Un soplo solamente somos los hijos de Adán; los hijos del hombre , una mentira;
si subiéramos a la balanza, seríamos menos que un soplo todos juntos.
The greatest of men, or the lowest - both alike are nothing in His sight. They weigh less than air on scales.
Isaías 62 : 10
jueves, 21 de junio de 2007
El Soberano y Autor de la Justicia
Cuando miramos a nuestro alrededor, lo que leemos y vemos en la prensa y TV locales, no es otra cosa que un cúmulo de injusticias que ahogan a nuestra sociedad, y ello lo podemos vivir también en las noticias recibidas de otros lugares de nuestro planeta tierra.
Me pregunto si nosotros, los seres humanos, algún día, podremos lograr que esa justicia sea una que cubra a nuestro mundo. Pienso que sí. Pero no por la mano del hombre, que es imperfecto dada la naturaleza con la que fuimos creado, sino por la mano de un Ser Superior.
Si, sólo ello será una realidad en un futuro no muy lejano. Nuestras religiones nos tienen acosados desde todos los ángulos de la vida cotidiana. Las mismas han sido, y son, creación absoluta del hombre para tener al hombre sometido a absurdas leyes y principios nada cónsonos con lo que el Creador ha estipulado en Su palabra, las Sagradas Escrituras. Ellas, las religiones del mundo, lo que nos han trasmitido son dolores, sufrimientos, malentendidos, desgracias, infelicidades!. Hemos echado por la borda los principios prístinos de nuestro Creador porque, como siempre, hemos pretendido que nosotros, lo seres humanos, sabemos más que el mismo Hacedor.
La relación que ha debido existir entre el Creador y su creación, nosotros, es la misma que debe existir en un hogar sano, entre padres e hijos. No es otra! Es y debe ser una relación de mutuo respeto, amor sincero y temor reverente. No el miedo y temor al que nos han inculcado desde la niñez. Cuando el verdadero amor, temor y respeto sea una realidad, entonces podremos ver y vivir esa justicia tan esquiva que ahora no poseemos. Mientras ello suceda, sigamos orando y pidiendo, a quien todo lo puede, lo que el Salmista nos insta a no olvidar en sus palabras para que así, no se nos endilgue la acusación de no querer oír y aprender lo que el Eterno nos dice:
“”!Creador y Soberano de las venganzas, YHWH Todopoderoso,
Señor de las venganzas, aparece ¡ ¡ Levántate, juez único de la tierra;
Da su merecido a los soberbios¡ ¿ Hasta cuando Padre Eterno, los impíos ¿ ; ¡ ¡ ¡Hasta cuando triunfarán los impíos ¡
Ellos corcovean, dicen insolencias, se pavonean todos los agentes de mal.
A Tu pueblo – Israel – Padre Eterno aplastan, a Tu heredad humillan.
Matan al forastero y a la viuda, asesinan al huérfano, y dicen : “No lo ve el Eterno ; el Creador de Jacob no se da cuenta.”
¡ Comprended, estúpidos del pueblo, ¡ Insensatos, ¿cuándo vais a ser cuerdos?
El que creó la oreja, ¿no va a oír?
El que formó los ojos, ¿no va a ver?
El que corrige a las naciones, ¿ no ha de castigar ¿ El es el que el saber al hombre enseña.
El Altísimo, el Eterno Creador, conoce todos los pensamientos del hombre, que no son más que un soplo…
Se atropella la vida del justo, y la sangre del inocente se condena.
Más el Eterno Creador es para mí -y debiera serlo para todos- una ciudadela,
Mi Creador, la Roca de mi amparo:
Él hará recaer sobre ellos su maldad, los aniquilará por su malicia.
El Altísimo, nuestro Creador, los exterminará.””
Es muy importante saber leer lo que leemos, a pesar de que muchos podamos leer. Las Sagradas Escrituras son de las más sencillas que podamos encontrar en obra humana alguna, que hasta un niño puede entenderlas y comprenderlas. Pero debido a nuestra cultura que se ha basado en una de engaño y tergiversación de la verdad, sólo la podremos digerir y aceptar si echamos a un lado toda preconcepción que tengamos en mente.
Por último, “no olvidemos que el Eterno Creador no dejará a Su pueblo -Israel- ; y no abandonará nunca Su heredad…”
Referencias Bíblicas a constatar: Éxodo 4:22, 23, Salmos 94: 1/11, 14, 22, 23; Jeremías 2: 11; Jeremías 5 : 4, 23, 27, 28, 30, 31; Jeremías 6 : 13, 19; Jeremías 7 : 8/14, 16, 19/20, 24, 26
Me pregunto si nosotros, los seres humanos, algún día, podremos lograr que esa justicia sea una que cubra a nuestro mundo. Pienso que sí. Pero no por la mano del hombre, que es imperfecto dada la naturaleza con la que fuimos creado, sino por la mano de un Ser Superior.
Si, sólo ello será una realidad en un futuro no muy lejano. Nuestras religiones nos tienen acosados desde todos los ángulos de la vida cotidiana. Las mismas han sido, y son, creación absoluta del hombre para tener al hombre sometido a absurdas leyes y principios nada cónsonos con lo que el Creador ha estipulado en Su palabra, las Sagradas Escrituras. Ellas, las religiones del mundo, lo que nos han trasmitido son dolores, sufrimientos, malentendidos, desgracias, infelicidades!. Hemos echado por la borda los principios prístinos de nuestro Creador porque, como siempre, hemos pretendido que nosotros, lo seres humanos, sabemos más que el mismo Hacedor.
La relación que ha debido existir entre el Creador y su creación, nosotros, es la misma que debe existir en un hogar sano, entre padres e hijos. No es otra! Es y debe ser una relación de mutuo respeto, amor sincero y temor reverente. No el miedo y temor al que nos han inculcado desde la niñez. Cuando el verdadero amor, temor y respeto sea una realidad, entonces podremos ver y vivir esa justicia tan esquiva que ahora no poseemos. Mientras ello suceda, sigamos orando y pidiendo, a quien todo lo puede, lo que el Salmista nos insta a no olvidar en sus palabras para que así, no se nos endilgue la acusación de no querer oír y aprender lo que el Eterno nos dice:
“”!Creador y Soberano de las venganzas, YHWH Todopoderoso,
Señor de las venganzas, aparece ¡ ¡ Levántate, juez único de la tierra;
Da su merecido a los soberbios¡ ¿ Hasta cuando Padre Eterno, los impíos ¿ ; ¡ ¡ ¡Hasta cuando triunfarán los impíos ¡
Ellos corcovean, dicen insolencias, se pavonean todos los agentes de mal.
A Tu pueblo – Israel – Padre Eterno aplastan, a Tu heredad humillan.
Matan al forastero y a la viuda, asesinan al huérfano, y dicen : “No lo ve el Eterno ; el Creador de Jacob no se da cuenta.”
¡ Comprended, estúpidos del pueblo, ¡ Insensatos, ¿cuándo vais a ser cuerdos?
El que creó la oreja, ¿no va a oír?
El que formó los ojos, ¿no va a ver?
El que corrige a las naciones, ¿ no ha de castigar ¿ El es el que el saber al hombre enseña.
El Altísimo, el Eterno Creador, conoce todos los pensamientos del hombre, que no son más que un soplo…
Se atropella la vida del justo, y la sangre del inocente se condena.
Más el Eterno Creador es para mí -y debiera serlo para todos- una ciudadela,
Mi Creador, la Roca de mi amparo:
Él hará recaer sobre ellos su maldad, los aniquilará por su malicia.
El Altísimo, nuestro Creador, los exterminará.””
Es muy importante saber leer lo que leemos, a pesar de que muchos podamos leer. Las Sagradas Escrituras son de las más sencillas que podamos encontrar en obra humana alguna, que hasta un niño puede entenderlas y comprenderlas. Pero debido a nuestra cultura que se ha basado en una de engaño y tergiversación de la verdad, sólo la podremos digerir y aceptar si echamos a un lado toda preconcepción que tengamos en mente.
Por último, “no olvidemos que el Eterno Creador no dejará a Su pueblo -Israel- ; y no abandonará nunca Su heredad…”
Referencias Bíblicas a constatar: Éxodo 4:22, 23, Salmos 94: 1/11, 14, 22, 23; Jeremías 2: 11; Jeremías 5 : 4, 23, 27, 28, 30, 31; Jeremías 6 : 13, 19; Jeremías 7 : 8/14, 16, 19/20, 24, 26
lunes, 11 de junio de 2007
Más acerca del Libro de Sirac
Toda sabiduría se basa en el temor hacia el Eterno Creador, y en toda sabiduría se practica la Ley.
Por la mirada se reconoce al hombre, y por el aspecto del rostro se reconoce al pensador..
El atuendo del hombre, la risa de sus dientes, su caminar, revelan lo que es.
All wisdom is the fear of the Mighty One, and in all wisdom there is fulfillment of the Law.
A man is known by his appearance, and a sensible man is known by his face when you meet him
A man´s attire and open-mouthed laughter, and a man manner of walking, show what he is.
