sábado, 29 de octubre de 2011

Cápsulas LXXXVII

Por: J.N.Robles Olarte

¿Donde se originó la idea de que un hombre cualquiera, nacido de mujer, pudiese expiar los pecados de toda una humanidad? Para ello debemos tener en cuenta claramente que tal noción y práctica proceden de la religión de los Misterios Babilónocos, en la antigua Mesopotamia. Lo que si es cierto es que la idea de que un “inocente” debía ser muerto en vez del, o los culpables no es consistente con las enseñanzas que las Sagradas Escrituras nos lo estipulan. Después del pecado cometido por Israel, al erigirse un Becerro de Oro, apenas saliendo de la esclavitud de Egipto, el Eterno se irritó tanto por tal acto, que decidió exterminar a Su pueblo. Moisés se ofreció a morir en su lugar. Notemos las siguientes palabras habidas entre Moisés y el Creador a raíz de la solicitud del primero de ellos : “Volvió Moisés donde el Creador, y le dijo: 1Ay¡ éste pueblo ha cometido un gran pecado al hacerse un “dios de oro”. Con todo, si Te dignas perdonar su pecado…y si no:. bórrame del libro que has escrito. El Eterno le respondió, “al que pecare contra Mói, le borraré Yo de Mi Libro.”(Éxodo32:32-33)
A todo lo largo de las Sagradas Escrituras, el Eterno Creador de Israel dice que nuna persona, sea quien fuere, no puede, ni debe, morir por los pecados de otro u otros. “No morirán los padres por culpa de los hijos, ni los hijos por culpa de los padres. Cada cual morirá por su propio pecado.”(Deuteronomio 24:16). “Cada quien morirá por su culpa: quien quiera que coma el agraz tendrá la dentera”(Jeremías 31:10). “El que peque es quien morirá; el hijo no cargará con la culpa de su padre, ni el padre con la culpa de su hijo: al justo se le imputará su justicia, y al malvado su maldad.”(Ezequiel 18:20)-“Justificar al malo, al pecador, y condenar al justo; ambas cosas son una ABOMINACIÓN para el Eterno Creador.”(Proverbios 17:15)
Las anteriores citas son una prueba contundente contra la “teoría” que abandera la Iglesia Católica Romana, y sus hijas protestantes, con respecto a la forma cómo se deben castigar los pecados cometidos por cualquiera de nosotros. “Ninguno de ellos -incluido el mismo Hombre de Galilea- puede “redimir” a su hermano, ni pagar al Eterno por su rescate-“(Salmos 49:8).
A diferencia del Testamento Griego, o Nuevo Testamento, las Sagradas Escrituras Hebreas, el único “Manual de Instrucciones” de cómo manejar y conducir al hombre, de nuestro Único Creador de Abraham, Jacob e Isaac, nos enseña que todos somos responsables de nuestros acciones pecaminosas, ya sean por acción u omisión! Solo nosotros debemos dar cuenta de ellos y pagar así el precio respectivo de nuestras fallas. Ninguna “deidad salvadora nacida de virgen alguna” procedente de la Mitología Babilónica puede contradecir las claras instrucciones del Creador de Israel, de un Creador de Amor, Paciencia, Justicia y Misericordia, ÚNICO! ¿A quién le va creer usted? ¿A lo que dicen las religiones del mundo o al Creador y Soberano del Cosmos todo? Usted tiene la última palabra!!

Nada ni nadie puede salvar a ser humano alguno, sino UNO, el Creador del universo!
Así dice el Eterno Creador a todo el mundo: Volveos a Mí, y Yo me volveré a vosotros

