miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2009

By: J.N.Robles Olarte
The Greek word STAURUS simply meant a stake. The historian Lipoius named it like “a simple upright stake”. Was rendered by the Catholic translator Jerome into the Latin word CRUX in his Latin Vulgate. Jerome was perpetuating the tradition of his church which had accepted the gods of their pagan converts.
Homer used, in his Greek classic, the word STAURUS of and ordinary pole, or a single piece of timber.
The death of Nimrod by hand of his mother-wife-sister occurred on a cross 2000 years before the supposed dead of Jesus Christ. That was the reason why the first century church did not, as Eternal Creator forbids, make any image, or venerate any object as sacred. That customs was in use among “Christian” only and until the 4th or 5th centuries.
When the cross, or phallus, were erected in the earth they represented the sexual organs of both male and female duties where the oval circle was the female organ within the cross section of the TAU or Celtic Cross like it´s known!
The supposed death and sacrifice of the Christian Jesus who, symbolically, scattered his body among his believers in the Passover command “take and eat, this is my body” it is not but a remembrance of the historical dead of Nimrod and the scattering of his dismembered body as a sacrifice for the “sins of the world”.
“The pagan Aztecs, before the coming of the Spaniards, had a communion composed of corn flour and blood, which they ate in sorrow for the sacrifice of their “savior god” who died on the cross too”.
“History of the Conquest of Mexico” by W.H Prescott
What we can see now in the Christianity is the “perfect” syncretism of the pagan custom where ISIS, or Mary, is finally reigning as supreme as the mother-goddes of Rome and HORUS the son of MITHRA known, between the Druids of Ireland, like HESUS, or the “savior” son, or the Jesus we have known within Christianity.
The medieval conception of the Jews as devil is, today, a myth that still exist in transmuted form between many peoples in all Europe. But that thinking is not but the by product AB INITIO of the plot of Lucifer, or Satan, to cloud its more inner purpose to displace the choosed Hebrew people and replace them with itself like the new elected of Eternal, masquerading after the title of Christianity. The anti-Jewish prejudice is older and more extensive than Christianity and date since the same creation because Lucifer or Satan know perfectly its fate and Eternal´s Plan for the mankind though his choosed people: the Hebrews!
The study between the Jews was considered, in ancient times, to be one of the highest forms of worship and was pursued both day and night as well as on the Sabbaths and Holydays.
Dr. Ron Manley
Looking at the New Testament, “they are narratives in which legend is rationalized and posses for authentic history, in which history is made the pendant of legend, or viceversa “
Joshua Trachttenberg.
“The truth always is strange, more strange than the same fiction.”
Lord Byron
Nekamah Bealim Adonai ¡
Que caiga la justicia del Creador!
Coming on us the Eternal´s justice!
Those who sacrifices their children or another man act for an inveterate custom as often as powerful like the nature itself!
The natural instinct of the carnal mind is to want to put one´s self above other people. This is the attitude from where the world´s form of self esteem comes . It is a false form of self respect.
The majority of the Jews, who were, historically, quite “orthodox” would never have sucumbe¡to0 the pagan superstitions of Christianity in light of their own knowledge of the “Faith of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob”
Characteristics of Pagan gods:
ATTYS =Saviour or the Only Begotten Son
OSIRIS & TAMMUZ =the Good Shepherd
SORAPIS = Lord of Death & King of Glory
MITHRA & HERACLES = the sun of Righteousness
HELIOS, = Rising Sun
DIONYSUS =King of Kings
HERMES =Logos, Enlightened One
VISSNU & MITRA = Son of Man, Messiah
ADONIS = Lord & Bridegroom
MOT- ALEYIN = the Lamb of God
BUDDHA = Great Physician
SERAPIS = the Healer of the world
ZORASTER =the Healer of the world
BACHIO = the Healer of the world
HORUS = the Healer of the world
MARDUK =Logos, Creator of heaven and Earth, the Merciful One, Life Giver
BACHUS = Christos, Sun God of Wine
KHRISNA = Saviour God
POSEIDON = God of the Sea who walk across the surface of the water.
Simply make no sense that Jesus performed “signs” at the sight of only a handful of men when the real Mashiach, choosed by Eternal, will come to all twelve Tribes of Israel.
Where, in Old Testament books, can we find a prophecy that tell and teach us we must eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Mashiach?
Really, the sacrifice of the Passover Lamb, which is equated with Jews, was not and is not a sin offering. The Passover itself was instituted by our Eternal Creator – YHWH or Elohim – forever and no man has the right to abrogate it and institute another command: the abominable substitution of drinking blood and eat human flesh.
The truth of Prophecy was and is that that the Mashiach will come only to the Israelites -Jews included- and not to the gentiles!
Mathew 23:35 = Zachariah is called there “son of Barachiah”
2 Chronicle 24:20-21 =Zachariah is son of Jehoidah
Mark 2:25-26 = David ate the slowbread when Abiatar was High Priest
1 Samuel 21:2 = The High Priest was Ahimelech really
1 Samuel 22:18 = Abiathar is son of Ahimelech
Luke 2:4-5 = Bethlehem, the city of David
2 Samuel 5:6-7 = Jerusalem, Zion City or City of David, really
Acts 7:14 = speak about 75 souls
Genesis 46:27 = speak about 70 only
1 Corinthians 10:8 = speak about 23000 souls
Numbers 25:9 = speak about 240000 souls
Galatians 3:16 = speak about “Thy seed”
Genesis 13:16 = speak about “your offspring as the dust” (see, too, Genesis 15:13, 26:4 and 22:17)
Hebrew 9:19-20 = Moses sprinkled both the people and the book of Covenant.
Exodus 24:6-8 = Moses sprinkled, ONLY, the people
Hebrew 11:21 = we find here Joseph leaning upon the head of his staff
Genesis 47:31 = Joseph bowed himself upon the head of his bed
Blind faith is a disastrous state for any human being to be in!
The truth of Eternal Creator was revealed only to the children of Israel, and it would be through these people that salvation would come to the rest of the world!
Eternal Creator is not mocked !
When one goes to the source of the Old Testament, the Holy Scriptures really, and read what is written there, without bids, the claims of Christianity, the plain truth will not coincide. Why? Because the named N.T. has been forged by false fathers of the early church who were not Hebrews but pagans!
The Holy Scriptures of Israel will provide us the undeniable evidence of the dishonesty of the early church fathers. These writings has been preserved specifically for the Twelve Tribes of Israel in this end times, and will reveal the words of Elohim.

