viernes, 23 de enero de 2009


-De David: Bendice oh alma mía al Eterno Creador, y todas mis entrañas bendigan Su santo Nombre.
Bendice. Oh alma mía al Eterno Creador y no te olvides de todos Sus beneficios.
Él es quien perdona todas tus iniquidades y sana todas tus enfermedades y quien rescata tu vida de la sepultura; que te rodea de misericordia y compasiones; que harta de bien tu juventud: así se renovará, como plumaje de águila tu puericia.
Justicia ejecuta el Creador Eterno, y juicios, para todos los oprimidos.
Hizo conocer Sus caminos a Moisés, Sus hazañas a los hijos de Israel.
Compasivo y benigno es el Creador; lento en iras, y grande en en misericordia.
No contenderá para siempre, ni para siempre guardará la ira, pues no ha hecho con nosotros conforme a nuestros pecados, ni nos ha recompensando conforme a nuestras iniquidades; porque así como el cielo es alto sobre la tierra, así tan grande es Su misericordia a los que Le temen: Cuanto dista el oriente del occidente, tanto hay alejado de nosotros nuestras rebeliones.
Como un padre se compadece de sus hijos, así el Eterno Creador se compadece de todos aquéllos que Le temen;- porque Él conoce nuestra hechura, tiene presente que somos polvo.
En cuanto al hombre, como la hierba son sus días; como la flor del campo, así florece; porque un soplo pasa por él, y ya no existe, y no le conocerá más su lugar.
Empero la misericordia del Eterno Creador es desde la eternidad y hasta la eternidad sobre todos aquéllos que Le temen; y Su justicia alcanza los hijos de los hijos, para todos aquellos que guardan S
u Pacto, y los que se acuerdan de Sus Mandamientos para ponerlos por obra.
El Eterno Creador ha establecido Su trono en los cielos, y Su Rei9no domina sobre todos.
Bendecid al Eterno Creador, vosotros Sus ángeles, poderosos en fuerza. Que ejecutáis Sus mandatos, escuchando la voz de Su palabra.
¡Bendecid al Eterno Creador, todas Sus obras en todos los lugares de Su Señorío, bendecid, oh alma mía, al Eterno Creador de los universos!

lunes, 19 de enero de 2009


by Walter Baucum

Did the history of our great nation start only 500 years ago with Columbus' "discovery" of America? Or have our people been around for thousands of years, sailing the crosswinds and ocean currents to the "Land Beyond the Sunset"? This book lays bare the truth of our Israelite ancestors, from Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham, all the way back to Shem and the great Sumerian civilization, and forward to the great empires of Phoenicia, Libya, Carthage, Celtica, the British Commonwealth countries, and the United States. Even the Macedonian-Greek Empire of Alexander the Great very likely was an Israelite empire. We will find that America was just an outpost of all these great empires, that trade, exploitation, and settlement of our country from the Middle East, North Africa, Europe, and Scandinavia have been ongoing for at least 3,000 years and possibly longer.
We are citizens of the most sophisticated nation on earth, yet the most ignorant of our past, continuing to believe, and to teach our schoolchildren, that this land was settled by Asians crossing the Bering land bridge after the last ice age. In this book, we will show evidence that our people were here first, that we are one of the so-called "Lost Tribes" of Israel, that Israelites were great empire builders, that English can be traced to Hebrew and therefore might be the oldest language on earth, that the Vatican knew about America 300 years before Columbus, that the cataclysmic ending of the Bronze Age was brought about by Joshua and the armies of Israel, and much more.
Historians and archaeologists have failed or refused to recognize these truths for centuries, and even our own government has bought into the farce that Asians are the "native" Americans. This book not only will show the farce of these claims, but also will give us a deeper appreciation of our roots, as well as insight into our future.

This book dares to disclaim the myth that Columbus was the first European to reach America. The author lays bare the truth of America's Israelite ancestors, from old Father Abraham, all the way back to Noah's son Shem and the great Sumerian civilization, and forward to the empires of Phoenicia, Libya, Carthage, Celtica, the British Commonwealth countries, and the United States. With "proof upon proof," he clearly shows how this continent was not "found" by a few lost and shipwrecked seamen sailing the crosswinds and ocean currents of the worlds, but that this "Land Beyond the Sunset" was a deliberate outpost of all these great empires, with trade, exploitation, and settlement of our country from the Middle East, North Africa, Europe, and Scandinavia being a ubiquitous and ongoing fact of history for at least 3,000 years, or even longer.
We Americans are citizens of the most sophisticated nation on earth, yet the most ignorant of our past, continuing to believe, and to teach our schoolchildren, that this land was settled by Asians crossing the Bering land bridge after the last ice age. In vivid, easy-to-read, well-documented detail, the writer shows that our people were here first, that we are one of the so-called "Lost Tribes" of Israel, that Israelites were great empire builders, that English can be traced to Hebrew and is possibly the oldest language on earth, that the Vatican knew about America 300 years before Columbus, that the cataclysmic ending of the Bronze Age was the result of Joshua and the armies of Israel, and much more.
He boldly accuses America's historians and archaeologists of mysteriously failing or deliberately refusing to teach these truths for centuries and points out how even our own government has bought into the farce that Asians are the "native" Americans. The author not only points out the truth of these claims, but also gives our American people a deeper appreciation of their roots, as well as insight into their future.
Why is my book different from other books on the market?
The history of America's brilliant past has been recorded in parts and pieces by both ancient and modern historians, but because of our collective blindness to our true national identity, no one has put all of it together in one book until now. Historians, anthropologists, and other researchers seeking the truth of our past make startling, even daring, discoveries almost daily, but all seem to bog down in bias or misinterpretation before their final conclusions. This book is different because the author draws upon, and credits, their research but goes that final step further by saying what none of them dare say about our Israelite past. Once we see who we really are, the prophecies of the Hebrew Scriptures present us with an even more brilliant future.
Who is your target audience?
Historians, religionists, American school children, anyone who loves, or has searched for, both the history and the truth of our national identity, and also anyone who wonders where The United States of America is going in its future.




According to various sources the Dan-ish kingdom is Europe`s oldest. If Professor John Hawks is rigth - modern man wandered into Europe from the north. Then we will have a perfectly clear clue to the origin of the European (agri-) culture - being the first Danes.

This is also agreed by the saga-material, which says that "Dans line spread from Jul-land, cultivating the western part of Northern Europe".

Today we seem to call them either "German" or "Celts" - since Caesar named them all after the south-western region of Gallia. The close paralells between archeoligical items from Germans, Celts, Langobards and others have proven that this "Celtic cultures" have spread from Biscaya to western shores of The Black Sea.

From here you may follow the river-system northwards - to the river Wizla, that still run out by DAN-ZIG.

The artefacts from mesolitticum, neolitticum and broze age have proven that the Wizla river have been the MAIN border (and the only clear one) throughout ancient Europe. Even England is part of that culture.


The characteristics of the ceramics, tools and architecture west of Wizla is coherent - way to the Atlantic. From Julland to Moldau, from Malmo to Marseilles. Thus it is known that they traded and mixed with the Thrakian/Makedonian in the south - and the Fenno-Ugrians (Schytians/Russians) in the east.

At this time the collective name for the nort-west was not "Europeans". But rather Danaoi.

"Dan-ae" actually says "Danish" - probably as feminium. "Dan-a-ya" and "Tanaja" sounds as "The Danes" - or "The land of the Danes". The Irish referred to the first agriculturalist as Tuatha de Danaan.

Still today we find "Ven-e-ja" as the Finnish name for Russia. During Viking-time the Scandinavians called the population east of the Baltic as "Van-a-land" (Old Norse). It is still adressed - in Danish - as "Vend-land".

Thus it should be clear that any academical capacity of ancient Europe was utterly aware of the Danes. The oldest trade known to cross France or Balkan is more than 7.000 years old. Since these insigths were rather just a decade a go there are many that still dont understand how the Danoi/Tanaja/Danya could be representatives of the Kingdom of Denmark.


By Walter W. Baucum

In The Tribes, Yair Davidy has an entire chapter on “The Order of Encampment in the Wilderness and Its Historical Significance.” He makes the point that some significance can be made from the tribal associations, which associations were commanded of them by the Eternal,(God of Moses) even from the beginning of their forty-year sojourn in the Exodus from Egypt. The point has been made earlier that some Danites probably left before the main part of Israel was enslaved, who themselves were later released by their Egyptian overlords. The greater part, though, left with the others during the historical Exodus. Numbers 2 tells us that the tribes were encamped in a specified order around the Tabernacle while in the Wilderness. Similarly, they were to proceed in a specified marching order, with Judah going first and Dan bringing up the rear (Numbers 10.

The camping order divided the twelve tribes into four groups of three, with the camping alignment having some parallelism to the familial order of Jacob and his wives. He asserts that this might be a clue to their whereabouts in modem times, since their “required” association would have established an affinity for one another not broken by future events. The last grouping of three is that dominated by Dan, his other neighbours being Asher (Scots of today) and Naphtali (the Norwegians). Among all the other peoples and nations that Dan might have become (or greatly influenced), are the Danes. Naphtali became the Nephtali who migrated to Norway. Both Denmark and Norway produced the Vikings, who invaded and settled in northern England in an area previously belonging to the Angles and Varin (Vandals) and before them, to the Brigantes. He continues his line of thought by saying the Anglo-Brigantian inhabitants of northern Britain were most likely from the Tribe of Asher (called “Aseir”).

These Aseir were considered ancestral gods by the Scandinavians, including those of Norway and Denmark. This same camping (living) alliance that had been theirs in the Wilderness, then, was retained in Scandinavia and in northern England.(21)

Briefly, the Naphtalites became divided by time, but the greater bulk went westward and became the Vikings of Scandinavia, especially of Norway.

“It was from Odin’s army, known as the ‘Svear,’ that Sweden takes its name. In their own language, the Swedes call their country ‘Sverige,’ — the ‘land of the Svear.’ The date of Odin is given variously as between C.E. 200 and 300. In the Herald’s College, London, there is a very ancient manuscript deducing the Saxon kings from Adam and from David. Odin is listed in the genealogy (as is also his wife, Frea) tracing the Royal House of Britain back to David.”

Whenever the Bible mentions “the Isles,” many of us have, in the past, believed them to be the British Isles. Psalms 72:10, for example, says, “The Kings of Tarshish and of the Isles...” Talmudic commentators explain that the “Isles” are those in the “Oceanic Sea,” meaning the Atlantic Ocean. The Talmud infers, too, that “Tarshish” actually means the Atlantic Ocean. We know that historically Tarshish was located on the southwest coast of Spain, and outposts of it were located in Britain and Gaul.

‘Ships of Tarshish’ means primarily those plying the Atlantic Ocean and therefore the ‘Isles’ mentioned in association with Tarshish and Israelites are presumably those of Britain, America, and the coastline of Northwest Europe since the term ‘Isle’ in Hebrew sometimes may be extended to include places by the coast. Even so, PRIMARILY — ‘EY’ in Hebrew means Land surrounded by water, i.e. an ‘isle’ or island.

“The term ‘Yarech’ in Hebrew means coastline whereas ‘ey’ nearly always means island. And Jeremiah uses the word ‘yerech’ coastline when speaking of the ‘North Country’ (Jeremiah 31:8-10). The expression ‘North Country’ could
apply to the whole of the Northwest European Coastline (including the British Isles) as well as to North America.”