19: 20, 29, 30
El sabio guarda silencio hasta su hora, más el fanfarrón e insensato se adelanta al momento.
El don del insensato no te sirve de nada, porque sus ojos no son uno, son muchos, da poco y echa en cara mucho, abre su boca como un pregonero; presta hoy y mañana reclama.
A wise man will be silent until the right moment, but a braggart and fool goes beyond the right moment
A fool´s gift will profit you nothing, for he has many eyes instead of one. He gives little and upbraids much, he opens his mouth like a herald; today he lends and tomorrow he asks it back, such a one is a hateful man..
20: 7, 14, 15
De lejos se reconoce al charlatán y el hombre reflexivo le adivina los deslices.
El que guarda la Ley controla sus ideas; la meta del temor hacia el Eterno Creador es la sabiduría
El necio cuando ríe, lo hace a carcajadas, más el hombre sensato apenas si sonríe.
Cuando el impío maldice a Satán, a sí mismo se maldice.
A foul raises his voice when he laughs, but a clever man smiles quietly.
When an ungodly man curses Satan, he curses his own soul.
21 : 20, 23
La hija insolente es la vergüenza del padre y del marido, y por los dos es despreciada.
Es vergüenza de un padre tener un hijo ineducado, pero la hija le nace ya para su confusión.
An impudent daughter disgraces father and husband, and will be despised by both.
It´s a disgrace to be the father of an undisciplined son, and the birth of a daughter is a loss.
22 : 5, 3.
Oh¡ Padre, señor de mi vida, no me abandones al capricho de mis labios, no permitas que por ellos caiga.
Señor, Padre y Creador de mi vida, no me des altanería de ojos, aparta de mi la pasión, que el apetito sensual y la lujuria no se apodere de mí, no me entregues al deseo impúdico.
Hay un lenguaje vulgar que equivale a la muerte, ¡que no se halle en la heredad de Jacob!
A la baja grosería no habitúes tu boca, porque hay en ella palabras de pecado.
El hombre o mujer habituados a palabras ultrajantes y vulgares no se corregirá en toda su existencia.
O Eternal, Father and Ruler of my life, do not give haughty eyes, and remove from me evil desires..
Let neither gluttony nor lust overcome me, and do not surrender me to a shameless soul.
There is an utterance which is comparable to death; may it never be found in the inheritance of Jacon¡
A ,man or woman accustomed to use insulting and vulgar words will never become disciplined all their days.
13 : 1,12,15.
Toda malicia es poca junto a la malicia de mujer, ¡que la suerte del picador caiga sobre ella!
No te dejes llevar por la belleza de la mujer, y por mujer no te apasiones.
Por la mujer fue el comienzo del pecado, y por causa de ella morimos todos.
Si la mujer no camina como marca tu mano, de tu mano córtala.
Any iniquity is insignificant compared to the iniquity of a wife: may a sinner´s lot be all her¿
Do not be snared by a woman´s beauty, and do no desire a woman for her possessions.
From a woman the sin had its beginning, and because of her we all die.
25 : 19, 21, 24, 26
Feliz el marido de mujer buena, el número de sus días se duplicará.
Mujer buena es buena herencia, es ganancia para los que temen al Eterno Creador
La lujuria de la mujer se ve en la procacidad de sus ojos, en sus párpados se reconoce.
La gracia de la mujer recrea al marido y su ciencia reconforta sus huesos.
Un don del Eterno Creador es la mujer silenciosa, no tiene precio la bien educada.
Gracia de gracias la mujer pudorosa, no hay medida para pesar a la dueña de sí misma.
Lámpara que brilla en sagrado candelero es la hermosura de un rostro sobre un cuerpo esbelto.
Columnas de oro sobre basas de plata son las bellas piernas sobre talones firmes.
Happy is the husband of a good wife; the number of his days will be doubled.
A good wife is a great blessing; she will be granted among the blessings of the man who fears Eternal Creator.
A wife´s ¨harlotry shows in her lustful eyes, and she is known by her eyelids.
A wife´s charm delights her husband, and her skill puts fat on his bones.
A silent wife adds charms to charm, and no balance can weigh the value of a chaste soul.
Like the shinning lamps on the holy lampstand, so is a beautiful face on a stately figure.
Like pillars of gold on a base of silver, so are beautiful feet with a steadfast heart.
26 : 1, 3, 9, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18
En medio de imbéciles aguarda tu momento, y entre los que piensan demórate.
Si persigues la justicia, la alcanzarás y te revestirás como túnica de gloria
Among stupid people watch for a chance to leave, but among thoughtful people stay on.
If you pursue justice, you will attain it and wear it as a glorious robe
27 : 12, 8
El que se venga sufrirá venganza del Eterno, que cuenta exacta llevará de tus pecados.
Perdona a tu prójimo el agravio y, en cuanto lo pidas, te serán perdonados tus pecados.
A tus palabras pon balanza y peso, a tu boca pon puerta y cerrojo.
He that takes vengeance will suffer vengeance from Eternal, and He will firmly establish his sins
Forgive your neighbour the wrong he has done, and then your sins will be pardoned when you pray.
28 : 1, 2, 25
El que mima a su hijo, vendará sus heridas, a cada grito se le conmoverán sus entrañas
No rías con él, para no tener que llorar y acabar rechinando los dientes.
Doblega su cervíz mientras es joven, tunde sus costillas cuando es niño, no sea que, volviéndose indócil, te desobedezca y sufras por él amargura de alma.
He who spoil his son Hill bind up his wounds, and his feelings will be troubled at every cry.
Do not laugh with him, lets you have sorrow with him, and in the end you will gnash your teeth.
Does down his neck in his youth, and beat his sides while he is young, lest he become stubborn and disobey you, and you have sorrow of soul from him.
30 : 7, 10, 12.
No entregues tu alma a la tristeza, ni te atormentes a ti mismo con tus vacilaciones.
Engaña tu alma y consuela tu corazón, echa lejos de ti la tristeza; que la tristeza perdió a muchos, y no hay en ella utilidad alguna.
Envidia y malhumor los días acortan, las preocupaciones traen la vejez antes de tiempo
Do not give yourself over to sorrow, and do not afflict yourself deliberately.
Delight you soul and confort your heart, and remove sorrow far from you, for sorrow has destroyed many, and there is no profit in it.
30 : 21, 23, 24.
El que tenme al Eterno Creador acepta la instrucción, los que madrugan encuentra Su favor.
El que busca la Ley se llena de ella, pero el hipócrita le sirve de tropiezo.
Sin concejo no hagas nada, y no te arrepentirás de tus acciones.
He who fears Eternal Hill accept His discipline, and those who rise early to seek Him will find His favour.
He who seeks the Law will be filled with it, but the hypocrite will stumble at it.
Do nothing without deliberation; and when you have a test do not regret it-.
32 : 14, 15, 19.
El que teme al Eterno Creador nada ningún mal le sucede, aunque sufra una prueba, se verá librado.
El varón sabio no aborrece la Ley, más el que finge observarla es como nave en borrasca.
El hombre inteligente pone su confianza en la Ley, ya que la Ley es para él digna de confianza como un oráculo.
No evil Hill befall the man who fears Eternal, but in trial He Hill deliver him again and again.
A wise man will not hate the Law, but he who is hypocrite about it is like a boat in a storm.
A man of understanding will trust in the Law, for him the Law is as dependable as an inquiry by means of Urim.
33 : 1, 2, 3.
Si tienes un criado, sea como tú, porque con sangre lo adquiriste.
Si tienes un criado, trátale como hermano, porque has menester de él como de ti mismo.
If you have a servant, let him be as yourself, because you have bought him with blood.
If you have a servant, treat him as a brother, for as your own soul you will need him.
33 : 31, 32.
El espíritu de los que temen al Creador vivirá, porque su esperanza esta puesta en aquél que los salva.
Quien teme al Todopoderoso de nada tiene miedo, y no se intimida porque El es su esperanza.
The spirit of those who fear Eternal will live, for their hope is in Him who saves them.
He who fears Eternal will not be timid, nor play the coward, for He is his hope.
34 : 13, 143
Despierta tu furor y derrama Tu ira, extermina al adversario, aniquila al enemigo.
Ten piedad, Eterno Padre, del pueblo que se llama con Tu Nombre, Israel, a quien igualaste con el primogénito (Exodo 4:22)
Escucha, Padre, la suplica de Tus siervos, según la bendición de Aarón sobre Tu pueblo, y que todos los de la tierra reconozcan que Tú eres el Creador, el Padre Eterno.
Rouse Thy anger and pour out Thy wrath, destroy the adversary and wipe out the enemy.
Have mercy, O Eternal, upon the people called by Thy Name, upon Israel, whom You has likened to a First Born.(Exodus 4:22).
Hearken, O Eternal, to the prayer of Thy servant, according to the blessing of Aaron for Thy people, and all who are on the earth will know that Thou art Creator, Eternal, of the ages.
36 : 6 11, 16, 17.
Engrandeced Su nombre, dadle gracias por Su alabanza, con los cantares de vuestros labios y con cítaras decid así en acción de gracias.
