lunes, 28 de junio de 2010


Porque te quiero es que Te amo
Déjame quererte sin reproches ni reclamos.
Eres mi presente y mi futuro incierto
Sé que hace mucho. Pero tú fuiste mi pasado

Te encontré tras haber vagado siglos
por entre la nube, la playa y el prado,
pisando descalza y vestida de blanco.

Déjame amarte como siempre te amé
Desde los siglos remotos en que tu alma
amó la mía, aunque ahora sea al revés.

En esa urdimbre de tiempos desacompasados
nos encontraremos en cuerpo y alma,
frente a frente. De mirada a mirada, ambos
nos reconoceremos en otra faz y otra piel.

No habrá nubes en el vasto horizonte
que enturbien tu mirada enamorada
donde impresa, portas mi imágen lozana
desde los tiempos perdidos en otro querer.

Ni tu memoria quedará atrapada en la mía
ni mi alma llorará jamás buscando la tuya
más allá de otros siglos en que ya nos amamos.

Esperaré todas las vidas que nos resten
Esperaré reencarnada en rosa, gata, mujer,
perla, volcán, pájaro o mariposa tornasolada.

Te amaré como madre, hermana, amiga...
Como amada esposa o perro fiel, yo te amaré.
Y por estar y sentirme siempre a tu lado, digo:

No existe adagio más lento que mi agónico... ¡TE AMARÉ!

Porque te quiero es que Te amo.
No pediré disculpas por amarte como te quiero,
ni por quererte menos que lo mucho que ya... ¡TE AMO!

Alicia Rosell©, 27 junio 2010.

domingo, 27 de junio de 2010

"Los Sentidos De Un Amoroso"

Deseoso d'ofreserle todo lo ke puediya,
Mi alma,mi rikeza i lo de la memorya miya.
En sus sonrizas,en sus lavyos una rosa kresiya,
Komo si fuera bolar en los sielos me paresiya.
Una sangre diferente en mi se enfloresiya,
Olvidava mi mundo, i mi ansya desparesiya...
Repetava su nombre kon un sonido de suspiro
Sentiya su kalor en mi korason en mi respiro.
Siempre estuve ambierto a sus sonrizas i kantes,
Bivo kon el deseo de ver sus kerensyas de antes...
Dio mio , el plaser del karinyo ke mos regalates
Los sentidos d'amor ke en el korason mos gravates,
Kon tus regalos divinos ke en la vida mos dates
iluminates nuestra bivyenta i mos prosperates.

Haim Vitali Sadacca

A Tribute to Tchaikovsky

RUSSIA -- Tchaikovsky - Sleeping Beauty - Waltz

jueves, 24 de junio de 2010

Dioses del Mundo
Los hechos que a continuación se transcriben son una muestra que las enseñanzas de las religiones del mundo se basan en principios y creencias paganas, casi todas ellas de origen babilónico :

Hubo muchos casos de nacimiento milagroso de dioses en la historia,antes del caso del Hombre de Galilea - Jesucristo.

También existen muchos otros casos de dioses que nacieron de madres vírgenes.

Muchos de estos dioses, como Cristo, con frecuencia nacieron un 25 de diciembre.

La venida de ellos al mundo, en la mayoría de los casos se afirma que fue anunciada por ” profetas “.

Las estrellas figuran en al nacimiento de algunos de ellos, como en el caso de Cristo.

También ángeles, pastores, y magos o “hombres sabios.”

Muchos de ellos afirman ser de descendencia real o divina.

Fueron amenazadas sus vidas en su infancia, por el gobernante del país de origen

Algunos dieron prueba temprana de divinidad.

Ayunaron alejados del mundo.

También declararon,” Mi reino no es de este mundo.”

Algunos predicaron una religión de carácter espiritual.

Y fueron “ungidos con aceite,”.

Muchos de ellos “fueron crucificados por los pecados del mundo.”

Y, después de tres días de ser enterrados,” subieron de los muertos.”

Y, finalmente, se ascendieron al cielo.

Se efectuaron fenómenos violentos en la naturaleza por la crucifixión de algunos de ellos.

Casi todos fueron llamados “ Salvador,” ” Hijo de Dios.” Mesías,” “ Redentor,” ” Señor,” etc.

Cada uno fue el segundo miembro de la trinidad constituida por el ” Padre, el Hijo y el Espíritu Santo.”

Las doctrinas de” Pecado Original,” ” Caída del Hombre,”" La Expiación,”" La Trinidad,”" La Palabra,” ” el Perdón,” ” Un Dios Iracundo.” El Castigo Interminable ” El futuro,” etc., etc. Fueron sólo una parte de la religión de cada uno de estos dioses que expiaban los pecados, como se afirma en varias de las biblias orientales y libros santos,” similar en el carácter y en espíritu a la biblia Cristiana, y escrito como esta, por ” doctrinas inspiradas por santos varones” antes del tiempo de Cristo o Moisés Todas estas doctrinas y declaraciones, y muchos otros aquí no enumeradas, como también citas históricas, demuestran que fueron enseñadas, como religión, varios siglos antes por naciones paganas orientales antes del Cristianismo.

El reto más grande es el afirmar que el Cristianismo es de emanación divina, o asumirle una paternidad divina especial a su autor. Por los hechos históricos aquí establecidos se demuestra que son falsas Ello se puede demostrar como se demuestra cualquier problema matemático. Y ninguna lógica ni sofisma puede poner estos hechos a un lado.

Más de 30 Deidades y creencias de este tipo de seres con el calificativo de “ divinidades” se han perpetuado en todo el mundo con sus propias credenciales, para disputar el veredicto del Cristianismo en proclamar a Jesucristo como ” el único hijo, y enviado de Dios”.

35 Mesías, Salvadores, e Hijos de Dios, según la historia o la tradición se consideraron, en tiempos pasados, como que descendieron del cielo tomando, en ellos, la forma humana, y ser ello una evidencia indiscutible de su origen divino. Todo lo anterior debido a sus variados milagros, trabajos maravillosos y grandes y, finalmente, tenemos a éstos estos 35 “dioses” (aceptando su carácter por lo que afirman sus creyentes) que establecieron los fundamentos para la “salvación del mundo” que, posteriormente, ascendieron a los cielos.



Éstos tienen honores divinos. Casi todos ellos jugaron el papel de Dioses, o hijos de Dios; fueron principalmente encarnados como Cristos, Salvadores, Mesías, o Mediadores. No pocos de ellos nacieron de madres vírgenes; algunos llenando un carácter casi idéntico al que se le atribuye en la biblia Cristiana a Jesucristo; muchos de ellos fueron crucificados. Y tomados en conjunto, forman un prototipo y modelo en los casos importantes de haber efectuado milagros maravillosos. Sus doctrinas y mandamientos, como los que encontramos en el Nuevo Testamento hacen el papel de Salvador. ¡En verdad con tantos Salvadores el mundo no se debiera perder!. ¡

Borodin In The Steppes of Central Asia - MYO Suffolk Principal Orchestra

Borodin In Central Asia

miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

""Resultado Del Ayudo"

Komo puedo saver su vida i su proveza?
Komo puedo saver su bivienta i su meza?
Vide sus manos del friyo eran deskoloradas,
Sus miradas abatidas,sus karas muy rozadas.
"Apiyadame,"diziya de tono vagarozo,
"Apiyada por salvar mi ninyo del dezrepozo."
Mi mirada se fikso en esta chika figura,
De sus ojos remarki su ambiertura segura.
Un dezespero kavesa enklinada,
Pensava a su ijo kerido i mas a nada....
Le ofresi dos lagrimas kon todo mi dinero,
Lavi mi alma i alivyani su dezespero.
Kuando me rekuerdo sus bendisiones me toka,
Kreyo ke mis deseos son kumplidos por su boka/
La "sedaka" es emprestar al todo poderozo,
El mos pagara dandomos una vida kon gozo.

Haim Vitali Sadacca

domingo, 20 de junio de 2010

A. Vivaldi: Amsterdam concerto for violin, strings & b.c. in C major (RV...

Los Inquisidores

El mundo está cubierto de piojos:
No hay palmo de tierra del que no chupen,
Ni secreto de alma que no acechen
Ni sueño que no muerdan ni perviertan.

En sus lomos peludos se divierten,
Siendo amenazas, todos los colores:
Los hay castaños, verdes, amarillos,
Los hay negros, rojos y grisáceos.

Y todos se encarnizan, comen todos,
Acordes y voraces en su intento
De dejar, como restos de banquete,
En el erial terrestre huesos mondos

José Saramago
Azinhaga, Portugal – 1922 - 2010
Poema a boca fechada

Não direi:
Que o silêncio me sufoca- e amordaça.
Calado estou, calado ficarei,
Pois que a língua que falo é doutra raça.

Palavras consumidas se acumulam,
Se represam, cisterna de águas mortas,
Ácidas mágoas em limos transformadas,
Vasa de fundo em que há raízes tortas.

Não direi:
Que nem sequer o esforço de as dizer merecem,
Palavras que não digam quanto sei
Neste retiro em que me não conhecem.

Nem só lodos se arrastam, nem só lamas,
Nem só animais boiam, mortos, medos,
Túrgidos frutos em cachos se entrelaçam
No negro poço de onde sobem dedos.

Só direi,
Crispadamente recolhido e mudo,
Que quem se cala quanto me calei
Não poderá morrer sem dizer tudo.

sábado, 19 de junio de 2010

"El Amor De Un Pintor"

Te huites a un riko,yo un pintor no famozo,
So un ombre infeliz dezesperado sin gozo.
Kon kolores mas kayentes dezeyi desinarte,
Nunka pensi en tela o en un karton pintarte.
Te gravi en mi korason,ize mi sinyatura,
A este kuadro ke refleta tu hermosura.
Me mata la kolor de sielo ke ay en tus miradas
Yenas kon dulsuras divinas estan dekoradas.
A esta hermosura luz divina kije darte,
Durante mi vida para pueder posesionarte.
Kon estos ojos lindos deseyo a ke mi mires
Estando aryento de mi,para ke me enspires...
A tus lavyos di la kayentura de tus sonrizas,
Dekori las miradas kon el gozo de tus rizas.
Pinti tus ojos,tu figura kon bivas kolores
Para no olvidar tus karesos,nuestros amores.
En toda mi vida dekoraras kon tu prezensya
Kayentaras mi alma,alargaras mi egzistensya.

Haim Vitali Sadacca


by Dov Yirmiya


I am one of the remaining veterans of the Haganah, who had served in the British Army and thereafter were among the initiators of the Ha'apala [illegal immigration] of Holocaust survivors, struggling with the forces of victorious Great Britain for the right to arrive at the shores of this country.

Its warships and soldiers, those who had just fought and defeated the worst of all enemies, went over to attacking with fury and hatred our cockleshell boats which set to this country from the shores of Italy, full of survivors of the Nazi hell. The warships chased after them, closed around them, sometimes actually crushing them - and shot at them, killing and wounding many of their passengers.

And now I have observed with horror and a broken heart the repetition of the same scenes – but with the roles reversed. It is the soldiers and sailors of the force which boasts of being the "Israeli Defense Forces" who are now the pursuers and killers. There is no limit to the disgrace, the cruelty and the hypocrisy which wrap our criminal acts with words of lie and malice.

I am depressed to the bottom of my heart ... how could we have fallen so low??? How did we become an unjust and cruel people, turning from persecuted to persecutor?

Yes! It could have been expected! For 19 years we have "contented ourselves" with a system of a military government over the Arab minority which remained with us after the War of Independence, dispossessing and discriminating them. There followed the 43 years of intoxicating nationalist bravado, which spread through our people like an addictive drug after our victory in 1967, which brought the Greater Israel movement to the power which it since then holds in Israel.

Our golden opportunity as victors, to make peace with the Palestinian people, vanished at once. The fascist Zionist regime, governing in the style of the Italian in North Africa, violent conquest and rapist settlement of the land of Palestine and its people… But with the latest move, the tragicomic charge of the ridiculous Zionist "armada" in an effort to tighten its stranglehold on an enclave of a million and half miserable Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, our arrogant little people have clearly gone too far.

