of Clerics was meant to be an advisory body only, aimed at ensuring the implementation of the shari'a as demanded by the Egyptian constitution. They stated further that the clause relating to the presidency was based on an interpretation of the religious sources and would therefore remain as it was, and that international law permitted a public referendum on the peace treaty with Israel.

The USA seems boxed in as it is unable to maintain any semblance of order in the Middle East and as the state of Israel is being surrounded by enemies and Iran is poised to become the leading power in the Middle East.

In the game of world chess this places the USA in the position of being “in check.” In the far east with Japan, the former third largest economic power, now on the ropes from the earthquake and tsunami that leaves China, the worlds second largest economy, as now the big boy on the block.

The plate of the USA is completely full and overflowing and it is now struggling with its economy--one more crisis that it cannot handle seems could be “check mate.”

Middle East
As fighting continues to accelerate in the Middle East this is all bad news for the state of Israel* who are now surrounded by nations that are now in civil chaos or civil war or headed in that direction. The new governments will probably be extremely hostile Islamic nations bent on the destruction of the Jewish people.
*Their true Biblical name is Judah as Israel is living elsewhere in the world.

Much of this world would probably respond that destruction of the Jewish people would be an okay thing to do. However, the remainder of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel are now full grown nations and Ezekiel chapters 4 and 5 give a very dire warning.

In Scripture the House of Jacob is made of the House of Israel and the House of Judah. Both Houses have been very sinful against their SOVEREIGN. Thus in Ezekiel 4 and 5 He states that Jerusalem will fall to an enemy and from there a fire will spread through all of Israel*.
* If you are unsure who Israel is please read our article at:

Since this tragic situation is coming upon us because of our sin and total disregard for our ETERNAL SOVEREIGN CREATOR and His Covenant it appears to me that we should also consider reconciliation with our CREATOR. Even now it is probably too late for the nation to turn to our SOVEREIGN, but it is not too late for personal reconciliation or repentance. However, the time is coming that He cannot be found (Isaiah 55:6).

How can you know what we have said in our literature is true? To prove it one way or the other, you must study to find the answers in the Hebrew Scriptures. It is the first book in what is called the Bible.

Wake Up America! Wake Up Britain! Wake Up Judah! The Tribes of Israel, both Houses of Israel MUST Wake up! It is much later than you think! Even now the ancient land of Judea is flirting with total disaster.

Begin now to obey the Supreme Being and His written Word--not the word of some human being no matter how much you esteem him. This is for both you and your family. In addition, no man dead or alive can save us. However, repentance to the Great Mighty One, the ETERNAL SOVEREIGN, is the only action that will save us (Isaiah 43:25-26; Psalm 51:4). Check out what a wonderful blessing is in store for those who turn and follow our SOVEREIGN.

The nations of Israel are the only nations in the world that allow same-sex marriages. As in the days of Noah violence and crime are almost out of control. Illegal immigrants are streaming over our borders. Their are gang rapes in public places and no one even calls the police, they just stand around and watch. How very sick this country is.

[This Scripture is history] Ezekiel 20:16-19 (paraphrased) The entire House of Israel rebelled against their SOVEREIGN, polluted His Sabbaths, and did not live by His statues and judgements. Then ETERNAL said that He would pour out His fury on them in the wilderness, but instead He listened to Moses and put off the time of His fury until the latter days. However, ETERNAL made an oath there in the wilderness that He would scatter Israel and disperse them among the nations and later send fury.

[This Scripture is prophecy] Ezekiel 20:21-23* Notwithstanding, the children rebelled against Me; they did not walk in My statues, and were not careful to observe My judgments, which, if a man does, he shall live by them; but they profaned My Sabbaths. Then I said I would pour out My fury on them and fulfill My anger against them in the wilderness. Nevertheless I withdrew My hand and acted for My Name’s sake, that it should not be profaned in the sight of the Gentiles, in whose sight I brought them out. Also, I lifted My hand in an oath to those in the wilderness, that I would scatter them among the Gentiles and disperse them throughout the countries.
* Unless noted all Scripture if from the New Kings James Version and all emphasis is the author’s.