¡Que hermosas son todas las obras del Eterno Creador¡ Todas Sus órdenes se ejecutan a su hora. No hay por qué decir: ¿Qué es esto? Y esto ¿para qué? , que todo se ha de buscar a su tiempo.
A una orden Suya se hace todo lo que desea, y no hay quién pueda estorbar Su salvación
Los bienes están desde el principio creados para los buenos, así como los males para los pecadores.
Hay vientos creados para el castigo, en Su furor ha endurecido Él sus látigos, al tiempo de la consumación Su fuerza expanden y desahogan el furor del que los hizo.
Fuego y granizo, hambre y muerte, para el castigo ha sido creado todo esto.
La obras del Creador son todas buenas, a Su tiempo provee El a toda necesidad.
No hay que decir: Esto es peor que aquello, porque todo a su tiempo es probado.
Ascribe majesty to His Name and give thanks to Him with praise, with songs on your lips, and with lyres; and this you shall say in thanksgiving:
Al things are the works of Eternal, for they are very good, and whatever he commands will be done in his time.
No one can say, “What is this?”, “Why is that?” for in Eternal¨s time all things will be sought after.
At His command whatever pleases Him is done, and none can limit his saving power. From the beginning good things were created for vengeance, and in their anger they scourge heavenly; in the time of consummation they will pour out their strength and calm the anger of their Maker.
Fire and hail and famine and pestilence, all these have been created for vengeance;, the works of Eternal are all good, and He will supply every need in its hour.
And no one can say, “This is worse than that”, for all things will prove good in their season.
39 : 15, 16, 18, 25, 28, 29, 33, 34.
Grandes trabajos han sido creados para todo hombre, un yugo pesado hay sobre los hijos de Adán desde el día que salieron del vientre de su madre, hasta el día del retorno a la madre de todos.
A la hora del descanso en la cama, el sueño de la noche, altera el conocimiento.
Todo cuanto de la tierra viene, a la tierra vuelve. Y cuanto de agua, en el mar desemboca.
En el temor hacia el Eterno no existe ninguna mengua, con El no hay por qué buscar otra ayuda.
El temor hacia el Creador es como un paraíso de bendición, protege El más que toda gloria.
Hijo ,no lleves una vida de mendicidad, que más vale morir que mendigar.
Much labour was created for every man, and a heavy yoke is upon the sons of Adam, from the day they come forth from their mother´s womb till the day they return to the mother of all.
At the moment of his rescue he wakes up, and wonders that his fear came to nothing.
All things that are from the earth turn back to the earth, and what is from waters returns to the sea.
There is no loss in the fear of Eternal, and with it is no need to seek for help.
The fear of Eternal is like a garden of blessing, and covers a man better that any glory.
40 : 1, 8, 11, 26, 27.
Porque de los vestidos sale la polilla, y de la mujer la malicia femenina.
Vale más la maldad de hombre que bondad de mujer; la mujer cubre de vergüenza y oprobio.
El Eterno sondea el abismo y el corazón humano, y sus secretos cálculos penetra.
Pues el Altísimo todo saber conoce y fija Sus ojos en las señales de los tiempos.
Anuncia lo pasado y lo futuro, y descubre las huellas de las cosas secretas.
Las grandezas de Su sabiduría las puso en orden porque Él es antes de la eternidad y por la eternidad; nada le ha sido añadido ni quitado, y de ningún concejero necesita.
For the garments comes the moth, and from a woman comes woman´s wickedness.
Better is the wickedness of a man than a woman who does good; and it is a woman who brings shame and disgrace.
For the Most High knows all that may be known and He looks into the signs of the age.
He declares what has been and what is to be, and He reveals the tracks of hidden things.
He has created the splendours of His wisdom, and He is from everlasting and to everlasting.
Nothing can be added or taken away, and He needs no one to be His counselor.
42 : 13, 14, 18, 19, 21.
Por la mirada se reconoce al hombre, y por el aspecto del rostro se reconoce al pensador..
El atuendo del hombre, la risa de sus dientes, su caminar, revelan lo que es.
All wisdom is the fear of the Mighty One, and in all wisdom there is fulfillment of the Law.
A man is known by his appearance, and a sensible man is known by his face when you meet him
A man´s attire and open-mouthed laughter, and a man manner of walking, show what he is.
19: 20, 29, 30
El sabio guarda silencio hasta su hora, más el fanfarrón e insensato se adelanta al momento.
El don del insensato no te sirve de nada, porque sus ojos no son uno, son muchos, da poco y echa en cara mucho, abre su boca como un pregonero; presta hoy y mañana reclama.
A wise man will be silent until the right moment, but a braggart and fool goes beyond the right moment
A fool´s gift will profit you nothing, for he has many eyes instead of one. He gives little and upbraids much, he opens his mouth like a herald; today he lends and tomorrow he asks it back, such a one is a hateful man..
20: 7, 14, 15
De lejos se reconoce al charlatán y el hombre reflexivo le adivina los deslices.
El que guarda la Ley controla sus ideas; la meta del temor hacia el Eterno Creador es la sabiduría
El necio cuando ríe, lo hace a carcajadas, más el hombre sensato apenas si sonríe.
Cuando el impío maldice a Satán, a sí mismo se maldice.
A foul raises his voice when he laughs, but a clever man smiles quietly.
When an ungodly man curses Satan, he curses his own soul.
21 : 20, 23
La hija insolente es la vergüenza del padre y del marido, y por los dos es despreciada.
Es vergüenza de un padre tener un hijo ineducado, pero la hija le nace ya para su confusión.
An impudent daughter disgraces father and husband, and will be despised by both.
It´s a disgrace to be the father of an undisciplined son, and the birth of a daughter is a loss.
22 : 5, 3.
Oh¡ Padre, señor de mi vida, no me abandones al capricho de mis labios, no permitas que por ellos caiga.
Señor, Padre y Creador de mi vida, no me des altanería de ojos, aparta de mi la pasión, que el apetito sensual y la lujuria no se apodere de mí, no me entregues al deseo impúdico.
Hay un lenguaje vulgar que equivale a la muerte, ¡que no se halle en la heredad de Jacob!
A la baja grosería no habitúes tu boca, porque hay en ella palabras de pecado.
El hombre o mujer habituados a palabras ultrajantes y vulgares no se corregirá en toda su existencia.
O Eternal, Father and Ruler of my life, do not give haughty eyes, and remove from me evil desires..
Let neither gluttony nor lust overcome me, and do not surrender me to a shameless soul.
There is an utterance which is comparable to death; may it never be found in the inheritance of Jacon¡
A ,man or woman accustomed to use insulting and vulgar words will never become disciplined all their days.
13 : 1,12,15.
Toda malicia es poca junto a la malicia de mujer, ¡que la suerte del picador caiga sobre ella!
No te dejes llevar por la belleza de la mujer, y por mujer no te apasiones.
Por la mujer fue el comienzo del pecado, y por causa de ella morimos todos.
Si la mujer no camina como marca tu mano, de tu mano córtala.
Any iniquity is insignificant compared to the iniquity of a wife: may a sinner´s lot be all her¿
Do not be snared by a woman´s beauty, and do no desire a woman for her possessions.
From a woman the sin had its beginning, and because of her we all die.
25 : 19, 21, 24, 26
Feliz el marido de mujer buena, el número de sus días se duplicará.
Mujer buena es buena herencia, es ganancia para los que temen al Eterno Creador
La lujuria de la mujer se ve en la procacidad de sus ojos, en sus párpados se reconoce.
La gracia de la mujer recrea al marido y su ciencia reconforta sus huesos.
Un don del Eterno Creador es la mujer silenciosa, no tiene precio la bien educada.
Gracia de gracias la mujer pudorosa, no hay medida para pesar a la dueña de sí misma.
Lámpara que brilla en sagrado candelero es la hermosura de un rostro sobre un cuerpo esbelto.
Columnas de oro sobre basas de plata son las bellas piernas sobre talones firmes.
Happy is the husband of a good wife; the number of his days will be doubled.
A good wife is a great blessing; she will be granted among the blessings of the man who fears Eternal Creator.
A wife´s ¨harlotry shows in her lustful eyes, and she is known by her eyelids.
A wife´s charm delights her husband, and her skill puts fat on his bones.
A silent wife adds charms to charm, and no balance can weigh the value of a chaste soul.
Like the shinning lamps on the holy lampstand, so is a beautiful face on a stately figure.
Like pillars of gold on a base of silver, so are beautiful feet with a steadfast heart.
26 : 1, 3, 9, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18
En medio de imbéciles aguarda tu momento, y entre los que piensan demórate.
Si persigues la justicia, la alcanzarás y te revestirás como túnica de gloria
Among stupid people watch for a chance to leave, but among thoughtful people stay on.
If you pursue justice, you will attain it and wear it as a glorious robe
27 : 12, 8
El que se venga sufrirá venganza del Eterno, que cuenta exacta llevará de tus pecados.
Perdona a tu prójimo el agravio y, en cuanto lo pidas, te serán perdonados tus pecados.
A tus palabras pon balanza y peso, a tu boca pon puerta y cerrojo.