The huge burden of injustice and mad villainy with which Sicarii Israel is loaded brings about quick disaster. Already in the foreseeable future it is about to finally destroy Israel's chances of survival. The "Mene Mene" of destruction is already inscribed in blood on our walls. Woe to our children, our grandchildren and great-grandchildren to whom we leave such a legacy...

Dov Yirmiya Nahariya

miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010

martes, 15 de junio de 2010


That ETERNAL is the CREATOR of the truth and is our ROCK?
Deuteronomy 32:2
What is the TRUH?
2 Kings 20:19, Psalms ll9:1521, Psalms 43:3.
The living know that they shall die and the dead know not anything?
Eccle. 9.5, Job 14:21, salms 146:4.
Who is our SAVIOR?
2 Sam 22:3, 2 Kings 13:5, Psalms 106:21, isa.43:3, 45:21, 49:28, 60:16, 63:8, Jer 14:14:8, Hosea 13:4/14.
Who is our ROCK?
Deut.32:4,15,18,30,31, 2 Sam 23:3.
Who is our MEDIATOR?
Isa 43:1/3, Isa 49:26.
CREATOR is El-Shadai or Elohim from old?
Ex. 6:3, isa 40:28.
CREATOR does not dwell in the created?
1 Kings 8:27.
Who is our REDEEMER?
Isa 48:17, 43:1/3,11, 45:15,21, 49:26, Deut 24:18.
Who is our ONLY ONE BEING?
Deut 4.35, 2 Sam. 7:22, Psalms 73:25.
That animals will be tamed?
Isa. 11:1/9, 65:25.
Exod.4:22, Hosea 11:1.
What NAME alone is ETERNAL?
Psalms 83:19
Deut.32:39, isa. 43:10.
That ETERNAL DOES NOT give his GLORY to another one?
Who is that that BLOT OUT our sins?
That ETERNAL does not change?
Malachi 3:6, Núm 23:19
The WAYS of ETERNAL are not our ways?
That there is a Time when ETERNAL can be found?
Who is that that saves us and forgives our sins?
Psalms 79:9
That there is NONE tan ETERNAL?
Deut.4:35m 2 San.7:22.
There is none other tHan ETERNAL?
Deut.4:35, 2 Samuel 7:22.
That the WICKED will not be burnt in a lake of fire for eternity?
Malachi 4:1/3, Obadiah 16, Zeph. 1:17/18, Psalms 97:3, 37:20,38.
The the FIRST day of the WEEK is mentioned ony one time in Hebrew Sscriptures?
Genesis 1:5.
What and when do you sin?
Exodus 32:30/33, 1 Kings 12:28/33, Amos 2:4.
That the SEVENTH day is the SHABBATH?
Genesis 2:1/3, Exo. 20:8, Deut. 5:7/22, Exo. 32:15/18
That every NEW DAY begins when the sun sets?
Gen. 1:16/18, Lev. 23:32.
That the NEW MOON is the FULL MOON?
Psalms 81:4/5.
That there is not someone that do not sin?
2 Chr. 6:36, Jer. 17:9, 1 Kings 8:46, Prov.20:9, Job 4:17/19, 14.4, Ps. 143:2, Job 9:2, Ps. 51:7, Job 15:14/16.
There is but ONE CREATOR?
Deut. 4:35,39, 6:4/8.
We must not ADD or TAKE OUT anything from the Creators´s words?
Deut. 4:2,6/8, 13:1, Prov.30:6.
That NO ONE has ascended to heaven and return down?
Proverbs 30:4.
That ETERNALS´words is pure?
Prov, 30:5
That fear of Eternal is the beginning of KNOWLEDGE?
Proverbs 1:7.
What is to HATE the EVIL?
Prov. 8:13
That the FOUNTAIN OF LIFE is the fear to Eternal and that prolongs our days?
Prov. 14:27.
If we reject HIS knowledge we will be rejected by Him?
Hosea 4:6, 2 Chro. 7:14.
There is ONLY ONE DIVINITY that can grants us triumph?
Isa. 56:6/7.
About the GATHERING promises to Israel?
Jer.31:10, Ezek. 34:28, Micah 4:4, Zeph. 3:13, isa..42:8/17, Ezek 20:41, Zeph. 3:15, Deut. 30:9, Jer. 32:41, Isa.62:5, Zeph. 3:17, Ezek. 36:24/26, 39:29.
That ETERNAL will makes the peoples pure of speech?
Zeph. 3:9.
That the things of today shall not be remembered and never shall come to mind?
Isa. 65:17.
That ETERNAL prohibits consuming blood?
Lev. 17:11/12.
That ETERNAL cleans us with water and not with the shed blood of any man?
Ezek 36:24/37.
That there are MANY forms of ATONEMENTS?
Num.16:46/49, Ex.30:15/16, lev.17/11, 5:17, Num.31:50.
Tha SACRIFICES does NOT HELP for sins done intentionally?
Leviticus 17:11.
That SACRIFICES must be done by LEVITES PRIESTS, descendants of Aaron?
Leviticus 22:19/21.
That ETERNAL values those WHO FEAR HIM?
Psalms 147:11.
Tha PASSOVER SACRIFICE do not serve like ATONEMENTS for sins?
Exodus 12:12/13.
That every man will die for his own sins?
Deut. 24:16, Jer. 31:30, Ezek.18:20, Prov. 17:15, Ps. 49.7, Ezek 14:52, 2 Kings 14:6.
That ETERNAL sees the heart and not the visible of men?
1 Sam. 16:7.
That the departure of the GLORY of ETERNAL from the Temple i sor mark the end of the Theocratic Kingdom?
Ezek 9:3, 10:4, 10:18, 11:23.
That ETERNAL´S Glory will return anew when His Kingdom being established?
Ezek 43:1/7, Zech. 14:14.
That every person that sins againts HIM will be blotted out of His Book of Life?
Exodus 32:33.
What happens to the person THAT EAT PORK?
Isa. 65:1/5, 66:17.
That the Hebrew Scriptures speaks seriously about the New Covenant and that is so different to that of the New testament?
Isaiah, chapters 30 to 31, & Ezekiel, chapters 36 to 39.
About the downfall and extermination of the People of Israel?
Isaiah 10:22/23.
That Israel and Judah will be saved and dwell secure in the next future?
Jere. 33:6/8,16, isa.45:17.
That the MASHIACH is DAVID the King?
1 Sam.16:12713, 2 Sam.5:17, 12:7, 23:1, 1 Chr. 11:3, 14:8, 16:22, Ps. 89:20/37, 89:4, Isa.11:1/16, 12:1/6.
Isa. 47:4.
That a REDEEMER is like an INSTRUCTOR?
That the MISFORTUNE of ISRAEL was prophesied?
What were the TERMS of the COVENANT with the men of Judah, Jerusalem and Israel?
Jer. 11:1/10.
That DAVID will be the ONLY one SHEPHERD of Eternal?
Ezek. 37:24, 34:23, Jer. 30:8/10, Micah 5:1/3.
That ETERNAL does not like to DESTROY?
Hosea 11:9.
That ETERNAL is in the midst of Israel?
Joel 3:27.
That ETERNAL is gracious and compassionate?
Joel 2:13, 19.
That, after ALL be restablished. Eternal will pour of HIS SPIRIT?
Joel 3:1.
That ETERNAL shall dwell in Sion?
Joel 4:21.
That ETERNAL wishes that we all may reach to love and know HIM?
Hosea 6:6.
That the dead will awake when a NEW heaven and earth be created by Eternal?
Job 143:12, Isaiah 65:17.
That no man or woman can be cleared of guilt or being in the right?
Job 15:14/15
That in the HEBREW SCRIPTURES you will find more and much more about HIMSELF, about His promises and blessing will make of us ALL FREE?
Read them, please, and you will find there, and only there, the PLAIN TRUTH!

Compilation made by Jorge N Robles Olarte. Medellín, December 2001.

