miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010


Who is Israel?"
by Yair Davidiy
Originally there were twelve tribes of Israel that lived each in their own land. Ten of these Tribes disappeared. The Jews of today are mainly descended from the Tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi. The other Ten Tribes according to the Bible in the last days were to be found mainly amongst peoples of West European descent especially those in North America, Britain, and of British origin. This is what the Bible says in accordance with the original Hebrew text and Rabbinical explanations.
Historically: The peoples of Western Europe are largely derived from groups of Celtic culture together with those whose ancestors spoke one or other of the Germanic tongues. These peoples are a composite of dozens of smaller entities the antecedents of each one of whom can be traced to the Middle East and ultimately to land of Israel.
Linguistically: The languages spoken by these peoples are classified as Indo-European though they contain major linguistic elements that do not fit in with such a definition and can best be explained by a Semitic or Hebraic component.
These peoples should realize who they are and act together.
We have the information that can confirm this identity, and more is
available as revealed by ongoing research being conducted.
The Hebrew [Tenach, or O.T.] Bible is true and shows that:
1. The existence of Israel fulfills the purpose of creation.
2. The good of Israel is the good of the world.
3. There are two halves of Israel represented by "Judah and Joseph."
Both halves have their own uniqueness and their own role.
Ultimately Judah and Joseph must re-unite with each other.
Each side is incomplete without the other and cannot fulfill their task without the other.
"Joseph" (The Lost Ten Tribes) must be made aware of who he is.
Judah should be told about Joseph. Judah and Joseph should draw together. Even before the two sides once more joining together, the more they recognize each other, help each other, and work with each other, so much the better. Our CREATOR states of them:
Gen 12:3 I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."
The Nations of Israel and Judah (that sprang from the 12 sons of Jacob) must be told who they are because:
The advent of the Messiah, who will build the third Temple in Jerusalem and reunite the House of Israel with the House of Judah, is The Hope of Israel. In fact, the advent of the Mashiach is the only hope that the people in the nations of Israel have. In the coronation of the kings of ancient Israel, Ireland, Scotland, and England a special stone played an important part. The Coronation Chair contained the stone known as Jacob's Pillar Stone (Stone of Scone), of which it is said Jacob anointed with oil and declared it to be the House of The Almighty (Beth-El; Gen. 28:10-22). This Coronation Chair of Ephraim resting upon four Lions representing Judah is symbolic of the Throne that the Messiah (Mashiach), known as the Branch of David may rule from. The only Hope for Israel and the world, is the reunification of the House of Israel and the House of Judah in the latter days at the advent of the Mashiach.
We are dedicated to help promote that reunion and the reuniting of the two sticks of Israel (Ezek 37:16-19).
We have information on the Tribes of Israel on our web site at:

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