martes, 1 de junio de 2010



We are Now Reaping What We Have Sown
In a futile attempt to transform outright enemies of the Jewish State and the Jewish People into “peace partners” by accepting the fraudulent concept of a “legitimate” palestinian people who have some kind of rights in our homeland, it is the Israeli leadership which has placed us on a path which is destined to alienate us from friend and foe alike and accomplish the exact opposite of the alleged quest for peace.

If our own leadership is not willing to openly state that Israel is the exclusive homeland of the Jewish People, there are other entities which are all to happy to take it from us. It may sound nice to proclaim that we are both a Jewish and democratic state, where both Arab and Jew have equal rights. Yet such a statement is, in fact, a denial of both concepts. If we are a democratic state then all people living here have equal rights to determine how the country is run. If we are a Jewish State then only Jews can determine how the country is run. As a result of the confusion we have brought upon ourselves we have neither a Jewish nor a democratic country! It is we who have opened the door to our enemies to destroy us from within, and it should be no surprise that our enemies are all too happy to use all of the tools we have given them.

Can anyone imagine a Jew having a position of political leadership in Egypt or Jordan? Then how is it that we have Arab enemies of the Jewish State as members of our Knesset where they actively work to destroy Israel? We treat acts of terrorism, which are really acts of war, as if they were simple criminal offenses and thus deny the fact that we are in a state of war with a segment of our own population. If you deny that you are at war then how can you ever hope to win it? We have in fact determined that we have no choice but to live together with those who are committed to destroying us. This is pure insanity.

When Sharon unilaterally pulled out of Gaza did he really expect our enemies to be grateful? To them it was a military defeat of Israel and just another step closer to destroying it. To the Arab mind Gaza is already a PLO state. Make no mistake, the flotilla of supplies was an overt act of war designed to demonstrate that Gaza is sovereign PLO territory where the Jewish State has no authority. The organizers knew that Israel would not permit the boats to dock in Gaza. Aside from preparing to fight with Israeli soldiers, they knew they would be beaten and they prepared television crews to show the world how cruel Israel is.

Facts are unimportant. It is the image that counts. Propaganda is the specialty of the Arabs. They have convinced the entire world, including most of my Knesset, that a bunch of hooligans from various Arab countries are indeed a legitimate and separate Arab nation which has prior rights to my country! What is far worse is the fact that it is my own government which lends credence to this outrageous farce. The Arab kicks us, blames us for brutality and we apologize!

If the whole world accuses us of brutality and of oppressing Arab inhabitants of our country, rather than try to explain that we are not brutal and that all we want is to live together in peace, we should live up to our reputation. Were we to act with self respect and simply remove our enemy population once and for all, we would get the same condemnation we are already suffering, but we would at long last get the albatross off of our neck and begin to become the proud self-respecting Jewish state we were meant to become.

If we hadn’t given Gaza over to the Arab terrorists in the first place there would never have been a flotilla. If we hadn’t decided to include Arabs as equal citizens in a Jewish State we would not have the kind of terror we face here every day. And if we had declared all of Judea Samaria and Gaza as part and parcel of the Jewish State and deported all those who call themselves “palestinans”, countless lives, both Jewish and Arab, would not have been lost.

It is we, in our efforts to be “objective” at the expense of our own identity and self respect, who have sown the seeds of our own self destruction. Until we have leadership which isn’t afraid or embarrassed to act as proud Jews we will continue to suffer and push peace yet further away.

Gary Cooperberg is planning a speaking tour in the states for the beginning of November. Now is the time to invite him to your area. You may contact him directly at

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