To the early oceanic travelers, the North American continent would undoubtedly appear on maps as an “island.” That Scandinavia, whether the coastline only or the entire peninsula, would also be included in those prophecies concerning “the Isles,” seems conclusive. Later, the reader will see that North America’s being included definitely would seem to be a reasonable assumption.

The Man called Odin

During the 2nd millenium B.C. the region of Scandinavia (and particularly the peninsula of Denmark) became a chief area of trade and commerce. It was strategically located to dominate both the North and Baltic sea trade. So, together with the original German tribes of the CYMRY and DAUCIONES were migrants from Britain -- the HEBREW CYMRY transplanted by Hu the Mighty or Joshua of Jericho fame. "In 1040 [B.C.]" relates Herman L. Hoeh, "the HEBREW CYMRY called for a DESCENDANT OF JUDAH, A ROYAL SCION OF THE HOUSE OF TROY, to rule over them." "ODIN," continues Hoeh, "answered the call and led a migration OUT OF THRACE into DENMARK and neighboring regions" (Compendium of World History. Vol. II. Ambassador College, 1963. P. 50).

Also known as WODEN, WOTAN and DAN, Odin is the foremost hero of Norse mythology and, as such, was worshipped by the pagan forebears of the Anglo-Saxons, the Scandinavians, the Germans and THE CANAANITES in their midst!
As the chief god of the northern pantheon, he is said to have been the father of several legendary kings. "His exploits and adventures," notes the Encyclopedia Britannica, "are a common theme in the poetic and prose Eddas. Here his character is distinguished rather by wisdom than martial prowess, and reference is frequently made to his skill in poetry and magic" (Vol. 16, 1943 edition. P. 704).

Human sacrifices were frequently offered to ODIN, especially prisoners taken in battle; and the worship of ODIN seems to have prevailed chiefly, if not solely, in military circles. He was known to the Anglo-Saxons as WODEN, and to the Germans as WODAN (WUOTAN).

Writes Herman L. Hoeh: "In Danish history he is also called DAN I. He was the FIRST ODIN or VOTAN -- from the Hebrew ADONAI meaning 'lord.' Denmark originally received its name from the TRIBE OF DANAAN. It passed to the king who took the name of the subjects whom he ruled" (Compendium of World History, Vol. II, p. 43).

The magazine Wake Up!, in its August 1980 issue, explains that "whilst such deification of ancestors can only be deplored, there is firm reason to assert that ODIN WAS A MIGHTY LEADER OF THE ISRAEL PEOPLE during their westward trek from ancient Scythia [which included Thrace] -- the region to the north of the BLACK AND CASPIAN SEAS -- towards the fringe countries of the North Sea" (Covenant Publishing Co., Ltd. London. P. 18).

King DAN I, or ODIN, commenced his reign in Scandinavia in the year 1040 B.C. and his line, the sagas reveal, stretched all the way back to TROY! "The repeated assertions and implications," notes The Link magazine, "that the families descended from ODIN (or WODEN) derive from the ANCIENT TROJAN KINGS (often thought to belong to the fanciful category) may indeed prove to have FIRM FOUNDATION IN TRUTH."

"Several factors," continues this publication, "provide evidence which is harmonious with such a claim. Ancient classical and extra-Biblical sources indicate that the TROJAN KINGS were of the ROYAL LINE OF JUDAH and that they were closely related to other ROYAL FAMILIES IN IONA, GREECE AND CRETE. The early British king-line is traditionally DESCENDED THROUGH THE TROJAN KINGS, and the kings of Ireland are stated to have sprung from the MILESIAN ROYAL FAMILY in IONA into which 'Pharaoh's daughter' married."

"Accepting these sources," notes the magazine, "the royal families of the NORTHERN NATIONS OF EUROPE -- Irish-Scottish, Early British, Frankish, Norwegian -- are all of the SCEPTRE TRIBE OF JUDAH and the many intermarriages of these royal lines would thus all be within the one great royal family of which so much is prophesied in Scripture. Queen Elizabeth II has stated that she is WODEN-BORN" (Dec. 1981. Christian Israel Foundation, Walsall, England. P. 117).

The genealogy of Odin is traced by Gladys Taylor when she states that "the royal families of England [and] Wales...sprang from BRUTUS THE TROJAN, while those of the SCANDINAVIAN COUNTRIES came from ODIN, whose genealogy," she confirms, "as given in the Prologue to the Prose Edda, is traced TO PRIAM KING OF TROY..." (The Magnet of the Isles. The Covenant Book Co., Ltd. London, 1971. P. 37).

From Priam Herman L. Hoeh traces Odin's lineage all the way back to Jacob! (See Compendium of World History, Vol. II. P. 48).


Thrace," notes the Encyclopedia Britannica , "[is] a name applied at various periods to areas of different extent....The boundaries of the ROMAN PROVINCE OF THRACE were -- north, the Haemus; east, THE EUXINE SEA [BLACK SEA]; south, the Propontis, the HELLESPONT and the AEGEAN; and west, the Nestus. The distinguishing features of the country were the mountain chain of Rhodope (Despotodagh) and THE RIVER HEBRUS (Maritza)." "The HEBRUS," continues the Britannica, "with its tributaries, drains almost the whole of THRACE" (1943 edition. Vol. 22, p. 159).

Thrace was inhabited by indigenous tribes, as well as by Celtic [Israelite] Tribes such as the Getas. The aboriginal inhabitants were the RED-SKINNED THRACIANS mentioned by the Greek writers and they differed from the Celtic tribes not only in complexion but also in customs and religion. (Herodotos, V. 14.)

(The native Thracians were called RED-SKINS by the Greeks. and the word "Phoenician" means reddish dye in the Greek language.)
Aboriginal Thracians and the Native Illyrians
(Could we assume that Illyrians are Lyrian Descendent?)


The most outstanding archaeological monuments of this prehistoric period are the MOUND-LIKE TOMBS, that were generally located in the outskirts of the ancient cities....There is no well-defined difference between the aboriginal Thracians and the native Illyrians. All of the Thracian tribes and the Illyrian tribes practiced TATTOOING, which distinguished them from the Celtic tribes that had from time to time dominated them.
Tracians established themselves in 5th Century BC


Picts arrived in Scotland and England from Trace and Illyria. The Thracians and Illyrians observed and practiced the very same customs that were observed by the Picts of the British Isles


Herodotus and other Greek historians portrayed the Illyrians as a semi-savage people; they viewed them as the most savage tribes of Thrace. Both peoples they described as practitioners of the art of tattooing. They painted their bodies and sacrificed human victims to their gods. They were a matriarchal socieity, with the women of Illyria occupying exalted positionsin tribal society and even exercised political authority. The queens are referred to as despots or royal personages. -- Vol. XIV, p. 326. Article "Illyria."

The people of Illyria practiced the very same customs we find among the Picts and the Indian tribes of America! These peoples are protrayed as completely different from those of other European peoples including the Celts.

A custom unique to the Thracians was tattooing. The nobles painted the hair of their head blue.

It was FROM THRACE that ODIN led THE AGATHYRSI and OTHER TRIBES to northwestern Europe when he founded the Danish kingdom.
Many of the warriors employed by the early princes of western Europe were FIERCE, OF SWARTHY SKIN, NAKED AND OFTEN TATTOOED AND PAINTED. Strabo, the Roman geographer, wrote that AREAS OF IRELAND AND BRITAIN were inhabited "by MEN ENTIRELY WILD." Jerome, writing in one of his letters in the fifth century, characterizes some of them as cannibals...

When ODIN migrated from Thrace to the area of Scandinavia he led a MIXED THRONG of people -- including the Pactyae or Picts who were descendants of the CANAANITES Joshua drove out of the Promised Land.

At the time of Odin's great migration Thrace was populated by various of the Canaanite tribes who had fled from Canaan as the Children of Israel invaded the land, as well as the children of Tiras, son of Japheth.


Shortly after arriving in Scandinavia from Thrace, ODIN embarked on a venture that was to take him, along with his followers, thousands of miles across the ocean to a mystical land shrouded in legend. This was a result of the descendants of the original migrants seeking to establish their kingdom and authority over the people: "And then they remembered what had been said about THE EAST. This is when they remembered the instructions of their fathers. The ancient things received from their fathers were not lost. The tribes gave them their wives, becoming their fathers-in-law as they took wives. And there were THREE OF THEM who said, as they were about to go away: 'We are GOING TO THE EAST, WHERE OUR FATHERS CAME FROM,' they said, then they followed their road...There were only THREE [who went across the sea], but they had skill and knowledge....They advised all their brothers, elder and younger, who were left behind. They were glad to go: 'We're not dying. We're coming back,' they said when they went, yet it was these same three who WENT CLEAR ACROSS THE SEA. And then they ARRIVED IN THE EAST; THEY WENT THERE TO RECEIVE LORDSHIP" ( Popol Vuh: The Mayan Book of the Dawn of Life, translated by Dennis Tedlock. A Touchstone Book, published by Simon & Schuster. N.Y. 1986. P. 203).

"SONS [descendants] OF THE PRIEST-KINGS RETURNED TO THE EAST, where they received from the KING OF THE EAST the insignia and symbols of ROYALTY, including the canopy and throne. They then RETURNED TO RULE THE TRIBES" (ibid.,).

Where did these Quiche Maya journey to? From what line of great kings in the EAST did they receive their royal authority? From a descendant of the GREAT TOLTEC RULER who conducted their ancestors to TULA IN MEXICO shortly after the Exodus! And WHO was this descendant of the "great ruler"?


In The Two Babylons, compiled by Alexander Hislop, the author tells us that "from the researches of Humboldt we find that THE MEXICANS CELEBRATED WODAN AS THE FOUNDER OF THEIR RACE, just as our own ancestors did. The WODAN or ODIN OF SCANDINAVIA can be proved to be the [same as]...the WODAN OF MEXICO..." Continues Hislop: "...the fact that that name had been borne by some illustrious hero among the supposed ANCESTORS OF THE MEXICAN RACE, is put BEYOND ALL DOUBT by the singular circumstance that THE MEXICANS HAD ONE OF THEIR DAYS CALLED WODANSDAY, exactly as we ourselves have" (Loizeaux Brothers, N.J. 1959. Pp. 133-134).

Is it mere coincidence that the MAYAS claim that their kingdom was founded by a great EASTERN RULER NAMED ODEN OR VOTAN OR DAN by some of their tribes? According to legend he was a WHITE MAN who CAME BY SEA FROM THE EAST, bringing an infusion of new people to their land. When did this occur? TEN CENTURIES BEFORE THE TIME OF CHRIST, notes the historian Ordonez!

This VOTAN -- who was also worshipped as a god -- was famous for having himself journeyed to a land where a great TEMPLE was being built.

Do we have a king in Europe, living at the time SOLOMON'S TEMPLE was being built (around 1000 B.C.), who had dominion OVER THE SEAS, who was worshipped as a God, and whose name sounded like Votan? Indeed -- WODEN or ODIN, KING OF DENMARK from 1040-999 [B.C.]. He was worshipped later as a great god. Scandinavian literature is replete with accounts of his DISTANT JOURNEYS which took him away from his homeland for many months, sometimes years. -- Compendium of World History, Vol. II. P. 91.