lunes, 14 de junio de 2010


By J.N.Robles Olarte

There is a Christian teaching that say, “people who have not faith can not understand”, and many have believed that is the truth. In our Hebrew Scripcture –the Old Testament- we can find two references abou the word “faith”. They are in Deuteronomy 32:20 and Habakkuk 2:4.
The first one comes from the Strong´s Word H-29 and it is defined with these wpords, “EUWM” (hay.moon) from H-539, i.e.(fig) trusty, also (abst.) trustworthiness: faith (.ful)m truth”. About the Word H-539, “AMAN” (, a prim root, prop. to build up or support, to foster…to be certain or believe”.
The second word comes from Strong´s H-530 word and defined, “EMUWNAH” (em-oo-naw), or shoRt “EMUNAH” (em-oo-naw), femenine of H-529, lit. firmness,,…estability, steady, truly, truth, verely.”
What Deut. 32:20 says is about the behaviour of Hebrew people, that “..see what happens to them! For they are a stuborn, faithless generation.”(TLB) It is speaking about the lacking of trusty of Hebrews, that they do not beleived Eternal´s word.
In Habakkuk 2:4 we read, “Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in Him: but the just shall live by his faoth,”(KJV). Habakkuk is speaking about the fidelity of the Hebrews and not of a “faith” without any support in Eternal´s Word. He speaks about the firmness that His people do not handle, and of a void faioth.
The book of Habakkuk was wroted in the sixth century BCE, shortly before tha babylonians destroyed Judah adn the temple were a mess. In that teime the priests were not dsoing like Eternal dicatates do and the people were worshiping other gods. Was the time when the wiorshiping of many “ba´als” Eternal decide send His peple to captivity and exile, the same that now we can see around in these end times, and His Gloery departed fro the Temple just before its destruction. The Glory will return to jerusalem in the millenea period. Since then no Temple in Jerusalem has been builded or knows the presence of the Glory of Eternal since 586 BCE.
You can read those news in Ezekiel 9:3, 10:4 y 11:23.(1)
Why I do say that ? Because now many Christian groups assert that Habakkuk is a prophecy that they are fulfilling ir ¡ If you read the Hebrew Scriptures with the sincere desire to learn Eternal´s words you will find another perpective. The real one! There you will know that since the same begining the Hebrew peoples has been of stiff-necked and that has been the reason we do live in a world of big problems and infringements.
Let us read what Habakkuk have for us:
HABAKKUK 1:1-5.-“The pronouncement made by the prophet Habakkuk: how long, O Eternal, shall I cry out, and YOU not listen, shall I shout to YOU, “violence!”, AND You not save? Why do YOU make me see iniquity, why do YOU look upon wrong? Raiding and violence are before me, strife continues and contention goes on. That is why decisión fails, and justice never emerges; for the villain hedges in the just man – therefore judgment emerges deformed. Look among the nations, observe well and be utterly astounded; for a work is BEING WROUGHT in your days which you WOULD NOT believe if it were told.”(2)
Eternals has used always peoples to punish His hebrew nation. One of them are the Chaldeans. Here, in these past few verses, Habakkuk is speaking of the Chaldean punishment and think they are doing the best.
Let us continue:
HAB.1:6/11. “For lo. I AM raising up the Chaldean, that fierce, impetuous nation, who cross the earth´s wide spaces to seize homes not their own. They are terrible, dreadful; they make their own laws and rules. Their horses are swifter that leopards, fleeter than wolves of the steppe, their stedds gallop their steeds come flying from afar. Like vultures rushing toward food, they all come, bent in rapine. The thrust of their van is forward, and the amass captives like sand. Kings they hold in desirion, and p´rincess are a joke to them; they laugh at every fortress, they pile up earth and capture it. Then they pass on like the wind, they transgress and incur guilt, for they ascribe their night to their god.”
There you can see it clearly! Chaldean thiinked that their god gave them their might and success! They were wrong at all! Babylon is gone, only what we have is ihis history. The same will happen in the next days of our future.
What we see in our countries is something terrific, atrocious: they have defiled the Ten Commandments and the Laws, Precepts and Statutes of Almighty One! There is not fear of HIM because they say He is dead and have take another false god to worship. Repetition of the human history!!
HAB. 1:12/17. “Your, oh Eternal, are from everlasting, my Holy SOVEREIGN…WE NEVER DIE. O Eternal, You have made them a subject of contention; O Rock, You have made them a cause for complaint. You whose eyes are so pure to look upon evil, who cannot countenace wrongdoing, why do You countenance treachery, and stand by iddle while the one in the wrong devours the one in the right? YOU have made mankind like the fish of the sea, like creeping things that have no rulers. He has fished them all up with a line, pulled them up in his trwal, and gathered them in his net. That is why he rejoices and is glad. That is why he sacrifices to his trwal and makes offering to his net; for through them his portion is rich and his nourishment fat.. Shall he kepps emptying his trawl, and slaying nations without pity?”.
Hdere we have the history of the enemies of the Hebrew people. In truth we read the same in Psalms 83:4 these words, “They plot CRAFTLY against Your people, take counsel againts Your treassured ones. They say , Let us wipe them out as a nation; Israel´s namre will be mentioned no more”
Yes, the nations has been unanimous in their counsel to destroy the Hebrew peole and their faith, and replace them by another false. But it is Eternal WHO handle ALL in this Cosmos of universes, and you can be for sure that He will not gives His Glory to another and that He will complete all His work!
HAB.2:1/4. “I will stand on my watch, take up my station at the post, and wait to see what He will say to me, what He will reply to my complaints. The Eternal answered me and said: Write the prophecy down,. Inscribe it CLEARLY on tablets, so that it can be read EASILY. For there is yet a prophecy for a set term, a truthful witness for a time that will come-. Even if it tarries, WAIT FOR IT still; for it will surely come, without delay. Lo, his spiriti within him is puffed up, not upright, BUT THE RIGHTEOUS MAN IS REWARDED WITH LIFE for his FIDELITY.”
Here Habakkuk speaks about what he is going to do in regard to Eternal´s orders and commandments! His personal fear and gratitude and love is so great that we must emulate his example. We must not forget that our reward for our fidelity to Him will be LIFE, Eternal Life, NOR DEAD ¡
HAB.2:5/8. “How much less then shall the defiant go unpunished, the treacherous, arrogant man who has made his maw as wide as sheol, who is as insatiable as dead, who has harvested all the nations and gathered in all the peoples! Surely all these shall pronounce a satire against him, a pointed epigram concerning him. They shall say: Ah, you who pile up what is not yours . how much longer? . and make ever heavier your load of indebtness! Right, sudenly will your creditors arise, and those who remind you will awake, and you will be despoiled by them. Because you plundered many nations, all surviving peoples shall plunder you - for crimes against men and wrongs against lands, against cities and all their inhabitants.”
These are the CURSES that will befall over all the nations that have plundered other nations and peoples, and giving them bad examples forgetting Eternal Creator ¡
HABA.2:9/13. “Ah, you who have adquired gains to the detriment of your own House, who are destroyed many peoples in order to set your nest on high tos cape disaster! You have plotted shame for your own house, and guilt for yourself; for a Stone shall cry out from the wall (peopkle says that walls has ears!) , and a Rafter shall answer it from woodworst.. Ah, you who have built a town with crime, and established a city with infamy, so that peopes have had to toil for the fires, and nations to weary themsleves for naught!”
Yes, what we have in our cities are fraud, violence, crimes, infamies and things we can not imagine. Our governors gives order to invade other natiuons, restrict the civil rights, foresee the esstablishment of internmet camp or centers or relocations camps and the suspensión of the national constitutions, etc.etc. Those are the simpe reason that Eternal is punishing His loved People: because they have been forgetting HIM ¡
HAB.2:14. “For he earth SHALL BE FILLED with awe for the GLORY of Eternal as water COVERS THE SEA.”
Here we have good news from our Almighty One that He will fulfill in these end.times that will be a reality ¡
Let us continue,
HAB.2:15/17. “Ah, you who make others to intoxication as you pour out your wrath, in order to gaze upon their nakedness! You shall be sated with shame rather that glory: Drink in your turn and stagged! The cup in the right hand of ETERNAL CREATOR shall come around to you, and disgrace to your glory nakedness! You shall be sated with shame rather that glory: Drink in your turn and stagged! The cup in the right hand of ETERNAL CREATOR shall come around to you, and disgrace to your glory nakedness! You shall be sated with shame rather that glory: Drink in your turn and stagged! The cup in the right hand of ETERNAL CREATOR shall come around to you, and disgrace to your glory nakedness! You shall be sated with shame rather that glory: Drink in your turn and stagged! The cup in the right hand of ETERNAL CREATOR shall come around to you, and disgrace to your glory nakedness! You shall be sated with shame rather that glory: Drink in your turn and stagged! The cup in the right hand of ETERNAL CREATOR shall come around to you, and disgrace to your glory nakedness! You shall be sated with shame rather that glory: Drink in your turn and stagged! The cup in the right hand of ETERNAL CREATOR shall come around to you, and disgrace to your glory nakedness! You shall be sated with shame rather that glory: Drink in your turn and stagged! The cup in the right hand of ETERNAL CREATOR shall come around to you, and disgrace to your glory nakedness! You shall be sated with shame rather that glory: Drink in your turn and stagged! The cup in the right hand of ETERNAL CREATOR shall come around to you, and disgrace to your glory nakedness! You shall be sated with shame rather that glory: Drink in your turn and stagged! The cup in the right hand of ETERNAL CREATOR shall come around to you, and disgrace to your glory Fort he lawlessness against Lebanon shall cover you, the destruction of beast shall overhelm you. For crimes against men and wrongs against k+lands, against cities and all their inhabitants.”
That is what we are looking now in our loved land, the Promised Land, and around the world! We have been doing all the contrary Eternal has ordered us through His Word, the Hebrew Scriptures, the Only One Scriptures ¡ Now, comes something this world has forgotten,
HAB. 2:18/20. “! What has the carved inmage availed, that he who fashioned it has carved it for an image and a false oracle – that he who fashioned his product has trusted in it, making dumb idols? Ah, you –peoples of world- who say, “Wake up” to the wood, ”Awaken”, to inner Stone! Can that give and oracle? Why, it is encased in gold and silver, but there is no breath inside it, but Eternal Creator in His Holy Abode – BE SILENT before HIM all the earth! “
Yes, the world has been blind to all warnings of our loving Father, the Almighty One of Israel, thinking they know better all the things of our future and hapiness. But behind all, these actions of men there is someone, Heylel –satan- our natural enemy, that has been working through the mankinf, knowinng that she is lost since the same begining when trying to replace Eternal her Creator. Habakkuk was a Prophet of Eternal. We do not know for sure if he was descendant of Levi, but we are sure that he was choosed by Eternal to announce his people, and manifest His oracles . When Hi decides something es for ever! He chooced the Levi Tribe for His service. He chooced Aaron and his descendants to serve like Priest (Exodo 28:40/43). He takes for Himself the rest of the Levi Tribe to work into the Temple and the Sanctuary.(Numbers 3:11/13 & 8:18/19). What we see now between Israel and all around the world is a lie. We must no accept because is contrary the Eternal´s teching and wish for our good and happiness¡ The Mashiach to come, David, in unión of the prophet Elias will restore ALL the Eternal´s orders.
HABA.3:1/7. “A prayer of the prophet Habbakuk. In the mode of Shigionoth (suplicaction): O Eternal ¡ I have learned of your renown, I am awed, O Eternal, by Your deeds, renew them in these years; Oh, make them know in these years! Though angry, may You remember compassion..Eternal is coming from Teman, the Holy One from Mount Paran.- .SELAH.-His majesty covers the skies, His splenmdor fills the earth: it is a brilliant light which gives off rays on every side – and therein His glory is enveloped. Pestilence marches before Him, and plague comes forth at His heels. When He stands, He makes the earth shake, when He glances, He makes nations tremble. The age-old mountains are shattered, the primeval hill sin low. His are the abncient routes: as a scebe of havoc I behold: the tents of Cushan; shaken are the pavillions of the land of Midiam ¡
The first portion of the prayer is what we need to do, return to Him that is the only Mighty One of Israel, and not other gods of the men, like the Man of Galilee. Eternal is going to revive ALL in this planet, and after that, all the universes of His Cosmos. Remember always the words of Isaiah 1:2/3 and Isaiah 1:18/20 ¡ Habakkuk intervenes bafore Eternal, and ask us these words,
HABA. 3:8/12 “Was Eternal DISPLEASED againts the rivers? Were you angry with Them? Was Your wrath against their sin that You rode upon Your horses? Your chariots were salvations. Your bow was pulled from its sheath and You put Your arrows to the string. You ribboned the earth with rivers. The mountains watched and trembled. Onward swept the ragin wáter. The mighty does cried our, annpouncing its surrender to Eternal. The lofty sun and moon began to fade, obscured by brilliance from Your arrows and the flashing of Your glittering spear. You marched across the land in awesome anger, and trampled down the nations in Your wrath.”(TLB)
What a wonderful words! There you see moulded the wrath and love of our Eternal Creator for His loved People, His creation ¡
HAB.3:13/18. “You have come forth to DELIVER Your people, to deliver Your anointed King (David). You will smash the roof of the villains´s house, raze it from foundation tio top –the Chaldean´s kingdom and his descendants in the end-times). You will crack his skull wirh Your bludgeon; blown away shall be his warriors, whose delight is to crush me suddenly, t devour a por man in an ambush. You will make Your steed the sea, stirring the might waters, that I mat have rest on a day of distress (Habakkuk speaking here), when a people come up to attact us. But this report made my bowels quake, these tidings made my lips quiver; rot entered into my bone, I trembled where I stood: that the fig tree does not bud, and not yields is on the vine; the olive crop has failed, and the fields produce no grain; the sheep have vanished from the fold and no cattle are in the pen.”.
All of that happens when Juda was taked captive but will come anew in the very new future. You can red about the first section in Aantiquities of the Jews by Josephus, Chapter VIII, Book X (3)
Knowing now the future, the days of the end.times, Habakkuk rejoices himself and sings with happines these words,
HAB. 3:18/19. “ Yet, under these circunstances, I will rejoice in Eternal Creator, exult in Eternal Who delivers me. My SOVEREIGN is my STRENGHT: He makes my feet like the deers´s and lets me stride upon the heights.”
COLOPHON: What we all need is believe, love and worship the Real and Unique Mighty One of Israel, creeator of His Cosmos and universes. He is our only Creator, Mediator and Savior. ¡THERE IS NOT OTHER EQUAL TO HIM! And sing like Habakkuk do it ¡
Let us remember those words and these ones too, “I AM Creator, YHWH, that is MY NAME; I will not YIELD MY GLORY to another, nor My RENOWN to IDOLS…In THAT DAY , men shal turn to their MAKER,their eyes look to the HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL; they shall not TURN to the altars that their hands made, or look to the sacred post amd incensé stands that their own fingers wrought.” (Isaiah 42: 8 & 17:7).
End notes, (emphasis mine throughout):
1) The Ezekiel book narrates about the “Judgment and Glory for all of Israel”, a prophecy that ISRAEL, formed by Israel and Judah, never heard because they were in captivity. B.C.E. = Before Common Era.
2) All verses of Habakkuk book has been taked from the Tanakh versión, 1985 editions, exfcept Habakkuk 3:8/12 ( Jewish Publication Society)
3) Josephus´s work, Book X, Chapter 8, 1 et al of the Antiquities of the Jews. Kregel Publications, Eleven Printing,1973

History of the Holocaust — An Introduction


The Holocaust (also called Shoah in Hebrew) refers to the period from January 30, 1933, when Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany, to May 8, 1945 (V­E Day), when the war in Europe ended. During this time, Jews in Europe were subjected to progressively harsh persecution that ultimately led to the murder of 6,000,000 Jews (1.5 million of these being children) and the destruction of 5,000 Jewish communities. These deaths represented two-thirds of European Jewry and one-third of world Jewry. The Jews who died were not casualties of the fighting that ravaged Europe during World War II. Rather, they were the victims of Germany's deliberate and systematic attempt to annihilate the entire Jewish population of Europe, a plan Hitler called the “Final Solution” (Endlosung).