Who would guess today, from reading Spanish history, that Spain was, in Old Testament times, one of the most important countries in the world? That famous Biblical characters as Togarmah and Seir the Horite and Tarshish made their appearance in this fabulous land?
Today the early history of Spain is virtually unknown. Scholars treat it in much the same fashion as the history of every other nation in Europe. Her past -- before Roman rule -- is made to appear a chronological blank. What little is written before that time mainly emphasizes broken pottery and similar artifacts.
The real history is vitally interesting. It holds the key to the settlement of the Peruvian Indian in Latin America. Spain was also the link between Palestine and Ireland. Whoever controlled Spain was in a position to dominate the Western Mediterranean.
Until very recent times Spanish writers took pride in presenting their national history. They were not ashamed of it. Today, in the face of 'higher criticism,' Spanish scholars have suppressed the truth of her beginnings. What once was recognized to be fact is now relegated to the limbo of myth for no other reason than early Spanish history reads very much like the Bible!
Early Spanish history does not begin in Spain. It begins far to the east -- in the lands bordering the ancient Assyrian Empire.
Similarly, the history of the Hebrews of the Bible does not begin with Palestine, but with the land of the Chaldeans in Mesopotamia. In its earliest period the history of the Iberian Peninsula is not primarily the story of the Spanish people at all. It is the history of other people who migrated through that land, or temporarily dominated it.
Few books in English preserve the history we are now entering upon. The two works most readily available in libraries are Anderson's 'Royal Genealogies' and the 20 volume 'Universal History', published in 1748. The Spanish material is contained in volume xviii.
Our story opens in Asia Minor, in the region of the city of Tarsus. Paul the apostle was born here. Tarsus was a port first settled by the children of Tarshish. From Tarsus in Cilicia they gradually migrated into Spain, where they founded the city of Tartessus. The earliest homeland of the children of Tarshish in Asia Minor was originally ruled over by Tubal, son of Japheth. Spanish history begins with his government at Babel.
The land about Tarsus in Asia Minor long bore the name of Tubal.
The Assyrians, in their cuneiform documents, referred to it as Tabal.
It extended from the area of what is eastern Turkey today into the Caucasus to the Russian plains.
The most valuable area in the ancient land of Tabal was the excellent farming and trading region of Iberia in the Caucasus -- the modern Georgia. From this vast area, the descendants of Tubal migrated into the Russian steppes. But their subjects, the children of Tarshish, migrated westward toward Spain. Early Spanish history is in a sense the story of the Spanish people, but the record of their foreign rulers.
The following outline summarizes the important events preserved of the early history of the Spanish people beginning from the Tower of Babel.
Name of Rulers Lengths of Reign Dates
Grandson of Noah (Gen. 10:2). Came to power at Babel. Ruled over territory in eastern Asia Minor (Turkey) where Tarshish, the father of the Spaniards, originally settled. 156 2254-2098
Iberus, a son of Tubal
He gave his name to the entire peninsula, which is still known as the Iberian Peninsula. Later his descendants migrated from Spain to Iberia in the Caucasus. 37 2098-2061
Eubalda (or Idubeda)
Son of Iberus, last of the line of Tubal to rule over the children of Tarshish. 64 2061-1997
Son of Mash, the son of Aram (Gen. 10:23). Previously settled a colony in Eastern Europe under Asshur; now leads a colony to Spain by sea. An Aramaic large nosed element may be seen in the Spanish population to this day.
The ancient city of Damascus, Syria, was named after his father Mash.
Brigus (Brigo) organized his people into pastoral units (whence our 'brigades'), which multiplied so rapidly that colonies were forced to leave Spain in search of new homes. Some of his children from Europe early carried his name into Phrygia (Asia Minor).
There the family became associated with Meshech, brother of Tubal. Brigo's father, Mash, became known by the name Meshech (I Chr. 1:17).
Brigo's family in Spain soon became associated with the children of Togarmah, who next entered Spain. 52 1997-1945
Tagus Ormah
The Togarmah, son of Gomer, of the Bible (Gen. 10:2).
Late Latin writers split his name into two syllables, and added Latin '-us' ending.
Togarmah invaded Italy one year after his domination of Spain. Both were yet sparcely populated lands and afforded new, hospitable areas. During his reign he sent many bands to seek habitations elsewhere, ultimately passing eastward into the far northern reaches of Asia (Ezekiel 38:6).
The Tagus River of Southern Spain was named for him. 30 1945-1915
Bet(us), or Boetus,
(or 31) (1915-1884)
son of Togarmah; Bet(us) gave his name to the Bet(us) river (now called Guadalquivir).
In his day the children of Tarshish, known as Turditanians, in Spanish histories, settled the southwestern part of Spain. Boetus encouraged the development of learning.
The children of Betus were soon forced to migrate out of Europe, with the rest of the family of Togarmah, and at length settled in Tibet -- which means the plateau of Bet! The family of Togarmah was superseded by an invasion from the south.

Es bueno recordar que el Rey David, uno de los más grandes de los Reyes de Judá, fue descendiente de EFRAIMITAS que vivían en Belén, vía Maahlon y Khilon, Obed y Ruth, la Moabita. Éstos últimos, padres de Jeseh, y éste padre de David. En realidad David p`rocede de la línea genealógica de la Casa de Israel, de Efraím, y no de la Casa de judá!
“Porque lo que sucede a los hijos de los hombres, lo mismo le sucede a las bestias del campo; es decir, un mismo suceso les acontece: como mueren éstas, así mismo mueren aquéllas; y un mismo aliento tienen todos ellos: de manera que ninguna preeminencia tiene el hombre sobre la bestia…”

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