He that takes vengeance will suffer vengeance from Eternal, and He will firmly establish his sins
Forgive your neighbour the wrong he has done, and then your sins will be pardoned when you pray.
28 : 1, 2, 25
El que mima a su hijo, vendará sus heridas, a cada grito se le conmoverán sus entrañas
No rías con él, para no tener que llorar y acabar rechinando los dientes.
Doblega su cervíz mientras es joven, tunde sus costillas cuando es niño, no sea que, volviéndose indócil, te desobedezca y sufras por él amargura de alma.
He who spoil his son Hill bind up his wounds, and his feelings will be troubled at every cry.
Do not laugh with him, lets you have sorrow with him, and in the end you will gnash your teeth.
Does down his neck in his youth, and beat his sides while he is young, lest he become stubborn and disobey you, and you have sorrow of soul from him.
30 : 7, 10, 12.
No entregues tu alma a la tristeza, ni te atormentes a ti mismo con tus vacilaciones.
Engaña tu alma y consuela tu corazón, echa lejos de ti la tristeza; que la tristeza perdió a muchos, y no hay en ella utilidad alguna.
Envidia y malhumor los días acortan, las preocupaciones traen la vejez antes de tiempo
Do not give yourself over to sorrow, and do not afflict yourself deliberately.
Delight you soul and confort your heart, and remove sorrow far from you, for sorrow has destroyed many, and there is no profit in it.
30 : 21, 23, 24.
El que tenme al Eterno Creador acepta la instrucción, los que madrugan encuentra Su favor.
El que busca la Ley se llena de ella, pero el hipócrita le sirve de tropiezo.
Sin concejo no hagas nada, y no te arrepentirás de tus acciones.
He who fears Eternal Hill accept His discipline, and those who rise early to seek Him will find His favour.
He who seeks the Law will be filled with it, but the hypocrite will stumble at it.
Do nothing without deliberation; and when you have a test do not regret it-.
32 : 14, 15, 19.
El que teme al Eterno Creador nada ningún mal le sucede, aunque sufra una prueba, se verá librado.
El varón sabio no aborrece la Ley, más el que finge observarla es como nave en borrasca.
El hombre inteligente pone su confianza en la Ley, ya que la Ley es para él digna de confianza como un oráculo.
No evil Hill befall the man who fears Eternal, but in trial He Hill deliver him again and again.
A wise man will not hate the Law, but he who is hypocrite about it is like a boat in a storm.
A man of understanding will trust in the Law, for him the Law is as dependable as an inquiry by means of Urim.
33 : 1, 2, 3.
Si tienes un criado, sea como tú, porque con sangre lo adquiriste.
Si tienes un criado, trátale como hermano, porque has menester de él como de ti mismo.
If you have a servant, let him be as yourself, because you have bought him with blood.
If you have a servant, treat him as a brother, for as your own soul you will need him.
33 : 31, 32.
El espíritu de los que temen al Creador vivirá, porque su esperanza esta puesta en aquél que los salva.
Quien teme al Todopoderoso de nada tiene miedo, y no se intimida porque El es su esperanza.
The spirit of those who fear Eternal will live, for their hope is in Him who saves them.
He who fears Eternal will not be timid, nor play the coward, for He is his hope.
34 : 13, 143
Despierta tu furor y derrama Tu ira, extermina al adversario, aniquila al enemigo.
Ten piedad, Eterno Padre, del pueblo que se llama con Tu Nombre, Israel, a quien igualaste con el primogénito (Exodo 4:22)
Escucha, Padre, la suplica de Tus siervos, según la bendición de Aarón sobre Tu pueblo, y que todos los de la tierra reconozcan que Tú eres el Creador, el Padre Eterno.
Rouse Thy anger and pour out Thy wrath, destroy the adversary and wipe out the enemy.
Have mercy, O Eternal, upon the people called by Thy Name, upon Israel, whom You has likened to a First Born.(Exodus 4:22).
Hearken, O Eternal, to the prayer of Thy servant, according to the blessing of Aaron for Thy people, and all who are on the earth will know that Thou art Creator, Eternal, of the ages.
36 : 6 11, 16, 17.
Engrandeced Su nombre, dadle gracias por Su alabanza, con los cantares de vuestros labios y con cítaras decid así en acción de gracias.
¡Que hermosas son todas las obras del Eterno Creador¡ Todas Sus órdenes se ejecutan a su hora. No hay por qué decir: ¿Qué es esto? Y esto ¿para qué? , que todo se ha de buscar a su tiempo.
A una orden Suya se hace todo lo que desea, y no hay quién pueda estorbar Su salvación
Los bienes están desde el principio creados para los buenos, así como los males para los pecadores.
Hay vientos creados para el castigo, en Su furor ha endurecido Él sus látigos, al tiempo de la consumación Su fuerza expanden y desahogan el furor del que los hizo.
Fuego y granizo, hambre y muerte, para el castigo ha sido creado todo esto.
La obras del Creador son todas buenas, a Su tiempo provee El a toda necesidad.
No hay que decir: Esto es peor que aquello, porque todo a su tiempo es probado.
Ascribe majesty to His Name and give thanks to Him with praise, with songs on your lips, and with lyres; and this you shall say in thanksgiving:
Al things are the works of Eternal, for they are very good, and whatever he commands will be done in his time.
No one can say, “What is this?”, “Why is that?” for in Eternal¨s time all things will be sought after.
At His command whatever pleases Him is done, and none can limit his saving power. From the beginning good things were created for vengeance, and in their anger they scourge heavenly; in the time of consummation they will pour out their strength and calm the anger of their Maker.
Fire and hail and famine and pestilence, all these have been created for vengeance;, the works of Eternal are all good, and He will supply every need in its hour.
And no one can say, “This is worse than that”, for all things will prove good in their season.
39 : 15, 16, 18, 25, 28, 29, 33, 34.
Grandes trabajos han sido creados para todo hombre, un yugo pesado hay sobre los hijos de Adán desde el día que salieron del vientre de su madre, hasta el día del retorno a la madre de todos.
A la hora del descanso en la cama, el sueño de la noche, altera el conocimiento.
Todo cuanto de la tierra viene, a la tierra vuelve. Y cuanto de agua, en el mar desemboca.
En el temor hacia el Eterno no existe ninguna mengua, con El no hay por qué buscar otra ayuda.
El temor hacia el Creador es como un paraíso de bendición, protege El más que toda gloria.
Hijo ,no lleves una vida de mendicidad, que más vale morir que mendigar.
Much labour was created for every man, and a heavy yoke is upon the sons of Adam, from the day they come forth from their mother´s womb till the day they return to the mother of all.
At the moment of his rescue he wakes up, and wonders that his fear came to nothing.
All things that are from the earth turn back to the earth, and what is from waters returns to the sea.
There is no loss in the fear of Eternal, and with it is no need to seek for help.
The fear of Eternal is like a garden of blessing, and covers a man better that any glory.
40 : 1, 8, 11, 26, 27.
Porque de los vestidos sale la polilla, y de la mujer la malicia femenina.
Vale más la maldad de hombre que bondad de mujer; la mujer cubre de vergüenza y oprobio.
El Eterno sondea el abismo y el corazón humano, y sus secretos cálculos penetra.
Pues el Altísimo todo saber conoce y fija Sus ojos en las señales de los tiempos.
Anuncia lo pasado y lo futuro, y descubre las huellas de las cosas secretas.
Las grandezas de Su sabiduría las puso en orden porque Él es antes de la eternidad y por la eternidad; nada le ha sido añadido ni quitado, y de ningún concejero necesita.
For the garments comes the moth, and from a woman comes woman´s wickedness.
Better is the wickedness of a man than a woman who does good; and it is a woman who brings shame and disgrace.
For the Most High knows all that may be known and He looks into the signs of the age.
He declares what has been and what is to be, and He reveals the tracks of hidden things.
He has created the splendours of His wisdom, and He is from everlasting and to everlasting.
Nothing can be added or taken away, and He needs no one to be His counselor.
42 : 13, 14, 18, 19, 21.
domingo, 10 de junio de 2007
Sedientos, venid todos a las aguas, vosotros que no tenéis dinero, apresuráos, comprad y comed; venid sin dinero y sin pagar, vino y leche.
¿ Por qué gastáis vuestro dinero en cosas que no son un buen alimento, y os fatigáis en lo que no puede saciaros?
Escuchadme con atención: alimentáos del buen manjar, y vuestra alma podrá recrearse en lo más sustancioso.
Prestad oídos, a Mis palabras y veníd a Mí: escuchad, poned atención, y vuestra alma podrá hallar la vida, y así podré establecer con vosotros una ALIANZA SEMPITERNA, cumpliendo así las promesas que hice a DAVID.
He aquí que pongo a DAVID como Mi testigo de Mi verdad única, por caudillo y por maestro para las naciones todas.
Ho, every one who thirsts, come to the waters; and he who has no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without any price.
Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread, and labour for that which does not satisfy?
Hearken diligently to Me, and eat what is good, and delight yourselves in fatness.