In the Native Races of the Pacific States, by Hubert H. Bancroft, we find that ODIN gave his name to the "FOREST OF DAN" in the land of the QUICHE INDIANS -- just as KING ODIN or DANUS gave his name to DENMARK (DANMARK) (Pp. 163 & 549 -- Vol. V). Also, "DAN...founded a monarchy on the GUATEMALAN PLATEAU" (Vol. I, p. 789). Odin's capital in Mesoamerica -- built for the Canaanites he brought from the east -- was called AMAG-DAN.

The book Fingerprints of the Gods mentions that "there were other gods, among the Maya..., whose identities seemed to merge closely with those of Quetzalcoatl. One was VOTAN, a great civilizer, who was described as pale-skinned, bearded and wearing a long robe. Scholars could offer no translation for his name but his principal symbol, like that of Quetzalcoatl, was a serpent." (By Graham Hanthingy. Crown Trade Paperbacks, N.Y. 1995. P. 103.)


This Votan was also known as Itzamana; and the Mayan religious texts known as the Books of Chilam Balaam, reported that "the first inhabitants of Yucatan were the 'People of the Serpent.' They came from the EAST in boats across the water with their leader Itzamana, 'Serpent of the East,' a healer who could cure by laying on hands, and who revived the dead."

(Note here that times haven't changed much in symbolism.. the entwined serpent represents the field of medicine...physicians)

It is more than interesting to note that the foremost symbol of the Israelite tribe of DAN was the SERPENT; and McClintock and Strong, in their encyclopedia of religious knowledge, tell us that the standard of three Israelite tribes -- DAN, NAPHTALI and ASHER -- was a serpent or basilisk, with the motto: "Return, O Jehovah, unto the many thousands of Israel." Yair Davidy, in his work The Tribes, states that "the Tribe of Dan was represented by a SNAKE...[and] the symbol of a snake was once worshipped in Ireland" (p. 211).

(Ref. the Irish folklore , "...driving the serpents out of Ireland."

Danans introduces Worship

...they had knowledge of only one God who created heaven and earth and everything, and [they knew] that his seat [of government] was in heaven. They were [at] one time with knowledge of this only God, to whom they had erected [a] TEMPLE with priests, to which [priests] they brought presents and alms so that they had this manner of worship until A GREAT LORD, called Rurulcan [Kukulcan], came from OUTSIDE THIS LAND with people, for he and his people worshipped idols; and from here those of the land commenced to worship idols...

Relacion de Quinacama o Moxpipe, Sautillana and Xiu narrated:

The ancient ones of this province say that anciently...they did not worship idols in this land. After the Mexicans entered it and possessed it, a captain who was called Quetzalquat [Quetzalcoatl] in the Mexican language (that is to say in our [language], plumage of a snake, and among themselves they give this name to the serpent because they say that it has plumage) INTRODUCED IDOLATRY and the use of idols as gods in this land, which [idols] he made them make from wood, clay, and stone. He made [them] worship them, and they offered them many things of the hunt and merchandise and above all BLOOD from their noses and ears and THE HEARTS OF SOME WHOM THEY SACRIFICED in their service. They perfumed them with smokes of copal, which is the incense of this land; and this custom remained until the conquistadores conquered them.

Mayan and Aztec texts state that this man, claiming descent from the sun, arrived from the Gulf of Mexico with a complement of astronomers, architects and priests. The Aztecs called the man/god Quetzalcoatl, and the Mayans called him Kukulcan. These men wore sandals and robes and taught the natives to write, build, weave and worship the sun. The texts also reveal that they built schools primarily for teaching history.

This "Kukulcan" or "Quetzalcoatl" was, of course, Odin or Votan of Scandinavia who introduced idolatry and human sacrifice into Mesoamerica. He was the third Quetzalcoatl.

So here we have the records of a DANISH KING sailing across the ocean to Mesoamerica and planting COLONIES OF RED MEN FROM EUROPE and Thrace in the YUCATAN and GUATEMALAN HIGHLANDS -- as early as 1000 years before Christ! After vesting the visiting descendants of the priest-kings who founded Tula with the symbols of royalty and rulership, Odin traveled back to Mesoamerica with them, planting new colonies of Canaanites in the Yucatan and Guatemalan highlands. The newly vested priest-kings were placed in rulership over them. It is a FACT that Mesoamerican traditions universally assign WHITE LEADERS to every major recorded historic migration from northwestern Europe.

The Old World in Jepardy

With the fall of the Persian Empire in 331 B.C., the last remaining CANAANITES in Asia Minor disappeared from the area. Many other nations who had been held in virtual slavery gained their freedom at this time -- including the House of Israel. In the year 331-330 the Israelites, along with the remnant of Canaanites and some other races, journeyed out of this area to the northwest, eventually arriving in Scotland.

Archaeological proof of the Canaanites' later movements can be found in the skeletons unearthed in Asia minor:

Measuring techniques have become so ACCURATE that RACIAL CHARACTERISTICS are now distinguishable with a FAIR DEGREE OF CERTAINTY. The HITTITES, too, can be studied from this aspect. In 1958 the Deutche Orientgesellschaft devoted its 71st scientific publication to some HITTITE GRAVES discovered six years earlier in the immediate vicinity of the capital, HATTUSA, below a spur of rock named Osmankayasi after the owner of the neighbouring field. Excavation of this burial-ground yielded 50 cremation burials and 22 skeletons.

Taken in conjunction with other finds made in ANATOLIA, these human remains enabled experts to distinguish THE HITTITES FROM OTHER RACES. To quote the publication mentioned above: 'If we temporarily disregard the human types portrayed in Hittite art and focus our attention on SHAPE OF SKULL ALONE, THE HITTITES can be typologically classified....During Anatolia's PRE-HITTITE PERIOD [prior to approximately 1447 B.C.], or in the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Ages, NARROW-SKULLED TYPES are found. In the MIDDLE BRONZE AGE [after about 1447 B.C.]... BRACHYCEPHALIC TYPES occur in the CENTRAL ANATOLIAN REGION. After...the COLLAPSE OF THE CENTRAL HITTITE EMPIRE [331 B.C.]these gave way to DOLICHOCEPHALICS who were later (in Greek and, more particularly, Roman times) succeeded by the BRACHYCEPHALICS who still predominate in our own day. The likely inference is that HITTITE SETTLERS [from Canaan] INTRODUCED THESE BRACHYCEPHALIC SKULLS INTO CENTRAL ANATOLIA [in the Middle Bronze Age]. The Hittites: People of a Thousand Gods, pp. 83-84.

Wherever the Canaanites went as they traveled across Europe, they left BRACHYCEPHALIC skulls of their dead as markers of the route they took.
"The native monuments, together with the Egyptian reliefs representing Hittites, showed the physical characteristics of the Hittite race; in particular, the GREAT CURVED NOSE and BACKWARD SLOPING FOREHEAD, which proved beyond any dispute that the Hittites were not Semites or Indo-Europeans. The hieroglyphic writing of the Hittites has nothing to do with the Egyptian hieroglyphic script. It is a PICTOGRAPHIC SCRIPT; but the original meaning of many of the signs is still obscure" (Encyclopedia Britannica, 1943 edition. Vol. 11, p. 599).

The Britannica goes on to say: "Not only the mixed character of the Hittite language, but also the physical characters of the "Hittite" race, its HYPERBRACHYCEPHALOUS SKULL, the LARGE HOOKED NOSE and SLOPING FOREHEAD, suggested the hypothesis that here an Indo-European nation is mingled with a NON-Indo-European race" (ibid., p. 602). If you study pictures of the ancient Maya you will see these SAME physical features present - indicating, with other similarities, a COMMON ancestry.

domingo, 18 de enero de 2009


Por : J. N. Robles Olarte

A pesar de los deseos insanos de los enemigos del pueblo Hebreo -Israel y Judá- como son los miembros de las religiones de éste mundo, del movimiento Zionista Internacional y de los propios de la religión Judía es de saberse que prevalecerá la voluntad de nuestro Eterno Creador en los ya próximos Días del Fin de que hablan las profecías de Isaías y Jeremías.
Lo que ahora vemos y vivimos no es otra cosa que el cumplimiento de la profecía descrita en el Salmo 83.

“Ciertamente que en el Eterno YHWH nuestro Creador está la salvación de Israel…Tú (Israel y Judá), pues, has fornicado con muchos amigos; más ¡vuélvete a Mí! Dice el Eterno”.
“Judá no se volvió a Mí de todo corazón, sino fingidamente, dice el Eterno YHWH”
“Porque Mi pueblo –ISRAEL- es necio, no Me conocieron ni han querido conocerme; son hijos ignorantes y no son entendidos; son sabios para hacer el mal, pero hacer el bien no supieron ni lo saben aún”
“”Vuélvete, oh rebelde Israel, dice el Eterno YHWH; no haré caer Mi ira sobre ti, porque misericordioso soy YO, dice el Eterno YHWH, no guardaré para siempre el enojo.”
“Convertíos, hijos rebeldes, venid que YO soy vuestro esposo; …os daré Pastores según Mi corazón, que os apacienten con ciencia y con inteligencia y…en aquél tiempo llamarán a Jerusalém : trono de YHWH, y todas las naciones vendrán a ella en el nombre de YHWH en Jerusalém: ni andarán más tras la dureza de su malvado corazón.”
“Porque hemos pecado contra el Eterno YHWH nuestro Creador, nosotros y y nuestros padres, desde nuestra juventud y hasta éste día, y no hemos escuchado la voz del Eterno nuestro Creador y Señor”

(Jeremías 3: 23b,, 1, 2, ;4:22 y Jeremías 3:14,15,17,25

sábado, 17 de enero de 2009


Editors Note: To get things into perspective I do not claim to be a prophet, much less the Messiah. When YHWH stands on the Mt. of Olives He will resurrect King David who will be the resurrected Messiah and Elijah the resurrected Prophet.
The following message to all Rabbis is a direct quote from the website However, the author of that site does claim to be the Messiah. Although this man cannot be who he claims to be, I believe people of the religion of Judaism should thoughtfully consider what is stated. This is especially true in light of what appears to be coming soon down the pike.

HaMashiach's Message To All Levite Kohanim
And To All Rabbis Throughout The World
"You, who are Levite Kohanim and Rabbis, are the teachers of my people, the Children of Israel. I ask that you consider the following words concerning what your Sages and Rabbis established long ago after the Babylonian Exile, and what is today called the religion of Judaism.
"Has the G-d of our fathers, the G-d of Abraham, the G-d of Isaac and the G-d of Jacob ever spoken the word "religion" from his mouth to any of his prophets or to any of his people? Has he ever commanded any of his people to establish a "religion" and to officially call it "Judaism"? Has the only true living G-d, the G-d of Israel ever commanded any of his people to classify and categorize themselves as either being Ultra-Orthodox, Orthodox, Ultra-Conservative, Conservative, Reform or Reconstructionists in defining themselves as being of a particular "religious sect"? To which of the Sages or Rabbis of many generations ago, or at anytime in this more than 2000 years, has YHWH G-d spoken to and commanded saying, "Go to the people and speak to them in my Holy name and command them, saying, `This says YHWH G-d, the G-d of Israel: You are to establish a religion, and you will call the religion Judaism. You are to become divided into different sects like the religions of the other nations. You will call these sects Ultra-Orthodox, Orthodox, Ultra-Conservative, Conservative, Reform and Reconstructionists. This is to be done so that the people will have a multiple choice to choose from so they may choose what suits them best regarding this religion I am commanding you to establish."