After its defeat in World War I, Germany was humiliated by the Versailles Treaty, which reduced its prewar territory, drastically reduced its armed forces, demanded the recognition of its guilt for the war, and stipulated it pay reparations to the allied powers. The German Empire destroyed, a new parliamentary government called the Weimar Republic was formed. The republic suffered from economic instability, which grew worse during the worldwide depression after the New York stock market crash in 1929. Massive inflation followed by very high unemployment heightened existing class and political differences and began to undermine the government.

On January 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler, leader of the National Socialist German Workers (Nazi) Party, was named chancellor by president Paul von Hindenburg after the Nazi party won a significant percentage of the vote in the elections of 1932. The Nazi Party had taken advantage of the political unrest in Germany to gain an electoral foothold. The Nazis incited clashes with the communists, who many feared, disrupted the government with demonstrations, and conducted a vicious propaganda campaign against its political opponents-the weak Weimar government, and the Jews, whom the Nazis blamed for Germany's ills.

Propaganda: “The Jews Are Our Misfortune”
A major tool of the Nazis' propaganda assault was the weekly Nazi newspaper Der Stürmer (The Attacker). At the bottom of the front page of each issue, in bold letters, the paper proclaimed, "The Jews are our misfortune!" Der Stürmer also regularly featured cartoons of Jews in which they were caricatured as hooked-nosed and ape­like. The influence of the newspaper was far-reaching: by 1938 about a half million copies were distributed weekly.

Soon after he became chancellor, Hitler called for new elections in an effort to get full control of the Reichstag, the German parliament, for the Nazis. The Nazis used the government apparatus to terrorize the other parties. They arrested their leaders and banned their political meetings. Then, in the midst of the election campaign, on February 27, 1933, the Reichstag building burned. A Dutchman named Marinus van der Lubbe was arrested for the crime, and he swore he had acted alone. Although many suspected the Nazis were ultimately responsible for the act, the Nazis managed to blame the Communists, thus turning more votes their way.

The fire signaled the demise of German democracy. On the next day, the government, under the pretense of controlling the Communists, abolished individual rights and protections: freedom of the press, assembly, and expression were nullified, as well as the right to privacy. When the elections were held on March 5, the Nazis received nearly 44 percent of the vote, and with 8 percent offered by the Conservatives, won a majority in the government.

The Nazis moved swiftly to consolidate their power into a dictatorship. On March 23, the Enabling Act was passed. It sanctioned Hitler’s dictatorial efforts and legally enabled him to pursue them further. The Nazis marshaled their formidable propaganda machine to silence their critics. They also developed a sophisticated police and military force.

The Sturmabteilung (S.A., Storm Troopers), a grassroots organization, helped Hitler undermine the German democracy. The Gestapo (Geheime Staatspolizei, Secret State Police), a force recruited from professional police officers, was given complete freedom to arrest anyone after February 28. The Schutzstaffel (SS, Protection Squad) served as Hitler’s personal bodyguard and eventually controlled the concentration camps and the Gestapo. The Sicherheitsdienst des Reichsführers­SS (S.D., Security Service of the SS) functioned as the Nazis' intelligence service, uncovering enemies and keeping them under surveillance.

With this police infrastructure in place, opponents of the Nazis were terrorized, beaten, or sent to one of the concentration camps the Germans built to incarcerate them. Dachau, just outside of Munich, was the first such camp built for political prisoners. Dachau's purpose changed over time and eventually became another brutal concentration camp for Jews.

By the end of 1934 Hitler was in absolute control of Germany, and his campaign against the Jews in full swing. The Nazis claimed the Jews corrupted pure German culture with their "foreign" and "mongrel" influence. They portrayed the Jews as evil and cowardly, and Germans as hardworking, courageous, and honest. The Jews, the Nazis claimed, who were heavily represented in finance, commerce, the press, literature, theater, and the arts, had weakened Germany's economy and culture. The massive government-supported propaganda machine created a racial anti-Semitism, which was different from the long­standing anti-Semitic tradition of the Christian churches.

The superior race was the "Aryans," the Germans. The word Aryan, "derived from the study of linguistics, which started in the eighteenth century and at some point determined that the Indo-Germanic (also known as Aryan) languages were superior in their structures, variety, and vocabulary to the Semitic languages that had evolved in the Near East. This judgment led to a certain conjecture about the character of the peoples who spoke these languages; the conclusion was that the 'Aryan' peoples were likewise superior to the 'Semitic' ones" (Leni Yahil, The Holocaust: The Fate of European Jewry, New York: Oxford University Press, 1990, p. 36).

The Jews Are Isolated from Society
The Nazis then combined their racial theories with the evolutionary theories of Charles Darwin to justify their treatment of the Jews. The Germans, as the strongest and fittest, were destined to rule, while the weak and racially adulterated Jews were doomed to extinction. Hitler began to restrict the Jews with legislation and terror, which entailed burning books written by Jews, removing Jews from their professions and public schools, confiscating their businesses and property and excluding them from public events. The most infamous of the anti-Jewish legislation were the Nuremberg Laws, enacted on September 15, 1935. They formed the legal basis for the Jews' exclusion from German society and the progressively restrictive Jewish policies of the Germans.

Many Jews attempted to flee Germany, and thousands succeeded by immigrating to such countries as Belgium, Czechoslovakia, England, France and Holland. It was much more difficult to get out of Europe. Jews encountered stiff immigration quotas in most of the world's countries. Even if they obtained the necessary documents, they often had to wait months or years before leaving. Many families out of desperation sent their children first.

In July 1938, representatives of 32 countries met in the French town of Evian to discuss the refugee and immigration problems created by the Nazis in Germany. Nothing substantial was done or decided at the Evian Conference, and it became apparent to Hitler that no one wanted the Jews and that he would not meet resistance in instituting his Jewish policies. By the autumn of 1941, Europe was in effect sealed to most legal emigration. The Jews were trapped.

On November 9-10, 1938, the attacks on the Jews became violent. Hershel Grynszpan, a 17-year-old Jewish boy distraught at the deportation of his family, shot Ernst vom Rath, the third secretary in the German Embassy in Paris, who died on November 9. Nazi hooligans used this assassination as the pretext for instigating a night of destruction that is now known as Kristallnacht (the night of broken glass). They looted and destroyed Jewish homes and businesses and burned synagogues. Many Jews were beaten and killed; 30,000 Jews were arrested and sent to concentration camps.

The Jews Are Confined to Ghettos
Germany invaded Poland in September 1939, beginning World War II. Soon after, in 1940, the Nazis began establishing ghettos for the Jews of Poland. More than 10 percent of the Polish population was Jewish, numbering about three million. Jews were forcibly deported from their homes to live in crowded ghettos, isolated from the rest of society. This concentration of the Jewish population later aided the Nazis in their deportation of the Jews to the death camps. The ghettos lacked the necessary food, water, space, and sanitary facilities required by so many people living within their constricted boundaries. Many died of deprivation and starvation.

The “Final Solution”
In June 1941 Germany attacked the Soviet Union and began the "Final Solution." Four mobile killing groups were formed called Einsatzgruppen A, B, C and D. Each group contained several commando units. The Einsatzgruppen gathered Jews town by town, marched them to huge pits dug earlier, stripped them, lined them up, and shot them with automatic weapons. The dead and dying would fall into the pits to be buried in mass graves. In the infamous Babi Yar massacre, near Kiev, 30,000-35,000 Jews were killed in two days. In addition to their operations in the Soviet Union, the Einsatzgruppen conducted mass murder in eastern Poland, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia. It is estimated that by the end of 1942, the Einsatzgruppen had murdered more than 1.3 million Jews.

On January 20, 1942, several top officials of the German government met to officially coordinate the military and civilian administrative branches of the Nazi system to organize a system of mass murder of the Jews. This meeting, called the Wannsee Conference, "marked the beginning of the full-scale, comprehensive extermination operation [of the Jews] and laid the foundations for its organization, which started immediately after the conference ended" (Yahil, The Holocaust, p. 318).

While the Nazis murdered other national and ethnic groups, such as a number of Soviet prisoners of war, Polish intellectuals, and gypsies, only the Jews were marked for systematic and total annihilation. Jews were singled out for "Special Treatment" (Sonderbehandlung), which meant that Jewish men, women and children were to be methodically killed with poisonous gas. In the exacting records kept at the Auschwitz death camp, the cause of death of Jews who had been gassed was indicated by "SB," the first letters of the two words that form the German term for "Special Treatment."

By the spring of 1942, the Nazis had established six killing centers (death camps) in Poland: Chelmno (Kulmhof), Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Maidanek and Auschwitz. All were located near railway lines so that Jews could be easily transported daily. A vast system of camps (called Lagersystem) supported the death camps. The purpose of these camps varied: some were slave labor camps, some transit camps, others concentration camps and their sub­camps, and still others the notorious death camps. Some camps combined all of these functions or a few of them. All the camps were intolerably brutal.

The major concentration camps were Ravensbruck, Neuengamme, Bergen-Belsen, Sachsenhausen, Gross-Rosen, Buchenwald, Theresienstadt, Flossenburg, Natzweiler-Struthof, Dachau, Mauthausen, Stutthof, and Dora/Nordhausen.

In nearly every country overrun by the Nazis, the Jews were forced to wear badges marking them as Jews, they were rounded up into ghettos or concentration camps and then gradually transported to the killing centers. The death camps were essentially factories for murdering Jews. The Germans shipped thousands of Jews to them each day. Within a few hours of their arrival, the Jews had been stripped of their possessions and valuables, gassed to death, and their bodies burned in specially designed crematoriums. Approximately 3.5 million Jews were murdered in these death camps.

Many healthy, young strong Jews were not killed immediately. The Germans' war effort and the “Final Solution” required a great deal of manpower, so the Germans reserved large pools of Jews for slave labor. These people, imprisoned in concentration and labor camps, were forced to work in German munitions and other factories, such as I.G. Farben and Krupps, and wherever the Nazis needed laborers. They were worked from dawn until dark without adequate food and shelter. Thousands perished, literally worked to death by the Germans and their collaborators.

In the last months of Hitler’s Reich, as the German armies retreated, the Nazis began marching the prisoners still alive in the concentration camps to the territory they still controlled. The Germans forced the starving and sick Jews to walk hundreds of miles. Most died or were shot along the way. About a quarter of a million Jews died on the death marches.

Jewish Resistance
The Germans' overwhelming repression and the presence of many collaborators in the various local populations severely limited the ability of the Jews to resist. Jewish resistance did occur, however, in several forms. Staying alive, clean, and observing Jewish religious traditions constituted resistance under the dehumanizing conditions imposed by the Nazis. Other forms of resistance involved escape attempts from the ghettos and camps. Many who succeeded in escaping the ghettos lived in the forests and mountains in family camps and in fighting partisan units. Once free, though, the Jews had to contend with local residents and partisan groups who were often openly hostile. Jews also staged armed revolts in the ghettos of Vilna, Bialystok, Bedzin-Sosnowiec, Cracow, and Warsaw.

The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising was the largest ghetto revolt. Massive deportations (or Aktions) had been held in the ghetto from July to September 1942, emptying the ghetto of the majority of Jews imprisoned there. When the Germans entered the ghetto again in January 1943 to remove several thousand more, small unorganized groups of Jews attacked them. After four days, the Germans withdrew from the ghetto, having deported far fewer people than they had intended. The Nazis reentered the ghetto on April 19, 1943, the eve of Passover, to evacuate the remaining Jews and close the ghetto. The Jews, using homemade bombs and stolen or bartered weapons, resisted and withstood the Germans for 27 days. They fought from bunkers and sewers and evaded capture until the Germans burned the ghetto building by building. By May 16 the ghetto was in ruins and the uprising crushed.

