lunes, 14 de junio de 2010


by Charles J. Voss

When I first realized the New Testament could not be trusted and was a product of the church in Rome, without studying Isaiah in detail I assumed that the Jewish version of Isaiah 53 making the Suffering Servant the Jewish people must be correct. That was a false assumption and a mistake on my part. As it turns out it is neither one as you know by reading this far.

HOWEVER, I AM NOT AN ANTI-SEMITE OR ANTI-JEWISH AND TAKE NOTE THAT this is part of my original article, but modified to fit my new understanding of Isaiah that I have been struggling with a couple of years. My new understanding is a continuation of the revealing the Mystery of the Promises to Abraham and thus, the promises to the Children of Israel. I am opposed to any man made religion that uses a different book than the Hebrew Scriptures and a different g-d than the ETERNAL SOVEREIGN, the Mighty One of Israel
Throughout their history the Jewish people have suffered at the hands of many different oppressors and have been accused of many different crimes down through the centuries. Their primary crime as a people is that they have been identified solely as the “Children of Israel.”
One thing to keep in mind as we go through this article is that the identity of the Jews is widely known; the tribal name of Judah has not been lost even through 70 years of captivity.
Yes, that is true and they are hated for it. While the Jews comprise only two tribes of what we know as the “Children of Israel” (the tribes of Judah and Benjamin) most people are not aware of that fact. The original Children of Israel were comprised of the thirteen tribes of Jacob.
So, why have the Jews been the focal point for the nations’ hatred instead of all the tribes? That is a very good question and we have many articles to describe who the thirteen tribes are. Suffice it to say that the House of Judah is composed of Judah, Benjamin, and part of Levi remained married to ETERNAL while the other ten tribes (Lost Ten Tribes) were divorced by ETERNAL for their wickedness and were dispersed abroad and were absorbed in to other countries. However, the Jews have remained the focal point as the "chosen people of ETERNAL" down through the ages.
To summarize this point, the Jews were the tribe chosen to keep their tribal name of Judah, to maintain the Torah, the knowledge of which day is the Sabbath, and the concept of a monotheistic SOVEREIGN. These four things they have done.
Genesis 49:10. “The [Tribal Name #H7626] Scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a [scribe] lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh comes; and to him [Shiloh] shall be the obedience of the people.”
Actually, the Jews are not the only tribes that are hated. As time progresses toward the end time and throughout the Time of Jacob’s Trouble, it will become clear who the remaining tribes are because the Time of Jacob’s Trouble will center on all of "Jacob’s sons" hence the Time of JACOB’S TROUBLE.
The Jews have suffered greatly at the hands of many peoples during many generations. Therefore, it is thought that the reason for the suffering has been that they are the “chosen people” and worship the true G-d. Even though, perhaps to some, this is logical thinking that is not the case. The Jewish people as a whole do not worship the true SOVEREIGN of the Cosmos. The Jewish people obey their rabbis and therefore, their rabbis have become their deities. “Hashem”[1] happens to be the one that the rabbis proclaim to be their g-d.
We have seen these events in the horrors of the holocaust, the diabolical tortures of the Inquisition, pogroms[2] in Poland and Russia! Anti-Semitism in our towns and cities! What is worse, we probably thought they deserved it? No wonder ETERNAL’s words in the Hebrew Scripture (Old Testament or Tanakh) are laced with sadness. We have seen the flickering black and white images on our television of hundreds of Jewish people going without a struggle to their deaths. We could not see their lips moving in the Shema “Hear O Israel! ETERNAL our SOVEREIGN, ETERNAL is one.” They died as a sign for us; they died as a sign for you!
These common Jewish people will be asking, “Where were you when the Ku Klux Klan was about, when local clubs and businesses discriminated against us, when hotels refused us accommodation and when we were tortured and killed in concentration camps in Germany?”
This is not to support the religion of Judaism, which binds its adherents even more tightly in a web of fabricated rules than your local brand of "Christianity."