So why is Ezekiel 20: prophecy and not history? The text of Ezekiel speaks of Judah and Israel as separate, which indeed they are as they separated after the death of King Solomon. Therefore, when the Scripture speaks about both Judah and Israel being taken into captivity together, it could only be after 1948 when the Jews gained their own land. Since Judah and Israel have not yet been taken into captivity since 1948, therefore, this is prophecy!*
*Read our article “Reuniting the Tribes of Israel” at < >.

So as nations of Israel, why would the SOVEREIGN bring our nations down to the pit? For starters we do not even keep the first four of the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20). He chose us to be a nation of priests (Exodus 19:6) not a nation of harlots, druggies, thieves, and murderers.

Why Will Britain and America be Punished?
The reason is plain, but you will not like the answer, as it has to do with wooden images with a figurine on them. To begin with, the SOVEREIGN, the ETERNAL CREATOR is a single Being, One not three. Therefore, He demands that we worship Him in a monotheistic manner not the polytheistic manner such as a trin~ity or twin~ity--made of a godhead of two or more beings.

Deuteronomy 6:4. Hear, O Israel: the SOVEREIGN our SOVEREIGN, ETERNAL is One! [How many? One!] and you shall love ETERNAL your SOVEREIGN with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.”

Folks we just do not do that. We worship a savior on a wooden cross! We worship idols symbolized by steeples, churches, and books other than the Hebrew SCRIPTURES. However, the Mighty One states that He is our only Savior** and there is no other. The book of Isaiah is said to contain the most references to the Mashiach (Messiah), so we will cover two and give the reference-note for others. Before you get riled up, look around--America and Britain are being punished not blessed. We are in the Time of Jacob’s Trouble.
**Also see Psalms 106:21; Isaiah 41:13-14; 43:1,10-11; 45:15,21; 47:4; 49:26; 54:5; 60:16; 63:8; Jeremiah 14:7-8; Hosea 13:4.

Isaiah 43:3. “For I am ETERNAL your SOVEREIGN the Holy One of Israel, your Savior; I gave Egypt for your ransom, Ethiopia and Seba in your place.”
…43:11. I, even I, am ETERNAL, and besides Me there is no Savior.

Why Will the Jewish People be Punished?
What I have to say are hard words, they are not smooth to the ear, but please read on. For the Jewish people to have peace with their neighbors they must, as a whole, repent bitterly as their ancestor, King David did in Psalm 51. However, you might ask, “What do the Jews have to repent of?”

For starters, not only failing to nationally keep the Sabbath as the Hebrew Scriptures proclaim, but they must turn from the words of men and their tradition, Seek out the Word of the SOVEREIGN in the Scriptures (Exodus 24:7), and nationally put their faith in Him. How does one do that? Obey only ETERNAL's words from the Tanakh, especially the Torah and obey it exactly. The Tanakh is not way off somewhere (Deuteronomy 30:11-16; Isaiah 45:19; 48:16) or so mysterious that they cannot keep it. It is plainly written and does not need interpretation or explanation--so even the average person can read it and understand it. Note: what it says is what it says and in addition, what it says is exactly what it means.

DO NOT obey the words of extra books or writings such as the Talmud, Mishnah, Koran, and the New Testament that conflict with the Hebrew Scriptures (OT). DO NOT obey the “oral traditions” or any words of men such as rabbis, sages, or popes that conflict with Torah (Tanakh). In addition, do not engage in the mysticism of Kabbala.

The Jews might say that they have to follow “their heritage or traditions.” To see where their heritage and tradition is taking Jerusalem, check out the prophecies of Ezekiel 4 & 5 and Isaiah about Judah. Their heritage is taking them, along with all of Israel, to utter destruction and desolation.

One last thing, DO NOT try to reinstate sacrifices (Leviticus 17:2-9; Deuteronomy 12:13-14, 16:5-6; Joshua 22:19) or try to build the third Temple as these are things the Mashiach* will do after his Advent (Zechariah 6:12-13).

Please pay attention to these messages because the very near future is fearfully bleak. Always remember that we can stand on Psalm 91; please read it.
By: Charles J. Voss