martes, 29 de septiembre de 2009

By:J.N.Robles Olarte
A fundamental theology of the Old Testament is the fact that Eternal Creator (YHWH) is not dealing with the whole world! That is because His truths were revealed only to the children of Israel and would be through this people that salvation would comes a reality to the rest of nations. And it is ridiculous think that Eternal would go against His word, robs the Israelites, give everything over the gentiles, when He says that He does not change.
The Israelite Ha-Mashiah was never supposed to die for the sins of Israel. Psalms 22 and Isaiah 53 have been misused for that purpose!
Eternal Creator, as the creator of all, does not dwell in the created!
The Holy Scriptures or Tanakh has been disdainfully dubbed like the “Old” Testament and it has been replaced with a false one called “New” Testament or Covenant. That “new” covenant is with death!
The Tribe of Judah, or Jews, are the one people who have kept intact the word of Eternal Creator.
The false apostle Paul was the ideologist and architect of the most amazing hybrid religion of Hellenism and Judaism we know today as Christianity!
The only divinity taught in the Holy Scriptures of Israel is YHWH or the Elohim of Abraham!
Eternal Creator implores the children of Israel, His children, to return to Him, not to some man who has supplanted the Elohim of Israel.
The Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is not a man, but the Creator of all the cosmos of our universe!
We never must forget the divine declaration: “Then all that honour Me, I will honour, and they that despise Me shall be lightly esteemed”
When Christianity was coming “into its own”, was in a world dominated by pagans Platonic thoughts!
The “Holy Spirit” is not a divine person but a power proceeding from Eternal Creator which gives life , bestows strength, illuminates and impels us towards the good!
The plurality within a UNIQUE Creator is not healthy!
One of the “Church´s Fathers” who first used the term TRINITY was the so called Tertullian. Was, then when the men, in the East, began to speak of the TRIAPOSOPA or THREE PERSONS
The Hebrew Scriptures and not FAITH is the truth because the wisdom of men is not reliable or certain at all!
In the marriage between Christianity and Paganism, the former gave up its character and the later its name!
Phillip Schaff
Was a curious Babylonian habit of giving numbers as well as names to their gods, or rather identifying certain numbers with certain divinities.
Between us, the humand kind, there is not the umpolluted good or the absolute evils!
The Catholic priest and writer, Dr.John Sullivan, sums up the modern day minister´s total ignorance of the origins of their religion and comments that “it is curious that between the heathen the cross tipify earthly life, and among the Christian denotes spiritual and eternal life.
The enmendations in the Holy Scriptures made by the sopherim or scribes were carried out believing the name YHWH should not be used in certain contexts but they kept meticulous records of those changes or alterations of the text with the honest, but wrong, purpose that future generations would know where they had made those changes, that in total are 26!
The cross was the symbol of worship of the highest antiquity in Egypt and Syria. The rites they used with the cross ressemble those of communion and baptism and were practiced by pagan nations. In reality the cross was the signal that Eternal put in Cain when he kills his brother Abel.
Crucifixion is credited by many histories as having been devised in Babylon and Assyria and credited its inventions as a form of execution by Semiramis.