Those of us who understand that we are of Israel owe a very great debt of gratitude to the people of Judah who were bearing the brunt of Satan’s attack on the people of ETERNAL, while we (the rest of the sons of Jacob) were wallowing in paganism. However, the Jews are the ones who were called to maintain their Tribal Name (scepter) to the nations and to reveal to the world a loving, merciful, forgiving Savior and Redeemer. Sadly, tragically, this has not happened.
Jewish History
In this article we will cover some of the burdens that the Jewish people have shouldered. The first account is about Treblinka (a concentration and decimation camp in W.W.II) and is from a sermon given years ago in the "Worldwide Church of G-d (WWCG)." The sermon pointed out the steps taken to harden the staff of the German death camps in W.W.II to do their grisly work. The purpose of that sermon was to show that all human nature is generally capable of committing the crimes done in these camps under the right conditions.
The purpose of this writing is to focus attention on the victims--the Jewish people and the horrors they have suffered throughout the millenniums. Nevertheless, this article is neither a defense of the Jewish Talmudic religious system nor of their practice of obeying their rabbis along with their fabricated traditions.
The Jewish people have willfully disobeyed the CREATOR in every aspect of their journey from the time the CREATOR revealed himself to Moses along with all the tribes of Jacob when He called all of Israel to be His chosen people through the Time of Jacob's Trouble they have fully obeyed their rabbis.
The following is the history of one of the atrocities against the Jews. While we do not make light of their sufferings we cannot ignore what Scripture reveals about the Jews, their past, present and future and we do this in hope that some of them will open their Torah and read it for themselves to understand what it states.
What has been the real crime of the Jewish people? What does the CREATOR say about their suffering? Why did He allow their suffering to happen to the only people on earth who has maintained their identity as a monotheistic people who acknowledge the sign of the CREATOR (the Sabbath) and have made known to the world that they believe in only one SOVEREIGN of the world and universe? In addition, the Jews maintain that they have as their ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and have kept the Oral Torah[3] lo these many years.
One account given in the WCG sermon occurred during the winter of 1943 in Treblinka. [4]
“The victims in the story were of a large group of children that "Nazi storm troopers with their machine guns and guard dogs forced the children into a location between the inner and outer fences and the children were stripped naked. As they stood naked in the snow and the bitter cold, they were hosed down with a fire hose and left to freeze to death in the snow. The wet freezing children huddled their tiny bodies together to try to stay warm. The next morning the mass of dead youthful bodies were frozen into a huge mass of ice."
This is but a handful out of the 6 million that perished.
The national news during the first full week of March, 1997 (when this sermon was given) highlighted two cases of anti-Semitism that have surfaced.
• The first was a radio AP news report that Avis-Rent-A-Car had not only issued instructions for discriminating against blacks but also against Jews. In looking at the world now in the Twenty-first Century, the world is still rampant with anti-Semitism and racism.
• The second was a CBS news cast showing many pictures portraying the regular German army participating in the genocide of Jews. The photographs were of the hanging of many Jews by regular German troops with many of the soldiers holding the foot of a Jew that had been hung.
The reason this revelation is so outstanding is that since the end of W.W.II the German press has feverishly presented the idea that ONLY Hitler's special SS troops had participated in crimes against the Jewish people and not the German people.
Some citizens were helpful to the Jews such as the friends of Otto Frank, father of Anne Frank, who helped them survive for a while in an attic in Amsterdam. This is along with all the recent atrocities in the Middle East. What is the cause of this anti-Semitism and why is it again on the increase in these latter days?
Origin of Anti-Semitism
"The term Anti-Semitism [in modern usage] refers to prejudice against Jewish people. The term is inexact since it does not refer to all Semites, which would include the Arabs, but designates opposition only to Jews. Anti-Semitism has manifested itself in many ways: hostile popular sentiment, discriminatory legislation, expulsion, and in Nazi Germany deliberate extermination.
"From the beginning, their claim to be a chosen people, their refusal to worship other gods, and their insistence on special religious laws placed Jews in a vulnerable position. In the ancient Roman Empire, very few Jews were admitted to Roman citizenship. Early Chr-stians held the Jews responsible for the crucifixion of "Christ," an allegation that became the justification of anti-Semitism for many centuries, spreading with the domination of Chr-stianity in the West."[5]
Notice in the above paragraph that the Jews were placed in a "vulnerable position." Why? Because...