"Is not this merely imitating what began at the Tower of Babel, when men chose to do their own way and forsake the ways of YHWH G-d, which continued on through the Egyptians and all the pagan nations throughout? Is this not how they all ended up with so many "gods" to "idol worship"?

"In this "religion" of "Judaism", as it is at this present time, could it not be said there is an Ultra-Orthodox G-d of Israel, a Orthodox G-d of Israel, a Ultra-Conservative G-d of Israel, a Reform G-d of Israel and a Reconstructionist G-d of Israel? Is not each G-d of each of these sects worshipped differently? If so, they are not, nor can they be the same G-d. Is there any one who would dispute this?

"What is the difference in this form of "religion" and the Christian and Islamic forms of religion which also promote division among their people by this same method they call religion? Did not each of them imitate that which our forefathers established, just as our forefathers imitated the pagan nations that surrounded them. They assimilated with those nations (gentiles), just as the Jews for Jesus have assimilated with the gentiles religion of Christianity in this day and time. Show me a "religion" on this earth that is not made up of more than one "sect", with each saying they are the "righteous sect" in the religion of their god? The Christians even ran out of space for their different denominational sects, and now have more "Non" denominational sects than they have denominational ones. The Muslims of Islam imitated this for themselves as well. Is it any wonder?

"When anyone adds to or takes from that which YHWH G-d has commanded, then it is inevitable that the worship has become idol worship, meaning, the worship of another god other than YHWH G-d Al-mighty!

"Considering this, it may be that you will begin to understand why YHWH, the G-d of Israel became so angry at our forefathers, the kings, the princes, the priests, the lying prophets, and the people who followed in their ways, which were not the ways of YHWH. He became fiercely wrathful because of the jealousy they provoked him to by establishing this "religion" and the different "religious sects" within it. They had forsaken his ways to establish their own ways, and call it "his ways"? Why do you think the first command he has spoken in this more than 2000 years to all the Children of Israel is:

""Now, consider your ways this day and compare your ways with the ways of your forefathers who continually provoked me to great jealousy and anger."

"Do not think that I am saying that everything you are teaching my people is incorrect. This is not true. I am simply stating that the way of YHWH G-d is not religious. His way is not a religion. Nor is His way meant to be many different religious organizations. My people, the sheep of YHWH's flock, are divided because of this and they are not supposed to be divided! They are supposed to be ONE, in unity with one another and with YHWH our G-d, who is ONE! The way of YHWH is the way of life and the way we are to live our lives. The way of YHWH is Torah, the tree of life. The ways that men establish which they call "religion" is the mixture of the knowledge of good and evil and calling it good. The religions of men are the ways of death.

"Do not think I am attacking you or that I have anything against the Levite Kohanim (Priests) or the Rabbis who are caught up in all of this at this moment in time because of the influence that was passed down through time. I do not have anything against you. You simply do not yet know and understand. But, it is now being made known to you and you will have to decide whose voice it is you are going to hearken to. You must come to know for a certainty that it is the voice of YHWH, the G-d of Israel, and his voice only that you are truly being obedient to. You will then be required not to listen to the voices of those who will rebel against this message. Those who rebel are they who have intentionally chosen to continue in a way that is not the way of YHWH our G-d. They will have intentionally chosen to do their own way. By their rebellion, they have, in effect, self-anointed, self-ordained and self-appointed themselves to be spokesmen for YHWH G-d, the Holy One of Israel. He has not sent them, nor have they stood in his counsel and heard his word from his mouth!

"Consider this also. IF the G-d of Israel were so approving of what you and my brethren refer to as the "official religion" of the State of Israel, which is called Judaism; then why has it only been since it was created, formed and established by men after the Babylonian exile that all the curses of the covenant have been poured out upon our forefathers that eventually led to the total destruction of the second Temple in 70 C.E.? IF YHWH G-d were so approving of this "religion", would it not be that he would have allowed our forefathers to remain in the land of Israel and he would have poured out all his blessings on them?

"IF all we needed were the Torah, the Tanakh, the Talmudic writings of the Sages and Rabbis, and a religion to call our own, we sure wouldn't have any need for our G-d, YHWH, or for his Mashiach to come, now would we? There are plenty of Talmudic Scholars and Rabbis with superior knowledge and understanding concerning all matters relating to our, why would we need a Mashiach to come? You could simply continue with the attitude, `All is well! Look at how far we have come and how much we have advanced in our knowledge and understanding. We have even been able to return to the land of Israel and establish a sovereign nation for ourselves. So why do we need a Mashiach to come?' Is this not really the unspoken attitude of the "religious" and the loudly spoken attitude of the "secular"?

"Which of these "religions" do you think the Mashiach of YHWH G-d, the G-d of Israel will join when he is revealed to his people, the Children of Israel? Will he make claim to any "religion", "religious sect" or "religious organization"? I will tell you now that I will not make claim to being associated with any religion or of any of these differing sects of the religion of Judaism. I am not here to assimilate with that which the Sages and Rabbis of old created, formed and established after the Babylonian exile. My whole reason for being is to establish the way of YHWH G-d in the earth. I will set my people free from this which YHWH G-d has not established or commanded to be. I and the Children of Israel will surely hearken to the voice of YHWH, the G-d of our fathers and to his voice only!!! He who is for YHWH G-d of Israel, the only true living G-d, be with me!

"Yliyahu ben Dovid
"HaMashiach of YHWH G-d
"1 Tishrei, 5760"


Editors Note:
The reason I believe this is important for Jews is because YHWH does state that BOTH Israel and Judah will be brought back from captivity. Thus, both Jews and the rest of Israel will have to repent in captivity in order to be brought out from captivity.
What will people of the Jewish religion have to repent of? Obeying what the Rabbis, sages, and oral traditions state, rather than strictly observing what The Holy Hebrew Scriptures state so plainly.
(Jer. 30:4-7 KJV) "Now these are the words that YHWH spoke concerning Israel and Judah, 'For thus says YHWH: ... Ask now, and see 'whether a man is ever in labor with child?' So why do I see every man with his hands on his loins like a woman in labor, and all faces turned pale? Alas! For that, day is great, so that none is like it; and it is the time of Jacob's trouble, But he shall be saved out of it.
Charles J Voss


Entiendo que estés disgustado con nosotros, los judíos, y sobre todo desde que tenemos nuestro propio Estado, con Israel. Y más aún, estimo que puedas estar enojado y hasta furioso
No es nada nuevo, porque es claro que
cada tanto pareces perturbado y disgustado con nosotros los judíos, estemos donde estemos y hagamos lo que hagamos.

Caro MUNDO, entendemos que nosotros, los Hebreos, y en especial los de Israel, te causamos menudos problemas porque irritamos a los árabes. Y éstos son tantos, unos 400 millones, y lo que es más importante, poseen tanto petróleo. Y nosotros, nada. Y que cuando hablas del mundo musulmán, has de tener en cuenta que deben ser algo más de 1.500 millones, un quinto de tu población, mientras que nosotros, los judíos, que no llegamos a los 14 millones, numéricamente somos algo insignificante. Tan sólo un 0,2% que es como decir casi nada. Y, claro, a los musulmanes en general y a los árabes en particular, hay que tenerlos gozosos y contentos, porque son un bloque tan importante y poderoso que mucho temes enojarlo con un proceder nada sensato.

Hoy te enoja la represión de los palestinos, aunque sea para buscar o castigar a terroristas. Antes, lo estabas por la destrucción del reactor nuclear del tirano y genocida Saddam Hussein en Bagdad, también te sentiste malhumorado por nuestra victoria en la Guerra de Yom Kipur.

Como bien lo sabes, todos fueron ataques defensivos. Israel es tan pequeño que no puede darse el lujo de perder una sola guerra; sería la última, sería su fin. Pero por algún motivo que desconozco, igual que ocurrió tantas veces, te sentiste irritado.

Aparentemente, los triunfos y la vida de los judíos te molestan enormemente. Como ya te comenté mucho antes de la existencia del Estado de Israel, el pueblo judío te ha disgustado.

Y podemos ir hacia atrás en un largo camino histórico de perturbaciones. Citaré tan sólo algunos casos.

Molestamos a los señores feudales del medioevo, que nos acusaban de ser los causantes de todas las pestes y calamidades que asolaban a sus pobres vasallos, aunque éramos totalmente inocentes.

E irritamos a los cruzados, que yendo a liberar Tierra Santa estaban tan disgustados con los judíos que asesinaron a cuantos pudieron en el camino a su santa cruzada.

Ya en el siglo XV molestamos a los reyes de España, que nos mataron por millares y nos obligaban a convertirnos a la fe "verdadera" so pena de morir en la hoguera; no contentos con eso nos expulsaron de todo su territorio. Y véase, hasta el día de hoy los descendientes de esos exiliados veneran el español y lo siguen hablando como si todavía fueran de allí.

Durante siglos perturbamos a la Iglesia Católica, que hizo lo posible para eliminarnos a través de la Inquisición. Todo por la santa fe. Nos acusaba de ritos bárbaros, y entre otras cosas, de ser el pueblo deicida.

También irritamos a Martín Lutero, quien en su llamado de quemar las sinagogas con los judíos dentro, mostró un admirable espíritu de misericordia cristiana.

Molestamos a todos los gobernantes de Europa, que nos acusaban de ser los causantes de todos los problemas, cada vez que se producía una crisis social o económica. Y así siguió ocurriendo durante siglos, a pesar de los nuestra contribución al progreso de la ciencia y la medicina.

Parece ser que hemos encolerizado al pueblo alemán que eligió a Hitler, y al austríaco que celebró su entrada en Viena. Dijeron que éramos la hez de la humanidad y que no teníamos derecho a la vida. También pareciera que molestábamos a las naciones eslavas, Polonia, Hungría, y a otras más, ya que todas ellas nos entregaron a los verdugos nazis para ser llevados a las cámaras de gas, como si no fuéramos sus ciudadanos.

Antes de esto habíamos fastidiado a los zares de Rusia y a los cosacos, que masacraron a miles de judíos a lo largo de una larga serie de pogroms para limpiar el país de elementos tan perniciosos.

También conseguimos alterar a Stalin, ya que en sus purgas y en sus gulags se deshizo de varios miles de nosotros, con los más variados argumentos.

Y al llegar al extremo de sentirnos molestos por disgustarte, querido MUNDO, es que decidimos dejarte (en un modo de decir) y establecer un Estado Judío.

La razón es que al vivir en diferentes latitudes y países, sentimos que te irritábamos y perturbábamos, aún cuando algunos abandonaban nuestra cultura y nuestras tradiciones asimilándose a las de la mayoría.

Los judíos que se convertían a la "fe verdadera", antes y después del decreto de expulsión de 1492, los conversos, no dejaron de ser objeto de discriminació n, maltrato, ataques y asesinatos.

También las cámaras de gas estuvieron llenas de alemanes que se creían libres de su judaísmo, y se dieron cuenta que se equivocaron mientras se les llevaban como ganado en los trenes a los campos de exterminio.