Incline you ear, and come to Me; hear that your soul may live; and I will make with you an EVERLASTING COVENANT, My steadfast and sure love for DAVID.
Behold, I made DAVID a witness to the people, a leader and real commander for the peoples or nations.
Isaías 55 : 1, 2, 3, 4.
El que corrige a un arrogante se acarrea desprecio, y el que reprende al desalmado se gana insultos.
No reprendas al arrogante, porque te aborrecerá; reprende más bien al sabio y él te amará.
Da al sabio, y se hará más sabio todavía, enseña al justo o correcto, y crecerá su doctrina..
Si te haces sabio, te haces sabio para tu provecho, y si te vuelves arrogante, tú solo lo tendrás que pagar,
He who corrects a scoffer gets himself abuse, and he who reproves a wicked man, incurs injury.
Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you; reprove a wise man, and he will love you.
Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; teach a righteous man and he will increase in learning.
If you are wise, you are wise for yourself; if you scoff, you alone bear it.
Proverbios 9 : 7, 8, 8, 12
Hello all ...
The picture above illustrates the 'seen' pollution within the worst of our industrial cities, but the unseen pollution is even more potentially lethal, both for health and the ability to connect beyond this reality.
If you imagine the pollution in the picture to be an electromagnetic field, or a mass of different ones from countless sources, you will get an idea for the energetic environment that we are increasingly living in. Technology is spewing out electromagnetism on a scale that increases by the day and it is forming a 'soup' that has many calculated effects on the population.
Obviously, some are more sensitive than others to these electromagnetic fields, but as the 'soup' increases and becomes still more dense, what is profoundly affecting the most electro-sensitive today will have the same affect on more and more people.
Those who are now called 'electrically hypersensitive', or EHS, suffer many health, mental and emotional problems when they come into contact with electromagnetic fields. These include skin itching, rashes, flushing, burning and tingling; confusion, poor concentration and loss of memory; fatigue and weakness; headaches; chest pain and heart problems. Add to these symptoms other effects like nausea, panic attacks, insomnia, seizures, ear pain and ringing in the ears, paralysis and dizziness.
These are caused by human-created electromagnetic fields interfering with the balance and harmony of the body's electromagnetic field and its electrical communication systems. Through something called 'entrainment' powerful electrical fields and broadcast frequencies can also synchronise with the brain/body 'electrics' and change the frequency on which they operate. Such 'entrainment' can thus cause physical, mental and emotional mayhem.
The sources of disruption are many and various and increase by the week. They include mobile phones and their masts, other communication systems like TETRA, used by UK emergency services and operating within the range of human brain activity, the wireless Internet and other technologies.
All this is not happening at this time by accident. There is a vibrational change going on that is having the effect of waking people up on an ever-greater scale from their induced amnesia. The aim of the electromagnetic technology in all its many forms (plus those we don't even know about) is to create an electromagnetic 'soup' to suppress the effect on human awareness of the vibrational change we are experiencing.
In May 2006, the London Observer reported the growing concern about what it called the 'invisible smog' that has been created by the 'electricity that powers our civilisation'. It said that new scientific evidence showed that this was 'giving children cancer, causing miscarriages and suicides and making some people allergic to modern life'. But of course that must be the case. At the body/brain level we are electromagnetic fields and when these are exposed to other fields, especially a sea of them, we are bound to be affected by disharmony - dis-ease - in all its potential forms.
The World Heath Organisation says that the electromagnetic smog could interfere with natural electrical currents that help to 'drive the human body', and calls it 'one of the most common and fastest growing environmental influences'. The Observer article quoted Denis Henshaw, professor of human radiation effects at England's Bristol University, as saying that 'a huge and substantive body of evidence indicates a range of adverse health effects' from this 'smog'. He estimated it caused some 9,000 cases of depression and that is understandable when our emotions are electrochemical phenomena. If you are a fish in the sea you are fundamentally affected by the state of the water, and it is the same with us and the vibrational 'sea'. There are now so many electrical influences, as the Observer article said:
Wiring creates electrical fields, one component of the smog, even when nothing is turned on. And all electrical equipment - from TVs to toasters - give off another one, magnetic fields. The fields rapidly decrease with distance but appliances such as hair dryers and electric shavers, used close to the head, can give high exposures. Electric blankets and clock radios near to beds produce even higher doses because people are exposed to them for many hours while sleeping. Radio frequency fields - yet another component - are emitted by microwave ovens, TV and radio transmitters, mobile phone masts and phones themselves, also used close to the head.
The World Health Organisation has said that the problem will increase as technology 'advances', but it is not advancing, that is the point. How can technology that is causing so much physical, mental and emotional dis-ease be described as being an advance? At the highest strata within the conspiracy, the electromagnetic 'soup' is being created to produce an ever-thickening sea of frequency fields to hold the 'human' level in disconnection from its multi-dimensional self. In other words, to keep us in the five-sense prison of 'physical' perception where we can be so easily controlled and manipulated. The vibrational change I have been writing about since 1991 is threatening that control and this electromagnetic assault is part of the long-planned response.
For me, the chemical clouds sprayed into the atmosphere by military aircraft, and commercial planes contracted by the military, are fundamentally connected to this 'soup' agenda. These clouds have become known as 'chemtrails', as opposed to the 'contrails' that are naturally produced by aircraft through condensation. Contrails quickly disperse, chemtrails do not, and they are often sprayed by planes flying in criss-cross patterns across the same area.
Author and researcher, William Thomas, became the most vocal exposer of chemtrails soon after they began in the United States and Canada in about 1998, before appearing in Europe. Now, they are reported all over the world and Zulu shaman Credo Mutwa has told me of his constant experiences of these high-altitude sprayings in South Africa. Disney even added chemtrails to sky scenes in the children's animation movie, Cars. Yeah, get them used to seeing the sky like that and they won't ask questions.
Many people in the United States report that their locations are sprayed so often that they no longer have the clear blue skies they once enjoyed and you can find detailed articles and background to chemtrails in the coverups research archive at www.davidicke.com.
The chemtrails have many components. William Thomas says that analysis of the trails has found highly toxic pathogens, among them Mycoplasma fermentans incognitus. This was discovered by Dr Garth Nicholson in some 45 per cent of former soldiers suffering from the debilitating illness known as Gulf War Syndrome. Symptoms reported in sprayed areas have included respiratory and flu-like conditions and sometimes mental confusion and depression. We should not be surprised at biological warfare against the population when such things have been exposed many times since the 1940s.
Unsuspecting communities have often been used as laboratory animals to test germ warfare agents. The Neocon Project for the New American Century, the power behind the Bush administration, called in 2000 for ... 'advanced forms of biological warfare that can target specific genotypes ...' and the fact that they would test these on the population is a given. By the way, when they say something should be developed, it means it already has been. Chemtrails have been linked by some researchers to the outbreak of 'Morgellons disease', which was first identified in 2001. The symptoms include crawling, stinging and biting sensations, skin lesions that won't heal, extreme fatigue, severe mental confusion, short term memory loss, joint pain, a sharp decline in vision, and serious neurological disorders. Its cause is officially 'a mystery', but look at how the symptoms mirror many of those associated with electromagnetic sensitivity.
Significantly, in terms of the 'soup' I am talking about, analysis has revealed the presence of aluminium, barium, calcium, magnesium and titanium in the air and rain in areas subjected to chemtrail spraying. One study over three months collected rainwater and snow samples from Chapel Hill in North Carolina and submitted them for formal 'double-blind' laboratory tests. All the substances I have listed were found, especially the heavy metal, barium, which a good heat and electricity conductor. Barium sulphate is also an excellent X-ray absorber. A barium alloy is used in sparkplug wire and Barium oxide is employed in a coating for the electrodes of fluorescent lamps that allows the release of electrons. Aluminium conducts electricity and heat almost as well as copper.
Although much more research is needed with open-minded experts in the field (where are they?), I am sure we are going to find that at least one major reason for the chemtrails is to add to the electromagnetic 'soup' that is getting ever-thicker around the Earth. Specifically, I think it likely that these metals released by the spraying are to create a highly efficient conduit for electromagnetic waves and broadcasts, so encasing the planet in an electromagnetic field-prison designed to block 'unwanted' wavelengths coming in, or stop people from tuning into them.
At the same time, this 'soup' is designed to act as a conductor for thought wave frequencies broadcast to the population. I suggest that the chemtrail agenda is connected to HAARP, the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project, based in Alaska and run by the US Department of 'Defense' through the Air Force and Navy. Other HAARP-like and HAARP-connected operations are being introduced in other countries, including Sweden. The target is the electrically-charged ionosphere surrounding the planet at between forty to sixty miles above the surface.
We won't know the full significance of what the chemtrail clouds contain until we know how they interact with the signals broadcast by HAARP. Behind the cover stories and the bullshit, HAARP is all about control on multi-levels, including weather control. Prime among them is to fill their artificially-created electromagnetic 'matrix', 'membrane' or 'soup' around the Earth with instructions and thought/emotional patterns broadcasting on the brain-DNA wavelengths to turn the human population into little more than computer terminals for their instructions. As long-time HAARP researchers, Dr Nick Begich and Jeane Manning, write:
Put simply, the apparatus for HAARP is a reversal of a radio telescope; antenna send out signals instead of receiving. HAARP is the test run for a super-powerful radiowave-beaming technology that lifts areas of the ionosphere by focusing a beam and heating those areas. Electromagnetic waves then bounce back onto earth and penetrate everything - living and dead.