1. They proclaim that they do not worship any g-d other than the one they worship.
2. There are "allegations" that they were responsible for the crucifixion of Chr-st.
The spiritual power behind anti-Semitism is Heylel (satan) because she hates the only people on earth who have professed through millenniums to worship the One G-d and who observe the seventh day Sabbath day.
Chr-stian Identity Movement
To bring the focus on anti-Semitism into today’s world the "Christian Research Institute"[6], a cult awareness association states of them:
"Christian Identity" is the name of a religious movement uniting many of the white supremacist groups in the United States. ...They consider themselves [the] true Israel and view the Jews as half-devils and archenemies. ..."Identity" adherents believe they are the only descendants of Adam and the only chosen descendants of Abraham. This is the reason for the name "Identity"--they are convinced they know their true identity. They believe they are members of the supposed ten lost tribes of Israel. Identity adherents of today would include the British, Germanic, and Scandinavian peoples as those comprising the tribes of lost Israel."
The movement, Anglo-Israelism, began in 1870. It was founded by the Rev. John Wilson, a nonconformist minister who expounded the idea that the Anglo-Saxons were the supposed ten lost tribes of Israel. Believing the nations of Western Europe and the United States to be "God's" chosen people, they expected them to receive all the promises "God" gave to Israel in the Old Testament."
"Today, with few exceptions the breakaway groups of the Worldwide Church of "God," and most Messianic groups, most adherents of Anglo-Israelism are in the "Identity" movement.”[7]
Our Belief in Anglo-Israelism
United Hebrew Congregations (UHC) is not connected with, associated with, and DOES NOT identify with the "Christian Identity" movement or any of their religious or political aspirations. We are not a "Christian" organization nor do we advocate one race over another. Our stand on racial issues is the same as that of the CREATOR of the Universe as He states:
Isaiah 56:6-7 (TLB). As for the Gentiles, the outsiders who join the people of ETERNAL and serve Him and love His Name, who are His servants and don't desecrate the Sabbath, and have accepted His Covenant and promises, "I will bring them also to My Righteous Mountain of Jerusalem and make them full of joy within My House of Prayer. I will accept their sacrifices and offerings, for My Temple shall be called A House of Prayer for All People"!
UHC does however, believe that all thirteen Tribes of Israel are identifiable today in various locations around the earth and that they are all descendants of the thirteen tribes as listed in the Hebrew Scriptures.
Numbers 1:4-15. And with you there shall be a man from every tribe, ...from Reuben, ...from Simeon, ...from Judah, ...from Issachar, ...from Zebulun, ...from the sons of Joseph (from Ephraim), ...from Manasseh, ...from Benjamin, ...from Dan, ...from Asher, ...from Gad, ...from Naphtali ...and Levi.
We believe along with WCG, Yair Davidy, and many others that the Lost Ten Tribes can be identified as the Anglo-Saxon peoples of today. We also believe the Jewish people of today stem from the tribe of Judah and that all thirteen tribes are brothers springing from our common father Jacob, the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham. Therefore, we are opposed to anti-Semitism, violence, or political intrigue of any nature.
Recent History of anti-Semitism
Continuing from Grolier's Encyclopedia:
"The Middle Ages were characterized by repeated efforts to identify church and state. In such a view of society, only 'Christians’ had a real place. Periodic persecutions of Jews occurred. A large-scale persecution opened in Spain during the 13th century. ...By the end of the 15th century, the inquisition put to trial Jews and other nonconformists in Spain, culminating in the expulsion of Jews from the country."
"...At about the same time, similar oppressive measures were enforced in England, France, and Germany. ...Jews were also forced to live in walled ghettos. ...Outside the gates, they were obliged to wear an identifying badge. This forced segregation was abolished only in the 19th century."
"...With the partitions of Poland (1772, 1793, 1795), masses of Jews were added to Russia. The Czarist government established the "Pale of Settlement," a large territory in the western provinces, and decreed military service for children. The attacks on Jews, beginning in 1881 caused a mass emigration to the United States and the establishment of colonies in Palestine."