Por todo eso decidimos volver a construir un Estado en el mismo sitio donde la mayoría fuimos expulsados hace dos milenios por el Imperio Romano, al cual también habíamos disgustado. En especial, por no adorar a sus dioses e insistir en uno solo.

Mientras tanto te hemos dado hombres extraordinarios, filósofos, artistas, científicos. Muchos de ellos, con sus investigaciones o con sus trabajos marcaron hitos en la historia universal. Ya sabes: Maimónides, Baruch Spinosa, Henrich Heine, Franz Kafka, Gustav Mahler, Marcel Proust, Albert Einstein, Serge Einsestein, Sigmund Freud, Amedeo Modigliani, Carl Marx, Albert Sabin, César Milstein, George Gershwin, C. Levi-Strauss, Norman Mailer, Alexander Fleming, Martin Buber, Shmuel Agnon, Danny Kaye, Steven Spielberg, Barbara Streisand y muchos más. Todos ellos aportaron tanto a la humanidad, del insignificante 0,2% que somos de tu población, te hemos dado más del 20% de los laureados con el Premio Nóbel. Cuando estalló la Guerra Civil Española, acudieron de todo el mundo 40.000 hombres para luchar contra el fascismo en las Brigadas, y de ellos 7.000 eran judíos, una proporción realmente impresionante.

Aparentemente, querido MUNDO, tú eres muy difícil de complacer. Después de haber pasado por múltiples persecuciones y matanzas, por la Inquisición, los pogroms, el Holocausto y habiendo decidido vivir en nuestro pequeño Estado (algo así como la superficie de la provincia de Badajoz, la de Tucumán o el Estado de Nueva Jersey) parece que seguimos irritándote.

Tú estás disgustado por nuestro operativo contra los palestinos.. . y hasta les disculpas sus terribles asesinatos con suicidas o que sacrifiquen a sus pobres niños colocándolos en las líneas de fuego.

Nunca antes te habías mostrado tan indulgente ni interesado por la suerte de nadie como por la de ellos, aún cuando los árabes de Sudán hayan matado a más de 800.000 personas en el proceso de islamización de ese país, o cuando los habitantes de Timor Este morían como moscas. Tampoco te sentiste interesado cuando los franceses masacraban a la resistencia en Argelia. O te has inquietado por los niños de Sierra Leona que mueren matando todos los días. O por los cientos de miles de victimas en Camboya. A ti, mundo, nada parece interesarte que no tengan Estados propios los tamiles, los corsos, los kurdos, los canacas de Nueva Caledonia, los igbos (o ibos), los aymaras, los saharauis, los sioux o los gitanos (y hay otros más).

De los cientos de naciones sin Estado, sólo los palestinos han despertado tu solidaridad incondicional. Nadie mueve un dedo por los miles de pueblos sin Estado en todo el mundo. Pueblos que ahora son aniquilados, asesinados, como el kurdo, los negros de Darfur en el sur de Sudán o los pobres habitantes del Congo. Es estos casos casi no dices esta boca es mía.

Pero los palestinos te interesan ahora, aunque cuando Jordania mató a miles de ellos en el Septiembre Negro, tampoco dijiste gran cosa (y ésta es historia nueva).

Y cuando Kuwait expulsó a cien mil palestinos de su país, tampoco nadie lo comentó. ¿Por qué esta solidaridad con el pueblo palestino cuando se enfrenta a Israel?

Nunca TÚ, querido MUNDO, has estado tan solidario como con los palestinos, aún cuando estaban encabezados por un terrorista tan corrupto como él, que dirigió una de las administraciones más corruptas, capaz de desviar para cuentas particulares, los fondos con que TÚ le ayudas generosamente.

¿Por qué, querido MUNDO, te inventas masacres donde hubo combates, como en Jenín? A qué se debe que tus prestigiosos intelectuales comparan el genocidio de millones de personas indefensas y ciudadanos pacíficos durante el Holocausto, con enfrentamientos en un levantamiento armado que en dos años ha causado más de 1.000 victimas israelíes. Has aceptado una comparación de lo incomparable.

Apenas has dicho algo cuando dinamitaron en Argentina la Embajada de Israel, o la sede de AMIA causando más de cien víctimas, o cuando en Francia destrozan sinagogas, agreden a colegiales o profanan los cementerios judíos.

O cuando medio centenar de personas son vilmente asesinadas en un hotel de Netania, en una de nuestras celebraciones más solemnes. O cuando destrozan a escolares y amas de casa en los autobuses y mercados de Israel.

Tú estás muy enojado porque no renunciamos a las tierras ganadas en 1967, a las que llegamos venciendo con nuestra sangre a la agresión de todo el mundo árabe. Moscú, Washington, Europa, los árabes moderados y los radicales, todos molestos con nuestra victoria.

Bueno, querido MUNDO, ponte por un momento en la piel de un judío común y corriente de Israel y dime como te sentirías.

Entre 1920-29 no existía ese problema de territorios ocupados de 1967 que impidieran la paz entre judíos y árabes, no había Estado Judío para molestar a nadie. Pero ello no obstante estos mismos palestinos asesinaron a cientos de judíos en Jerusalén, Jaffa, Safed y Hebrón. En especial en esta última ciudad, en 1929, pasaron a cuchillo en un solo día a 67 judíos.

¿Acaso pudo haberse debido su furia por la "agresión israelí" de 1967? ¿Y por qué 510 judíos, hombres, mujeres y niños fueron asesinados en disturbios provocados por los árabes entre 1936-39? ¿Fue porque los árabes se sintieron molestos por lo de 1967? No es lógico, ¿verdad?

Y cuando tú, MUNDO, propusiste un plan de partición en 1947, que hubiera dado lugar a dos Estados, uno árabe y otro judío, los árabes respondieron con un rotundo ¡no!, fueron a la guerra y mataron a 6.000 judíos. ¿Por qué? ¿Porque tal vez preveían los acontecimientos de 1967? ¿O era para aniquilar a todos los judíos?

En verdad, MUNDO, ¿por qué no se ha formulado tu queja, tu molestia en aquel momento? Los pobres palestinos, que nunca hasta la creación del Estado de Israel se habían identificado como tales, que jamás pretendieron tener un Estado hasta esa fecha, son los mismos que hoy matan judíos con explosivos, integran a ese mismo pueblo que incita a arrojarnos al mar.

El mismo odio, la misma falsedad, el mismo grito de “¡itbaj-el-yahud!” (¡Masacrar a los judíos!) que oímos hoy, fueron escuchados entonces. El mismo pueblo, el mismo sueño: destruir Israel. Querido MUNDO, tú estuviste pasivo, no dijiste nada, permaneciste a la espera, en 1948, cuando seis países lanzaron una guerra que la Liga Árabe orgullosa y creída de su posible victoria, comparó con las masacres de los mongoles.

También te cruzaste de brazos en 1967, cuando un Nasser eufórico y militante instó al mundo árabe a arrojarnos al mar. Y solamente despertaste de tu insomnio cuando se quedó con un ejército destrozado por completo.

Te seguimos molestando, querido MUNDO, por protestar contra
todas aquellas persecuciones, vejaciones y matanzas, todo aquel viejo
antisemitismo, que toma hoy la forma de antisionismo, y que reemplaza a la misma judeofobia de siempre.

Tú, querido MUNDO, estarás encogido de hombros o tal vez a la espera, cuando mañana Israel enfrente su posible extinción otra vez. Pero no lo dudes, haremos todo lo posible para permanecer vivos en nuestra propia tierra, haciendo lo que haga falta para ello.

Si esto te molesta, MUNDO, piensa cuántas veces en el pasado tú nos has disgustado y perturbado. Ahora estamos bien amoscados y resentidos al ver cómo tergiversas los sucesos, adulteras los hechos y falsificas las situaciones. No está nada bien que te portes de ese modo.

Pensándolo bien, ¿sabes una cosa MUNDO?: a pesar de todo, aquí, en Israel, hay un judío; no, me equivoco, hay muchos judíos, a quienes no les importa un bledo que te sientas tan molesto.

Moshé Yanai

domingo, 11 de enero de 2009

The Good News of the
Wonderful World of Tomorrow
Adapted by Charles J. Voss and Sandra K. Zawada
Based on an article by Herbert W. Armstrong

Chapter 7 - …And All Speaking the Same Language
Can you imagine a world with only one language? Think back a little. One of the major barriers to mutual understanding and cooperation between peoples has been the language barrier. When one man cannot understand another he cannot freely exchange ideas, philosophies, concepts, or opinions. Therefore during translating the personal rapport, the sense and feeling of what is being said, is lost.

If you have ever experienced talking to someone through an interpreter you probably remember how awkward you felt.

Today this world stands on the brink of cosmocide. Great races having different languages cannot seem to come to a meeting of minds. In addition, different peoples’ minds work differently.

A different language means a different culture, different music, different habits, different education, different values with different standards, and a whole different approach to life.

Fantastic Illiteracy
Think what an almost unbelievable step forward it would be if all peoples everywhere spoke and read and wrote the same language.

However today vast areas of the earth do not even possess a written language. Millions upon millions are illiterate--cannot read or even write their own names.

Millions of others are sadly limited in expressing themselves even in their own language and have not bothered to learn the language of another people.

One of the great handicaps to free trade as well as the exchange of ideas and cultural thought is the language barrier.

If the language barrier were removed and everyone became totally literate with fine minds, grasping the same thoughts, capable of thinking the same terms, capable of understanding each other fully--think of the huge changes that could be effected.

First consider what a universal worldwide language would mean today with the world cut off from ETERNAL.

Evils would multiply. Universally there would be a new age in art and perverted literature (pornography), G-dless education, Satan-inspired music--such as the US and Britain are producing over the world now--of quarreling and hostility and war between nations.

Such evils beginning at the Tower of Babel caused ETERNAL to confound languages to prevent such evils from spreading through direct communication between peoples and nations.

However, in the Wonderful World of Tomorrow with ETERNAL’s civilization established and ruled by the Mashiach, King David--what a blessing having the same language it will be.

Man was once bound together by a common tongue from the Garden of Eden until the Tower of Babel. Sadly, after the deluge man used his knowledge for evil--for an attempt to begin the very civilization that would end by destroying itself.

When ETERNAL divided the languages at the Tower of Babel, He was merely forestalling that eventual time of world chaos which even now threatens the annihilation of humanity.

But once ETERNAL’s Kingdom is established on this earth, David and the Prophet will usher in an era of total literacy, total education--and give the world one new pure language.

This subject by itself needs a book to describe. The whole literary processes of the whole earth will be changed. Today all languages are corrupt. They are literally filled with pagan, heathen terms--superstition--misnomers--exceptions to rules--peculiar idioms.

In our English language, Germanic in origin but with a great deal borrowed from Latin (either directly or through French) and other languages, there are many such terms we take for granted.

“Romance” comes from “Roman”--because that’s what the Romans did. People are called “lunatics” because of an old superstition that the moon (Latin luna) caused insanity. Some “thank their lucky stars,” a holdover from astrology (which more and more of our “enlightened” society are turning to). Others even still use pagan curses such as “by Jove.”

Our rockets (Thor, Agena, Atlas, and Titan) are named after pagan g-ds and g-ddesses of the Greeks and Romans and our space programs (Gemini, Apollo) are named the same way.