Jews also revolted in the death camps of Sobibor, Treblinka and Auschwitz. All of these acts of resistance were largely unsuccessful in the face of the superior German forces, but they were very important spiritually, giving the Jews hope that one day the Nazis would be defeated.

Liberation and the End of War
The camps were liberated gradually, as the Allies advanced on the German army. For example, Maidanek (near Lublin, Poland) was liberated by Soviet forces in July 1944, Auschwitz in January 1945 by the Soviets, Bergen-Belsen (near Hanover, Germany) by the British in April 1945, and Dachau by the Americans in April 1945.

At the end of the war, between 50,000 and 100,000 Jewish survivors were living in three zones of occupation: American, British and Soviet. Within a year, that figure grew to about 200,000. The American zone of occupation contained more than 90 percent of the Jewish displaced persons (DPs). The Jewish DPs would not and could not return to their homes, which brought back such horrible memories and still held the threat of danger from anti-Semitic neighbors. Thus, they languished in DP camps until emigration could be arranged to Palestine, and later Israel, the United States, South America and other countries. The last DP camp closed in 1957 (David S. Wyman, "The United States," in David S. Wyman, ed., The World Reacts to the Holocaust, Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996, pp. 707­10).

Below are figures for the number of Jews murdered in each country that came under German domination. They are estimates, as are all figures relating to Holocaust victims. The numbers given here for Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Romania are based on their territorial borders before the 1938 Munich agreement. The total number of six million Jews murdered during the Holocaust, which emerged from the Nuremberg trials, is also an estimate. Numbers have ranged between five and seven million killed.




















Soviet Union


Source: Holocaust Memorial Center: 6602 West Maple Road
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Tel. (248)661­0840 Fax. (248)661­4204


Folias del Viejo Cantor - Los Gofiones


by Charles J. Voss

When I first realized the New Testament could not be trusted and was a product of the church in Rome, without studying Isaiah in detail I assumed that the Jewish version of Isaiah 53 making the Suffering Servant the Jewish people must be correct. That was a false assumption and a mistake on my part. As it turns out it is neither one as you know by reading this far.