"...During the 19th century, anti-Semitism again gained strength by appeals to (1) nationalistic motives, especially where a Jewish minority was strong, as in Eastern Europe; and (2) racial motives. ...The theory of the ...superiority of the Aryan race and the ideas ...on racial purity, exercised a great influence on subsequent racist policies. In Germany, anti-Semitism became an organized movement during the late 19th century. Later, Nazism turned anti-Semitism into an official government policy that within a decade led to the systematic extermination of nearly 6 million Jews."
As the momentum of anti-Semitism grew it was flamed by many false accusations against the Jews—one of which was "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion."
Protocols of the Elders of Zion
From Grolier’s article "Anti-Semitism”:
"The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was the title of a forged treatise purporting to outline the plans of a late-19th-century council of Jews to subvert 'Christianity' and seize control of the world. The treatise first appeared in its entirety in Russia in 1905 but was apparently written in France in the 1890s by members of the Russian secret police.
"...Although the Times (London) revealed the forgery in 1921, the Protocols were translated into many languages and circulated widely in Europe and the United States during the 1920s and '30s. They were cited as the classical defense for anti-Semitism, especially by the National Socialists in Germany."
As a side note: this document is being circulated again, [starting in the 1990's] by the "Christian Identity" movement. As stated earlier, this hatred for the Jewish people culminated in the extermination of six million of them in the death camps in Germany. This national exercise in hatred is identified as "The Holocaust."
From Grolier's article "Holocaust”:
"The first German concentration camp was established at Dachau near Munich in 1933 to detain Communists and other political dissidents. ...After the decision was made to remove all Jews from Germany, mass arrests started in May 1938 and slave labor camps were established."
"Early in 1941, Hitler gave the order to exterminate Jews, and concentration camps were used for mass annihilation. In Poland, Jews were first imprisoned in ghettos in a few large cities; they were then resettled in [deported to] death camps. Despite administrative disputes over the need to preserve a supply of Jewish labor, economic considerations were generally subordinated to what was called the 'final solution.' Auschwitz was chosen as the main extermination center; gas chambers were installed, using methods perfected in an earlier euthanasia program. Between five and six million Jews died; two million of them died in Auschwitz alone, where mass killings began in March 1942. Large numbers of Poles, Russians, and Gypsies also were put to death."
Crucifixion of a Race
"There is no rational explanation for the madness of the Final Solution. [At the time of the Holocaust, the Jews were stripped of their possessions, walled in ghettos, powerless and docile. They had no power, no land, nothing. The Jews were not a danger to Hitler's rule.
"The Holocaust is not the only indication of Hitler's derangement. Nazi Germany was full of the bizarre. For example: Germany had human breeding farms, where volunteer teenage girls were impregnated by blond, blue-eyed SS-men, to bear children for the Fuhrer. ...In Auschwitz, Mengele conducted experiments on twins to find ways of improving the breeding methods for the German women.
"'God' created man in His image and Hitler tried to create a new man in his own brutal image. His vision of a New World is outlined in Table Talks a book based on Hitler's own monologues. It is a chilling picture of a world order based on slavery, brutality, and nonsense. There is no doubt that Hitler was a charismatic leader, who was able to infect with his paranoia a whole generation of German people. The Holocaust was the first stage of the New World Order and a few of Hitler's admirers in the U.S.A. would be surprised to learn that they would have been the next victims.
"It is tragic, that for the satisfaction of the whim of one man, a whole nation was crucified and the world, conditioned by two thousand years of anti-Semitism, looked on in indifferent silence. Nothing was done to stop the killings.[8]
Accounts from a Holocaust Survivor
These following accounts are from a Holocaust Survivor:[9]
The Miracle in Auschwitz--"A miracle happened in Auschwitz. Lily, a beautiful eight-year-old doll, survived the gassing. She was lucky. When Leon, the Jewish Sonderkommando, pulled her lithe body to transport her to the crematorium, she opened her eyes and asked. "What happened to me? Where do you take me?"