June brides want to get married under the sign of the ancient g-ddess of fertility (though it’s not chic to have large families any more) and our days and months bear pagan names.

All languages have peculiarities of expression and grammatical oddities which cause misunderstandings and make them difficult for foreigners to learn. In most cases even native speakers have problems with their own language as Professor Higgins so astutely observed in My Fair Lady. Many are in sad need of spelling reform, English being probably the prime example (ough has about six different possible pronunciations). The modes of writing vary from Chinese which still uses a form of picture writing to a multiplicity of different alphabets including Greek, Arabic, Sanskrit, Hebrew, and Russian. Something must be done. ETERNAL says:

Zephaniah 3:9 (NKJV). For then I will restore to the peoples a pure language, that they all may call on the Name of ETERNAL, to serve Him with one accord.

Think of the new era of good literature, good music, and of the avoiding of duplicated effort, misunderstandings through linguistic difficulties and thousands of painstaking hours of translations. What an age it will be when the entire world becomes truly educated speaking the same language.

What about the Economic Structure?
ETERNAL shows that Jerusalem will become the financial capital of earth. The CREATOR says of the rebuilt city…

Isaiah 60:5. Then you shall see and become radiant, and your heart shall swell with joy; because the abundance of the sea [the world’s gold, silver, and oil reserves are mostly under the seas] shall be turned to you, the wealth of the Gentiles shall come to you.

Do you know what vast wealth there is in the sea? The Dow Chemical Company, manufacturers of about 500 substances taken directly from seawater, says one cubic mile of seawater stores 175 million tons of dissolved chemicals.

Each cubic mile of seawater contains 93 million dollars worth of gold and eight and one-half million dollars worth of silver.

Each cubic mile contains seven tons of uranium, and enough other minerals, elements and chemicals in dissolution to make each cubic mile worth, in today’s figures, five billion dollars.

It has been estimated that the total value of the oceans would amount to one quintillion, five hundred quadrillion dollars.

A quadrillion dollars means a thousand trillion. In addition, a trillion is one thousand billion. A billion is one thousand million. And a million is one thousand thousand. So a quintillion is one thousand quadrillions of dollars. The abundance of the sea is what is promised by the CREATOR.

As you have already read the SOVEREIGN says He will raise many places now covered by waters of the oceans which He will make much more land available. Scientists know most of the earth’s raw materials lie in the strata beneath the depths of the seas.

ETERNAL says this vast wealth will become available for constructive use during the rule of King David on this earth. In addition, the SOVEREIGN says the wealth of the world will be centered in Jerusalem and that the vast rebuilding programs, rehabilitation processes, and new-age pioneering that begin will be backed by that wealth.

Haggai 2:6-8 English Standard Version (ESV). For thus says ETERNAL of Hosts: Yet once more, in a little while, I will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land. And I will shake all nations, so that the treasures of all nations shall come in, and I will fill this House with glory, says the SOVEREIGN of Hosts. The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, declares the SOVEREIGN of Hosts.

However ETERNAL’s great treasury will be for public display. No gold bricks, reposing in deep, subterranean vaults--utterly useless except for their meaning--no fear of thievery or robbery. It will made into breathtakingly beautiful decorations for the capital building of King David and the Temple in which ETERNAL will dwell.

The gold standard will be set up and values will never change. No more speculating or gambling on other people’s ability.

Never again will any person become rich from investing in the labors and creative ability of another person. No more stock markets, world banks, financing centers, insurance companies, mortgage companies, loan agencies, or time payments.

In ETERNAL’s abundant Government people will buy only what they need when they can afford it and when they have the savings to pay for it. No more interest and no more taxes! Nevertheless, the tithing system will be universal.

Today’s governments demand up to 40, 50, and even 90 percent in inheritance taxes, income taxes, hidden taxes; federal, state, county, school board, and city taxes.

However, ETERNAL requires only ten percent. And out of that ten percent will be financed the entire governmental, educational, and spiritual leadership of the whole earth.

Malachi 3:8-10 (ESV). Will man rob the SOVEREIGN? Yet you are robbing Me. But you say, “How have we robbed You?” In your tithes and contributions. You are cursed with a curse, for you are robbing Me, the whole nation of you. Bring the full tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house. And thereby put Me to the test, says ETERNAL of Hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need.

That is a prophecy for now and what a blessing that will be. There will be none of the financial burdens that curse most peoples today. Then people will not try to “keep up with the Jones’s,” so they will not try to live beyond their means.

They will be educated to resist impulse buying, and lustful acquisition of various gadgets, toys, playthings, and luxury items that they cannot afford and do not need.

Take the commercialism of various holidays away--expose the true origin of pagan holidays. People would have more money for the essentials of life that really count.

Reduce the really big expenses in most people’s homes; take away all the taxes that are real and hidden. Take away property taxes, school taxes (since all education will then be handled by the Family of ETERNAL and the physical family of Levi) and all other taxes; cut down totally on any medical bills (only small fees for first aid, or child delivery, or necessary physical helps), and insure no one ever again signs a 36-month contract at up to 35 or 40 percent interest on an ancient used car that falls apart while the buyer still owes more than the car is worth.

Do these things and the financial curses under which most people live will be healed. ETERNAL says financial blessings are to become the order of the day.

Take away thievery, robbery, accidents, weather damage, rust, rot and decay from plants, stores, and manufacturing concerns. How much less could merchandise then sell for--and at how much greater profits?

Take away weather problems, insect damage, blight, and fungus from farmers--losses through government price controls and over flooding of markets--and what would be their lot in life?

Take away massive, assembly-line production of cheap, flimsy automobiles and think what would that do to solve the traffic snarls, the smog problems, the collisions and loss of life and the whole social and economic picture?

ETERNAL will accomplish these things. How will He do so? He tells us what the first step will be.

Ezekiel 11:19. Then I will give them one heart, and I will put a New Spirit within them, and take the stony heart out of their flesh, and give them a heart of flesh. 42

The first step then will be changing the nature of human beings; changing their outlook toward life, removing their lust and selfishness, their covetousness and greed that drives them onward toward material goals.

Human nature covets. It lusts for the things money can buy. It longs for prestige, recognition, admiration, and popularity. It lusts for power, position, and wealth.

Ask any segment of our modern-day populations what they desire most in life and they will almost invariably answer, “money”! Actually, they want the things money can buy. They know prestige and recognition come through the acquisition of material goods. They know most people evaluate other people by what they possess -- by the kind of clothing they wear, the kind of home in which they live, the kind of automobiles they drive, and the material goods they possess.

These are the attributes that Heylel, our adversary, has instilled in humans since the Garden of Eden (Ezekiel 28:1-26; Isaiah 14:1-19).

The CREATOR will provide shepherds that will teach the people the Real Truth (the CREATOR’s truth). People will get the encouragement they need that can change their outlook toward life. Truth taught by caring shepherds dedicated to feeding the people will help to eliminate their lust and selfishness, their covetousness and greed that drives them onward toward material goals.

Human nature will be dealt with by truth--exposing evil for what it is. Many, many people will change their way of doing things. Ones that choose not to change their evil ways will not receive eternal life. Human nature inspired by Heylel is why Jeremiah was inspired to write…

Jeremiah 17:9. The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

Notice. It is not a sin to be rich. However, it is a sin to covet riches or to set your heart on material things. Our SOVEREIGN is a multibillionaire heavenly Father. “The gold is mine... (Haggai 2:8).”

ETERNAL wants fullness, abundance in every life. Now look at the material “successes” you have known. How truly happy are they? As J. Paul Getty, one of the world’s richest men, reputed to have said, “I’d give all my millions for just one happy marriage!”

In ETERNAL’s Kingdom these Commands of His will be obeyed. They will become the standard for regulating commerce, business, finance, and the entire economic structure of the world.

The giving standard will be followed in the SOVEREIGN’s rule on this earth--not the grasping, conniving, striving, deceitful, clandestine, furtive, scurrilous, devious, cheating and lying chicanery that is commonplace in today’s business world.

But until ETERNAL breaks the haughty spirit of man (Isaiah 2:10-12, 17)--the peoples of earth will not be ready to accept such a wonderful, loving, generous, honest, giving standard for the whole economy.

Never again will anyone build a building he cannot afford and does not need nor lease and rent to tenants who help him pay for it. No more interest. ETERNAL says it is sin to lend money at “usury” or interest to your brother (Leviticus 25:36).

Once each fifty years (the Jubilee year) all debts public and private will be completely cancelled (Leviticus 25:10-11).

Since governments will be in the hands of the spiritual Family of our SOVEREIGN and administered by those leaders directly under that great ruling Family. Since there will be no huge bureaus watching other huge bureaus which are suspiciously watching other bureaus; no military establishment; no “intelligence” (spy) agencies or members of Interpol; no huge cartels, monopolies, unions, or giant government spending--the economy of the world will be healed.

Think of it. No more foreign aid--none of the wasted billions to buy “lovers” (allies) (Ezekiel 23:9, 22; Lamentations 1:2, 19; Ezekiel, 16th chapter) who turn and rend you later. No more strings-attached government grants to industry, to science and space technology, or to schools and institutions for research. Instead every necessary industry, educational institution, and business will be in sound financial condition.

What a Wonderful World that will be living under our CREATOR’s wings of love!

Final Summation
Statesmen, scientists, educators know the only hope for survival and for peace is one world government under a New World Order. We could quote many scores of world leaders affirming this and other scores of world leaders saying it is impossible.

So humanly the choices are “world government--or annihilation” on the one hand, or “world government is impossible” on the other hand.

That is the stark paradox of terror facing all mankind today. However what man cannot do for himself the Great Loving SOVEREIGN will do for him. World government--perfect government--is coming in our time in the hands of the Great Ruling SOVEREIGN, His Mashiach, Prophet, and unnumbered thousands of Co-Rulers given immortality with and under Him.

And that good news is that King David is to inherit the world throne which ETERNAL had promised to him that will never cease on this earth (II Samuel 7:13). In addition, at that time the Mighty One of Israel will be here on this earth (Zechariah 14:3-4).

The awakened Mashiach is coming in all the power and glory of the ETERNAL SOVEREIGN as “King of kings and establish the SOVEREIGN’s world-ruling Kingdom over all nations (Daniel 2:44; 7:9, 13-14, 18, 22, 27; Isaiah 9:7).

King David is the firstborn (Psalms 89:27) of many brethren who will be awakened or changed to spirit life to live forever. 43 King David will rule with a rod of iron (Psalms 2:9) to insure justice, love, and peace. When he is awakened from death, it will be his Second Advent since his first was when he was born as a human. King David knew that one-day he would teach righteousness and that sinners would be converted (Psalms 51:11-13).

King David knew that he would die but later awakened and that he and the prophet would be coronated to their office (Psalms 110) 44

Thus, the hope of the Righteous Remnant is in the first Awakening.

David, the King of kings made perfect in character, absolute in honesty, integrity, faithfulness, loyalty and trust; filled with outgoing loving concern for the governed--their welfare and salvation; total knowledge, understanding, wisdom. Yet, possessing total power, and never compromising one millionth of an inch with ETERNAL’s perfect Law--this is the way of love. He will enforce ETERNAL’s Law--ETERNAL’s Government on earth. He will compel haughty, carnal, rebellious humans to yield in complete submission to ETERNAL’s Way.