HOWEVER, I AM NOT AN ANTI-SEMITE OR ANTI-JEWISH AND TAKE NOTE THAT this is part of my original article, but modified to fit my new understanding of Isaiah that I have been struggling with a couple of years. My new understanding is a continuation of the revealing the Mystery of the Promises to Abraham and thus, the promises to the Children of Israel. I am opposed to any man made religion that uses a different book than the Hebrew Scriptures and a different g-d than the ETERNAL SOVEREIGN, the Mighty One of Israel
Throughout their history the Jewish people have suffered at the hands of many different oppressors and have been accused of many different crimes down through the centuries. Their primary crime as a people is that they have been identified solely as the “Children of Israel.”
One thing to keep in mind as we go through this article is that the identity of the Jews is widely known; the tribal name of Judah has not been lost even through 70 years of captivity.
Yes, that is true and they are hated for it. While the Jews comprise only two tribes of what we know as the “Children of Israel” (the tribes of Judah and Benjamin) most people are not aware of that fact. The original Children of Israel were comprised of the thirteen tribes of Jacob.
So, why have the Jews been the focal point for the nations’ hatred instead of all the tribes? That is a very good question and we have many articles to describe who the thirteen tribes are. Suffice it to say that the House of Judah is composed of Judah, Benjamin, and part of Levi remained married to ETERNAL while the other ten tribes (Lost Ten Tribes) were divorced by ETERNAL for their wickedness and were dispersed abroad and were absorbed in to other countries. However, the Jews have remained the focal point as the "chosen people of ETERNAL" down through the ages.
To summarize this point, the Jews were the tribe chosen to keep their tribal name of Judah, to maintain the Torah, the knowledge of which day is the Sabbath, and the concept of a monotheistic SOVEREIGN. These four things they have done.
Genesis 49:10. “The [Tribal Name #H7626] Scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a [scribe] lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh comes; and to him [Shiloh] shall be the obedience of the people.”
Actually, the Jews are not the only tribes that are hated. As time progresses toward the end time and throughout the Time of Jacob’s Trouble, it will become clear who the remaining tribes are because the Time of Jacob’s Trouble will center on all of "Jacob’s sons" hence the Time of JACOB’S TROUBLE.
The Jews have suffered greatly at the hands of many peoples during many generations. Therefore, it is thought that the reason for the suffering has been that they are the “chosen people” and worship the true G-d. Even though, perhaps to some, this is logical thinking that is not the case. The Jewish people as a whole do not worship the true SOVEREIGN of the Cosmos. The Jewish people obey their rabbis and therefore, their rabbis have become their deities. “Hashem”[1] happens to be the one that the rabbis proclaim to be their g-d.
We have seen these events in the horrors of the holocaust, the diabolical tortures of the Inquisition, pogroms[2] in Poland and Russia! Anti-Semitism in our towns and cities! What is worse, we probably thought they deserved it? No wonder ETERNAL’s words in the Hebrew Scripture (Old Testament or Tanakh) are laced with sadness. We have seen the flickering black and white images on our television of hundreds of Jewish people going without a struggle to their deaths. We could not see their lips moving in the Shema “Hear O Israel! ETERNAL our SOVEREIGN, ETERNAL is one.” They died as a sign for us; they died as a sign for you!
These common Jewish people will be asking, “Where were you when the Ku Klux Klan was about, when local clubs and businesses discriminated against us, when hotels refused us accommodation and when we were tortured and killed in concentration camps in Germany?”
This is not to support the religion of Judaism, which binds its adherents even more tightly in a web of fabricated rules than your local brand of "Christianity."
Those of us who understand that we are of Israel owe a very great debt of gratitude to the people of Judah who were bearing the brunt of Satan’s attack on the people of ETERNAL, while we (the rest of the sons of Jacob) were wallowing in paganism. However, the Jews are the ones who were called to maintain their Tribal Name (scepter) to the nations and to reveal to the world a loving, merciful, forgiving Savior and Redeemer. Sadly, tragically, this has not happened.
Jewish History
In this article we will cover some of the burdens that the Jewish people have shouldered. The first account is about Treblinka (a concentration and decimation camp in W.W.II) and is from a sermon given years ago in the "Worldwide Church of G-d (WWCG)." The sermon pointed out the steps taken to harden the staff of the German death camps in W.W.II to do their grisly work. The purpose of that sermon was to show that all human nature is generally capable of committing the crimes done in these camps under the right conditions.
The purpose of this writing is to focus attention on the victims--the Jewish people and the horrors they have suffered throughout the millenniums. Nevertheless, this article is neither a defense of the Jewish Talmudic religious system nor of their practice of obeying their rabbis along with their fabricated traditions.
The Jewish people have willfully disobeyed the CREATOR in every aspect of their journey from the time the CREATOR revealed himself to Moses along with all the tribes of Jacob when He called all of Israel to be His chosen people through the Time of Jacob's Trouble they have fully obeyed their rabbis.
The following is the history of one of the atrocities against the Jews. While we do not make light of their sufferings we cannot ignore what Scripture reveals about the Jews, their past, present and future and we do this in hope that some of them will open their Torah and read it for themselves to understand what it states.
What has been the real crime of the Jewish people? What does the CREATOR say about their suffering? Why did He allow their suffering to happen to the only people on earth who has maintained their identity as a monotheistic people who acknowledge the sign of the CREATOR (the Sabbath) and have made known to the world that they believe in only one SOVEREIGN of the world and universe? In addition, the Jews maintain that they have as their ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and have kept the Oral Torah[3] lo these many years.
One account given in the WCG sermon occurred during the winter of 1943 in Treblinka. [4]
“The victims in the story were of a large group of children that "Nazi storm troopers with their machine guns and guard dogs forced the children into a location between the inner and outer fences and the children were stripped naked. As they stood naked in the snow and the bitter cold, they were hosed down with a fire hose and left to freeze to death in the snow. The wet freezing children huddled their tiny bodies together to try to stay warm. The next morning the mass of dead youthful bodies were frozen into a huge mass of ice."
This is but a handful out of the 6 million that perished.
The national news during the first full week of March, 1997 (when this sermon was given) highlighted two cases of anti-Semitism that have surfaced.
• The first was a radio AP news report that Avis-Rent-A-Car had not only issued instructions for discriminating against blacks but also against Jews. In looking at the world now in the Twenty-first Century, the world is still rampant with anti-Semitism and racism.
• The second was a CBS news cast showing many pictures portraying the regular German army participating in the genocide of Jews. The photographs were of the hanging of many Jews by regular German troops with many of the soldiers holding the foot of a Jew that had been hung.
The reason this revelation is so outstanding is that since the end of W.W.II the German press has feverishly presented the idea that ONLY Hitler's special SS troops had participated in crimes against the Jewish people and not the German people.
Some citizens were helpful to the Jews such as the friends of Otto Frank, father of Anne Frank, who helped them survive for a while in an attic in Amsterdam. This is along with all the recent atrocities in the Middle East. What is the cause of this anti-Semitism and why is it again on the increase in these latter days?
Origin of Anti-Semitism
"The term Anti-Semitism [in modern usage] refers to prejudice against Jewish people. The term is inexact since it does not refer to all Semites, which would include the Arabs, but designates opposition only to Jews. Anti-Semitism has manifested itself in many ways: hostile popular sentiment, discriminatory legislation, expulsion, and in Nazi Germany deliberate extermination.
"From the beginning, their claim to be a chosen people, their refusal to worship other gods, and their insistence on special religious laws placed Jews in a vulnerable position. In the ancient Roman Empire, very few Jews were admitted to Roman citizenship. Early Chr-stians held the Jews responsible for the crucifixion of "Christ," an allegation that became the justification of anti-Semitism for many centuries, spreading with the domination of Chr-stianity in the West."[5]
Notice in the above paragraph that the Jews were placed in a "vulnerable position." Why? Because...
1. They proclaim that they do not worship any g-d other than the one they worship.
2. There are "allegations" that they were responsible for the crucifixion of Chr-st.
The spiritual power behind anti-Semitism is Heylel (satan) because she hates the only people on earth who have professed through millenniums to worship the One G-d and who observe the seventh day Sabbath day.
Chr-stian Identity Movement
To bring the focus on anti-Semitism into today’s world the "Christian Research Institute"[6], a cult awareness association states of them:
"Christian Identity" is the name of a religious movement uniting many of the white supremacist groups in the United States. ...They consider themselves [the] true Israel and view the Jews as half-devils and archenemies. ..."Identity" adherents believe they are the only descendants of Adam and the only chosen descendants of Abraham. This is the reason for the name "Identity"--they are convinced they know their true identity. They believe they are members of the supposed ten lost tribes of Israel. Identity adherents of today would include the British, Germanic, and Scandinavian peoples as those comprising the tribes of lost Israel."
The movement, Anglo-Israelism, began in 1870. It was founded by the Rev. John Wilson, a nonconformist minister who expounded the idea that the Anglo-Saxons were the supposed ten lost tribes of Israel. Believing the nations of Western Europe and the United States to be "God's" chosen people, they expected them to receive all the promises "God" gave to Israel in the Old Testament."
"Today, with few exceptions the breakaway groups of the Worldwide Church of "God," and most Messianic groups, most adherents of Anglo-Israelism are in the "Identity" movement.”[7]
Our Belief in Anglo-Israelism
United Hebrew Congregations (UHC) is not connected with, associated with, and DOES NOT identify with the "Christian Identity" movement or any of their religious or political aspirations. We are not a "Christian" organization nor do we advocate one race over another. Our stand on racial issues is the same as that of the CREATOR of the Universe as He states:
Isaiah 56:6-7 (TLB). As for the Gentiles, the outsiders who join the people of ETERNAL and serve Him and love His Name, who are His servants and don't desecrate the Sabbath, and have accepted His Covenant and promises, "I will bring them also to My Righteous Mountain of Jerusalem and make them full of joy within My House of Prayer. I will accept their sacrifices and offerings, for My Temple shall be called A House of Prayer for All People"!
UHC does however, believe that all thirteen Tribes of Israel are identifiable today in various locations around the earth and that they are all descendants of the thirteen tribes as listed in the Hebrew Scriptures.
Numbers 1:4-15. And with you there shall be a man from every tribe, ...from Reuben, ...from Simeon, ...from Judah, ...from Issachar, ...from Zebulun, ...from the sons of Joseph (from Ephraim), ...from Manasseh, ...from Benjamin, ...from Dan, ...from Asher, ...from Gad, ...from Naphtali ...and Levi.
We believe along with WCG, Yair Davidy, and many others that the Lost Ten Tribes can be identified as the Anglo-Saxon peoples of today. We also believe the Jewish people of today stem from the tribe of Judah and that all thirteen tribes are brothers springing from our common father Jacob, the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham. Therefore, we are opposed to anti-Semitism, violence, or political intrigue of any nature.
Recent History of anti-Semitism
Continuing from Grolier's Encyclopedia:
"The Middle Ages were characterized by repeated efforts to identify church and state. In such a view of society, only 'Christians’ had a real place. Periodic persecutions of Jews occurred. A large-scale persecution opened in Spain during the 13th century. ...By the end of the 15th century, the inquisition put to trial Jews and other nonconformists in Spain, culminating in the expulsion of Jews from the country."
"...At about the same time, similar oppressive measures were enforced in England, France, and Germany. ...Jews were also forced to live in walled ghettos. ...Outside the gates, they were obliged to wear an identifying badge. This forced segregation was abolished only in the 19th century."
"...With the partitions of Poland (1772, 1793, 1795), masses of Jews were added to Russia. The Czarist government established the "Pale of Settlement," a large territory in the western provinces, and decreed military service for children. The attacks on Jews, beginning in 1881 caused a mass emigration to the United States and the establishment of colonies in Palestine."
"...During the 19th century, anti-Semitism again gained strength by appeals to (1) nationalistic motives, especially where a Jewish minority was strong, as in Eastern Europe; and (2) racial motives. ...The theory of the ...superiority of the Aryan race and the ideas ...on racial purity, exercised a great influence on subsequent racist policies. In Germany, anti-Semitism became an organized movement during the late 19th century. Later, Nazism turned anti-Semitism into an official government policy that within a decade led to the systematic extermination of nearly 6 million Jews."
As the momentum of anti-Semitism grew it was flamed by many false accusations against the Jews—one of which was "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion."
Protocols of the Elders of Zion
From Grolier’s article "Anti-Semitism”:
"The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was the title of a forged treatise purporting to outline the plans of a late-19th-century council of Jews to subvert 'Christianity' and seize control of the world. The treatise first appeared in its entirety in Russia in 1905 but was apparently written in France in the 1890s by members of the Russian secret police.
"...Although the Times (London) revealed the forgery in 1921, the Protocols were translated into many languages and circulated widely in Europe and the United States during the 1920s and '30s. They were cited as the classical defense for anti-Semitism, especially by the National Socialists in Germany."
As a side note: this document is being circulated again, [starting in the 1990's] by the "Christian Identity" movement. As stated earlier, this hatred for the Jewish people culminated in the extermination of six million of them in the death camps in Germany. This national exercise in hatred is identified as "The Holocaust."
From Grolier's article "Holocaust”:
"The first German concentration camp was established at Dachau near Munich in 1933 to detain Communists and other political dissidents. ...After the decision was made to remove all Jews from Germany, mass arrests started in May 1938 and slave labor camps were established."
"Early in 1941, Hitler gave the order to exterminate Jews, and concentration camps were used for mass annihilation. In Poland, Jews were first imprisoned in ghettos in a few large cities; they were then resettled in [deported to] death camps. Despite administrative disputes over the need to preserve a supply of Jewish labor, economic considerations were generally subordinated to what was called the 'final solution.' Auschwitz was chosen as the main extermination center; gas chambers were installed, using methods perfected in an earlier euthanasia program. Between five and six million Jews died; two million of them died in Auschwitz alone, where mass killings began in March 1942. Large numbers of Poles, Russians, and Gypsies also were put to death."
Crucifixion of a Race
"There is no rational explanation for the madness of the Final Solution. [At the time of the Holocaust, the Jews were stripped of their possessions, walled in ghettos, powerless and docile. They had no power, no land, nothing. The Jews were not a danger to Hitler's rule.
"The Holocaust is not the only indication of Hitler's derangement. Nazi Germany was full of the bizarre. For example: Germany had human breeding farms, where volunteer teenage girls were impregnated by blond, blue-eyed SS-men, to bear children for the Fuhrer. ...In Auschwitz, Mengele conducted experiments on twins to find ways of improving the breeding methods for the German women.
"'God' created man in His image and Hitler tried to create a new man in his own brutal image. His vision of a New World is outlined in Table Talks a book based on Hitler's own monologues. It is a chilling picture of a world order based on slavery, brutality, and nonsense. There is no doubt that Hitler was a charismatic leader, who was able to infect with his paranoia a whole generation of German people. The Holocaust was the first stage of the New World Order and a few of Hitler's admirers in the U.S.A. would be surprised to learn that they would have been the next victims.
"It is tragic, that for the satisfaction of the whim of one man, a whole nation was crucified and the world, conditioned by two thousand years of anti-Semitism, looked on in indifferent silence. Nothing was done to stop the killings.[8]
Accounts from a Holocaust Survivor
These following accounts are from a Holocaust Survivor:[9]
The Miracle in Auschwitz--"A miracle happened in Auschwitz. Lily, a beautiful eight-year-old doll, survived the gassing. She was lucky. When Leon, the Jewish Sonderkommando, pulled her lithe body to transport her to the crematorium, she opened her eyes and asked. "What happened to me? Where do you take me?"
"Leon faced a dilemma, 'What shall I do? Burn the girl alive?' Risking his own life, Leon smuggled the child into the dormitory, and hid her under his bed. She stayed there for two days, until she was discovered by the supervising SS-man.
"The SS-man took Lily outside and shot her. 'Burn the body in the open pit,' he ordered. 'I can't sidestep the Fuhrer's order.' So, the splendid German Death Machine has proven its efficiency, once more. An order is an order. Deutschland uber alles" [Germany over everything].
An Act of Kindness--Ghetto of Rohatyn 1942: A heavyset German climbed the steps to the attic, in search of the Jews. He spotted two young children, hiding behind a black trunk.
He slowly approached the children, frozen with fear. After a moment of hesitation, he pulled out his bayonet and ...grabbed an old quilt, ripped it apart and covered them with a heavy layer of white feathers. 'You remind me of my own children. How can I harm you?' He said quietly.
"It was an act of kindness. It gave the children, left without parents, a few months of a wretched life. Six months later, they were shipped to Belzec, for gassing.
A Child's Question--"At the Umschlagplatz, the transfer point to the gas chambers, a three-year old boy asked: 'Mommy, why does Hitler hate me? He doesn't even know me. I am a good boy, Mommy.'
"'Yes, you are a good boy, and therefore we soon will be reunited with Daddy and Rachel,' answered the mother, reassuringly.
The Homeless Orphan--"In a small ghetto, a ten-year old, homeless orphan, was laid up with typhoid. He lay outdoors, on a bundle of straw, covered with snow. Fed by some good souls, he miraculously survived the typhoid, the high fever, and the cold--to be shot by the Germans.
The Fighter--"In the Warsaw Ghetto, Shlomo wrote in his diary: 'My father is a fighter. Everyday he fights for a piece of bread.' Soon afterwards, Shlomo was shipped to Treblinka.
[He may have been part of the group children mentioned earlier that were frozen to death.]
The Incineration--"In 1944, a young Jewish woman arrived to Auschwitz, carrying a year-old baby. She was healthy and pretty and was spared the gassing. Before entering the gates of the camp, an SS-man pulled the baby from her hands and threw it alive into the crematorium oven. She [the mother] survived to tell her story.
The Runner--Sandomierz, Poland, 1942: Shlomo felt the pangs of hunger and left the ghetto to get some food, in a nearby village. On the way he was intercepted by 'Bloody Edzio,' the nasty German Gendarme who was known for his sadistic practical jokes.
"Shlomo, the fourteen old boy, recognized Bloody Edzio, and started to plead for his life: 'Please let me go. I have an old mother to support.'
'I will let you go, after we arrive in the ghetto,' promised the Gendarme. He tied Shlomo with a rope to his horse and started to gallop. The emaciated boy could not keep up with the horse. The boy screamed, and the more the boy screamed the more the sadist whipped his horse.
Bloody Edzio, dragged the body to the ghetto and there he kept his promise, and let the boy go. Shlomo died two hours later.
Remember the cause of anti-Semitism is Heylel (Satan) as she uses Judah's refusal to budge from the acknowledgment that there is only one Supreme Being. The Jews (Judah and Benjamin) are the only tribes that have kept their identity as the Children of Israel. That trait combined with their absolute refusal observe any other day other than the Sabbath has caused these people to be despised and hated by the world.
United Hebrew Congregations believes in Anglo-Israelism yet we do not identify with the "Christian Identity" movement. We believe the time has come to proclaim to all Israel their identity and that they must return to the worship of the One True CREATOR. We believe in the reunification of all twelve Tribes of Israel and proclaim the following message to all of Israel:
Ezekiel 37:21-23. "Then say to them, Thus says ETERNAL CREATOR: 'Surely I will take the Children of Israel from among the nations, wherever they have gone, and will gather them from every side and bring them into their own land; and I will make them one nation in the land, on the mountains of Israel; and one king shall be king over them all; they shall no longer be two nations, nor shall they ever be divided into two kingdoms again. They shall not defile themselves anymore with their idols, nor with their detestable things, nor with any of their transgressions; but I will deliver them from all their dwelling places in which they have sinned, and will cleanse them. Then they shall be My people, and I will be their SOVEREIGN.'"
...:24-28."David My servant shall be king over them, and they shall all have one shepherd; they shall also walk in My judgments and observe My statutes, and do them. Then they shall dwell in the land that I have given to Jacob My servant, where your fathers dwelt; and they shall dwell there, they, their children, and their children's children, forever; and My servant David shall be their Prince forever. Moreover I will make a Covenant of peace with them, and it shall be an everlasting Covenant with them; I will establish them and multiply them, and I will set My sanctuary in their midst forevermore.'"
...:27-28. My dwelling place will be with them; I will be their God, and they will be my people. Then the nations will know that I ETERNAL make Israel [set apart], when My sanctuary is among them forever.'"
SOVEREIGN Our Protector
Psalms is mostly a prophetic book! Surprised? Do not be because it is! Psalms 91 is referring to The Time of Jacob's Trouble. There will be those who survive the terrible Time of Trouble. Those are the ones (the righteous ones who are in right standing with their Father) who dwell in "the secret place of the Most High." They are the Righteous Remnant.
Psalm 91:1-6 (TLB). We live within the shadow of the Almighty, sheltered by the SOVEREIGN who is above all g-ds. This I declare, that He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; He is my SOVEREIGN, and I am trusting Him. For He rescues you from every trap and protects you from the fatal plague. He will shield you with His wings! They will shelter you. His faithful promises are your armor. Now you do not need to be afraid of the dark anymore, nor fear the dangers of the day; nor dread the plagues of darkness, nor disasters in the morning.
...91:7-13. Though a thousand fall at my side, though ten thousand are dying around me, the evil will not touch me. I will see how the wicked are punished, but I will not share it. For ETERNAL is my refuge! I choose the SOVEREIGN above all g-ds to shelter me. How then can evil overtake me or any plague come near? For He orders His angels to protect you wherever you go. They will steady you with their hands to keep you from stumbling against the rocks on the trail. You can safely meet a lion or step on poisonous snakes, yes, even trample them beneath your feet!
...91:14-15. For ETERNAL says, “Because he loves Me, I will rescue him; I will make him great because he trusts in My Name. When he calls on Me, I will answer; I will be with him in trouble and rescue him and honor him. I will satisfy him with a [long] full life and give him My Salvation.”