viernes, 4 de septiembre de 2009

Por Charles J. Voss
Por supuesto que has oído acerca de mí, pero nunca me has visto. Aún así, la tierra misma está llena de las obras de mi mano, de las que estoy muy orgullosa. Me encuentro llena de orgullo por lo que he hecho.

“Al cielo voy a subir…y me sentaré en el Monte de la Reunión, en el extremo del norte; subiré a las alturas del nublado, me asemejaré al Altísimo.”(Isaías 14:12-17). Se ha dicho de mí, “¡O , si eres más sabia que Daniel¿ Ningún sabio es semejante a ti. Con tu sabiduría y tu inteligencia te has hecho una fortuna, has amontonado oro y plata en tus tesoros; por tu gran sabiduría y tu comercio has multiplicado tu fortuna “(Ezequiel 28:3-.5)
“Ante mi palabra el mundo tiembla y los reinos se estremecen. Mi nombre in Hebreo es Heylel que significa “Lucero, hija de la Aurora” (Isaías 14: 12)
Naciones enteras, oh habitantes de la tierra, me han adorado y se han postrado ante mis símbolos desde los tiempos del Jardín del Edén. Me rio con orgullo cuando vuestros padres, Adan y Eva, trataron de esconder su pecado, tratando de esconderlo tras una hoja de parra..
Vuestros pueblos y naciones se han embarcado en ritos religiosos , tras embriagantes orgías, que conllevan todo tipo de perversiones sexuales en la medida que habéis pervertido las leyes de mi adversario, El Shaddai.. He estado inmensamente complacida por vuestras acciones en la medida que obedecéis mi voz; y es así como honráis mi gran nombre y no aquél de vuestro Creador.
Vosotros, pueblos todos, habéis sacrificado a vuestros hijos al fuego para poder ganar mi favor, y honrarme e incrementar mi gloria. Vuestra tierra se ha plagado de guerras y rumores de guerra entre tanto que guerreáis y peleáis y matáis, unos con otros, en mi nombre, honrándome con ello.
A todo lo largo de vuestra historia, sólo la Tribu de Judá ha tratado de preservar la defectuosa palabra de mi adversario, el SOBERANO y Creador de Israel. Los pueblos de mi verdadera religión han hecho verter millones de galones de sangre de Judíos a todo lo largo de los siglos. He hecho posible que el mundo odie a los Judaizantes que no honran mi día. He conducido a vuestro mundo a que tenga guerras y me sonreí cuando fueron muertos casi seis millones de ésta escoria que fueron exterminados en los campos de muerte. Me he deleitado cuando fueron llevados como corderos al matadero, torturados y asesinados. Me llené de orgullo y gran gozo cuando oía los agonizantes quejidos y los horribles sufrimientos de aquéllos torturados llevados a la muerte. Me he complacido en ver el derramamiento de sangre que se ha sucedido en el transcurso de los siglos porque odio al ÚNICO CREADOR que ellos adoran. Esta escoria Judía, de la tierra, se ha negado a adorar mi día – el venerable día del sol - , el día Domingo.
He sido llamado “el dios de éste mundo quien ha cegado las mentes de aquéllos incrédulos” (2 Corintios 4:4) Puedes pensar, ahora, que me conoces y que sabes quien soy yo. Pero, creedme, cuando digo que yo soy “más astuto que cualquiera de todos los animales del campo del Eterno Creador” (Génesis 3:1)