No one will be deceived as the vast majority of mankind is today. All will know the truth. No more religious confusion. Eyes will be opened to the truth. Humans will become teachable. People will start living the SOVEREIGN’s Way--the way of outgoing loving concern for others--the way of true values--the way of peace, happiness, well-being, and joy.

Crime, sickness, disease, pain and suffering, gone! Poverty, ignorance banished. Smiles on people’s face--faces that radiate. Wild animals tamed. Air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, will be gone. Crystal pure water to drink; clean, crisp, pure air to breathe; rich black soil where deserts, mountains and seas formerly were producing full-flavored vitalized foods; and fantastic beauty in flowers, shrubs, and trees. A world filled with happy radiating humans, guided, helped, protected, and ruled by former mortals made immortal--and all the humans realizing that they, too, may inherit everlasting life in supreme happiness and thrilling joy.

What a fabulous glorious picture!

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viernes, 9 de enero de 2009


Vosotros sois Mis testigos, dice el Eterno Creador, y Mis siervos, a quien He escogido, para que sepáis y Me creáis y entendáis que YO SOY solo. Antes de MI no fue creado Dios alguno, ni después de MI habrá otro.
¡Yo, Yo Soy el Señor Creador, y fuera de MI no hay SALVADOR. Yo lo anuncié, y salvé, y lo hice oír, y no hubo dios extraño entre vosotros; vosotros, pues, sois Mis testigos, dice el Señor, que Yo Soy Dios.
Y desde que el día existe, Yo Soy, y no hay quien libre de Mi mano: Yo haré, y ¿quién lo estorbará?
Yo, Yo Soy, aquél que borra tus transgresiones a causa de Mi Mismo, y no Me acordaré más de tus pecados…. ¡cuando te arrepintieres¡.
¡No sabéis, ni queréis entender¡ Porque están vuestros ojos pegados para que no vean, y vuestro corazón para que no entendáis.
En el Eterno Creador serán justificados y se gloriarán TODOS los que son de la simiente de Israel.

(Isaías 43 : 10-13 ; 44 : 18 y 45 : 25 tomado de La Biblia traducida por León Dujovne, Manasés y Moisés Konstantynowski, Argentina)

jueves, 8 de enero de 2009

W H Y - O H - I S R A E L ?

Isaiah 30
1 "Woe to My rebellious children," says ETERNAL; "you ask advice from everyone but Me and decide to do what I don't want you to do. You yoke yourselves with unbelievers, thus piling up your sins. 2 For without consulting Me you have gone down to Egypt to find aid and have put your trust in Pharaoh for his protection. 3 But in trusting Pharaoh, you will be disappointed, humiliated and disgraced, for he can't deliver on his promises to save you. 4 For though his power extends to Zoan and Hanes, 5 yet it will all turn out to your shame--he won't help one little bit!"
6 "See them moving slowly across the terrible desert to Egypt--donkeys and camels laden down with treasure to pay for Egypt's aid. On through the badlands they go, where lions and swift venomous snakes live--and Egypt will give you nothing in return! 7 For Egypt's promises are worthless! 'The Reluctant Dragon,' I call her!"
The Disobedient People
8 "Now go and write down this word of mine concerning Egypt, so that it will stand until the end of time, forever and forever, as an indictment of Israel's unbelief. 9 For if you don't write it, they will claim I never warned them. 'Oh no,' they'll say, 'You never told us that!' For they are stubborn rebels. 10 They tell My prophets, 'Shut up--we don't want any more of your reports!' Or they say, 'Don't tell us the truth; tell us nice things; tell us lies. 11 Forget all this gloom; we've heard more than enough about your 'Holy One of Israel' and all He says.'"
12 "This is the reply of the Holy One of Israel: 'Because you despise what I tell you and trust instead in frauds and lies and won't repent, 13 therefore calamity will come upon you suddenly, as upon a BULGING WALL that bursts and falls; in one moment it comes crashing down." 14 "CREATOR will smash you like a broken dish; He will not act sparingly. Not a piece will be left large enough to use for carrying coals from the hearth, or a little water from the well."
15 "For ETERNAL CREATOR, the Holy One of Israel, says: 'Only in returning to Me and waiting for Me will you be saved; in quietness and confidence is your strength; but you'll have none of this.' 16 'No,' you say. 'We will get our help from Egypt; they will give us swift horses for riding to battle.' But the only swiftness you are going to see is the swiftness of your enemies chasing you! 17 One of them will chase a thousand of you! Five of them will scatter you until not two of you are left together. You will be like lonely trees on the distant mountaintops. 18 Yet ETERNAL still waits for you to come to Him so He can show you His love; He will conquer you to bless you, just as He said. For ETERNAL is faithful to His promises. Blessed are all those who wait for Him to help them."
CREATOR Will Bless His People
19 "O My people in Jerusalem, you shall weep no more, for He will surely be gracious to you at the sound of your cry. He will answer you. 20 Though He give you the bread of adversity and water of affliction, yet He will be with you to teach you--with your own eyes you will see your Teacher. 21 And if you leave CREATOR's paths and go astray, you will hear a Voice behind you say, 'No, this is the way; walk here.' 22 And you will destroy all your silver idols and gold images and cast them out like filthy things you hate to touch. 'Ugh!' you'll say to them. 'Be gone!' 23 Then CREATOR will bless you with rain at planting time and with wonderful harvests and with ample pastures for your cows. 24 The oxen and young donkeys that till the ground will eat grain, its chaff blown away by the wind. 25 In that day when CREATOR steps in to destroy your enemies, He will give you streams of water flowing down each mountain and every hill. 26 The moon will be as bright as the sun, and the sunlight brighter than seven days! So it will be when ETERNAL begins to heal His people and to cure the wounds He gave them."
27 See, ETERNAL comes from afar, aflame with wrath, surrounded by thick rising smoke. His lips are filled with fury; his words consume like fire. 28 His wrath pours out like floods upon them all, to sweep them all away. He will sift out the proud nations and bridle them and lead them off to their doom. 29 But the people of CREATOR will sing a song of solemn joy, like songs in the night when holy feasts are held; his people will have gladness of heart, as when a flutist leads a pilgrim band to Jerusalem to the Mountain of ETERNAL, the Rock of Israel. 30 And ETERNAL shall cause his majestic voice to be heard and shall crush down his mighty arm upon his enemies with angry indignation and devouring flames, with tornados, terrible storms, and huge hailstones. 31 The voice of ETERNAL shall punish the Assyrians, who had been his rod of punishment. 32 And when ETERNAL smites them, his people will rejoice with music and song. 33 The funeral pyre has long been ready, prepared for Molech, the Assyrian CREATOR; it is piled high with wood. The breath of ETERNAL, like fire from a volcano, will set it all on fire.
First Lamentation

1 Aleph Jerusalem's streets, once thronged with people, are silent now. Like a widow broken with grief, She sits alone in Her mourning. She, once queen of nations, is now a slave.
2 Beth She sobs through the night; tears run down her cheeks. Among all Her lovers, there is none to Help Her. All Her friends are now her enemies.
3 Ghimel Why is Judah led away, a slave? Because of all the wrong she did to others, making them Her slaves. Now she sits in exile far away. There is no rest, for those she persecuted have turned and conquered her.
4 Daleth The roads to Zion mourn, no longer filled with joyous throngs who come to celebrate the Temple feasts; the city gates are silent, Her priests groan, Her virgins have been dragged away. Bitterly she weeps.
5 He Her enemies prosper, for ETERNAL has punished Jerusalem for all Her many sins; Her young children are captured and taken far away as slaves.
6 Waw All Her beauty and Her majesty are gone; Her princes are like starving deer that search for pasture -Helpless game too weak to keep on running from their foes.
7 Zain And now in the midst of all Jerusalem's sadness she remembers happy bygone days.
She thinks of all the precious joys she had before Her mocking Enemy struck Her down And there was no one to give Her aid.
8 Heth For Jerusalem sinned so horribly; therefore, she is tossed away like dirty rags. All who honored her despise her now, for they have seen Her stripped naked and humiliated. She groans and hides her face.
9 Teth She indulged herself in immorality and refused to face the fact that punishment was sure to come. Now she lies in the gutter with no one left to lift Her out. O ETERNAL, she cries, see my plight. The enemy has triumphed.
10 Yod Her enemies have plundered her completely, taking everything precious she owns. She has seen foreign nations violate her sacred Temple -foreigners you had forbidden even to enter.
11 Kaph Her people groan and cry for bread; They have sold all they have for food to give a little strength. Look, O ETERNAL, she prays, and see how I'm despised.
12 Lamed Is it nothing to you, all you who pass by? Look and see if there is any sorrow like my sorrow because of all ETERNAL has done to me, in the day of His fierce wrath.
13 Mem He has sent fire from Heaven that burns within my bones; He has placed a pitfall in my path and turned me back. He has left me sick and desolate the whole day through.
14 Nun He wove my sins into ropes to hitch me to a yoke of slavery. He sapped my strength and gave me to my enemies; I am Helpless in their hands.
15 Samek ETERNAL has trampled all my mighty men. A great army has come at His command to crush the noblest youth. ETERNAL has trampled His beloved city as grapes in a winepress.
16 Ain For all these things I weep; tears flow down my cheeks. My Comforter is far away-He who alone could Help me. My children have no future; we are a conquered land.
17 Pe Jerusalem pleads for Help, but no one comforts her. for ETERNAL has spoken: Let her neighbors be Her foes! Let her be thrown out like filthy rags!
18 Sade And ETERNAL is right, for we rebelled. And yet, O people everywhere, behold and see my anguish and despair, for my sons and daughters are taken far away as slaves to distant lands.
19 Qoph I begged my allies for their Help. False hope--they could not Help at all. nor could my priests and elders-- they were starving in the streets while searching through the garbage dumps for bread.
20 Resh See, O ETERNAL, my anguish; my Heart is broken and my soul despairs, for I have terribly rebelled. In the streets the sword awaits me; at home, disease and death.
21 Shin Hear my groans! And there is no one anywhere to Help. All my enemies have Heard my troubles, and they are glad to see what you have done. And yet, O ETERNAL, the time will surely come- for You have promised it--when You will do to them as you have done
22 Tau Look also on their sins, O ETERNAL, and punish them as you have punished me, for my sighs are many and my Heart is faint.