"Leon faced a dilemma, 'What shall I do? Burn the girl alive?' Risking his own life, Leon smuggled the child into the dormitory, and hid her under his bed. She stayed there for two days, until she was discovered by the supervising SS-man.
"The SS-man took Lily outside and shot her. 'Burn the body in the open pit,' he ordered. 'I can't sidestep the Fuhrer's order.' So, the splendid German Death Machine has proven its efficiency, once more. An order is an order. Deutschland uber alles" [Germany over everything].
An Act of Kindness--Ghetto of Rohatyn 1942: A heavyset German climbed the steps to the attic, in search of the Jews. He spotted two young children, hiding behind a black trunk.
He slowly approached the children, frozen with fear. After a moment of hesitation, he pulled out his bayonet and ...grabbed an old quilt, ripped it apart and covered them with a heavy layer of white feathers. 'You remind me of my own children. How can I harm you?' He said quietly.
"It was an act of kindness. It gave the children, left without parents, a few months of a wretched life. Six months later, they were shipped to Belzec, for gassing.
A Child's Question--"At the Umschlagplatz, the transfer point to the gas chambers, a three-year old boy asked: 'Mommy, why does Hitler hate me? He doesn't even know me. I am a good boy, Mommy.'
"'Yes, you are a good boy, and therefore we soon will be reunited with Daddy and Rachel,' answered the mother, reassuringly.
The Homeless Orphan--"In a small ghetto, a ten-year old, homeless orphan, was laid up with typhoid. He lay outdoors, on a bundle of straw, covered with snow. Fed by some good souls, he miraculously survived the typhoid, the high fever, and the cold--to be shot by the Germans.
The Fighter--"In the Warsaw Ghetto, Shlomo wrote in his diary: 'My father is a fighter. Everyday he fights for a piece of bread.' Soon afterwards, Shlomo was shipped to Treblinka.
[He may have been part of the group children mentioned earlier that were frozen to death.]
The Incineration--"In 1944, a young Jewish woman arrived to Auschwitz, carrying a year-old baby. She was healthy and pretty and was spared the gassing. Before entering the gates of the camp, an SS-man pulled the baby from her hands and threw it alive into the crematorium oven. She [the mother] survived to tell her story.
The Runner--Sandomierz, Poland, 1942: Shlomo felt the pangs of hunger and left the ghetto to get some food, in a nearby village. On the way he was intercepted by 'Bloody Edzio,' the nasty German Gendarme who was known for his sadistic practical jokes.
"Shlomo, the fourteen old boy, recognized Bloody Edzio, and started to plead for his life: 'Please let me go. I have an old mother to support.'
'I will let you go, after we arrive in the ghetto,' promised the Gendarme. He tied Shlomo with a rope to his horse and started to gallop. The emaciated boy could not keep up with the horse. The boy screamed, and the more the boy screamed the more the sadist whipped his horse.
Bloody Edzio, dragged the body to the ghetto and there he kept his promise, and let the boy go. Shlomo died two hours later.
Remember the cause of anti-Semitism is Heylel (Satan) as she uses Judah's refusal to budge from the acknowledgment that there is only one Supreme Being. The Jews (Judah and Benjamin) are the only tribes that have kept their identity as the Children of Israel. That trait combined with their absolute refusal observe any other day other than the Sabbath has caused these people to be despised and hated by the world.
United Hebrew Congregations believes in Anglo-Israelism yet we do not identify with the "Christian Identity" movement. We believe the time has come to proclaim to all Israel their identity and that they must return to the worship of the One True CREATOR. We believe in the reunification of all twelve Tribes of Israel and proclaim the following message to all of Israel:
Ezekiel 37:21-23. "Then say to them, Thus says ETERNAL CREATOR: 'Surely I will take the Children of Israel from among the nations, wherever they have gone, and will gather them from every side and bring them into their own land; and I will make them one nation in the land, on the mountains of Israel; and one king shall be king over them all; they shall no longer be two nations, nor shall they ever be divided into two kingdoms again. They shall not defile themselves anymore with their idols, nor with their detestable things, nor with any of their transgressions; but I will deliver them from all their dwelling places in which they have sinned, and will cleanse them. Then they shall be My people, and I will be their SOVEREIGN.'"