HAARP publicity gives the impression that the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program is mainly an academic project with the goal of changing the ionosphere to improve communications for our own good. However, other US military documents put it more clearly - HAARP aims to learn how to 'exploit the ionosphere for Department of Defense purposes'.
There you have the real motivation for HAARP and it fits perfectly the electromagnetic soup I am describing: 'Electromagnetic waves then bounce back onto earth and penetrate everything -- living and dead.' HAARP, TETRA, mobile phone networks, chemtrails, the Global Positioning Satellite System or GPS, and so much more, are all aspects of the plan and it is unfolding very rapidly. This is also the system designed to communicate with the planned human microchips that will be connected to the Global Positioning satellites. If you think you live in zombie land now, give it a few more years unless we bring this insanity to an end. An Internet article on TETRA points out:
Low frequency electromagnetic and microwave radiation were identified in the 1960s as a potential anti-personnel weapon and the Pentagon has confirmed that it has developed microwave crowd control weapons. Can a system which is developed as weaponry be considered safe for the police and public?
No, of course not, but it's not meant to be. The electromagnetic 'soup' is part of a process of creating an alternative communication system to, and between, human minds. It is designed to create the 'hive mind' in which diversity of thought and perception is destroyed. You would get your instructions electromagnetically and then act upon them, believing them to be your own thoughts and decisions. As Professor Steven Rose said in his Observer article:
'[Focusing] ... an intense magnetic field on specific brain regions ... has been shown to affect thoughts, perceptions and behaviour'.
This is what is planned on a global scale and the conspiracy to entrap and imprison human perception is far bigger than even most conspiracy researchers currently understand.
But, when we open our minds to connect with infinite consciousness beyond this frequency range we call the 'physical world', we can override these influences. That's the challenge because if we stay in 'body reality' we can be technologically controlled and that is the idea behind the electromagnetic 'matrix' being constructed by the day.
Hello all ...
The picture above illustrates the 'seen' pollution within the worst of our industrial cities, but the unseen pollution is even more potentially lethal, both for health and the ability to connect beyond this reality.
If you imagine the pollution in the picture to be an electromagnetic field, or a mass of different ones from countless sources, you will get an idea for the energetic environment that we are increasingly living in. Technology is spewing out electromagnetism on a scale that increases by the day and it is forming a 'soup' that has many calculated effects on the population.
Obviously, some are more sensitive than others to these electromagnetic fields, but as the 'soup' increases and becomes still more dense, what is profoundly affecting the most electro-sensitive today will have the same affect on more and more people.
Those who are now called 'electrically hypersensitive', or EHS, suffer many health, mental and emotional problems when they come into contact with electromagnetic fields. These include skin itching, rashes, flushing, burning and tingling; confusion, poor concentration and loss of memory; fatigue and weakness; headaches; chest pain and heart problems. Add to these symptoms other effects like nausea, panic attacks, insomnia, seizures, ear pain and ringing in the ears, paralysis and dizziness.
These are caused by human-created electromagnetic fields interfering with the balance and harmony of the body's electromagnetic field and its electrical communication systems. Through something called 'entrainment' powerful electrical fields and broadcast frequencies can also synchronise with the brain/body 'electrics' and change the frequency on which they operate. Such 'entrainment' can thus cause physical, mental and emotional mayhem.
The sources of disruption are many and various and increase by the week. They include mobile phones and their masts, other communication systems like TETRA, used by UK emergency services and operating within the range of human brain activity, the wireless Internet and other technologies.
All this is not happening at this time by accident. There is a vibrational change going on that is having the effect of waking people up on an ever-greater scale from their induced amnesia. The aim of the electromagnetic technology in all its many forms (plus those we don't even know about) is to create an electromagnetic 'soup' to suppress the effect on human awareness of the vibrational change we are experiencing.
In May 2006, the London Observer reported the growing concern about what it called the 'invisible smog' that has been created by the 'electricity that powers our civilisation'. It said that new scientific evidence showed that this was 'giving children cancer, causing miscarriages and suicides and making some people allergic to modern life'. But of course that must be the case. At the body/brain level we are electromagnetic fields and when these are exposed to other fields, especially a sea of them, we are bound to be affected by disharmony - dis-ease - in all its potential forms.
The World Heath Organisation says that the electromagnetic smog could interfere with natural electrical currents that help to 'drive the human body', and calls it 'one of the most common and fastest growing environmental influences'. The Observer article quoted Denis Henshaw, professor of human radiation effects at England's Bristol University, as saying that 'a huge and substantive body of evidence indicates a range of adverse health effects' from this 'smog'. He estimated it caused some 9,000 cases of depression and that is understandable when our emotions are electrochemical phenomena. If you are a fish in the sea you are fundamentally affected by the state of the water, and it is the same with us and the vibrational 'sea'. There are now so many electrical influences, as the Observer article said:
Wiring creates electrical fields, one component of the smog, even when nothing is turned on. And all electrical equipment - from TVs to toasters - give off another one, magnetic fields. The fields rapidly decrease with distance but appliances such as hair dryers and electric shavers, used close to the head, can give high exposures. Electric blankets and clock radios near to beds produce even higher doses because people are exposed to them for many hours while sleeping. Radio frequency fields - yet another component - are emitted by microwave ovens, TV and radio transmitters, mobile phone masts and phones themselves, also used close to the head.
The World Health Organisation has said that the problem will increase as technology 'advances', but it is not advancing, that is the point. How can technology that is causing so much physical, mental and emotional dis-ease be described as being an advance? At the highest strata within the conspiracy, the electromagnetic 'soup' is being created to produce an ever-thickening sea of frequency fields to hold the 'human' level in disconnection from its multi-dimensional self. In other words, to keep us in the five-sense prison of 'physical' perception where we can be so easily controlled and manipulated. The vibrational change I have been writing about since 1991 is threatening that control and this electromagnetic assault is part of the long-planned response.
For me, the chemical clouds sprayed into the atmosphere by military aircraft, and commercial planes contracted by the military, are fundamentally connected to this 'soup' agenda. These clouds have become known as 'chemtrails', as opposed to the 'contrails' that are naturally produced by aircraft through condensation. Contrails quickly disperse, chemtrails do not, and they are often sprayed by planes flying in criss-cross patterns across the same area.
Author and researcher, William Thomas, became the most vocal exposer of chemtrails soon after they began in the United States and Canada in about 1998, before appearing in Europe. Now, they are reported all over the world and Zulu shaman Credo Mutwa has told me of his constant experiences of these high-altitude sprayings in South Africa. Disney even added chemtrails to sky scenes in the children's animation movie, Cars. Yeah, get them used to seeing the sky like that and they won't ask questions.
Many people in the United States report that their locations are sprayed so often that they no longer have the clear blue skies they once enjoyed and you can find detailed articles and background to chemtrails in the coverups research archive at www.davidicke.com.
The chemtrails have many components. William Thomas says that analysis of the trails has found highly toxic pathogens, among them Mycoplasma fermentans incognitus. This was discovered by Dr Garth Nicholson in some 45 per cent of former soldiers suffering from the debilitating illness known as Gulf War Syndrome. Symptoms reported in sprayed areas have included respiratory and flu-like conditions and sometimes mental confusion and depression. We should not be surprised at biological warfare against the population when such things have been exposed many times since the 1940s.
Unsuspecting communities have often been used as laboratory animals to test germ warfare agents. The Neocon Project for the New American Century, the power behind the Bush administration, called in 2000 for ... 'advanced forms of biological warfare that can target specific genotypes ...' and the fact that they would test these on the population is a given. By the way, when they say something should be developed, it means it already has been. Chemtrails have been linked by some researchers to the outbreak of 'Morgellons disease', which was first identified in 2001. The symptoms include crawling, stinging and biting sensations, skin lesions that won't heal, extreme fatigue, severe mental confusion, short term memory loss, joint pain, a sharp decline in vision, and serious neurological disorders. Its cause is officially 'a mystery', but look at how the symptoms mirror many of those associated with electromagnetic sensitivity.
Significantly, in terms of the 'soup' I am talking about, analysis has revealed the presence of aluminium, barium, calcium, magnesium and titanium in the air and rain in areas subjected to chemtrail spraying. One study over three months collected rainwater and snow samples from Chapel Hill in North Carolina and submitted them for formal 'double-blind' laboratory tests. All the substances I have listed were found, especially the heavy metal, barium, which a good heat and electricity conductor. Barium sulphate is also an excellent X-ray absorber. A barium alloy is used in sparkplug wire and Barium oxide is employed in a coating for the electrodes of fluorescent lamps that allows the release of electrons. Aluminium conducts electricity and heat almost as well as copper.