[1]. The word “Hashem” means “the name.” At first the name “Ba'al” was used by the Jews for their G-d, see Wikipedia. So, who is to say that B-al is not the name of the one “Hashem” refers to, especially since the meaning of B-al is “the L-rd."
[2] “An organized, often officially encouraged massacre or persecution of a minority group, especially one conducted against Jews,” American Heritage Dictionary.
[3]. See our article on the “Oral Torah.” To briefly summarize the article, it is the oral traditions of the rabbis.
[4]. "Treblinka was a concentration camp ...used by the German Nazis in their program of exterminating the Jews. First established by the Germans as a slave labor camp in 1941, Treblinka was turned into a death camp early in 1942. ...By July 11, 1945, when the Soviet army entered Warsaw, 800,000 Jewish men, women, and children had been put to death at Treblinka," from Grolier's Multimedia Encyclopedia, version 7.0.4 article on "Holocaust."
[5]. Ibid. Article on "Anti-Semitism."
[6]. Op. cit., Grolier's article on "Anti-Semitism."
[7]. "If you desire to reproduce less than 500 words of this data file for resale or the enhancement of any other product for resale, please give the following source credit: Copyright 1993 by the Christian Research Institute, P.O. Box 500, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92693. "Identity: A 'Christian' Religion for White Racists" (an article from the Christian Research Journal, Fall 1992, page 20) by Viola Larson. The Editor-in-Chief of the Christian Research Journal is Elliot Miller."
[8]. From the Web site, Holocaust - Understanding & Prevention, "Children of the Holocaust" by Alexander Kimel - Holocaust Survivor, February 1997.
[9]. Ibid. "Holocaust."

The Land Cannot Be Given Away
by Charles J. Voss
What was the prophet Jonah's religion and nationality? Was he Jewish? Moslem? “Christian”? All of the religions of the Northern Ten Tribes of Israel were pagan. Jonah was not of a religion at all. He was a Hebrew like Abraham and followed the Abrahamic Hebrew faith.*
* See Genesis 14:13 and our article “The Abrahamic Hebrew Faith.”
When Jonah tried to run away from our CREATOR, a storm developed and almost swamped the boat that he was in causing the sailors to inquire who he was. Notice his answer:
Jonah 1:9 (NKJV throughout unless noted). He answered, “I am a Hebrew and I worship ETERNAL, the SOVEREIGN of heaven, who made the sea and the land.
The English word “Hebrew” comes from the Hebrew word #H5680 in Strong's Concordance: `Ibriy (ib-ree´) from H5677; an Eberite (i.e. Hebrew) or descendant of Eber. H5677 states that it equals H5680 which states it is “a region across; on the opposite side especially of the Jordan.”
Jacob,* whose name was changed to Israel, had thirteen sons who became the heads of tribes which later grew into the Commonwealth of the Nations of Israel. The Jews are but one of these tribal nations.
* Jacob was the Grandson of Abraham the Hebrew. Read our article “The Children of Abraham, Their Promises and the Prophecies of Their Future.”
Jacob's (Israel's) children were/are Hebrew like Jacob but are called the Tribes of Israel. The Jews,* who are only one-thirteenth of the Tribes of Israel, chose to name their country “Israel.” They really have no claim to the name “Israel” because their country in Scripture is called Judah or Judea.
* See our article What Is the Difference Between the Jews & Israel.
Being a Hebrew is truly “to be in a region across” and “on the other side.” We do not affiliate with any religion that uses any books, practices, or other traditions in place of/or along with the Hebrew Scriptures (Tanakh, Old Testament). We believe that there is only one SOVEREIGN in the universe and that He only provided one set of Scriptures. Since I am a Hebrew and not Jewish, I now say:
Isaiah 48:1-2 (NIV). Listen to this, O house of Jacob, you who are called by the name of Israel and come from the line of Judah, you who take oaths in the Name of ETERNAL and invoke the SOVEREIGN of Israel -- but not in truth or righteousness -- you who call yourselves citizens of the (set-apart) city and rely on the SOVEREIGN of Israel -- ETERNAL SOVEREIGN is His name:
The ETERNAL SOVEREIGN gave the Promised Land, the land of Canaan in its entirety including Gaza (see Joshua 13:1-6) to all of the thirteen tribes of Israelites - not just the Jews, and the land is not theirs to give away or try to trade for peace.
ETERNAL is Concerned
ETERNAL was concerned after Joshua had gotten old that His “House of Jacob” had not taken possession of ALL their land. ETERNAL was so concerned that He stepped in to ensure that the Israelites took full possession of all the land He gave them. Read the next verse in context in Joshua 18:1-10;
Joshua 18:3. Then Joshua said to the children of Israel: "How long will you neglect to go and possess the land which the ETERNAL SOVEREIGN of your fathers has given you?
The apportionment of the land, all of the Promised Land, is described in Ezekiel 47:13-23. There was not and still is not any provision for any other people to share the land. ETERNAL constantly warned the Israelites that “other” people would entice them with their strange religions and lack of obedience to ETERNAL’s Commandments.
ETERNAL had commanded Joshua to destroy all of the enemies of Israel that were in the Promised Land. Yet, there were a few countries that Joshua only conquered and did not fully destroy. One of those countries was Philistia which includes Gaza.
The original Philistines inhabited the southwest coast of [what is now called] Palestine and were constantly at war with neighboring nations until Israel subdued them in the 10th century BCE. As archenemies of Israel, they are portrayed unfavorably in the Bible. The books of Judges, Samuel, and Kings contain numerous examples of their barbarism in the war with Israel. The prophet Ezekiel spoke of the “malice of heart” and “never ending enmity” of this warlike nation (Ezekiel 25:15). Zechariah called the Philistines a “mongrel people” (Zechariah 9:6). They lived in the ancient land of Philistia which was renamed Palestine by the Romans who applied the name to all of the Promised Land.*
* ABC's of the Bible by Readers Digest p186, p151.
As a mongrel people, the Philistines are a mixture of several other tribes and nations especially the Arabs and are known today as the “Palestinian people.” Thus, the only place the “Palestinian people” inhabited was in the Gaza Strip along the Mediterranean Sea west of the State of Israel [Judah]. In addition, they are still there today. Consequently, this “mongrel people” have been a thorn in Israel's side down through the centuries and especially to Judah in these latter days.
In the period of the Jewish Kingdom's political decline as a Jewish state when the Romans conquered it and subjugated it [over] 1,900 years ago, they called it Palestine (Philistia, i.e., the land of the Philistines) as an insult to the Jews they conquered. In fact, the Philistines occupied only the southern portion of the coastal region known as Gaza. Since then, and until the establishment of the modern state of Israel in 1948, the land has universally been known as Palestine.
*Gaza: Palestinians, 'Philistines,' and Jews, Gary Fitlkeberg.
In the Six Day War, Israel captured Judea, Samaria, and East Jerusalem. However, they did not capture these territories from Yasser Arafat or the Palestinians . They captured them from Jordan's King Hussein. I cannot help but wonder why all these Palestinians suddenly discovered their national identity after Judah won the war. Scripture shows that the Philistines will still be around in the end time as we have seen above, that the Philistines are now the Palestinians. The phrase: the day of the “Lord's” anger, shows that the following verse is an end-time prophecy:
Zephaniah 2:3. Seek ETERNAL, all you meek of the earth, who have upheld His justice. Seek righteousness, seek humility. It may be that you will be hidden in the day of the “Lord's” anger. ...5 The word of ETERNAL is against you, O Canaan, land of the Philistines: “I will destroy you; so there shall be no inhabitant.”
The leaders of other nations (France, Germany, US, and Russia in particular) should not be concentrating on imposing some “road map” of some settlement in Israel of a rogue Palestinian state. This, by the way, is something none of them would contemplate to do within their own boundaries.
President Barack Hussein Obama has taken upon himself the position of being the “spokesman for the west” in this conflict between the Palestinians (Philistines) and Judah (the Jews). There is no rationale from Scripture, fairness, or common sense to expect Israel to accept a hostile mini-state within its own borders. It would be like transplanting a cancer into a healthy body.
Prophecies of Ezekiel
Chapters four through nine of Ezekiel give some very dire prophecies for Judah and Israel. All punishments are for breaking the Commandments and putting something or someone's words in place of the Scriptures. Regardless of what religion you are, it is vital to recognize who you obey. Do you obey the words of some man or men written in other books and follow their traditions, or do you obey the Commandments of the Hebrew Scriptures? Whoever or whatever you obey is your god!
Because of our flagrant breaking of the Commandments and participating in giving away the Covenant Land, the House of Jacob is now into the punishment phase of Jacob's Trouble which is described in the above mentioned chapters in Ezekiel.
Ezekiel 5:5. Thus says ETERNAL SOVEREIGN: “This is Jerusalem; I have set her in the midst of the nations and the countries all around her. She has rebelled against My judgments by doing wickedness more than the nations, and against My statutes more than the countries that are all around her; for they have refused My judgments, and they have not walked in My statutes.”
…12 One-third of you shall die of the pestilence, and be consumed with famine in your midst; and one-third shall fall by the sword all around you; and I will scatter another third to all the winds, and I will draw out a sword after them.
The next verse is unknown or overlooked by a huge majority of the people. Ezekiel chapter five explains that the fire is in Jerusalem and that some of the Remnant will be tossed into that fire. Those who have read the following verse typically try to pretend that it does not mean what it states:
Ezekiel 5:4. Then take some of them [the Remnant] again and throw them into the midst of the fire, and burn them in the fire. From there a fire will go out into ALL the House of Israel.
Basically, the verse states that it will be tit for tat. Whatever we, the House of Israel, allow or cause to happen to our brothers, the House of Judah, will happen to us. When it states that a fire will go out into all the House of Israel, it means that when we squeeze the country of Judah that results in a loss of their land, Scripture tells us that devastation will occur to ALL the nations of Israel (Jacob).*
* These nations include the British and her former Commonwealth nations, America and the democracies of Western Europe.
Since this end-time prophecy in Ezekiel is coming to pass as you read this, it clearly shows that we are now in the Time of Jacob's Trouble in these latter days. Notice that this prophecy is not against the nations or gentiles but is against the House of Jacob. First, let us notice a few examples against the most powerful nation of IsraeL

Perfect Storm Warning

Saturday, 16 June 2001. Some say storms of great magnitude result from some national sinful event. In that vein, these cases are very interesting.
The first disaster literally destroyed President George H. Bush's home in Maine. This storm known as “The Perfect Storm” happened while President Bush, Sr. was initiating the Madrid Peace process on October 31, 1991. This was one of the most powerful storms ever [to that date]. It generated waves over 100 feet high, the highest waves ever reported in the North Atlantic Ocean. As the storm moved west, it sent 30 foot waves smashing at President Bush's home in Maine. This storm actually struck while the President was opening the Madrid Peace Process which was dealing with the Covenant Land of Israel.

In March of 1997, President Clinton invited Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat to the White House to discuss “Arafat’s problems” with Jerusalem. While Arafat was en route, a powerful tornado storm ripped through seven states with the worst damage occurring in Arkansas, Kentucky, and Ohio.
Clinton's home state of Arkansas bore the brunt of the storm with 13 counties declared a disaster area. This storm brought record flooding to the Ohio River. Clinton met with Arafat and the headline of a New York Times front page article on March 4, 1997 read, “President Clinton Rebukes Israel.” The headline of the adjacent article read, “In Storms Wake: Grief and Shock.” The report of Clinton's home state being devastated by tornadoes was on the front page of the New York Times right next to the article of Clinton verbally attacking Israel.
President George W. Bush had sent CIA director George Tenet to Israel to try to broker a cease fire between the Israelis and the Palestinians and to implement the Mitchell Report. This was the Bush administration's first real involvement in the Middle East crisis. Tenet wanted Israel to stop building in the settlement areas.