Second Lamentation
1 Aleph A cloud of anger from ETERNAL has overcast Jerusalem; the fairest city of Israel lies in the dust of the earth, cast from the Heights of Heaven at His command. In His day of awesome fury He has shown no mercy even to His Temple.
2 Beth ETERNAL without mercy has destroyed every home in Israel. In His wrath He has broken every fortress, every wall. He has brought the kingdom to dust, with all its rulers.
3 Ghimel All the strength of Israel vanishes beneath His wrath. He has withdrawn His protection as the enemy attacks. CREATOR burns across the land of Israel like a raging fire.
4 Daleth He bends His bow against His people as though He were an enemy. His strength is used against them to kill their finest youth. His fury is poured out like fire upon them.
5 He Yes, ETERNAL has vanquished Israel like an enemy. He has destroyed her forts and palaces. Sorrows and tears are His portion for Jerusalem.
6 Waw He has violently broken down His Temple as though it were a booth of leaves and branches in a garden! No longer can the people celebrate their holy feasts and Sabbaths. Kings and priests together fall before His wrath.
7 Zain ETERNAL has rejected His own altar, for He despises the false worship of His people; He has given their palaces to their enemies, who carouse in the Temple as Israel used to do on days of holy feasts!
8 Heth ETERNAL determined to destroy Jerusalem. He laid out an unalterable line of destruction. Therefore the ramparts and walls fell down before Him.
9 Teth Jerusalem's gates are useless. All their locks and bars are broken, for He has crushed them. Her kings and princes are enslaved in far-off lands, without a temple, without a divine law to govern them or prophetic vision to guide them.
10 Yod The elders of Jerusalem sit upon the ground in silence, clothed in sackcloth; they throw dust upon their Heads in sorrow and despair. The virgins of Jerusalem hang their Heads in shame.
11 Kaph I have cried until the tears no longer come; my Heart is broken, my spirit poured out, as I see what has happened to my people; little children and tiny babies are fainting and dying in the streets.
12 Lamed "Mama, Mama, we want food," they cry, and then collapse upon their mothers' shrunken breasts. Their lives ebb away like those wounded in battle.
13 Mem In all the world has there ever been such sorrow? O Jerusalem, what can I compare your anguish to? How can I comfort you? For your wound is deep as the sea. Who can Heal you?
14 Nun Your prophets have said so many foolish things, false to the core. They have not tried to hold you back from slavery by pointing out your sins. They lied and said that all was well.
15 Samek All who pass by scoff and shake their Heads and say, Is this the city called Most Beautiful in All the World,' and 'Joy of All the Earth'?
16 Ain All your enemies deride you. They hiss and grind their teeth and say, "We have destroyed her at last! "Long have we waited for this hour, and it is finally here! "With our own eyes we've seen her fall."
17 Pe But it is ETERNAL who did it, just as He had warned. He has fulfilled the promises of doom He made so long ago. He has destroyed Jerusalem without mercy and caused her enemies to rejoice over her and boast of their power.
18 Sade Then the people wept before ETERNAL. O walls of Jerusalem, let tears fall down upon you like a river; give yourselves no rest from weeping day or night.
19 Qoph Rise in the night and cry to your CREATOR. Pour out your Hearts like water to ETERNAL; lift up your hands to Him; plead for your children as they faint with hunger in the streets.
20 Resh O ETERNAL, think! These are your own people to whom you are doing this. Shall mothers eat their little children, those they bounced upon their knees? Shall priests and prophets die within the Temple of ETERNAL?
21 Shin See them lying in the streets-old and young, boys and girls, killed by the enemies' swords. You have killed them, ETERNAL, in your anger; you have killed them without mercy.
22 Tau You have deliberately called for this destruction; in the day of your anger none escaped or remained. All my little children lie dead upon the streets before the enemy.

Third Lamentation
1 Aleph I am the man who has seen the afflictions that come from the rod of CREATOR's wrath. He has brought me into deepest darkness, shutting out all light. .He has turned against me. Day and night His hand is heavy on me.
2 Beth He has made me old and has broken my bones. He has built forts against me and surrounded me with anguish and distress. He buried me in dark places, like those long dead.
3 Ghimel He has walled me in; I cannot escape; He has fastened me with Heavy chains. And though I cry and shout, He will not Hear my prayers! He has shut me into a place of high, smooth walls; He has filled my path with detours.
4 Daleth He lurks like a bear, like a lion, waiting to attack me. He has dragged me into the underbrush and torn me with His claws, leaving me bleeding and desolate. He has bent His bow and aimed it squarely at me,
5 He And sent His arrows deep within my Heart. My own people laugh at me; all day long they sing their ribald songs. He has filled me with bitterness and given me a cup of deepest sorrows to drink.
6 Waw He has made me eat gravel and broken my teeth; He has rolled me in ashes and dirt. O ETERNAL, all peace and all prosperity have long since gone, for you have taken them away. I have forgotten what enjoyment is. All hope is gone; my strength has turned to water, for ETERNAL has left me.
7 Zain Oh, remember the bitterness and suffering you have dealt to me! For I can never forget these awful years; always my soul will live in utter shame. Yet there is one ray of hope:
8 Het His compassion never ends. It is only ETERNAL's mercies that have kept us from complete destruction. Great is His faithfulness; His loving-kindness begins afresh each day. My soul claims ETERNAL as my inheritance; therefore I will hope in Him.
9 Tet ETERNAL is wonderfully good to those who wait for Him, to those who seek for Him. It is good both to hope and wait quietly for the salvation of ETERNAL. It is good for a young man to be under discipline,
10 Yod For it causes him to sit apart in silence beneath ETERNAL's demands, to lie face downward in the dust; then at last there is hope for him. Let him turn the other cheek to those who strike Him and accept their awful insults,
11 Kaph For ETERNAL will not abandon Him forever although CREATOR gives him grief, yet He will show compassion too, according to the greatness of His loving-kindness. for He does not enjoy afflicting men and causing sorrow.
12 Lamed But you have trampled and crushed beneath your feet the lowly of the world, and deprived men of their CREATOR-given rights, and refused them justice. No wonder ETERNAL has had to deal with you!
12 Mem For who can act against you without ETERNAL's permission? It is ETERNAL who Helps one and harms another. Why then should we, mere humans as we are murmur and complain when punished for our sins?
13 Nun Let us examine ourselves instead, and let us repent and turn again to ETERNAL. Let us lift our Hearts and hands to Him in Heaven, for we have sinned; we have rebelled against ETERNAL, and He has not forgotten it.
14 Samek You have engulfed us by your anger, ETERNAL, and slain us without mercy. You have veiled yourself as with a cloud so that our prayers do not reach through. You have made us as refuse and garbage among the nations.
15 Pe All our enemies have spoken out against us. We are filled with fear, for we are trapped and desolate, destroyed. My eyes flow day and night with never-ending streams of tear because of the destruction of my people.
16 Ain My eyes flow and do not cease, Without interruption, Oh, that ETERNAL might look down from Heaven and respond to my cry! My Heart is breaking over what is happening to the young girls of Jerusalem.
17 Sade My enemies, whom I have never harmed, chased me as though I were a bird. They threw me in a well and capped it with a rock. The water flowed above my Head. I thought, this is the end!
18 Qoph But I called upon your name, O ETERNAL, from deep within the well, and you Heard me! You listened to my pleading; you Heard my weeping! Yes, you came at my despairing cry and told me not to fear.
19 Resh O ETERNAL, You are my lawyer! Plead my case! For you have redeemed my life. You have seen the wrong they did to me; be my Judge, to prove me right. You have seen the plots my foes have laid against me.
20 Shin You have Heard the vile names they have called me, and all they say about me and their whispered plans. See how they laugh and sing with glee, preparing my doom.
21 Tau O ETERNAL, repay them well for all the evil they have done. Harden their Hearts and curse them, ETERNAL. Go after them in fierce pursuit and wipe them off the earth, beneath the Heavens of ETERNAL.

Fourth Lamentation
1 Aleph How the finest gold has lost its luster! For the inlaid Temple walls are scattered in the streets!
2 Beth The cream of our youth--the finest of the gold-- are treated as earthenware pots.
3 Ghimel Even the jackals feed their young, but not my people, Israel. They are like cruel desert ostriches, Heedless of their babies' cries.
4 Daleth The children's tongues stick to the roofs of their mouths for thirst, for there is not
a drop of water left. Babies cry for bread, but no one can give them any.
5 He Those who used to eat fastidiously are begging in the streets for anything at all. Those brought up in palaces now scratch in garbage pits for food.
6 Waw For the sin of my people is greater than that of Sodom, where utter disaster struck in a moment without the hand of man.
7 Zain Our princes were lean and tanned, the finest specimens of men;
8 Heth But now their faces are as black as soot. No one can recognize them. Their skin sticks to their bones; it is dry and hard and withered.
9 Teth Those killed by the sword are far better off than those who die of slow starvation.
10 Yod Tenderhearted women have cooked and eaten their own children; thus they survived the siege.
11 Kaph But now at last the anger of ETERNAL is satisfied; His fiercest anger has been poured out. He started a fire in Jerusalem that burned it down to its foundations.
12 Lamed Not a king in all the earth--no one in all the world--would have believed an enemy could enter through Jerusalem's gates!
13 Mem Yet CREATOR permitted it because of the sins of Her prophets and priests, who defiled the city by shedding innocent blood.
14 Nun Now these same men are blindly staggering through the streets, covered with blood, defiling everything they touch.
15 Samek Get away! the people shout at them. You are defiled! They flee to distant lands and wander there among the foreigners; but none will let them stay.
16 Ain ETERNAL Himself has dealt with them; He no longer Helps them, for they persecuted the priests and elders who stayed true to CREATOR.
17 Pe We look for our allies to come and save us, but we look in vain. The nation we expected most to Help us makes no move at all.
18 Sade We can't go into the streets without danger to our lives. Our end is near--our days are numbered. We are doomed.
19 Qoph Our enemies are swifter than the eagles; if we flee to the mountains they find us, if we hide in the wilderness, they are waiting for us there.
20 Resh Our king--the life of our life, ETERNAL's anointed--was captured in their snares. Yes, even our mighty king, about whom we had boasted That under His protection we could hold our own against any nation on earth!
21 Shin Do you rejoice, O people of Edom, in the land of Uz? But you, too, will feel the awful anger of ETERNAL.
22 Tau Israel's exile for Her sins will end at last, but Edom's never.

Fifth Lamentation
1 Aleph O ETERNAL, remember all that has befallen us; see what sorrows we must bear!
2 Beth Our homes, our nation, now are filled with foreigners.
3 Ghimel We are orphans--our fathers dead, our mothers widowed.
4 Daleth We must even pay for water to drink; our fuel is sold to us at the highest of prices. We bow our necks beneath the victors' feet; unending work is now our lot.
6 Waw We beg for bread from Egypt, and Assyria too.
7 Zain Our fathers sinned but died before the hand of judgment fell. We have borne the blow that they deserved!
8 Heth Our former servants have become our masters; there is no one left to save us.
9Teth We went into the wilderness to hunt for food, risking death from enemies.
10 Yod Our skin was black from famine.
11 Kaph They rape the women of Jerusalem and the girls in Judah's cities.
12 Lamed Our princes are hanged by their thumbs. Even aged men are treated with contempt.
13 Mem They take away the young men to grind their grain, and the little children stagger beneath their Heavy loads.
14 Nun The old men sit no longer in the city gates; the young no longer dance and sing.
15 Samek The joy of our Hearts has ended; our dance has turned to death.
16 Ain Our glory is gone. The crown is fallen from our Head. Woe upon us for our sins.
17 Pe Our Hearts are faint and weary; our eyes grow dim.
18 Sade Jerusalem and the Temple of ETERNAL are desolate, deserted by all but wild animals lurking in the ruins.
19 Qoph O ETERNAL, forever you remain the same! Your throne continues from generation to generation.
20 Resh Why do you forget us forever? Why do you forsake us for so long?
21 Shin Turn us around and bring us back to you again! That is our only hope! Give us back the joys we used to have!
22 Tau Or have you utterly rejected us? Are you angry with us still?