Although much more research is needed with open-minded experts in the field (where are they?), I am sure we are going to find that at least one major reason for the chemtrails is to add to the electromagnetic 'soup' that is getting ever-thicker around the Earth. Specifically, I think it likely that these metals released by the spraying are to create a highly efficient conduit for electromagnetic waves and broadcasts, so encasing the planet in an electromagnetic field-prison designed to block 'unwanted' wavelengths coming in, or stop people from tuning into them.
At the same time, this 'soup' is designed to act as a conductor for thought wave frequencies broadcast to the population. I suggest that the chemtrail agenda is connected to HAARP, the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project, based in Alaska and run by the US Department of 'Defense' through the Air Force and Navy. Other HAARP-like and HAARP-connected operations are being introduced in other countries, including Sweden. The target is the electrically-charged ionosphere surrounding the planet at between forty to sixty miles above the surface.
We won't know the full significance of what the chemtrail clouds contain until we know how they interact with the signals broadcast by HAARP. Behind the cover stories and the bullshit, HAARP is all about control on multi-levels, including weather control. Prime among them is to fill their artificially-created electromagnetic 'matrix', 'membrane' or 'soup' around the Earth with instructions and thought/emotional patterns broadcasting on the brain-DNA wavelengths to turn the human population into little more than computer terminals for their instructions. As long-time HAARP researchers, Dr Nick Begich and Jeane Manning, write:
Put simply, the apparatus for HAARP is a reversal of a radio telescope; antenna send out signals instead of receiving. HAARP is the test run for a super-powerful radiowave-beaming technology that lifts areas of the ionosphere by focusing a beam and heating those areas. Electromagnetic waves then bounce back onto earth and penetrate everything - living and dead.
HAARP publicity gives the impression that the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program is mainly an academic project with the goal of changing the ionosphere to improve communications for our own good. However, other US military documents put it more clearly - HAARP aims to learn how to 'exploit the ionosphere for Department of Defense purposes'.
There you have the real motivation for HAARP and it fits perfectly the electromagnetic soup I am describing: 'Electromagnetic waves then bounce back onto earth and penetrate everything -- living and dead.' HAARP, TETRA, mobile phone networks, chemtrails, the Global Positioning Satellite System or GPS, and so much more, are all aspects of the plan and it is unfolding very rapidly. This is also the system designed to communicate with the planned human microchips that will be connected to the Global Positioning satellites. If you think you live in zombie land now, give it a few more years unless we bring this insanity to an end. An Internet article on TETRA points out:
Low frequency electromagnetic and microwave radiation were identified in the 1960s as a potential anti-personnel weapon and the Pentagon has confirmed that it has developed microwave crowd control weapons. Can a system which is developed as weaponry be considered safe for the police and public?
No, of course not, but it's not meant to be. The electromagnetic 'soup' is part of a process of creating an alternative communication system to, and between, human minds. It is designed to create the 'hive mind' in which diversity of thought and perception is destroyed. You would get your instructions electromagnetically and then act upon them, believing them to be your own thoughts and decisions. As Professor Steven Rose said in his Observer article:
'[Focusing] ... an intense magnetic field on specific brain regions ... has been shown to affect thoughts, perceptions and behaviour'.
This is what is planned on a global scale and the conspiracy to entrap and imprison human perception is far bigger than even most conspiracy researchers currently understand.
But, when we open our minds to connect with infinite consciousness beyond this frequency range we call the 'physical world', we can override these influences. That's the challenge because if we stay in 'body reality' we can be technologically controlled and that is the idea behind the electromagnetic 'matrix' being constructed by the day.
jueves, 7 de junio de 2007
Conceptos e Ideas de Caracter Humano
+ ¿Amor real o utópico? +
Siempre había tenido curiosidad de saber por qué Armando Manzanero había tenido 4 divorcios. Y mi oportunidad llegó de forma inesperada.
Mientras estaba en la computadora, escuchaba en la radio una entrevista a Susana Zavaleta y Armando Manzanero.
Durante la plática, Susana le preguntó de forma directa al autor de "esta tarde vi llover, vi gente correr y no estabas tú", por qué se había divorciado 4 veces, a lo cual respondió:
"Soy un utópico, me hago mi historia y no resulta como pienso".
Interesante. Me quedaba claro que el problema de Armando Manzanero, era que su imaginación, su idealización del amor, le jugaba una mala pasada.
Cuando la diferencia entre el cuento que creamos dentro de nosotros y la realidad, es tan grande, suceden historias como la de Armando.
Es más sabio tomar la vida como es y amar al ser de carne y hueso que tenemos en frente, con todos sus defectos, a desear que sea idéntico al cuento que creamos dentro.
Recuerda que la mercadotecnia y las canciones románticas son responsables de gran parte de los infortunios del amor, al crear cuentos en la mente de cada uno de nosotros de cómo debería ser el amor. No como es.
Por eso los artistas tienen vidas tan tormentosas emocionalmente. Por pensar en el amor utópico. Piensa en el amor real y hallarás la paz y el amor que tanto buscas.
* Autor: Edgar Martínez *
Esta seguro que el hombre de Galilea es el Eterno Creador?
Si leemos con sumo cuidado en las Escrituras podremos concluir, sin duda alguna, que el hombre de Galilea no es el Todopoderoso y Único Creador del universo. Lo podemos verificar leyendo los capítulos 43 y 44 ( y otros más, seguidamente ) del libro de Isaías. He aqui , a continuación, algunos versículos muy dicientes:
If we read carefully the Scriptures we shall conclude that the Galilean man is not the Mighty One and Creator of the universe. We can verify it reading chapters 43 and 44 ( and others ) of the Isaiah´s book. Here we have some clear and explicit verses:
“Pero ahora así dice el Eterno, tu Creador, Jacob, tu plasmador, Israel…Yo soy el Eterno Creador, tu Soberano, tu Salvador. No temas, que Yo te he rescatado, te he llamado por tu nombre. Tu eres Mío.
Yo, Yo soy el Eterno Creador, y fuera de Mí no hay Salvador. Yo lo he anunciado, el Salvador y lo he hecho saber, y no hay entre vosotros (Israel) ningún otro extraño. Vosotros (Israel) sois Mis testigos
- oráculo del Eterno, el Todopoderoso -.
Yo, el Todopoderoso, vuestro Santo, el Creador de Israel, vuestro Rey. Así dice el Todopoderoso, el Rey de Israel ( y no ninguna otra nación gentil ), su Redentor, el Todopoderoso Sebaot: “Yo soy el primero y el ultimo, fuera de Mi (el Padre Eterno ) no existe ningún otro dios o creador.
Vosotros sois ( Israel) testigos : ¡hay acaso otro Creador fuera de Mí? ¿No existe otra Roca, Yo no la conozco!
Recuerda esto Jacob: eres Mi siervo, Israel. ¿Yo te he formado, tu eres Mi siervo, Israel, Yo no lo olvido!
Así dice el Eterno Creador, tu Redentor, el que te formó desde el seno. Yo, el Todopoderoso, lo he hecho TODO, Yo, sólo, extendí los cielos. Yo confirmo la palabra de mi siervo ( Isaías ) y hago que triunfe el proyecto de Mis mensajeros. Yo digo a Jerusalén: “Serás habitada”, y a las ciudades de Judá: “Seréis reconstruidas” .
“But now thus says Eternal Creator, He who created you, O Jacob, He who formed you, O Jacob, He who formed you, O Israel : “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are Mine.”
For I am your Eternal Creator, the Holy One of Israel ( not any gentil nation ), your Saviour.
I, I am Eternal Creator, and besides Me there is no Saviour. I am Eternal, and also henceforth I am the Only One; there is none who can deliver from My hand; I work and who can hinder it? I am Eternal , your Holy One, the Creator of Israel ( Jacob ), your King. Thus says Eternal, the King of Israel, and his Redeemer, the Eternal One of host : I am the first and I am the last; besides Me there is no go…you are My witness¿ Is there any Creator besides Me?. There is no Rock,; “I know not any.”
Remember these things, O Jacob, and Israel, for you are My servant; I formed you, you are My servant; O Israel, you will not be forgotten by Me.
Thus says eternal Creator, your Redeemer, who formed you from the womb: “I am Eternal Who made ALL things, who stretched out then heavens alone, who spread out the earth – Who was with Me? “
I am Who confirms the words od my servant ( Isaiah ) , and performs the counsel of My messengers; Who says of Jerusle , “She shall be inhabited “, and of the cities of Judah, “They shall be built, and I will raise up their ruins..”
Isaías 43: 1, 3, 11, 13, 15, ; Isaías 44: 6, 8b, 21, 24, 26.
Nota: ¿ Desea saber más acerca de quién es el Primogénito del Eterno Creador? Entonces vaya a Éxodo capítulo4, versículo 22 y sabrá la verdad.
Note: Do you want to know more about who is the First Born of the Eternal, our Sovereign? Tehn go, please, to Exodus chapter 4, verse 22 and you will know the truth.