From June 8 to June 9, 2001, one of the greatest rainfalls in the history of the United States happened in eastern Texas. In a 24 hour period, over 28 inches of rain fell in the Houston area. In fact, between June 5 and 11, three feet of rain fell on the area. The rain was the product of Tropical Storm Allison that formed within one day in the Gulf of Mexico, which is unusual, and headed into Texas east of Houston breaking up as a storm system. The storm remnants drifted to the north of Houston circling around the city before sliding back south to the Gulf of Mexico and re-forming as a tropical storm. Then it began to unleash incredible torrents of rain.
The destruction in Houston was catastrophic. An estimated 20,000 homes and businesses were destroyed or damaged along with possibly 50,000 automobiles and trucks. The storm closed the city for three days resulting in 28 counties in Texas and 14 parishes in Louisiana being declared as disaster areas. This incredible storm did tremendous damage which was close to $2 billion.
This was the third time since the Madrid Peace Process began that a sitting president's state had been the location of a powerful, damaging storm that occurred at the exact time the president was involved with pressuring Israel over her Covenant Land.
The home states of all three of these presidents were affected by severe weather patterns simultaneously to their diplomatic dealings of putting pressure on the Covenant Land agreements for the nation of Israel [Judah].
The enormous damage to President Bush's home in Maine by “The Perfect Storm” was eerie coming just as he was initiating the Madrid Peace Process which affected Israel's land. All three of these storms were ferocious and record breaking. Both George W. Bush and Bill Clinton had to declare disaster areas in their own states at the very time they were dealing with Covenant Land giveaway in Israel.
Last Week Gaza, This Week Katrina
Based on an article by Stan Goodenough, dated September 1st, 2005, “Katrina-Fist of ‘God’?”
By the time of this writing, the president [Bush] and his new secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, have made it abundantly clear that the achievement of peace between Israel and the Arabs, at the tremendous cost to Israel of the de facto surrender of its security as it relinquishes control over its heartland, is a goal the United States will pursue.
Meanwhile, in direct accordance with the wishes of the White House, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has taken his nation in both hands and begun to rip it apart. As he moves ahead with what he calls a “disengagement” plan - but which is really Israel [Judah] finally succumbing to world pressure to dispossess thousands of Jews of their homes and allow their sworn enemies to enjoy an enormous victory over them - I find it hard to believe the Israeli leader can be fully aware of what he is doing. As the horror wreckage by the massive storm has grown, with the enormity of the disaster impacting people across the United States and around the world, Katrina truly lived up to the projected worst case scenarios.
The New York Times -- Obama Speech Signals a U.S. Shift on Middle East
By MARK LANDLER and HELENE COOPER Published: April 14, 2010
WASHINGTON — It was just a phrase at the end of President Obama’s news conference on Tuesday, but it was a stark reminder of a far-reaching shift in how the United States views the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and how aggressively it might push for a peace agreement. When Mr. Obama declared that resolving the long-running Middle East dispute was a “vital national security interest of the United States,” he was highlighting a change that has resulted from a lengthy debate among his top officials over how best to balance support for Israel against other American interests.
This shift, described by administration officials who did not want to be quoted by name when discussing internal discussions, is driving the White House’s urgency to help broker a Middle East peace deal. It increases the likelihood that Mr. Obama, frustrated by the inability of the Israelis and the Palestinians to come to terms, will offer his own proposed parameters for an eventual Palestinian state.
Mr. Obama said conflicts like the one in the Middle East ended up “costing us significantly in terms of both blood and treasure” — drawing an explicit link between the Israeli-Palestinian strife and the safety of American soldiers as they battle Islamic extremism and terrorism in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere.
The Deadly April 20 Deepwater Horizon Explosion
Once again a National Calamity has followed a presidential action against the covenant land of the Middle East. The deadly Apr. 20 Deepwater Horizon explosion and fire has tested industry and governmental response capability. Transocean Ltd.’s semisubmersible rig was drilling a well for BP PLC in 4,992 ft of water when the explosion occurred, leaving 11 workers missing and presumed dead.
The spill, fed by an estimated 5,000 b/d of crude oil leaking from the BP Macondo well on Mississippi Canyon Block 252, resulted in an oil slick that is spreading. The slick forced shutdown of two production platforms and evacuation of one of them, halting production of 6.2 MMcfd of natural gas (OGJ Online, May 1, 2010).
The action that is needed to cause our SOVEREIGN to be attentive to our plight is that the several nations of Israel must turn to the one true SOVEREIGN, embrace His laws, and worship Him and Him alone. We the people must learn His Way and obey it. We are to have no gods before Him or along with Him as He alone is our SOVEREIGN Savior.*
* To see who our Savior is read: Psalms 106:21; Isaiah 41:13-14; 43:1-3,11-12,25-26; 45:15,21; 47:4; 49:26; 54:5; 60:16; 63:8; Jeremiah 14:7-8; Hosea 13:4. Then to see how many Mighty Ones there are read: Deuteronomy 4:35; 6:4-6; 2 Samuel 7:22; Psalms 73:25; 78:41; Isaiah 29:23; 43:10-15; 44:6; 45:21-22; 54:5; Habakkuk 1:12; Exodus 20:1-6; Zechariah 14:9.
I am sorry where my understandings on this issue may hurt and anger people. I do, however, believe unshakably in this truth - in the SOVEREIGN’s Words. Therefore, I cannot keep quiet about this. He calls Himself ETERNAL SOVEREIGN of the patriarchs of Israel, the SOVEREIGN of Abraham, the SOVEREIGN of Isaac, and the SOVEREIGN of Jacob.
The SOVEREIGN of Israel (remember there are 13 tribes) has set a precedent for dealing with Israel. He did this because He had chosen Israel to be separate, different, and unique in its calling. It was the nation through whom the SOVEREIGN would work out His plan of salvation for all mankind and He created the nations of Israel for His Glory (Isaiah 43:7) based on His promises to Abraham. Anyone inflicting harm on the nations of Israel and Judah work against this plan and threaten to trample on that Glory. Down through history, ETERNAL has allowed such threats using them to strengthen and/or chastise Israel but always intervening for the sake of His great Name to save Israel out of them and always dealing eventually very harshly with those who have dared to imperil His plan.
Again quoting Stan:
We have the earliest example in Egypt, when Israel was a young nation, a family really - slaves all, with no land of their own. ETERNAL was about to set them apart in order to reveal Himself and His glory to the gentile nations and so to begin to implement His Plan. Pharaoh resisted SOVEREIGN’s command to let His people go. He got in the way of The Plan - threatening to prevent it - by first hardening his own heart. The SOVEREIGN struck him and his people with plagues. He did not simply erase Pharaoh. Rather, He chose to inflict increasingly painful punishment on the Egyptian people, and time and again relented, giving the monarch another opportunity to get out of the way.
Reading the account, we see that when the Almighty sent plagues, He struck a whole nation, not just the leader whose actions were to blame. Thus all the Egyptians - barring those who put their trust in Israel's SOVEREIGN - got hit. Likewise, later, when the SOVEREIGN plagued Israel in response to David's sin of pride and disobedience, He struck the ordinary people because of what their leader had done-- killing 70,000 of David's subjects. The buck stopped with the leader.
The Latter Days
Many prophecies speak of the House of Israel and the House of Judah both returning together from captivity in the north countries. Look at the way-mark in history that the CREATOR set.
From the time the children of Israel left Egypt until the death of Solomon and the splitting of the kingdom into two separate houses and beyond until the northern kingdom (House of Israel) was taken captive by Assyria around 721 BCE, Ezekiel chapters 4 through 9 could have been fulfilled. Thus starting around 721 BCE when Israel was taken into captivity, both Houses did not exist together and so Ezekiel chapters 4 through 9 could not have been fulfilled.
The way-marker in history that signaled the time when both Houses could be captured and released together was in 1948 CE. Only since 1948 when the House of Judah occupied their homeland and both Houses existed together could these prophecies occur. Remember Ezekiel was told:
Ezekiel 5:4. Then take some of them [the Remnant] again and throw them into the midst of the fire, and burn them in the fire. From there, a fire will go out into all the House of Israel.
As in all tit for that situations; the more that we cause or allow to be done to Judah the more will happen to us and even worse.
Just as President Obama drawing an explicit link between the Israeli-Palestinian strife and the safety of American soldiers as they battle Islamic extremism and terrorism in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. While helping to create a Palestinian Arab state on Israel's [Judah's] land, the oil disaster was forming and ready to erupt into the Gulf, the worst ever natural disaster in the country's history strikes the United States.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Knesset, Congress, and President Obama were all warned not to evict one Jew from one part of Zion to which the Almighty had called them from the nations.
But all these leaders continued to harden their hearts and persisted in dividing Israel [Judah] into a Palestinian state to evict Jews from their homes, schools, synagogues, farms, businesses, etc. To quote one source, the oil disaster could pollute all earth's oceans at worst case scenario and at best case scenario just kill all life in the Gulf of Mexico.
Are any of the leaders in Israel and America getting the message? Israel (both Houses) is destined to be a set-apart nation and a set-apart people not given to gambling, prostitution, adultery, alcohol, nudity, and drugs which are polluting our countries. The Commonwealth of the Nations of Israel is not to look like a harlot to the nations. We are called to be a light and to show forth our SOVEREIGN's Salvation to the nations.
The land-for-peace process seeks to roll back Israel's [Judah's] return to her land. In addition, its goal is the creation of an enemy Muslim state that will work to destroy Israel [Judah] altogether. It seems clear to me that the SOVEREIGN is resorting to “a strong hand and an outstretched arm” to change the direction of the United States vis-à-vis Israel [Judah] and for our wicked ways.
Tragically, it seems we will only recognize our error and consider changing directions when things get really rough. When the disaster passes, the mind rationalizes and finds reasons to believe that this was anything but the consequences of our actions. In this way, the heart is hardened and with each additional hardening it becomes even tougher to make the right choices.
Frustration and Anger
It is more than obvious that Americans are frustrated and angry. Along with the many tears shed due to a feeling of total helplessness, the reality of the catastrophe in the Gulf and its surrounding region has prompted outrage. Yet, the spiritual side of the Deepwater Horizon Expolision is the furthest thing from the minds of those in the media and government let alone the American people. The spirit of America is eulogized with an aura of worship. We have literally talked ourselves into a virtual comfort zone on a personal and national level:
Jeremiah 17:9. The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?
A clear pattern has developed here. Was the Almighty warning these four presidents not to interfere with the Covenant Land of Israel? Is the hand of THE MIGHTY ONE signaling a “perfect storm warning?” Is all of this by coincidence or design? You be the judge.
Is our CREATOR interested in the events in the nations of the Commonwealth of Israel? Is He interested in the relationship of the United States and Judah? Is He interested with the happenings on planet earth? He has a plan for all of mankind and He wants you to Quest for the knowledge of Him and His Plan.
Keep in mind that Scripture clearly states that you are to love ETERNAL with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength and that the first step towards wisdom is: “the fear of the CREATOR.” This generation has not only lost its love for our CREATOR but has even lost its basic respect of right and wrong.
Read the Scriptures (Tanakh, Old Testament) for yourself. Be sure to read the passage in Ezekiel in its entirety. That way you will see for yourself where we are on the map of these end times. Do not depend on what any man or men say(s) they mean or any other book they may point you toward. If our SOVEREIGN can create a cosmos, then He can surely state what He means and mean what He states in a book of instructions to us on how to live.
Wake Up America! Wake Up Britain! Wake Up Judah! Wake Up Tribes of Israel! Both Houses of Israel MUST Wake Up! It is much later than you think! Even now, the ancient land of Judea is facing total disaster from their enemies and America from the Gulf. Please pass this on to a friend or acquaintance without any cutting because we must also warn our families, friends, and neighbors.
Begin now to obey our SOVEREIGN and His written word - not the word of some man no matter how much you esteem him/them. This is for both you and your family. In addition, no man dead or alive can save us. However, yielding to the Great Mighty One, the ETERNAL SOVEREIGN, is the only action that will save us (Isaiah 43:25-26; Psalms 51:4). We must study to know our SOVEREIGN and His Way; we must “Quest for the Ancient of Days.” Let us help you with your Quest. Write us or stop by our website at and see for yourself. We will leave the light on for you. Write for our magazine The Hope of Israel.
May our SOVEREIGN give you peace and understanding.