Ahora, dejadme contaros acerca de mi contraparte religioso, “Jesús”. El Nuevo Testamento dice acerca de él que, “en quien tenemos la redención : el perdón de los pecados. Él es la imagen del Dios invisible. Primogénito de toda la creación” (Colosenses 1:14-15)
¿Acaso se ha asombrado al preguntarse usted mismo que, si él es inmortal, cómo es posible que pueda ser el primogénito de toda la creación?
Vosotros, los terrestres, le adoráis como el salvador de vuestro mundo. Los niños le cantan y adoran su nombre como si fuera el “lirio del valle, la refulgente estrella de la mañana” en vuestras iglesias los días Domingos, por las mañanas.
Veo la brillantez y luz que son su sello: “En ella - Heylel – estaba la vida y la vida era la luz de los hombres, y la luz brilla en las tinieblas, y las tinieblas la vencieron….La palabra - Heylel – era la luz verdadera que ilumina a todo hombre que viene a éste mundo.” (Juan 1:4 y 9)
“Jesús” fue creado “..siendo el resplandor de su gloria e impronta de su sustancia…después de llevar a cabo la purificación de los pecados, se sentó a la diestra de la Majestad en las alturas, con una superioridad sobre los otros ángeles tanto mayor cuanto más les supera en el nombre que ha heredado”(Hebreos 1: 3-4)
Acaso se ha asombrado en preguntarse que si “Jesús” vino a ser mejor que el resto de los ángeles, entonces él debió ser uno de ellos en el principio mismo de la creación?
O terrestres, yo los tengo asido como a un pez en una línea de pescar porque no sabéis quién soy yo¡ Así que ahora, humanos, yo les daré un indicio de cual es mi identidad. Está escrito acerca de mi: “Nosotros mismos escuchamos esta voz, venida del cielo, estando con el en el monte santo. Y es así como se nos hace más firme la palabra de los profetas, a la cuál hacéis bien en prestar atención, como a la lámpara que luce en lugar oscuro, hasta que despunte el dia y se levante en vuestros corazones el LUCERO DE LA MAÑANA” (2 Pedro 1:18-19)
“Porque vosotros tenéis una parte conmigo, Yo, la “Estrella del día” o “Estrella de la Mañana” habré de levantarme en vuestros corazones en la media que vosotros me deis vuestros corazones. Habéis sido enseñados que lo que únicamente necesitáis es creer que yo soy y que “la salvación es de todo aquél que cree” (Romanos 1: 16)
¿Quién soy yo? Yo soy el lirio del valle, la estrella brillante de la mañana. Me adoráis en vuestra ignorancia. Vosotros, terrestres, estáis inconscientes de mi poder y de mi astucia. Aunque yo he autografiado el final de mi Testamento, aún no entenderéis; y no creeréis aunque ahora mismo os diga quien soy yo.
Apocalipsis 22:16 nos dice: “Yo, Jesús, he enviado a mi ángel para daros testimonio de lo referente a las iglesias. Yo soy el Retoño y el descendiente de David, el Lucero Radiante del Alba.
Ved, pues, como os dije antes: Yo soy más astuto que cualquier otro animal del campo de nuestro Creador; por lo tanto, la mayoría de ustedes no habrán de creer quien soy aunque os haya dicho quien soy

Adaptación y traducción de su original en Ingles, elaborado por : J. N. Robles Olarte
Los datos Bíblicos se han tomado de la versión Católica Biblia de Jerusalén, edición de 1985.