If we read carefully the Scriptures we shall conclude that the Galilean man is not the Mighty One and Creator of the universe. We can verify it reading chapters 43 and 44 ( and others ) of the Isaiah´s book. Here we have some clear and explicit verses:
“Pero ahora así dice el Eterno, tu Creador, Jacob, tu plasmador, Israel…Yo soy el Eterno Creador, tu Soberano, tu Salvador. No temas, que Yo te he rescatado, te he llamado por tu nombre. Tu eres Mío.
Yo, Yo soy el Eterno Creador, y fuera de Mí no hay Salvador. Yo lo he anunciado, el Salvador y lo he hecho saber, y no hay entre vosotros (Israel) ningún otro extraño. Vosotros (Israel) sois Mis testigos
- oráculo del Eterno, el Todopoderoso -.
Yo, el Todopoderoso, vuestro Santo, el Creador de Israel, vuestro Rey. Así dice el Todopoderoso, el Rey de Israel ( y no ninguna otra nación gentil ), su Redentor, el Todopoderoso Sebaot: “Yo soy el primero y el ultimo, fuera de Mi (el Padre Eterno ) no existe ningún otro dios o creador.
Vosotros sois ( Israel) testigos : ¡hay acaso otro Creador fuera de Mí? ¿No existe otra Roca, Yo no la conozco!
Recuerda esto Jacob: eres Mi siervo, Israel. ¿Yo te he formado, tu eres Mi siervo, Israel, Yo no lo olvido!
Así dice el Eterno Creador, tu Redentor, el que te formó desde el seno. Yo, el Todopoderoso, lo he hecho TODO, Yo, sólo, extendí los cielos. Yo confirmo la palabra de mi siervo ( Isaías ) y hago que triunfe el proyecto de Mis mensajeros. Yo digo a Jerusalén: “Serás habitada”, y a las ciudades de Judá: “Seréis reconstruidas” .
“But now thus says Eternal Creator, He who created you, O Jacob, He who formed you, O Jacob, He who formed you, O Israel : “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are Mine.”
For I am your Eternal Creator, the Holy One of Israel ( not any gentil nation ), your Saviour.
I, I am Eternal Creator, and besides Me there is no Saviour. I am Eternal, and also henceforth I am the Only One; there is none who can deliver from My hand; I work and who can hinder it? I am Eternal , your Holy One, the Creator of Israel ( Jacob ), your King. Thus says Eternal, the King of Israel, and his Redeemer, the Eternal One of host : I am the first and I am the last; besides Me there is no go…you are My witness¿ Is there any Creator besides Me?. There is no Rock,; “I know not any.”
Remember these things, O Jacob, and Israel, for you are My servant; I formed you, you are My servant; O Israel, you will not be forgotten by Me.
Thus says eternal Creator, your Redeemer, who formed you from the womb: “I am Eternal Who made ALL things, who stretched out then heavens alone, who spread out the earth – Who was with Me? “
I am Who confirms the words od my servant ( Isaiah ) , and performs the counsel of My messengers; Who says of Jerusle , “She shall be inhabited “, and of the cities of Judah, “They shall be built, and I will raise up their ruins..”
Isaías 43: 1, 3, 11, 13, 15, ; Isaías 44: 6, 8b, 21, 24, 26.
Nota: ¿ Desea saber más acerca de quién es el Primogénito del Eterno Creador? Entonces vaya a Éxodo capítulo4, versículo 22 y sabrá la verdad.
Note: Do you want to know more about who is the First Born of the Eternal, our Sovereign? Tehn go, please, to Exodus chapter 4, verse 22 and you will know the truth.
sábado, 2 de junio de 2007
La IDENTIDAD versus el PAPEL DE LA CONFUSIÓN es una etapa de la vida que ocurre en el ser humano entre las edades de los 12 a los 20 años de acuerdo al bien conocido Ego-Psicólogo Erik Erikson..
A Erikson se le conoce mejor por sus conceptos acerca de ésta fase específica, comparada con las otras siete que forman parte de su TEORIA acerca del desarrollo mental.
Sí, ésta es una “teoría” y la Psicología se basa en teorías. ¿Podemos nosotros relacionar esta teoría con el acaecer diario de nuestra juventud actual?. Si, se puede, y la misma hace posible que podamos entender qué es lo que ha pasado y pasa cuando vemos cómo nuestra juventud se ha dejado llevar por la corriente del mundo actual.
Se intenta acá el poder ofrecer algún “alimento” en qué pensar para así poder confrontar y tratar de resolver los problemas existentes que vivimos aún hoy día.
De acuerdo a Erikson ésta fase de la vida es una en la que los muchachos han estado aprendiendo lo que ellos son y lo que pueden hacer acumulando, en sí mismos, la información correspondiente..
Durante esta fase o etapa de “identidad” versus el papel de “confusión” el adolescente tiene que reunir toda esta información acerca de ellos mismos y de su mundo que les circunda y en el cual viven para poder llegar a la conclusión de cómo pueden encajar en el mismo. Y una vez que ellos se comprometen consigo mismos a poseer una identidad cierta, continuarán adelante de una forma saludable en su próxima etapa de sus vidas.
Erikson enseña que el ganar una identidad personal marca el final de la etapa “Identidad versus Papel de Confusión” y así el adolescente se convierte en un adulto.
La identidad sólo es lo que la persona es en sí misma.
Las fuentes de información pueden ser muchas: el hogar, el medio en el que se crían, el colegio, la universidad, la iglesia y muchos otros medios más.
Un lugar saludable donde los jóvenes se pueden criar es uno en el que el individuo se sienta confortable o en aquél en el que desea estar siempre.
Los jóvenes son como nosotros y desean, por supuesto, sentirse seguros y saber que pertenecen a ese lugar. Desean. ser amados y aceptados, saber que pertenecen o forman parte de algo o de alguien.
Ellos aprenden por el ejemplo que nosotros les damos. Nuestros niños son una réplica de nosotros mismos. Tienden a poner en práctica algunas de nuestras costumbres prácticas, aficiones y conductas.
Si ellos ven en nosotros amor e interés sinceros, también ellos manifestarán esas cualidades con sus compañeros y amigos.
La información que puedan obtener nuestros muchachos, en nuestro hogar, colegio o universidad, es la misma que habrán de aplicar, más tarde, en su vida adulta.
Compilación y traducción de un artículo, escrito por Rory Ries, publicado en la revista “TODAY” y efectuadas por J.N.Robles Olarte.
La IDENTIDAD versus el PAPEL DE LA CONFUSIÓN es una etapa de la vida que ocurre en el ser humano entre las edades de los 12 a los 20 años de acuerdo al bien conocido Ego-Psicólogo Erik Erikson..
A Erikson se le conoce mejor por sus conceptos acerca de ésta fase específica, comparada con las otras siete que forman parte de su TEORIA acerca del desarrollo mental.
Sí, ésta es una “teoría” y la Psicología se basa en teorías. ¿Podemos nosotros relacionar esta teoría con el acaecer diario de nuestra juventud actual?. Si, se puede, y la misma hace posible que podamos entender qué es lo que ha pasado y pasa cuando vemos cómo nuestra juventud se ha dejado llevar por la corriente del mundo actual.
Se intenta acá el poder ofrecer algún “alimento” en qué pensar para así poder confrontar y tratar de resolver los problemas existentes que vivimos aún hoy día.
De acuerdo a Erikson ésta fase de la vida es una en la que los muchachos han estado aprendiendo lo que ellos son y lo que pueden hacer acumulando, en sí mismos, la información correspondiente..
Durante esta fase o etapa de “identidad” versus el papel de “confusión” el adolescente tiene que reunir toda esta información acerca de ellos mismos y de su mundo que les circunda y en el cual viven para poder llegar a la conclusión de cómo pueden encajar en el mismo. Y una vez que ellos se comprometen consigo mismos a poseer una identidad cierta, continuarán adelante de una forma saludable en su próxima etapa de sus vidas.
Erikson enseña que el ganar una identidad personal marca el final de la etapa “Identidad versus Papel de Confusión” y así el adolescente se convierte en un adulto.
La identidad sólo es lo que la persona es en sí misma.
Las fuentes de información pueden ser muchas: el hogar, el medio en el que se crían, el colegio, la universidad, la iglesia y muchos otros medios más.
Un lugar saludable donde los jóvenes se pueden criar es uno en el que el individuo se sienta confortable o en aquél en el que desea estar siempre.
Los jóvenes son como nosotros y desean, por supuesto, sentirse seguros y saber que pertenecen a ese lugar. Desean. ser amados y aceptados, saber que pertenecen o forman parte de algo o de alguien.
Ellos aprenden por el ejemplo que nosotros les damos. Nuestros niños son una réplica de nosotros mismos. Tienden a poner en práctica algunas de nuestras costumbres prácticas, aficiones y conductas.
Si ellos ven en nosotros amor e interés sinceros, también ellos manifestarán esas cualidades con sus compañeros y amigos.
La información que puedan obtener nuestros muchachos, en nuestro hogar, colegio o universidad, es la misma que habrán de aplicar, más tarde, en su vida adulta.
Compilación y traducción de un artículo, escrito por Rory Ries, publicado en la revista “TODAY” y efectuadas por J.N.Robles Olarte.
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