...:24-28."David My servant shall be king over them, and they shall all have one shepherd; they shall also walk in My judgments and observe My statutes, and do them. Then they shall dwell in the land that I have given to Jacob My servant, where your fathers dwelt; and they shall dwell there, they, their children, and their children's children, forever; and My servant David shall be their Prince forever. Moreover I will make a Covenant of peace with them, and it shall be an everlasting Covenant with them; I will establish them and multiply them, and I will set My sanctuary in their midst forevermore.'"
...:27-28. My dwelling place will be with them; I will be their God, and they will be my people. Then the nations will know that I ETERNAL make Israel [set apart], when My sanctuary is among them forever.'"
SOVEREIGN Our Protector
Psalms is mostly a prophetic book! Surprised? Do not be because it is! Psalms 91 is referring to The Time of Jacob's Trouble. There will be those who survive the terrible Time of Trouble. Those are the ones (the righteous ones who are in right standing with their Father) who dwell in "the secret place of the Most High." They are the Righteous Remnant.
Psalm 91:1-6 (TLB). We live within the shadow of the Almighty, sheltered by the SOVEREIGN who is above all g-ds. This I declare, that He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; He is my SOVEREIGN, and I am trusting Him. For He rescues you from every trap and protects you from the fatal plague. He will shield you with His wings! They will shelter you. His faithful promises are your armor. Now you do not need to be afraid of the dark anymore, nor fear the dangers of the day; nor dread the plagues of darkness, nor disasters in the morning.
...91:7-13. Though a thousand fall at my side, though ten thousand are dying around me, the evil will not touch me. I will see how the wicked are punished, but I will not share it. For ETERNAL is my refuge! I choose the SOVEREIGN above all g-ds to shelter me. How then can evil overtake me or any plague come near? For He orders His angels to protect you wherever you go. They will steady you with their hands to keep you from stumbling against the rocks on the trail. You can safely meet a lion or step on poisonous snakes, yes, even trample them beneath your feet!
...91:14-15. For ETERNAL says, “Because he loves Me, I will rescue him; I will make him great because he trusts in My Name. When he calls on Me, I will answer; I will be with him in trouble and rescue him and honor him. I will satisfy him with a [long] full life and give him My Salvation.”

[1]. The word “Hashem” means “the name.” At first the name “Ba'al” was used by the Jews for their G-d, see Wikipedia. So, who is to say that B-al is not the name of the one “Hashem” refers to, especially since the meaning of B-al is “the L-rd."
[2] “An organized, often officially encouraged massacre or persecution of a minority group, especially one conducted against Jews,” American Heritage Dictionary.
[3]. See our article on the “Oral Torah.” To briefly summarize the article, it is the oral traditions of the rabbis.
[4]. "Treblinka was a concentration camp ...used by the German Nazis in their program of exterminating the Jews. First established by the Germans as a slave labor camp in 1941, Treblinka was turned into a death camp early in 1942. ...By July 11, 1945, when the Soviet army entered Warsaw, 800,000 Jewish men, women, and children had been put to death at Treblinka," from Grolier's Multimedia Encyclopedia, version 7.0.4 article on "Holocaust."
[5]. Ibid. Article on "Anti-Semitism."
[6]. Op. cit., Grolier's article on "Anti-Semitism."
[7]. "If you desire to reproduce less than 500 words of this data file for resale or the enhancement of any other product for resale, please give the following source credit: Copyright 1993 by the Christian Research Institute, P.O. Box 500, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92693. "Identity: A 'Christian' Religion for White Racists" (an article from the Christian Research Journal, Fall 1992, page 20) by Viola Larson. The Editor-in-Chief of the Christian Research Journal is Elliot Miller."
[8]. From the Web site, Holocaust - Understanding & Prevention, "Children of the Holocaust" by Alexander Kimel - Holocaust Survivor, February 1997.
[9]. Ibid. "Holocaust."

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